Little Cherine Book 04 - BPost022

Among the people who frequented Plateia Kolonaki, some were Terrans, but most of them were Sparklers and Anadir, projecting to look like the young playboy types and their girlfriends Robbie recalls from those days.

Previous: Book 04 - Post 021


It would not have been enough to only have them project like Terrans - after all, Cherine would have sensed them and it would have panicked her. They had to adopt a Terran personae and did so, not directly copying those who frequent the Kefalari coffee shops, since it is now the area that type of young people frequent. They created a sort of gestalt personae, so that each is unique without being the same as any particular person they borrowed from.

All of the parts of Athens which were created to exist in the Sparkler World, were occupied permanently. After all, had any of the persons who were a part of the experience, for instance, Alki, Marian, Dominique and so on, suddenly decided to go to any such area, filling any of those areas within a minute or so for them to remain a part of their make-believe Athens would not have been practical. Apart from them, all the actors in the play were really enjoying being a part of the experience and it was only fair that they also are given the opportunity to be there full time, without having to be reminded of what species they in reality belong to, and that they are not the person they think they are.

Corinna had come to Kolonaki with her friend Nora and friends of Nora. Until she and her friend had joined the others, she, being seventeen years old and going to Kolonaki without her family for the first time, it had made her feel very mature, like she is at last an adult. Unfortunately, her new confidence evaporated the moment they arrived and sat in the square. She felt her dress was too childish and not sophisticated like those worn by the other females and she was certain they must be either laughing at her or feeling pity. Matters were made worse for her by the fact that nobody at her table made an effort to include her in their conversations.

A half an hour later, Corinna asked whether Nora will be staying for at least an hour, as she wants to take a walk to see what is new in the boutiques. Nora nodded that she will, without even bothering to look at her, but Corinna trusted her friend and without insisting for an answer, she left the table.

Corinna has never felt any real interest in clothes and fashion, but even she could see that everything displayed in the windows is far too expensive for her to even think of buying anything from a Kolonaki shop. She did not really mind, until she saw the dress. For her it was The Dress, something out of a dream, and she could just imagine how sophisticated and beautiful she would look in it.

A young man named Grigori, had noticed Corinna while she had sat with her friend. At first he glanced at her now and then because he found her attractive and her unsophisticated air gave her an almost childish purity that he liked. Though he was only twenty three years old, he was tired of meeting girls who already at twenty talked and behaved like immature women of thirty.

When she left her parea (companions), he forgot her as he shifted his attention back to the conversation regarding which club they should go to that night.

“What do you say, Grigori, who do you feel like listening to tonight? Valantis or Konstantina?”

He stretched his legs out as he shook his head. “I think I’ll stay home tonight, I’m not in the mood.”

The parea then decided they want to go to Fokionos Negri for a drink, so he ordered a coffee to waste another half an hour before going home. Not long afterwards the girl he had noticed earlier on, returned. He saw the look on her face and a flash of anger shot through him. Without thinking of what he was about to do, he came to his feet and approached her, careful not to try and charm her.

“Your parea left about half an hour after you walked off. Is there someone you would like me to phone for you, or can I offer you a lift home?”

Corinna was reassured by the fact that he is not good looking or trying to charm her. She asked, “How can you phone…”

“The periptero has a phone.”

She was embarrassed, as she was not carrying any money with her - Nora had insisted she will not need any. “My parents are visiting friends…which way are you going?”

“I was offering to take you home. Would you prefer I take you to where your parents are?”

She was tempted, but she felt it would not be right that she goes with him, she steeled herself to answer, “I’m sorry…thank you for your offer, but I can’t…”


“My name is Grigori and I sit here most afternoons, from about five to eight in the evening.” He pulled out a wad and peeled off enough for her to take a taxi to anywhere around Athens. “I’m guessing your friend took your handbag with her, so this should get you home and you can return it next time you see me here.”

She tried to protest, but he had sensed she is without money and nervous about being left far from home without even money for a phone call, so he gently, but firmly, insisted. Finally she agreed to let him drive her home.

