Little Cherine Book 03 - BPost045

I took her through the Sparklers and Solomon created the beach for us. She was in too great an awe of Solomon to make much conversation so we did not stay too long. From there I took her to see the Anadir Worlds in their multitude and then we joined the others on the emerald isle. She was fascinated, the dolphin people enchanting her.

Previous Post 044


We returned to the void and danced. She had her first kiss exchange from Hettie and then from all of us. Gilli lingered the longest, filling her heart. It was now time for us to dance as a family. We explained to her and she waited by herself as each family danced. We let ourselves go (after I had cautioned the protector to watch us) and this being our first time dancing with Gilli we let the dance craze pull us in until there was no resisting the need to meld and become one. We imploded and found ourselves back with Adam. This time we all shared with him and the addition of our new souls made him and our World grow in beauty.

Candy was staring at me as I opened my eyes. There was a brief communion between our hearts and then I sat up as I heard Linda sobbing. She was soon surrounded by all as they tried to soothe her, though they knew that it was from too much happiness.

When she was able to talk again she turned to me. “You kept your promise Robert.”

“Not yet love. To keep my promise we need the magic of Cherine. By the way, don’t worry about feeling like you want to float out of your body, it’s normal.”

I insisted we first take a break and I had a coffee and my cigarette out in the garden. When I returned it was to find them all sitting in a circle waiting. I took my Gilli and put her on my lap. “This time Cherine will start it from the love in me for you, build on that with the love of your wives for you and then we will make it a love of all for all of us.”

Cherine was sitting in the centre, her hair falling over her face. She waited as I let my love for Gilli grow into a flood that overwhelmed me. I felt her take it and give it to Gilli and felt her response that was so similar to feeling heartbroken, except that it was from joy and love. Her adoration was not made part of the circle, even though Cherine let me feel it. She swung off to the other girls and took their love for Gilli and gave that back to her and then took all she felt. By now the golden glow seemed to be vibrating with power. As the others joined, even Linda, the glow seemed to be in danger of becoming too strong. Before anyone could help Cherine to stabilise it, Jade seemed to wrap and compress it and in a flash it imploded into the centre, taking on a form. A golden child stood in the centre and the beauty of it was a rapture of such purity and power that it hurt us to even look at it. Jade let go and it disappeared as it reverted to the golden circle and exploded.

None of us could speak. We sat there, our hearts so filled with love it was not bearable. In addition we felt as if we had looked upon a god and were humbled at the memory.

Cassie was crying and Jade quickly put her arms about her. Cassie looked up at her, her face streaked with tears, in adoration.

“That was you Jade!”

“No Cassie. That was what our Robert used to make me.”

I was still too awed to cringe - that came later. What Jade said had felt true to all of us. No wonder she had been instantly loved and adored by all of us. Jade turned to Diana.

“You too Diana. Now you know what they mean when they say they created you.”

Gilli took my face in her hands and kissed my forehead, her eyes so deep with her love that I could not bear it. I moved her off me and jumped to the beach in Cyprus. I stayed there for over an hour trying to recover from so much love.

When I returned I saw in the minds of my loves that they had explained my departure to Linda and Gilli.

“I see what you...”

“Not tonight Linda, please.” I kissed her cheek. “Tomorrow?”

She nodded. I asked Dommi by mind-speech to explain to Linda the sexual feelings she is suffering from, before she ends up thinking they were caused by me, and went to our bedroom. When the girls came in they found me sitting on the bed.

“Diana, Jade. I’ve always known you were special, but had not truly realised what miracles I’d been blessed with. Will the two of you sleep with me tonight and make me silly with your love?”


They came into my arms and I grinned at Cherine, acknowledging her consideration in not making the obvious crack. She only blew me a kiss and taking Theresa with her went to lie down and wait for me to love my miracles.

