Little Cherine Book 01 - BPost064

When alone, they ignored me. When with Cherine or one of the other girls, we were always met, though no new exchanges were made.

Previous Post 063


I was beginning to feel I am a failure. I had held the green motes for months now and knew not one thing more about them. The aliens had not drawn any information out of them either and my healer complained they were too alien for it to even work out how to begin understanding them. Cherine and the others wanted me to get rid of them. I refused. I had a feeling that the cloud is waiting for me to do something. If I get rid of the motes they might give up on our understanding them and attack again.

During one visit outside, I sent out a tendril towards a Sparkler offering the green motes. It pulled back, obviously refusing them. This convinced me they are a message of some kind. I returned to my body.

“Consider all the possibilities Roberto.”

“Such as, Themi?”

“To them those green motes could be food. Maybe they offered them to you for you to ‘eat’. After all, you did offer them food first, if that is how they see it.”

“If true, what do I do? Themi, it could be a valid point, but somehow I do not think that is the answer. Why would they wait so long for me to eat?”

“Perhaps the effect of eating them would cause something to happen and they are waiting for that.”

“You are not going to eat them Robert!”

Cherine forcefully added, “Dommi is right. Maybe the effect they want is for you to die. If you need to experiment, to try it out, then you give them to me to eat.”

“Cherine! You upset me. Do you think I would allow you or anyone else to take a risk that I would not? Forget that line of thought. Nobody else eats them either. There is not one of you less important than me.”

Themi suggested, “They could be a form of communication. Show them a radio and they would not know what it is. This could be the way they communicate.”

“He might be right Robbie. It is how we communicate.”

“We do Diana? Since when?”

“Whenever we soul-dance Marian. Don’t we exchange motes to give our love to each other? Hasn’t Robert used his motes to give gifts of his creative talents to Wendy?”

“This one is the most promising of the theories. The problem is, both the aliens and I have thought of it, but we cannot see how to receive the communication.”

“How can you? Could my motes of love communicate with you if you kept them sealed off?”

“Sounds like the risk will have to be taken.”

Nicko spoke, “I say to hell with taking the risk. Robert, they are still eating the souls of our people. We must find a plan to kill them all off in one attack.”

“Nicko, I see Alki, Socrati and Themi agree with you. You too Wendy?”

“They are bad like my daddy was. You killed him. I think we should kill them.”

“I see nobody is against this plan, the rest of you just staying neutral. Since the decision remains mine, this is what we will do. You are all welcome to make such a plan. I have been doing the same, so have the aliens. After all, we never know when the Sparklers will get tired of waiting and attack again. We will not however implement any such plan, however promising it may be, unless we get attacked first.”

“Why am I wrong Robbie?”

“Good Wendy. I am so glad you asked. It would have been easy for you to keep quiet, you did the right and brave thing in asking. I have a feeling many of you have the same question and I bet you are all waiting for some words of wisdom. Here they are. Because I feel it would be wrong of us.”


Nicko exclaimed in a fury, “That is a reason Robert!? Just because you think it would be wrong you would risk everyone’s life?”

Cherine stood up, angry. I pulled her arm, forcing her to sit.

“You will not stop me from speaking Robert. When you attacked us Nicko, I wanted you killed or badly damaged to stop you from being a threat to us and in punishment for what you did. We did not because Robert did not think it would be right. You Andrea and Britta. We, us girls, did not want to get involved, we felt you had both acted with hate, that you were evil. Robert did not think it was right. If I were to choose between what is obviously right and what Robert thinks is right, I would choose to be with Robert.”

“Your cub is still as vicious as ever Robert. You are a very lucky man.” Alki was amused and I could not help smiling proudly at him as I drew her to me for a kiss.

“Robert, we are all making sacrifices and are willing to risk our…”

“Themi, stop, before Cherine climbs into you also. How can you talk of sacrifices. For every day any of us spend in the void, Robert spends five or more. Even with his healer watching his body, look at him! We do not have the right to talk of sacrifices. As for risks. Only Cherine has any right to speak. When he exposed himself, only she went with him. We have fought at his side, but we also did it to save ourselves. Son, you make me a very proud Irish mother.”