He did not try to make a move on her, he did not even invite her out and only remarked, once he saw her open the door to her home, that he hopes to see her again, maybe at Kolonaki.

The phone rang later that evening, but she guessed it was Nora calling and refused to answer. Nora arrived at her home the next morning and Corinna refused to allow her to enter and told her to never call or visit her again. When Nora tried to apologise and make some excuse, she refused to discuss what happened and closed the door. Of course, since Nora had been her friend since primary school, her mother wanted to know why she is angry with Nora, but she refused to tell her.

She did not realise that nobody goes to Kolonaki for trite reasons, like going for the coffee; people will travel from the other side of Athens so as to be seen there in the company of those who are either wealthy or famous - or notorious; or for gossiping and arranging with acquaintances where to go that night, so she did not notice that many looked at her with puzzled looks when she sat by herself with a book for company. A couple of men tried to chat her up, but she barely glanced up at them and returned to studying her book. Because she looked so young, she was not bothered by any other would-be Romeos.

“Good evening Corinna, may I join you?”

“Please do, Grigori, after all, I am here so as to meet you.”

He was surprised that she was so forward, it did not seem like her. “For me?”

She nodded, with a shy smile, but a determined look in her eyes. “For two reasons. I ordered you a Black Label, it is what you drink?”

“Yes.” He smiled, “You were that certain I would be here this evening?”

“Oh no,” she laughed, “I asked the waiter to bring it only if you sit with me.”

“I am curious, what are your two reasons?”

She forced herself to look him in the eyes as she explained, “Maybe it is three reasons, if you feel the same way. The first reason is to return the money you lent me. The amount is small but I have to return it, but the second reason is more important. Grigori, you went out of your way to help me yesterday, without knowing me and without trying to seduce me. There are few people of such character these days and I wanted to see you again so as to tell you that your gesture was appreciated.”

He sensed she wished to say more, so he waited. She bit her lip and then continued, “During these times, there are few people who are willing to do a good deed, but I realised that there are even fewer people who are willing to show their appreciation and say thank you - which will make it be that even fewer people will be willing to help strangers. My father often says, no good deed shall go unpunished, and I don’t want to belong to that kind of world, so I decided that whenever someone does something kind to me, I will go out of my way to make them feel how grateful I am and that they are appreciated. Does it make me sound stupid…or childish?”

“Not at all.” He grinned. “I think the word you wanted was not stupid, it was, naïve. Corinna, it does make you sound a little bit innocent, for I can see that you still believe that people are good, but that also means you are a nice person.”

“Good.” He twitched an eyebrow, but waited. “That brings us then to my third reason. Grigori, I am hoping to be accepted by the university and because I am not a very clever person, I will have to study very hard, so I cannot allow myself to fall in love or have a boyfriend - I’ve seen from my friends that they take up too much time.” He laughed and she smiled back at him. “What I was hoping before I came here today, is that when I see you again I will find you are as nice as I thought you are, and if you think I am also nice, I would like us to be friends. I won’t take up much of your time, even if we only meet once a month for a coffee and a chat, I think it would be nice for both of us. Grigori, do you have many friends?”


He gestured, waving his hand to include everyone sitting around them as he asked her, “You mean friends, not acquaintances like them? No, only one, a friend from when we were in school. She was very smart and often had to help me study for the exams.” He stared at her and then unbent enough to take her hand in his as he told her, “I would like us to become friends. Thank you for inviting me, Corinna.”

They chatted for a few minutes, both of them being careful not to show too much curiosity about the other, but when she saw his regular crowd had arrived, knowing he’ll want to be with them so as to go out that night, she asked that they exchange phone numbers and then she told him to go. He felt a bit off balance and intrigued by her, but did as she told him.

Corinna was delighted when he did not wait a month and calling her the next day, asked whether she would like to meet him tomorrow, at an earlier hour, at the coffee shop in the Hilton Hotel.

As she made her way through the tables, he saw her cheeks were slightly pink and she seemed to be amused. She did not wait and explained her mood as soon as she sat and ordered.