By the time I had loved my two girls, paid homage to their hearts and bodies, filled and satiated them with all the love and passion I had, I was trembling from the unbearable ecstasy of having them in my arms. I got up and went to my little twin girls who had been clinging to each other and lay down between them. I gave all the love they needed and pulled them tightly to me as if I feared to leave one centimetre of their bodies apart from mine. They clung to me just as desperately and I ended up making love to both of them again.

Despite the dancing this turned out not to be one of those nights when I tried to caress and love every one of my girls, but the rest understood and did not begrudge me my selfishness.

By the way, it is not mentioned, but just in case it is thought that not only am I selfish when I wish to be, but am also inconsiderate, I should tell you that not all the girls sleep at our home every night. Em-e does go home nearly every day and sleeps there at least three nights a week. The same with Sam, she does spend time with her mother and they are very close. My Meli and Bernie tend to bed hop more often and also spend time during the daytime with Marian and Alki - though it does help my loves that Alki, Marian and the kids come over to spend time with us so often. Since we always leave the gate between our homes open, the kids sometimes come over on their own so as to play with their sisters.

The crumbs on her plate showed that Linda had helped herself to breakfast and she had a second cup of coffee to keep us company. She did not look quite the executive today though. There was a more relaxed feel about her. I told her so.

“Forget what the feminists who hate women tell you, if you look like this, dress in slightly more feminine clothing, I think that you will find yourself not only successful at your work, but also more popular. When people are able to relax around you and feel liked, they will give more in return. It is not necessary for you to try and emulate the men; bring to your career the benefits of you being a confident and caring woman. Others have done so and been respected for their abilities.”

“You are anti-feminism?”

“No, I am pro, but as it was created, an organisation to help women achieve equality, not for the purpose of breaking up families, telling women that men are evil and while women in the Middle East are imprisoned for refusing to wear the burkha, because it is a symbol of oppression, the feminists ask you to wear one in support of the women who bow their heads and do as they are ordered. They do not demand that woman be treated as superior because they believe women are superior, but because they know that women who believe them end up breaking up their families. Today feminists are nothing but the tools of Marxists ad the Globalists. We need to start a new feminist movement which demands both men and women are equal but different.”

“They really exist? The Globalists?” I nodded. “You tricked me.” I saw she was not annoyed, perhaps actually amused.


“You said I would have the choice of agreeing or not afterwards. You knew I would not.”

“You still do. We are taking you back home today. You are still in a state of euphoria, I would not ask you to make up your mind now. We’ll come to see you in a week. If you still want to co-operate - fine. If not, it will not affect anything. You will still get your powers back, or if we are not successful, you will get as many of our gifts as you have an affinity for. Fair enough?”

“It’s not necessary to wait Robert.”

“I’d prefer it love.”

“Is that the British ‘love’? You know, where everybody calls everybody love.”

“You’ve been to London?”

“It was a gift from my parents when I graduated and got my diploma.”

“It is not. The girls showed you yesterday that it meant something.”


“Yes, they did.”

I had intended proceeding that day as it worried me that we were still holding the three men, but I also saw, once I had spoken, that this way is the fair way for Linda. She decided to leave her new clothes with us for when she visits again. At her apartment I took a pen and paper and wrote down a few telephone numbers in case she needs to call us. She took a card out of her briefcase and added her home number. When she gave it to me I saw I have been spelling her name incorrectly. Her card read ‘Lynda’. Oops!

Cruelly I waited for the girls to mention the matter of their honeymoons, but nothing was said. After a day I thanked them for being understanding, knowing that my mind was still on our problem.

Two days later the phone rang. Rosie answered, greeted and listened and held the phone out to me.

“Robert. I don’t want to wait. I’ve taken my holiday so that I can be absent for up to two weeks if necessary. Can you collect me?”

“If you have stuff you want to bring with, separate everything into parcels of about two kilos each - sorry, about four to five pounds each.”

She laughed, a giddy sound of excitement. “I know what kilos are.”

“Good for you girl - you must tell me when you get here. I’d also love to know.”

Dommi, Cherine and Aganthi jumped to her and first took pains at explaining my love of teasing before they brought her over.

