Contest shadowsphoto by @melinda010100

in #shadowphoto6 years ago

selamat soresahabat steemi apakabar hari ini baik ...hujan yang menguyur desa kami tadi pagi hari membuat pakaian kami hamapir basah semua.kami sedang pulang dari laut ketikahampir ditengah perjalan kami dibasahi air hujan yang membasahi seruluruh pakaian kami.dan disore hari nya kami baru bisa menjemur pakaian karna sinar mata harinya sudah mulaipanas.maka dari sini saya mengambil sebuah foto bayangan pakaian untung mengikuti contest foto bayangan yang di selangarakan oleh @melinda010100.

ini adalah foto bayangan baju kerja saya. yang mana baju ini harus saya jemur biar kering supaya saya bisa memakai nya nya lagi nanti malam waktu bepergian ke laut. semoga anda semua terhibur dengan foto bayangan pakaian saya semoga bermamfaat sekian terima kasih



congratulations soresahabat steemi apakabar today is good ... the rain that washed over our village this morning made all our clothes wet, we were coming home from the sea when we were stopped in the middle of our trip wet with rain that soaked all our clothes. drying clothes because the light of the day had started to heat up. Then from here I took a photo of the shadow of the lucky clothes following the shadow photo contest that was arranged by @ melinda010100.
this is a photo of my work clothes. which one of these clothes should I dry so that I can use it again later tonight when traveling to the sea. I hope you are all entertained with photos of my clothes, I hope you will benefit so much




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Great shadows. Thanks for entering! Resteeming.

howdy from Texas tgkuwi! hey these are some fine pictures, I particularly like the shadow challenge photo of the clothes hanging, that one is really interesting! great job.

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