“My father insisted on driving me here and he spent the entire trip from Psychiko, trying to fish from me who the young man I am meeting is and whether I am in love with him. I don’t think he believed me when I told him that we are only friends.”

“Do you know why I asked you to meet me here, instead of at some other zaharoplasteio? This is the only place I’ve found that knows how to make a proper banana split. I ordered you one also and I hope you like it.” He was pleased that he’d redirected the conversation into a safer topic and tried to remain in control by asking her questions.

Grigori learnt that Corinna does not come from a very wealthy family. Her father is a self-made businessman and only reached the stage where he can afford to buy a four bedroom apartment in Psychiko about three years ago.

As she talked, she opened up and told him of her life and beliefs, almost without realising just how much she is allowing him to know about her. Grigori found that all those things the middle-class believe in that he used to laugh about, in her he found enchanting and encouraged her to tell him her thoughts and dreams. This was giddy stuff for Corinna, nobody had ever shown such an interest in her and she revelled in it.

“Are you close to your parents?”

“If you get to know them, you promise you’ll never tell them what I tell you? Until two years ago I was very close to my mother. I loved my father, but I hardly ever saw him, since he starts working at before seven in the morning and only leaves the workshop at eight or nine in the evening. By the time he would get home he would be half asleep and sometimes we did not talk for days.

When we moved to Psychiko, my mother changed. Now she wanted to show off and have parties…at first they were for her friends, so that they can see her lovely home and how she is the big Kyria now. My father was forced to come home earlier for her parties, especially on Friday evenings, and, I think, because the parties bored him, he began to spend more time with me. As I came to know him better and understand just how hard he has worked so as to create his wealth for me, I found myself loving him more - and I also began to find myself becoming angry with my mother for only caring about what she wants, never thinking of him or me. Does it make me sound selfish, Grigori? My father said I am being childish and I should not resent the little ways she finds happiness.”

“Before the new home, was she a good wife for him?”

“I don’t know…”

“Did she nag and complain about not having as much as other friends have?”

“No, she always told me I must be grateful for all he does for us.”

“Corinna, I am too young and ignorant to call myself a student of life, but I do love reading, so maybe it helps me see things in a different way from you. To me it sounds as if you are very lucky, you have two good parents. Your father amazes me, for most men are not as understanding and forget all their women put up with while they are poor, and only resent them when they show off once there is more money.


It is a sad fact of life, that women often marry men who cannot afford to give them the kind of life they want. They start of by wishing that he just earned a hundred Euros a month more so that she does not have to scrimp and save all the time, but then the dreams grow bigger and so the husband ends up becoming even more of a disappointment as she compares what he is against what she dreams of. What makes it even sadder is that most women know from before that the man is poor, but at that stage all she can think of is that she wants to have a man of her own and maybe a family later on, and she says, it does not matter, if we must do without, at least we will have each other. That attitude usually does not last long.”

Corinna was impressed by his sensitivity and understanding and he grew to become very precious to her, without her yet admitting to herself that she is in love with him. Grigori was more aware, but he perhaps felt safe in continuing their friendship, for he was convinced she would not want a man like him - for he has never worked a day in his life and has no interest in working before he is forced to do so by his father. At the back of his mind, he knew without being conscious of it, that a girl like Corinna will never respect a man who cannot earn his own keep.

I believe that back on Earth, such a relationship would have evolved more gradually, perhaps over months. When we block our minds, I wonder whether our soul does not manage to leak through some of the information from our real life, which explains why things happen so quickly in the Sparkler World-Athens. Either that, or else the fact that the Sparkler World tries to satisfy every wish of everyone in it, accelerates the changes and growth.

Within the first week, both were in love, but they were not seeing the true face of their friendship.

Time passed and both of them were happily spending more time together, though they both reassured friends and family that nothing but friendship binds them. It is amusing that though Corinna is seventeen or so years old and Grigori is in his early twenties, he has been telling his friends that she is too young for him and he thinks of her as his little sister. At this time, Robert, also in his early twenties, had fallen in love with an eight year old Cherine, and he did not try to hide from himself what has happened to him. He actually rejoiced and wished he could shout the news to the whole world. What I think is wonderful, is the fact that both are right and there is no wrong in the feelings of love in either of them.