As she sat in our livingroom she was in high spirits and opened to us, talking about life in New York. She then said, “The first company I worked for, the owner, Mr Murray, he used to love telling jokes and teasing everyone. Somehow, after a while, it helped us to forget that he was worth hundreds of millions of dollars and we just saw him as a nice man to work for. Is that why you tease Robert, to stop them from thinking of you as their leader?”

“No. I always loved teasing - well, from when I first met Cherine. She was such a cheeky little pixie that I had to tease her back. Cherine love, I had not realised before that it is you who turned me into a tease! Lynda, I’m glad you pointed it out though. I’d thought of it as a weakness of mine whereas you have shown me that it can be a strength - if not overdone.”

I called Anna and we all went to Kefalari where we met her and Smaragda. We relaxed and watched the crowds. At first Lynda and Anna were wary, but they slowly warmed up to each other and I could see they are going to be good friends. I was glad I’d guessed right.

During their conversation I noticed that Lynda kept an eye on Cherine and when an old woman came walking past using a walking stick, she noticed how Cherine seemed to pale and came to sit on my lap. That was when she lost her fear (or most of it) and started to love my special Cherry baby.

Once we were home I explained to her. “Lynda, to open doors in your mind means I will have to come in. You have to welcome me or else I cannot do anything. Please do not worry that I will peek at your thoughts or memories.”

“You’ve already been in there so I suppose it won’t matter if you come in again.”

“No, I’ve never been in there. I was not entirely truthful, I was afraid it might scare you if I told you that it was an Anadir and a Sparkler who burnt that part of your mind closed.”


“If you prefer, any of the girls, whichever one you feel most comfortable with, can do it.”

Anna interfered. “Lynda. Choose Roberto. He has a very gentle touch. He will not peek, he calls that rape and gets very angry if any of us look at another persons’ memories.”

“Okay Roberto, I’ll take a chance on you.” She answered flippantly, trying to disguise her nervousness.


“You remember the void? There is a place similar to that in your mind. I’ll meet you there - I will look very much the way I did in the void.”

I closed my eyes and projected myself into her. I had to call her many times before she became aware of me. She came floating towards me and I sent her the picture of what she had looked like in the void, with my feeling of admiration of her beauty. That slightly relaxed her. We danced around each other and I fed her with motes of my love and when she reciprocated I knew all would be well now.

*Follow me and watch.*

It occurs to me that I have never described what a mind looks like to me. I see it as a place of energies; there is constant movement and the impression of a background murmur that never stops. It is like being in a maze of light. How do I know where to go to open the right doors? I don’t. I concentrate on opening the door, or unleashing the energy, for the jumping gift for instance and I am there; if it is the healer I want to bring out, I am in a different part of the brain. For the first time I decided to only bring out the jumping gift, the healer and to strengthen the part of her mind that is capable of our Cherinian empathy and love. I feel it is enough to make up for the previous amputation.

When I opened my eyes and saw her face I knew I had been right. The girls spent time with her, showing her how to communicate with her healer and how to jump. The other gifts she will discover by herself.

“You have given me far more than you took. Robert, how can I thank you?”

“You can’t - it is Cherine you need to thank. All gifts spring from her. Why do you think we call ourselves Cherinians.”

She took me literally and thanked Cherine with a hug and kiss.

Once she had practised jumping around the house, just like a child playing with a new toy, we let her see our destination and jumped to our apartment in Cyprus. She loved the old port area, the atmosphere was exotic for her and she was trying to be cool about her need to assimilate all she saw. She was willing to be adventurous in her tasting of strange new foods and drank just a little too much wine. It only made her happy (and just a little sentimental) and she even seemed to love the childish horsing around of my girls.

We took a short walk on the beach and returned to our favourite bar to listen to the young chap and his guitar. A few Irish coffees helped get us in the mood and we joined in with the sing-along parts. By the time we returned home (I would not allow her to jump unaided) she was in love with Cyprus.