Laura who was sitting on my shoes pulled at my trousers. I glanced down at her. “I am also a very proud whole sister.”

“I am a normal man in that I too need my vanity pampered at times. It has made me feel good to hear you, but, Cherine, you were not entirely right. Attacking Nicko, throwing into his face the past was wrong. All you will succeed in doing is make him hesitate to speak his mind. One day he might have something important to say and we would lose out. That said, and Nicko, I hope you do not take this the wrong way, Cherine, you make me very proud to have you. I love you baby. Laura, I have a question. Since you can choose to be any age, why do you choose to be six?”

“I’m not six, I’m nearly five. I feel I am this age Robbie. It is as if I am carrying on from where I stopped last time.”

“That’s a great idea. Mom, does she look much like the first Laura did?”

“Not much. Having a Greek father, an ugly one to boot, does not help much.” She smiled at Themi and since Laura is really cute, I realised this was their private teasing.

“I can see she is going to be far more beautiful than either of you.”

“Laura, keep yourself at five. That way Robert won’t fall in love with you. He prefers them a few years older.”

“Cherine it has been a long time since you last teased me. But what a thing to say to my sister!”


“Are you implying something?”

Alki guffawed, “You don’t really want to ask that question Roberto. Let sleeping dogs lie.”

“You too Alki?”

“You take my daughter and wonder why me too?”

“Nicko, you seem to be the only one not attacking me. How about we take a walk to the local coffee shop; a strong cup of sketo and a quiet friend as my companion would do me a lot of good.”

“You choose me because you know I would not dare say anything - Cherine would flay me alive.”


Once we had ordered our coffees I climbed into him. “Nicko, when are you going to find someone to start your own circle? You really don’t know what you are missing.”

“Not now Robert.”

“Yes now. I will never be happy seeing you alone. If anything happened you would end up in our World. Wouldn’t you rather be part of your own World? Master of your own dominion?”

“I can’t now Robert. Please do not ask.” I felt his misery and even a little bit of shame.

Secrets can fester, poisoning friendship, so I asked, “You mean Diana?”

“You know?”

“Of course. Nicko, your chances of Cherine falling in love with you are greater.”

“I have no ambitions to take her away from you. I know she loves you. I just need time.”

I felt a pang. “Nicko, your ambitions would not matter. She was created to love me. It would not be possible. Do not even think of her as a girl that could love you. All that can happen is that your pain hurts us too.”

“You know of a way for falling out of love?”

I could feel his pain lancing into me. “I would not have had this happen to you my friend. I truly am sorry.”

“I felt the same way when I saw you hurting because of my sister. It is life Robert.”

“You are not angry with Cherine?”

“For what she said? I love her Robert. If I find someone half as special as her I will be lucky. No, it was my fault. I swore to you that I accepted you as our leader and then spoke out of turn. It was my fault.”

“You still do not see Nicko? I am not a leader in that sense. I am crazy or stubborn enough to go out and do what I think is right, even if everyone says I am wrong, but that does not mean I do not want your opinions. I need them. Sometimes we get caught up in a problem and cannot see the answer because we find an obvious answer and are too lazy to look further. I need people around me who are not afraid to speak out.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Maybe I will turn into an alien. We will have to wait and see.”

My next time back in the void, I called Samantha for a private talk. I told her what I intend doing and gave her my decision. I instructed her that if anything happens to me, even if I become alien in my thinking, a pawn of the Sparklers, she is to ensure they all accept Cherine and herself as my successors. They will be the leaders jointly, until Sam feels Cherine is capable of being a leader on her own. I passed on a message for her to give Cherine if I die, hoping my words convince her to live on for the sake of our children and friends. I made clear to Sam that she must use her bright mind for protecting everyone, not just those linked to our Cherine. I told her we have a responsibility to all of mankind.