In the end, it was Cherine and Dommi who affected the young couple, so that they were forced to see the truth about each other.

When Cherine asked Dommi to meet her, it was at a patisserie in Kolonaki Square, and the table she sat at was next to the table where Corinna was sitting, waiting for Grigori. This early in the day there were many empty tables, but Cherine subconsciously chose to sit close to Corinna because she was broadcasting her emotions. It is rarely that Cherine can use the emoting of a Normal to help blank out the darker emotings and those of pain, so, without thinking, she chose her table without noticing that Corinna was emoting a sweet confusion of emotions.

By the time Dommi was holding Cherine in her arms and was being manipulated emotionally by the feelings Cherine was assaulting her with, some of it was leaking over towards Corinna and Grigori, who were already susceptible to such a manipulation, because of the love in their hearts.

By the time Cherine fell asleep and she was taken away, Grigori was already devoted to Corinna, and she had succumbed to her own yearnings. The two of them were, within that short period, so strongly in love with each other that neither of them could hide it from themselves or each other.

Those who were sharing in the experiences of Robert, Cherine and Dommi, did not also monitor or share from those, shall we call them the ‘cast’(?), who were providing the feeling of reality needed for Cherine to ‘feel’ as if she is really in Athens, so nobody paid much attention to Corinna and Grigori. The truth is, even if noticed, it would be considered a part of the background being provided for Cherine and Robert and the love they were so strongly emoting would be considered a beautiful addition to what was planned.

By the time we decided to stop the experience for everyone, the two of them had spoken of their feelings to each other and were making dreams of loving each other forever. As they were awoken to their true personalities, there was just that instant when their Corinna and Grigori personalities learnt/saw the truth and keened with their grief.

It was felt throughout the Sparkler World by everyone, and everything came to a halt.


Robert has always strictly demanded of us and all Terrans and alternates, that the World of the Sparklers is not to ever experience any negative emotions - though the truth is, he mostly meant those of anger, irritation, selfishness or greed and so on. When we sensed the keening, with our empathy stabbing us sharply, we understood why Robbie had wanted to avoid inundating the Sparklers with any negative emoting. It wrung our hearts and along with the entire population of all species we suddenly concentrated on dealing with - healing the grief.

Suddenly we were assailed by an entire range of emotions to handle, for it was realised that Corinna and Grigori are of two species; Corinna is a Sparkler and Grigori is a female Anadir!

To the Sparklers, it did not seem to matter that a Sparkler has fallen in love while playing a role and I do not think they would mind if the Sparkler wants to become Corinna again and live with Grigori, but the Anadir are uncomfortable with the idea - I wonder, would they feel it smacks less of bestiality if they become a couple as Sparklers?

As happens so often, everyone looked to Robbie for a decision - even though neither of the two have made a public statement. As it has become custom so often, Robbie pretended not to know, waiting to hear what the two want, or maybe he feels that only the two of them have the right to ask him to help.

Since nothing is to be decided yet, I might as well hand the diary back to Robbie. I bet he misses writing here.

* * * * *

Guess who has been forced to carry on with this diary! Robbie says that people in the future will not want to only read his point of view, that it is necessary to give the point of view of a witness. I think it is all bullshit, but I’ll let him bamboozle me for now.

Our home has stayed a happy home for weeks now. We all sense a change in our Robbie, he is more relaxed and is as tender and considerate as he has ever been. He knows that it is not the frequency with which we make love that makes us happy; it is how often he has a word for each of us, a moment of sitting on his lap and feeling special to him. After reading the weekly reports made by the teacher, he went to the classes in Athens and watched the kids. He was pleased with what he saw and has asked Alki to expand the program. A fund is being set up for all the kids who want to go to school. The fund will pay the families for depriving them of their income and also pay for the creation of a special school. That is necessary as a lot of the kids cannot read or write and are not able to attend normal schools.