She had been puzzled when seeing us all troop into one room so the girls gave her the guided tour of our bedroom and she could be heard giggling. She came out and told me she also wants a bedroom like ours.

“You planning to have a harem of men?”

“Oh!” She thought about it and giggled. “I can’t have a harem of little boys?”

I pretended to take her seriously. “If that is what you want, why not. As long as you love them.” My serious answer shook her and we all felt the flutter in her belly. She quickly dampened it.

“No. As a fantasy it might be fun to think of having lots of young men, but I think I would rather belong with one man.”

“Would you share him?” Bernie asked.

“You mean like you and him?” She thought about it. “No. Not to start off. Bernie, I could never find myself a Robert.”

That made the girls love her. I answered her in a soft voice. “If you love him enough he would be a Robert for you - if that is something worth having.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I don’t want a Robert. I don’t want to have to be a little girl again.”

“Cherine, notch one up for little miss Lynda - I’ll get her for that.” I said, once the girls had stopped laughing and hugging her. We went to bed feeling good that night and with an expectation that the next day is going to be an important one.


“Solomon and Ordinx won’t be helping you directly, Lynda. We have asked that the same Anadir and Sparkler who did the damage return and try to undo what they did. I have no idea what it will feel like. I want you to hold my hand and if it becomes unbearable give me a squeeze.”

She smiled even though I had scared her. “Like a kid at the dentist? I thought you could feel my feelings directly?”

“We can. I just like holding your hand.” I could not very well tell her that it was more for psychological reasons as she is still too new to the gifts to depend on them as my girls do. Her feelings when she felt my hand proved that I was right.

None of it was uncomfortable for her. I don’t think she felt more than their presence in her mind. Even that, knowing an alien is in her mind must have been scary for her. They finally admitted defeat. We had all been closely watching and with her permission, Cherine and I entered, going directly to the point we’d seen the Sparkler working at. We tried circling that point, hoping for a back door. The Sparkler had surrounded the whole part with a shield that we could not get through. I could have, but I would have been taking the risk of creating damage; it is not as if I have much experience and the brain is not something I’m willing to take any risks with. We withdrew to re-think it.

“Solomon, your Sparkler surrounded the area with an energy that acts like a shield. Can’t it change the energy, the way you change it so as not to hurt the souls you collect?”

“It has already tried that. When it created it, the shield was formed in such a way that it closed off, not accepting changes from anything or anyone. It was the only way to ensure the owner of that brain could not do so either.”

Morosely I sat berating myself. I should have thought of the possibility that I may want to release them at a future date - especially since I had been so concerned about ‘amputating’ them.

We tried again, taking Eddie in with us. He tried using his powers, being very gentle and careful and though I marvelled how finely he controls his powers (I have not reached that degree of almost microscopic precision) I did not seem to be able to come up with any new ideas.

“Robert. What about trying it from the void. I mean, if you go there and return as the void. From there your control of energies far exceeds anything the Sparklers or I can do.”

We tried that and I came up against the same problems as Eddie. I did see that I could break through, but the release of power needed would damage a large amount of surrounding tissue and mind. I returned.

We argued and tried a number of other ideas but nothing worked. We could not even siphon off the energy the shield was made of. I stood up and stretched.

“Solomon, you will have to teach me how to create such an efficient shield! Lynda love, you have been a brave girl and very patient. We are not giving up, but I think we all need a break. Let’s have a shower and change and go out for a while. Taking our minds off the problem often helps.”

“What did Eddie mean when he told you to come into me as the void?”

When it was explained to her (amazing how telling our story just once never seems to be enough for anyone to understand) she went into a panic at the thought of the place of the dead being within her. Dommi managed to soothe her and then explained that there was no way I would have risked hurting her.

While we were walking to the coffee shop we passed some shops and Jade asked if she could buy some colouring pencils. That made me happy and of course I went in with her to make sure she has the best of everything she might need. They had a marvellous set with an amazing range of tints - at an amazing price of course. I got her a variety of types of paper so that I can show her how the paper also contributes to the effects she can create.

