Overcoming My Fear Of Heights in 250 Words

in #shareinspireconquer7 years ago (edited)


As an only child and a girl there are many things a female has to overcome to live in today's society. Although, I was raised in a home where women were a strong force, I was a child that lived in a fantasy world with my books and toys. I was timid, shy, and fearful of everything.

Over time I was able to conquer many of my fears, but one that stands out in my mind was the fear of heights. The first time I went up in a helicopter my father took me on a ride over San Francisco and then Hawaii, the fear eased but did not subside.

It was not until I got a little older that I started to test my fear further, by going to the highest skyscrapers like The Empire State building, or the Windows of the World in the World Trade Center and look down. That helped but it was not until I started to climb Sierra Nevada, Mt. Shasta, and Rocky Mountains that my fear was finally conquered.

At first, I was completely hesitant and a little nervous but I pushed myself and sometimes I took baby steps, but in the end it was an amazing feeling to overcome such a horrible fear. To live without fear is the best gift we can give ourself.

Today, many people would never suspect that I was ever afraid of anything, and that is because I have always worked my way through personal fears. Peace.


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I had a similar fear and still do so some extent @shareinspireconquer in that I can still get shaky if I'm exposed to great heights.
I mainly got over my fear when I started skiing though.
The first time I was on a chair lift I felt sick but I realised If I didn't get over it I wouldn't be able to ski so I chose to look at the view and not look down.
And I didn't allow myself to think thoughts about falling, the lift breaking etc.
It's still a challenge for me but it's one I now handle well. 😊

wait, why did you call share inspire conquer? LOL! this is my post. Hee Hee
yeah the shaky fear is REAL.
ah interesting that skiing helped you as me hiking tall mountains. :)
oh heck no those chair lifts really freak me out!
yes, I am right there with you on that!

oops! apologies @eaglespirit it was a bit late last nigh after a few glasses of champagne (celebrating my sons 21st). For some reason I used you're tag not our name. 😂

Lol nice!!
No worries and we prob shouldn’t drink and Steemit. Hashhaaa ive one it so many others I know. It makes for a good joke usually.
Happy 21st to your baby boy!!

I struggle with heights. Something about falling and breaking or dying that gets to me :p But you are eagle, soar high like the mighty bird!

Yeah no kidding, it isn't easy and sharks too! The movie Jaws really messed me up. :p
Yeah I'll fly in my dreams thank you very much, forget here on earth. LOL!!!

You conquered your fear thru mountains you indeed have an eagle spirit. I have many fears one is being alone in life.

aww thank you so much dear watersnake!!! oh no, alone in life is no bueno! but you have you and if you believe in a higher Being? :)

We all need to have faith and believe in something. How have you been lately?

yes we do, but some do not believe in anything so i did not want to call you out. LOL

i have been okay, how about your self?

Been busy at work but still find time to create content lol.

Work is good! Better than the opposite. :)

I was afraid of heights for a little while at a scary and uncertain part of my life, but I think it naturally went away on its own—at least, I haven't thought about it in over a decade. But I think it's cool that you decided to confront your fear directly through mountain climbing. That's pretty awesome!

hey, thank you so very much, and maybe if you go up in a skyscraper or look down off of a high bridge you might find out if you are still fearful?

Oh, I'm not really scared anymore. When I was in Ghana we went to Kakum National Park and did the Canopy Walk: it is a series of 7 rope, wood, and wire bridges between wooden platforms in the treetops, ranging from 10-25 meeters above the ground. It was very beautiful, and I took many pictures while we were up in the treetops!

ooooooooo wow, do you have photos? I gotta see that. Whoa! please shareeee

I shared a few on my website shortly after, if you want to check them out there: https://tessaradudley.com/2016/09/05/actual-update-1st-blog-post-from-ghana/

♥ Brave Spirit!

Aww thank you dear Dawn. :)

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