Little Claire has been asking for him, so he visits her often. Poor Robbie really loves her, I think that one day and night on the boat bonded him to her. She is also such a bright little chatterbox that it was inevitable he would love her. She is also not intimidated by him, as we often are, and if he is lost in some dark thoughts, she will just pull at his hand until he notices her. He has also become very good friends with Cherine, for a while teasing her about her Greek boyfriend. She is at times constrained by her awe of him, but her sense of cheekiness and humour help her override it and he delights in her. I suppose the fact that she was older when she met him and her Robert, helps make her different from our Cherine.

Whatever had made him secretly resent the help he gave other worlds has evaporated and he enjoys it again. Sometimes Henry and Richard visit each other and we can feel that he is like a father who takes pride in the achievements of his sons and feels a quiet deep joy in their closeness. All this has begun to rub off on others; Pavlo and Angelo find him much more approachable and he sometimes invites them to take a walk with him.

It did not surprise us when he invited Anna for a chat. They left Smaragda with us and jumped to Cyprus. I watched through Robbie, as I was interested in how he would handle it. I should have guessed that he would use his usual hammer technique. They sat at a table next to the boats and ordered. He waited until she had relaxed.

“Anna, agapi mou, do you want to make love to Smaragda?”

“What!? What now Roberto?”

“You are a mature and beautiful woman. You do not need to work, the divorce settlement has taken care of your needs. I can understand that the breakdown of your marriage made you bitter, but you are now a Cherinian, I’ll worry for as long as you do not have your own World in the void. That requires three of you. So I asked, are you planning on including your daughter as one of the three?”



“Will you prevent her from belonging to another circle or creating one with somebody else?”

“Are you saying she is in love with someone?”

He laughed. “At her age she is bound to fall in love a couple of times. What will count is if she links with someone. You do realise that you do not have a say in her choice if that happens?”

She shook her head. “What parent does Roberto? Even among the Normal people, parents cannot force their children to love the person they may prefer. I suppose that if she loves any Cherinian, I will have to be content with that.”

He had known what her answers would be and he now closed in. “Okay, that takes care of Smaragda. What about you?”

“Please Roberto, don’t start.”

“Me? Whatever gave you that idea? I was just wondering, but then I suppose you don’t have any sexual urges so the idea of being with a man is not of interest. Anna, if you prefer women, it’s not a problem.”

I giggled as she reacted, I had not expected it either. “How can you think that of me?”

He let her get angry, his face deadpan, only smiling once she had calmed down a bit.

“Anna, have you heard of any Cherinian being interested in a permanent same-sex relationships? I was just trying to get you going and you let me.” She slapped his arm and he laughed. “I’ve wondered about it. Perhaps we will have homosexuals or gays. I have a suspicion that if a man has the mind and urges of a woman, his healer will change his body to that of a female. It could be that the change is more subtle, I don't know. As I say, it is just a guess.”

“Can we change the subject?”

“Just one thing love. If Smaragda becomes part of a circle, won’t you be lonely?”

“Please Roberto, you’ve made your point, let it go.”

“Do you want to buy a fish to feed the pelican?”

I sat wondering about the conversation. I’d thought he was going to pressure her, but he’d backed off. Had he done this just to jolt her out of settling into a way of life that would ultimately make her miserable? It does not really matter if she only becomes part of a circle three lives from now; in the meantime she will always be welcome at our World.

(Sam, when people adopt a style of life because they were hurt, they often end up getting trapped in it. I had the feeling that Anna desperately wants to be loved and to love, but she is finding it less of a risk staying at home with her daughter. I may have given her a wake up call or I may not have; at least I showed her that I think about her, that I care.)

Emmie returned with us and it is becoming easier for all of us to talk with her. Since she also looks like a little girl, we make her part of our games and she understands why we do and joins in. I think that as a female she realised that if she plays with children, the games will help teach her about us. For instance, her people had never created dolls for their children and once she understood how we play with them this became her favourite game. Aganthi bought her a doll that would belong to her only and it feels as if she has adopted it. Robbie promised her that we will soon free another of her species.