“I think that will be all you will need love. I’m going to enjoy teaching you the little I know.”

The lady who had been serving us disagreed. “You should not use an ordinary school eraser. You need a special eraser of very good quality.”


I shouted ‘fuck’ and went running out of the shop. Jade tells me she just stared at the lady who had a fright and burst out laughing. Dommi rushed into the shop and apologised to the lady, telling her that what she had said had given me an idea for solving a difficult business problem. She ordered the eraser and paid by card.

In the meantime I was excitedly telling Solomon and Ordinx of my idea and asking their opinion. They did not get excited, but they thought it was worth trying. Soon as I had calmed down I went to another shop, bought a few kilos of chocolates, had them gift wrapped and took them to the lady I’d frightened. She insisted there was no need to apologise, but she accepted the gift of chocolates with pleasure.

I stood a moment at the entrance to the shop looking at all my loved ones and stilled my mind so that they can enjoy their outing. They all had a good time and we returned home with Lynda relaxed again.

We went to the void and Solomon helped Cherine take control of my ‘painter’ and turn it into an ‘eraser’ again, changed so that it can be controlled and prevented from attacking me. She practised with it on an energy shield a Sparkler created that was the same as the one in Lynda. After many aborted attempts we finally had a breakthrough. We were all excited and Cherine wanted to go to Lynda directly. I refused to allow it.

*First we relax. You go in the way you are feeling now we could cause her harm. You want to visit Jo?*

*No. Take me for a ride around. I love seeing the Anadir Worlds.*

Once I sensed and saw from the shape of her soul that she was calm and fully in control, able to concentrate properly, we returned by entering the mind of Lynda.

What we had done was to shield the ‘eraser’ with only a slit through which it could work. By keeping the slit facing the shield we are dissolving, no other nodes of her brain are attacked. It was slow and laborious as we did not stay in one area until breaking through, but moved around, gradually weakening it in a uniform manner. When the eraser finally broke through the remaining shield collapsed and disappeared. We flew straight back to the void.

Now began the job of transforming the ‘eraser’ back into the ‘painter’ again. Soon as that was accomplished I took it back and we returned to our bodies. Lynda was not in the room.

With that huge grin of hers, Aganthi told me, “She felt it come back and could not control herself Robbie. We told her to jump to your favourite beach. You have made her a very happy woman.”

“Cherine and Solomon did, but I’d be happy to get a kiss from you Aganthi, I also feel like celebrating.”

When Lynda returned her face was still wet with her tears. We were all too emotional to try using her power, which has other uses also, not just the one I want. We all went to Apostoli and danced and drank and acted a little silly. In the beginning Lynda mostly walked on the beach with only the unobtrusive company of my protector. When she did return, she spent the rest of the evening on the dance floor, a blur of motion and peals of laughter that carried over the music. When the main singer came on she sat listening with tears running again.

“Robert, I can understand the words!!”

“It seems to be a part of the empathy gift, you are probably picking up the meaning from the minds around you - or just those you feel most comfortable with.”

Sam added, “Maybe it is Claudia helping her?”

During our ride home we could all sense that she desperately needed to make love, a wild passionate exuberant lustful ending to the night. Even if her mind had not been broadcasting her need, her body spoke loudly enough. Directly, mind to mind my girls tried to persuade me to stay the night with her. I vehemently refused. She is neither my wife nor likely to be. Once we were home they tried pulling a dirty trick on me. They changed her body age to that of a ten year old.

Being a Cherinian now, she was beautiful with a vibrant beauty that comes from perfect health. She stared about in shock and I quickly went to her.


“I’m sorry Lynda, the girls tried to pull a trick on me. Before we change you back, would you like to first see yourself again as a ten year old?”

“A trick…?” Suddenly she ‘clicked’. “Oh!”

