Steemits Got Talent Entry SEASON 2 Week#10

in #sgt7 years ago


Steemits Got Talent Entry SEASON 2 Week#10

Hello dear friends!
Here's my entry this week for "Steemits Got Talent Entry SEASON 2 Week#10".
My sculpture is in terracotta and is called "Blue Venus".
The girl who posed for my three-dimensional portrait was very young, and she was from France.
I have tried to accentuate her genuine expression, full of dreams and hopes, of a thousand future projects. And I also wanted to add a touch of cunning and mysteriousness.
The colors used for the patina are mostly in blue and gold tones.
Below are two other pictures of my work photographed from another point of view.

Steemits Got Talent Entry SEASON 2 Week#10

Ciao cari amici!
Ecco la mia entrata di questa settimana per "Steemits Got Talent Entry SEASON 2 Week#10".
La mia scultura è in terracotta e si chiama "Venere blu".
La ragazza che ha posato per questo mio ritratto tridimensionale era molto giovane, e di origine francese.
Ho cercato di accentuare la sua espressione genuina, piena di sogni e speranze, di mille progetti futuri. E ho voluto aggiungere anche un tocco di furbizia e misteriosità.
I colori usati per la patina li ho tenuti sopratutto in toni blu e oro.
Qui sotto ci sono altre due immagini della mia opera fotografate da un'altro punto di vista.


The copyright of the latter photo is SOCIETY24, an Austrian company. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the link again.

I diritti d'autore di quest'ultima foto è SOCIETY24, una società austriaca. Purtroppo non sono riuscita a ritrovarne il link.


I hope that you like my sculpture and thank you to everyone who foolws me :-D

Spero che la mia scultura vi piaccia e grazie a tutti quelli che mi seguono :-D


Nice post.I respect you very much because you contribute to steemit.I will do activities like you.I would like to extend the steemit.

Thank you soo much, that's really nice! Continue to do all with passion and all will be everyday better ;-D

I followed You,welldone really, becuase i rarely see posts with translate. nice one. keep it up!
it makes me happy if u check my blog to :)

Hi, thank you soo much! I do it ;-)))

very nice sculpt, may i ask whats the patina material you have used ? i usually paint my sculpts with bronze material then spray them with special patina liquid which react with the bronze , i will post some sculpts soon ;-)

Thank you, I used gold painting and blue, cyan, brown and yellow pigments with water... Good idea :-D!!

sounds like a good idea. Lots of supplies for that at Boesner

Have this supplies, but they work better on metal than on terracotta :-))

thank you for this information, i posted time ago one of my sculpts which i painted in broze-gold material from lascaux, but the customer did not want the patina, so the final result looked gold and shinny , please take a look:

Cool sculpture, yes lascaux works more on metals... but on real bronze you can make also a real oxydation with lemon and salt ;-D

Hi @thermoplastic , i use more lascaux bronze paint, but Boesner has an interesting stuff too.

Ei ma non vedo le foto..

Devo imparare ancora a far le foto tutto schermo, ma essendo in viaggio finora non ho trovato un po' di tempo in più, SORRY!

Another moth's work I imagine. Did the little girl like it?

Thanks :-))))) Yes she does !!!! :-D

Ciao @carolineschell, sembra che hai usato il verderame, mi piace molto. :)

Grazie mille, anch'io adoro il verde rame... diciamo che era quello che volevo imitare : L'ossidazione :-D

Sei stata bravissima. ;)

Grazie infinite!!!!!! ;-))))

nice work, love the patina. Just looking at it I thought it was bronze.
Are you in Vienna prior to me leaving for Serbia 11.2. for the Pigmalion exhibition or else still here after I am back on 16.2. ?
I wish I could clone myself: Vienna Steemit meeting on 11.2. and Ernst Fuchs Birthday celebration at the Villa 13.2.
Call me, before or after my Serbia trip. 😘

La scultura... che meraviglia! Complimenti sempre! E in bocca al lupo con il talent 😉

Ti ringrazio moltissimo !!! :-)))))

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