“I foresee some problems Emmie. If I understand you correctly, for you to speak freely of what you learnt we will have to free a member of your family, perhaps a male or a parent?”

“That is so.”

“The Sparklers can sense the soul to a certain extent. They could perhaps choose a male, but how can we help them feel which family they belong to?”


Jo is having a great time. Healing the hearts of children gives her pleasure and she has become a favourite among a great number of newly freed Anadir, especially the younger ones. She told us that she has learnt a lot that will help her one day be better at helping children of our own species. She added ruefully, “Not that I suppose it will be of much use. By the time I’ve finished here, centuries will have passed and all Earth children will be Cherinians.”

“There will always be children who need an auntie to love and listen to them.” Dommi reassured her.

“What about the other species Jo, they will also need you. I think freeing them all and making worlds for them will take thousands of years.” I added.

Robert smiled. “Girls, I think Jo has a special fondness and need to help children of our species. Jo, whenever you want to return to your first love, do so. You do realise of course that there never will be an end to the Earth children who need you? Even if all on our world are Cherinians, there are billions or trillions of alternate worlds where Cherinians do not exist.”

Katrina has blossomed. They had delayed their wedding while Robbie and Cherine had their anniversary. Afterwards I think they did not feel the urgency to get married at once. Wisely they used the time to learn about each other and come closer. Robbie had the idea of taking them to the world where our four girls ended up on and let them use the flat. Of course they are looked after by those of that world, but they also will have a lot of time to themselves. Robbie cannot get over how wrong he had been about her.

Alki told us that he had to increase his donations to the monastery, but that he thinks it will not help for much longer. He has been told that if Petsas stays there for any length of time, they are in danger of losing all their monks. Robbie then upset all of us by going to visit that horrid man, taking him for long walks through the mountain or else, just for a few hours to sit by a beach at a taverna and talk. He told us he is trying to reach into the soul of Petsas and find the child. We could have told him that he does not have much of a soul and neither does he have a child in him.

“I need to create a new fund. Would five million dollars be too much?”

“Five million? What is it for Robert? You can have the money of course, I’m just curious.”

“I think Eddie that you will not approve the purpose I want it for. All that money just to try and give one man a sense of purpose.”

We guessed and groaned and that made them curious. Alki, Marian, Hettie and Eddie had been talking to Robbie and we’d tried to keep out of it, so we could not say anything now.

“Recently they created a Stock Exchange in Cyprus and it went crazy. Thousands of families are suffering. I want the fund to help them. There are many other people who are suffering much worse and I feel guilty that I’m asking for this. I want to place Petsas in control of this fund, well, the income from the funds. I do not think he can stay a monk for much longer. He has a restlessness to him and he would be far happier doing good deeds - and cheating us of course.”

Not even Alki found that this made any sense, but they all love our Robbie and they love his quirkiness, so they did it for his sake. None of us can understand why he cares, but we agree with the adults; if this is what he wants, then we want it too.

“File (friend), I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I understand your need to serve God, but I do not think you are suited to serving him in this way. Would it not give you a lot more satisfaction knowing that you are showing your love for God by helping those in need?”

“In what way Roberto?”

“I have talked to a number of very wealthy businessmen and convinced them that with the collapse of the Stock Exchange a lot of small people have been hurt. We are worried about the elderly and families with children. If you have a fund with an annual income of two hundred thousand pounds, you would be able to help a lot of people. Does it sound attractive to you?”

“I would control it?”



“Why me?”

“The difficulty in setting up such a fund is in finding the right person to run it. We need someone who cares for those who are suffering. Unfortunately the type of person who would administer such a fund honestly, is usually an idealist and too soft. The bulk of the money ends up being given to people who are not truly in need.

You have proven yourself in the past an astute businessman, you can sense who are the liars and scam artists. I think that if you run the fund you will be more successful at minimising such waste and more of those truly in need will benefit.”

Petsas nodded, “That is true, it is very clever of you to think that way.”

“Every child or old person who does not go hungry because of you would surely please God more than ten prayers in a monastery?”