“I’m sure you’ve got some lovely guy back in New York. We’ll change you back to your normal age and you can jump directly to him.”

“I haven’t had anyone since I lost my…powers. Robert, they were willing to let you make love to me?”

“Willing!? They were practically trying to force me. Lynda, I only make love to girls…er, women I love. I’m sorry.”

“I understand. It’s not as if I would expect you to love me.”

“I do. Damn it! You females always manage to twist things around until I’m the one in the wrong. Have you ever met wives who make their husband feel guilty for not being unfaithful?”

She giggled. “It’s okay Robert. I don’t want to make love to you either. Would you mind leaving me like this for tonight?”

“As long as you want.”

I gave her a hug, kissed her cheek and we all went to bed. None of my girls came for loving, nor did they try to sleep. They just lay there silently accusing me as we sensed Lynda crying. I battled with myself even though I knew I was losing - sensing a child crying (even if she is not really a child) is not something I can stand; to know she is crying because of me…

Silently I got up and went to her.

I opened her door without knocking and went to her bed. Gently I picked her up and held her to me.

“Robert, you don’t have to…”

“Shh. I want to. You can stay as you are or take back your normal age, I won’t mind love.”

“Can I try it like this.” With something between a giggle and a sob she confessed. “I was a virgin until I was nineteen. I was always secretly jealous of the girls who started earlier.”

“You want to start at ten?”

“I think younger would hurt too much.”

I smiled in the darkness. “You’d be surprised. The youngest my girls have tried it at, is five. I suppose I must be fairly small because none of them seem to have suffered.”

“At five - really?”

“Don’t go getting ideas. Ten is young enough sweetheart.”

To prevent this getting any worse I pulled her face up and kissed her. I could taste her tears. I lay her back on the bed and returning to the door switched on the light.

“I’m not doing it in the dark. I want to enjoy your beauty also.”

She lay there staring at me, her little elfin face solemn. “I’m not beautiful Robert.”

“Bullshit. You know that you are gorgeous. Just you wait until you see yourself in me. You’ll be amazed at how lovely you are.”

“Through your eyes?”

“Mine and all my wives.”

“They are watching?”


“Of course not, that would not be nice. They will be sharing my love and you will be glad they are - I promise. When more than twenty girls feel what you feel and send it back to you I promise you will find it almost unbearable.”

“My…Robert, I’ve never had an orgasm. They’ll be disappointed.”

Now I understood my girls. This made me even more tender and loving. I took off my robe and pulling back the top sheet I lay down next to her. She still had a nightie on and I left it on. First I took hold of her face and covered it with kisses, moving to her shoulders I took her arm and kissed - massaged my way to her fingers. When I had done both arms I could feel she had lost her shyness as she began to respond to me.

I pulled up her nightie and sitting her up, I took it off her. She lay down again with her hands between her thighs. I stared at her.

“No bloody wonder I’m turning into a paedophile with such lovely girls to love!”

That got the giggle I’d wanted and she did not resist when I turned her over - even though she got the wrong idea and was a little frightened. She soon calmed down when she felt me massaging her back, my lips following my fingers. When I got to her sweet narrow and firm bum I carried on down to her thighs, legs and feet. When I turned her over she was ready for anything but what happened. When I licked her toes and sucked them, gently nipping them, she cried out at the shock of it and the shaft of lust that shot straight through her. Seeing the effect it had on her I made sure I stayed at it long enough for her to remember each and every toe and the effect it had on her. By now the girls were open to her and Cherine was swirling back to her their reactions. The effect was too acute for her and Cherine dampened it a little.

As my lips and fingers, aided and abetted by my willing tongue worked their way up to her inner thighs, to the soft and sensitive skin there, she was moaning and mewling with her need for me to reach the target, with her need to feel me within her.

I licked around her sex bump and worked my way over her warm soft tummy. It felt to her as if I were torturing her. I took a look at the rough pink flesh surrounding her nipples and then lightly pinched her nipples that stood out like tiny (very high quality) erasers.

