
You implied that I act in ill faith. I warned you to stop with it but you persist. I also told you I do not appreciate what you are doing. That is harassment and bullying. You are 'mansplaining' things to me because you lost some money and feel spiteful. Go away and try your patronizing approach on other people - I am sure it gets you very far in life. Don't come back.

REPEAT: I did not lose money on your over-bid. I was not on that round and only saw your bid as I was getting ready to place my own bids. The bot was dead before I saw it.

I am not implying bad faith, whatsoever. I am simply trying to help people that overbid so all of us baby minnows can do better in there.

"mansplaining" - I have never heard that word before, but I am a woman, so it might not apply.

Comment edited because it was out of line and unproductive: I want to say instead, I don't agree that I overbid. I walked away with what I wanted - a high percentage vote. The person who understand the process and has done due diligence and knows the bot well, is the one that gains the most. This is just business.

stop screwing the world! you're a selfish cunt and @fitinfun is here as a champion, watching the activities on the bots to see when anyone makes a bid she doesn't agree with.

She's the Julian Assange of steemit. And another thing, women can't mansplain bro! check your male privilege - you can't go around accusing women of speaking down in a condescending tone, assuming others don't know anything - women just know everything and you are always wrong! You are not supposed or allowed to complain you women hating cunt. That's why it's called MAN-splaining. Women can't do it. Besides, if they did it, they'd be totally within their rights because they have mother instincts. They are protecting the world from nasty cunts like you!

Love that - this is why having multiple personalities is great. Now i see the light!

It is not when "anyone makes a bid she doesn't agree with" that I contact people. It is when I see them waste money and hurt other minnows.

"That's why it's called MAN-splaining. Women can't do it." So I guess you are familiar with this term as well. Is it on tv? I don't watch so I don't know. And as you say, I am not a man, so I would not do this.

I write minnow tips here. This is not mine but someone else's. He is a man, so maybe he will man-splain dust voting to you so you can stop doing it.
Your 2 Cent Vote is Worthless, The Real Deal on Dust Votes

you are a persistent fool. go away. nobody here wants your stupid advice.

Good grief. I have never heard this word before, but I guess you like it. I'm not sexist either, I just do not know what this word means.

"Your mansplaining is offensive." You bring out the lol's

if you know a place the sun doesn't ever shine, put your advice there.

If you know a place
The sun doesn't ever shine,
Put your advice there.

                 - oneazania

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Good Haiku! I'm in Bangkok, so we do not see the sun much at all.

I withdraw the nasty things I said. Please review your attack on me. If you disagree with the way I am using my investment, I would thank you to keep your advice to yourself in future. If I need it, I will ask. How's that? I hope it is a good way to continue from here on out.

You took 87% of a bot vote, ended up at 2%, and hurt the other guy that was already there hoping to get a reasonable return. How is that a logical way to spend your sbd?

Repeat - it was not me on that bot with you. I was not personally harmed by your action.

I regret saying nasty things to you. On the other hand, you suffer from a serious blindspot. Why I want a high vote or how much I am willing to 'burn' in getting that is my own business. You may disagree and move along, but don't tell me what I should be doing and judge me for doing what I am doing. I have suffered zero losses. Get it straight. According to my analysis, I have gained more than expected. It is entirely my own investment and I am making it work for me each month. Each month, my account grows in weight, reputation and my payouts increase.

If someone is hoping to get something and fails to get what he hopes for, it means he is doing something wrong. You should not go around being abusive to others by telling them how to spend their money. The other person placed a bid too low, He or she didn't or doesn't understand how it works. If you can learn, then teach that person it will be better. Business is 99% about understanding people. Treating people well is a first step. Please, don't use this approach with me again. I repeat one more time: I did nothing wrong. I did everything right. You came to attack me and you should not do that again.

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