“To tell you the truth, I think so too.”

“It has been agreed that you should have a salary of twenty five thousand per year. Would that be enough?”

“My needs are few Roberto, it will cover them.” Robbie saw this answer as proof of his conviction that Petsas is still a crook; that kind of salary would give him a very comfortable lifestyle. “Would I also have a budget for costs. I would need an office and assistants.”

“Start small. We do not want the bulk of the money being spent on administration expenses, as it is with the other charities. Every pound wasted that way is one child hungry that we could have fed.”

I suspect that the monks had a party to celebrate on the day he left the monastery.

Tasso came to visit us with news. We are all very excited!

The name and details Robbie gave him are real - none of us can believe he is that stupid! There is a person with that name living in that city. He did a credit check on him and found that he owes money to a number of banks and has defaulted on them. They also found that he is being supported by family and friends. He is as old as Estelle thought he is. Apparently the people they had talked to said he had been wealthy, but lost all his money. They partly blamed him for his losses; they said he is far too soft. He is also single and apparently does not even try to go out with women - sorry, he is not gay, I wrote it that way because I had the thought that he might be on his own because of him being a paedophile (one of the good ones, I’m certain).

Robbie had to contend with a room full of screaming girls who wanted him to immediately go to him and bring him to us. Robbie refused. “It is important that he comes to us with dignity. How do you think he would feel if we bring him now? First we help him put a deal through so that he does not need us to feed him.”

“But he could die Robbie, he is old!!!”

Robbie laughed. “Sixty is not old love. I will go to him right away and my healer will take care of any potential problems. I will disguise myself and if I can, I will help him make some money.”

“How will you do that Roberto?”

“I have no idea Alki.”

“I’d suggest you get to know him. Find out what he is trying to do and then perhaps we buy a company that signs a deal with him.”

“You would do that for us Alki? Thank you.”

(Robbie just came in to the office and for the very first time ever I saw him angry with me. Not angry, furious! He told me I was stupid, how could I have typed in the above when it is possible this man is also getting our story. He says it is too late for me to delete it as he is on the same planet with us. I cried because Robbie is right. I cannot believe I was so stupid. I will only continue writing after everything has happened so that I do not give away anything again before I should.)


Saved - I had to move the message back here:

Robbie spent three days watching his house. He never comes out. We’re not quite sure what we should do. He has decided that he will have to take the long way around and get to know his friend first.

I’m changing all names of course. His friend is a Greek, a family man. It seems he is also struggling to earn enough to support himself. He must be very nice if he is helping our friend. Robbie followed him to the office of a company where he had gone to do some work for them. Robbie strolled in and went directly to him, using Natalie’s gift so that the staff will ignore him.

“Hi, that looks very complicated.”

“It is easier than it looks.” The guy grinned at him. Robbie put out his hand.

“I’m Steven. Surely you should have said it is very complicated, so as to make it look as if you are earning your fees?”

“I’m George. Everybody knows it is not so difficult. People don’t like doing work that only takes patience. Do you work here?”

“No. I’m from overseas, I’m in this country looking for good investments.”

“What type of investments?”

“What they usually call ‘start-up’ money. If someone has a good idea and we feel they could make a success of it we invest. As long as we can make a good return we are not interested in having a large share.” Robbie grinned. “Why, do you have such a project?”

“I might have.”

“Why don’t you meet me after you’ve finished here?”


“I’m the visitor here. Suggest somewhere close by.”

They agreed to meet at a coffee shop in a shopping center. Robbie went there and waited.

George arrived and they talked awhile. Robbie liked him, but also saw that the guy is a dreamer. He talked about deals where they supply Arabs with goods they need and they get paid in crude oil for which he claims to have buyers, making a profit on both deals. He has an irrepressible sense of humour and Robbie enjoyed himself without really paying too much attention to the business being discussed. He told George that he will pass on the information to head office and get their first response in a few days. He then told him that he will need to find a place to type out his fax and send it. George offered to let him use his. We all crossed our fingers, hoping he will take him to his house and not the office. George drove him to his house, explaining that he uses it as his office also.