I knew exactly the state she was in and timed it, sticking out my tongue I drew it over the tip of her nipple as my fingers slightly pinched the other one. She jerked and cried out as the feelings that shot down to her sexual organs became too much to resist and the muscles inside her began to spasm in her first orgasm. As girl after girl followed suit I pressed myself against her, giving resistance to her wild bucking and she screamed, biting me as she hit her peak and fainted. Cherine quickly shut off the other girls and I tenderly held her, lightly massaging her until she came to.

“Mmm, what… oh!”

Gently I kissed her lips, her sweet breath a lovely memento of this strange evening. I was careful to use my hands to soothe and satiated, she fell into a deep sleep. I let her sleep with her head on my chest and dozed off.

Well before dawn I felt her moving and came out of my sleep, still groggy. She was quietly sliding her body down mine, hoping not to wake me. I kept my eyes closed and kept my breathing at the same rate.

I watched what she was doing through her own mind. I was careful to avoid spying on her thoughts, only feeling her body and seeing, tasting and smelling whatever she did. She kept on looking up to my face to reassure herself I am still asleep. When she was down by my legs she stopped and took a long look at my penis which I’d forced to remain flaccid. Gently she lifted it and took a long look, delicately she pulled the skin back and I let it slowly become engorged. She looked up at me nervously and relaxed again.

By now I’d realised there was something going on, this was no little girl just curious. Sitting to the side of my legs she let go of me and trailed her fingers down my thighs and legs. I hammed a groan and snorted as if asleep. She smothered a little giggle and continued to my feet. She stroked them and now I felt she was seriously interested, as if looking at a man’s feet for the first time. Years ago I would have been embarrassed, but the healer had fixed my crooked little toes and smoothed out the calluses.

She carefully leaned over and softly passed my big toe into her warm mouth. Slowly she licked at it as she slid her lips up and down it. By now all the girls were awake and sharing with me. It did not need any hamming from me when I groaned again.


Suddenly she bit me.

I shot straight up and looked at her.

“Wha…aat? Lynda!”

She giggled. “Lie down.” Obediently I did so. “So, you come here building up my expectations and then you just play with me like I’m some silly little girl! Now comes the time for the serious stuff big boy.”

“But...” I shut up as all my girls yelled at me to keep quiet.

“No buts mister. Let this little girl teach you how it should be done.”

That kind of lesson I am always willing to learn so I lay back, feeling like a Turkish pasha. The girls were amused and I knew I was in for some ribbing, but I did not mind, I was quite happy to enjoy this and pay later.

The damn minx was using her heightened sensitivity and the help she was getting from Cherine and she kept on bringing me to the edge and then pulling back. Within half an hour my testicles were aching and I had to force the healer to leave me alone.

Another ten minutes and I knew that this time there would be no pulling back, I would come, whatever she did. She knew it too and stopped touching me. I closed my eyes and willed my body to relax. I opened my eyes to the sight of her lowering her body onto mine.

The tip forced apart her already swollen labia, the darkened tip of her clitoris boldly thrusting out from them. She slid my tip up and down and then she slid it down to her warm inviting entrance to heaven.

She was surprised at how tight she was and I realised she did not know that she would be a virgin again. The girls repeated their warning to keep quiet. I think half their excitement was at the knowledge of the surprise she was in for. She lowered herself, forcing the head to slip in past the outer ring of muscles and she paused, not expecting the pleasure and slight pain. She looked at me, but I only stared back at her.

She savoured the feeling and then with a moan of anticipation she slid herself down on me and…came up against her hymen. She stopped with a grunt of pain and shock. She broke her self-imposed silence.

“I’m a virgin!!”



