Majority of Shoppers Are Planning To Give Technology Gifts This Christmas

in #shopping8 years ago (edited)

New data suggests that shoppers are planning to purchase mostly technology gifts this coming holiday season for their friends, family, and others. Most shoppers are also going to be doing their shopping in-store, although the e-commerce market continues to grow.

It's expected that the technology market will see record-breaking holiday sales, with at least 68 percent of consumers saying they plan to purchase tech gifts; an increase of 6 percent from last year.

That 68 percent represents roughly 170 million people that will be heading out to find new tech trinkets to gift for the holidays, according to data from the Consumer Technology Association (CTA).

Not only are more people looking to gift tech gifts but they are also going to be spending more money than they spent on the holiday season last year, the CTA forecasts that spending on tech gifts this holiday season is going to increase by about 3.1 percent compared to last. That means that consumers will be spending upwards of $36 billion for this Christmas on technology alone. Sales are estimated to grow in a number of respects, with the CTA saying that online sales alone could grow by about 16.4 percent and see sales upwards of $84 billion.

It is said that this 2016 year will be the biggest one for the technology market, many thanks to a variety of innovative new products available to consumers like drones, smart TVs, VR headsets, smart watches, and more. Not only will they be looking to buy more tech gifts but the public is also increasingly using their tech products to make their purchases.

And although the majority of shopping remains to be done in physical store locations, as mentioned in my previous article, it looks like online sales through mobile devices and tablets for this holiday season will grow by over 45 percent. The CTA expects that headphones will be the trending (at 40 percent) tech gift given this year. And the gifts that people are shown to want to receive the most are: game consoles, laptops, TVs, smartphones, and tablets.

Pics: Pixabay



As much as I like your posts I am very much anti anything Christmas before Halloween.

Heh, same here. I won't start thinking about Christmas for at least another month. Seems like the marketing blitz starts earlier and earlier every year! Ah well, I suppose I could start tinkering with my Amazon wish list ahead of time...

I'm not surprised that technology gifts are trending upwards. Seems like these days everyone's got to have the latest tech gadgets. Just the other day my 10 year old daughter started badgering me about buying her an iPhone 7 after she saw a video demo of it on YouTube. sigh. Kids these days!

i think at that age i didn't even have nintendo yet lol

Thanks for your feedback. I am interested in the market and consumer trends and don't mind taking a look at data that forecasts how the year/last quarter might turn out.. especially with our increasingly troubling economic situation!

I wonder what will be the christmas gift that steemit will be giving to all of us this coming season.

Technology makes people's eyes and pockets wide-open too earlier than the season. Everything's hurry to go.

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