I have to give this Mr ‘A’ a name. To keep the initial I’ll call him Allan.

They sat and did the fax, but when they had finished Allan had still not appeared. He asked George if he has any other kind of deals that could be of interest or if he know others who may. George generously, and cheerfully, told him that he has a friend who is involved in a technology deal who might like to talk to him. Robbie agreed to meet him and George made a call. After the discussion about business, George told the person on the phone that he will call Allan to the phone. Robbie tensed up, he was now going to get his first sight of the man who has affected our lives. We all waited eagerly.

George came back and closed the phone.

“What happened, isn’t this Allan coming to the phone?”

“He has an extension in his room.”

“Is he a friend of the man you spoke to?”


“They are brothers.”

“In that case I’d like to meet him. I find it good to meet family of the person I’m doing business with. I get a better feel for them.”

George laughed. “You’ll like Allan, but the businessman is his brother.”

“What does Allan do?”

“He is waiting for a deal his brother is trying to do, he has a share in it.”

“How big a share?”

“I don’t know, perhaps ten percent.”

He went to call Allan. When Allan walked in he was carrying a mug of coffee and smoking.

Robbie says I can describe him in general terms. About the same height as Robbie, due to his age his body has thickened and he has a slight potbelly. His hair is turning grey but is still dark, he has brown eyes and will soon be bald on top. Not anymore of course since Robbie immediately sent his healer to him.

We have sent our healers to hundreds of people and none of them have ever been able to sense it. Allan did. He did not know what had happened, but the way he immediately sat up and concentrated inwards showed us that he had sensed something. He shrugged it off and smiled at Robbie. I liked his crooked smile.

“Sorry. Where are you from Steven?”

“I live and work in Greece.”

“Your business of investing in start-ups, how do you work? Is it in the usual corporate way, we send the details, you spend a month or two asking all your questions then submit it to a committee or your Board of Directors and then another month of questions?”

Robbie laughed. “You sound as if you have taken the round-robin route a number of times.”

“Too many. It never works because corporate animals do not think the same way entrepreneurs do. What are your limits Steven?”

“Effectively none. From one hundred thousand to one hundred million dollars. We make our decisions within days, so you can forget your corporate experiences. I understand we are to meet your brother?”

“Did George talk to you about it?”

“No. I was told we have to meet your brother.”

“He asked me to come with. Can you give me a few minutes to change?”

“Of course. You look fine as you are.”

Allan laughed, embarrassed. “I spend a lot of time here, mostly on the internet or writing on my computer, so I tend to wear old frayed shirts. If I came with looking like this, my brother would freak out.”

Talk about freaking out, Robbie did. His healer returned and told him it was unable to effect any changes in Allan! He could not take time to try and solve the problem, since Allan and George continued to talk with him…and ask questions, since they could not believe something good may be about to happen to them.

As they were being driven to his brother, when he was allowed a moment to speak, Robbie asked, “Allan, do you do all your deals in partnership with your brother?”

“Not all, but I’m too broke to go out and do anything on my own right now.”

George laughed. “That’s the problem with Allan, he’s too honest.”

Next [Book 04] - Post 023

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

6th October, 2019

  • posted on Steemit: 6th October, 2019

    If you wish to read from an earlier book, from Book 01 to Book 04, use this link button to open the LC Book Index:


I think your writing qualifies for creativecoin tag (earning CCC). Use palnet, neoxian and marlians for earning other tokens beside STEEM

Thank you. On my main account @arthur.grafo - I do post on PalNet, Weku, CreativeCoin...but am not seeing anything of value. More important to me is that I do not see any comments or criticisms.

For neoxian and marlians, do I have to register there, or is it enough to only place them as tags? I know that with weku, it is not enough to use them as a tag, to be seen there I must make a separate post there.

I really appreciate that you cared enough to make your comment. Thank you.

Weku is a separate blockchain so there you have to have a separate account. On Steem we have those different tribes, like palnet, neoxian, marlians, creativecoin etc. They only require a separate tag to use. Full list of tribes is here:

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