Suddenly this was the most exciting thing that had happened to her. She kept on teasing my penis, slightly pulling it out to press it again against her flimsy maidenhead. It was as if her blood were on fire as her whole body became alive and she raised herself and with a firm sharp thrust impaled herself on me, tearing though her hymen. She cried out at the sensation she had never expected to experience again and, since the imagination is the most powerful stimulant/aphrodisiac, she hit the peak of her orgasm in one violent wave of spasms. Quickly I helped steady her as she thrashed around in her sweet agony, her mouth open as if she were screaming without any sound. With her violent movements I slid deeper into her and as she came back to her senses she felt it and already halfway back up her next orgasm she thrust herself down on me with force, wanting every last millimetre of me within her.

“Yes. Yes.” she was panting at the realisation and her eyes glazed over as she concentrated on feeling me inside her. Cherine increased her sensitivity, adding the feelings of the girls (which I thought was totally unnecessary as her own mind had her fired up already beyond her ability to cope with it). She urgently pumped up and down trying for every last sensation and feeling of me within her. Finally she slumped against my stomach and chest, thoroughly exhausted.

Now I ignored her order and softly caressed and kissed her, whispering all the sweet endearments I could think of and as she calmed I held her tightly, pulling her up to my lips so that my lips covered hers in soft tender kisses. Her breath was sweet and milky again and I breathed it in deeply.

She lay like that on me for more than ten minutes and then I felt her tears on my chest. I let her have her cry before lifting her face and kissing her again.


“What is it sweet apple of my eye?”

She hiccuped. “That was corny.”

“I love corn. It feeds the heart. Just because you come from the big apple doesn’t mean it’s not good for you.” The girls now understood and all groaned and blew raspberries at me. They let her hear them and she grinned back at me.

“I was just feeling too much Robert.”

“I know love, that’s why I let you have your cry. Ignore those little hooligans and cuddle up to me. Do you want to sleep?”

“Uhmm, it would be nice. Will you stay?”

“Put your ear to my chest, feel my arms around you and have sweet dreams baby.”

When she gave a little snore before settling into her deep sleep breathing, I thanked the girls and let myself grab a few more hours of sleep.

We woke up to a lazy morning and this time our lovemaking was tender and sweet, her orgasm not so powerful, but seeming to continue forever. We even dozed off again for a while. When we got up for a shower and to dress she looked as if she was still in heaven, her face, her every move betraying her bliss. Thoughtfully Claudia had laid out some clothes for me on the bed.

“I love American flapjacks drenched with butter and maple syrup, but I can’t get them to taste the same here so we make do with waffles.”

“I’ll make you some when you visit.” She was wolfing everything down, slightly shy about her hunger.

“Get Cherine to show you how to change your appearance back, then you can do it yourself whenever you want. Just don’t walk the streets of New York looking like a little girl on your own.”

“Think I’m crazy? Can we do it later Robert, I’m enjoying this.”

I gave a wry grin. When the others see her like this I knew they would guess, but since she did not mind I decided it does not matter. At worst I am helping to create a legend about the first Robert and his love for little girls. If the future wants to laugh at me they are welcome. I’ve certainly enjoyed it.

It did not take long for me to notice that my girls seemed closer to Lynda than they had before, they seemed to have bonded. I think she was just as amazed as I was, but whereas she accepted it with gratitude, I was only confused.

None of this made sense to me. I’d believed that the reason normal men cannot understand women is because they are mostly insensitive and do not try to understand them by putting themselves in their shoes, in other words they lack empathy. It was most disconcerting to realise that even I cannot understand them. Perhaps, I thought, it is easier to understand them when it is on a one to one basis, but impossible as a group. Probably I was only fooling myself.

Themi, Eddie and Hettie, Solomon and Ordinx, Alki and Marian arrived and Lynda sat facing us.

“Robert, you have to explain in as much detail as possible what you are looking for. The clearer the picture of the world you want the easier it will be to find.”

“I think the first step would be to give you a definition of what the word human means.”

“I know what it means Robert.”

“Do you? You saw the Sparklers in the void. They look like insects made out of light. Are they human?”

“I’m sorry, I should have known you were not speaking of the obvious.”

Next [Book 03] - Post 046

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
31st August, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 31st August, 2019

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