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RE: International Arms Dealer: Politicians are Expensive Prostitutes

in #shadowworld7 years ago (edited)

It has been my experience in life, that far as governments, wars, and corporations, are concerned, nothing is as it seems. The war on terror, and the war of drugs, work hand in hand. They claim to be fighting terror but in truth they protect the opium fields. The war on drugs is merely a way to raise the price for the black budget fund raising operations of many a gov agency. One must just look at how many presidential pardons are those of the caught trafficker. Politicians give lip service in public and open their pockets in dark alleys. Need2know allows for every manner of unsavory behavior, sealed from the public view. The psychopaths who rule over us, seem ecstatic to arm and encourage the mass killing in the third world, but are rightly scared of a armed citizenry closer to home. Divide and conquer, collect then blackmail, tax and enslave, problem reaction solution, the same old story time and time again.

Our only hope, is to free our minds. Never again to believe their lies.

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