Shadow Photo Contest-Round 65-Favorite Shadows

in #shadowphoto5 years ago (edited)

This is my first entry for the weekly Shadow Contest by @melinda010100. This week is Favorite Shadows or one that hasn't fit into the past weekly themes. You can read the rules here

I have one the is not on the list...Insect shadows. I am fascinated with butterflies but I don't have any butterfly shadows. Another thing I am interested in is insects so my entry is the Red & Yellow Paper Wasp shadows.

Paper Wasps are social wasps and come in a variety of colors. In the spring the queen who is a fertilized female, begins the colony by building a small nest and laying eggs that when hatched become workers, who then finish making the nest. The paper wasps chew wood and mix it with their saliva to make the paper-like nest.

I hope you didn't have to squint too much to see the shadows. I will try to get larger shadows for the future.

Thanks for looking!

Information Source:

Photo Source: All photos are my own.

This fun nature banner of the things that I love is brought to you by @shasta. Thank you!


I don't have to squint at all! I like your idea of insects Shadows. Let me know when you have a good sample photo and you can host the contest that week!

I would love to host the insect shadows week. Thanks for the honor. You will have to let me know what I have to do when that time comes.

Sorry for the late reply. I was out of town.

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Hey partner, bad news, I don't think I'll make prompt time tomorrow unless I'm very lucky. I have a meeting at noon I have to travel to by car 250km away. I will be back by about 5pm, 2 hours later than prompt time, so if you want to do your part and leave mine and I'll do them a little later.....I'm certain no one will notice;)

Hey partner! No problem at all. Please drive safely and don't rush back because I have your back! : )

Just back to civilisation now. Thanks so much. I hated doing that to you but unfortunately I couldn't avoid it today. I owe you one so if you want me to do all of next weeks just shout.

No problem at all partner. Glad you made it back home safely. I am good for next week. How is your foot?

Howdy Butterfly! hey nobody doesn freakin insect shadows. lol. I think you invented that category!
How's it goin anyway?

Yes I did invent that category. Remember I am the bug lady. LOL!
You already know how I am so now it is your turn to tell me how you are doing.

well, things are pretty decent here, I'm still trying to maintain my steemit account and contacts while doing work on the property so that's almost impossible. I friend of mine is making some decent money selling books on Amazon and he thinks I should do the same thing so I'm thinking about that. I need to find a way to bring in some money.

Now if Steem would just shoot up in price we could all be making some decent money!

I am glad that you are doing good jonboy. Here I thought you lived on the computer. LOL! When the weather is nice I like to spend as much time as possible outside.
Your friend is selling books that he wrote or just buying books and the selling them? Either way, it wouldn't hurt to try it. I wish Steem would shoot to the moon!

Howdy today Butterfly! oh yes, when the weather is nice you have to be outside! lol. The winters are so dang long there.
I'm having to cut down my steemit time to get work done outside but I love outside work being raised on a farm so it's
very good for me.

Yeah my friend is an internet marketer but he really likes the book selling, it's ones that he buys and resells. Amazon gives you a $3,000 credit card to use when you start so you can purchase and start selling without spending your own money out of pocket. It only took him 5 months to repay that 3 grand and is now in profit so it's an interesting business and he says it's the lowest risk endeavor he's ever tried. So I'm looking at it.

But yes, if steem shot to the moon then I wouldn't have to worry about trying anything else, that would be the best for us all!

OMG! You were raised on a farm? I heard that it is a lot of hard work. Now I am sure you have some crazy stories to tell.

It is amazing that Amazon helps financially to get people started. But do people actually buy books? The ones that you hold? I thought everyone would be so used to getting digital books by now. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck. : )

Howdy again Butterfly! Well the a deal that was. I'd still be farming too if my brother hadn't ruined the operation and ran it into the ground. But anyway, by the 5th grade I was working 12 hour days when school wasn't on but up before sunrise every morning to get the cows in and milk them before going to school then work after sundown when I got home from school.
In the summer it was always 7 days a week, 14 to 17 hours a day so yes, it was all work all the time. I didn't have any type of social life and didn't go on my first date until I was in college. lol.

As far as the book selling, Amazon gives you a $3,000 credit card but you have to pay that back from sales. My friend paid it back in about 4 months plus had a couple grand in his account left over. Yes they still sell tons of books, millions! I think they're still the biggest book seller.

Wow! You sure did work hard and long on the farm. So sorry that isn't still around.

Have you made your decision yet about selling books? Sounds like a good deal to me but it will take up a lot of your time. I used to sell on eBay and it is very time consuming but well worth it.

Love your first shadow entry ❤ @whatisnew!! :-)

Did you have to squint? Hopefully I will get bigger bug shadows this year.
Thanks for the love @shasta! Sending love right back at ya! : )

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