*Sam, You take over as of now. When I return, you do not hand over to me unless you are one hundred per cent convinced I am still myself, not some hybrid (υβρίδιο)of Sparkler and Man and that I am not some kind of puppet of theirs. The protector has my instructions. Once I leave, it will no longer accept my orders and will only accept orders given jointly by you and Cherine. Wish me luck, my love.*

My little Amazon neither cried nor pleaded, she accepted the burden I placed on her and kept her worry to herself. All she did was send me a tsunami of love to carry off with me.


They met me halfway. I refused to stop and they paced me until I was close enough to see individual Sparklers in the main cloud. I had not realised how huge it is. They are truly a galaxy of life.

I extended the tendril with the green motes, showed them what I have. Almost in terror, I brought the tendril into the center of my being and absorbed their gifts. I heard the scream of despair from Cherine, but I kept my concentration on what was happening within me. For a long time nothing did and I was about to leave when I heard a murmur. It grew in volume, a buzzing that was overwhelming in volume. I did not have hands to bring to my ears and struggled to keep myself sane. Images were flashing through my mind. Images of myself, hundreds and thousands of them, as a child, as an adult. Walking outside, looking at the sky, at flowers and trees. At our buildings and cities. Of people I loved and hated. Of my girls. Of making love. Arguments, pain. The list was endless. A lot of it reminded me of the beauty of being a human, of the grace our souls are in when we fall in love. I saw the aliens, their tired old ways, saw them gentled by their wisdom and their loyal friendships, their need for life and their fears. I saw our Kaleidoscope World being born and the wonder and magic of it.

Then the hatreds, the fear and nightmares. I saw a scene of Sparklers burning into my loved ones, of their souls being taken and destroyed. I screamed and sobbed and rose in a terrible anger and killed Sparklers in their billions.

The buzzing ebbed until it was but the distant sound of waves upon an alien shore. I was still torn by my memories, fears and emotions. I saw that my soul had splintered, I was no longer one being of light. I had broken up into millions of inter-connected pieces, resembling the cloud that faced me, the Sparklers that still fascinated me with their emerald and rich yellow beauty. Slowly I pulled myself back into the one being that I am, rejecting what I thought was their point of view of how I should be.

The cloud opened before me. As if a gravity were pulling at me I sank into their center. A part of my mind was gibbering with terror, convinced I was about to be devoured for showing them those last scenes of violence. The weight of their billions seemed to be pressing on me, though not one touched me. The sounds of the waves grew till I thought I was to sink and lose myself forever. Once I was beyond the ability to think, to be, I saw.

I saw the void as it truly is, or at least as they see it. I saw the vortexes (δίνες) of power that ripple in terrible violence through it. I saw the souls of countless planets being absorbed, torn and destroyed by the void. I saw the Sparklers rushing out to save the souls. Collecting them, giving them an eternal life as lords of the void, no longer just victims.

I saw their missionary zeal, their commitment to saving life and by doing so becoming part of that life. I saw of their terrible grief and despair when I fought them and destroyed so many of those precious souls.

I was totally lost to the guilt within myself. I accepted them and felt their pain as mine. All of me, except for one tiny part that was the Cherine within me. She fought them and clawed her way, growing as I weakened. She began to splinter their images with images of her own, Sparklers taking life that still had a future, cutting short lives that still had learning and experience ahead of them. She replayed my nightmare of Sparklers taking my loved ones and strengthened the grief and anger till I was wholly awake again to the dangers. The buzzing receded, but this time I pursued it, searching for that imaginary shore, calling to them to return.

How could I speak in such a way they would understand me? I knew they were listening, but they could not understand - I had to find something that would transcend our differences. I had nearly given in to their imagery, why could I understand them, but they not understand me? If not for the richness I carried, the full copy of Cherine as at that time we shared our minds in full, I would have betrayed not only mankind, the aliens, but all of life everywhere. An idea came to me, but it was too improbable, too fantastic, surely it could not work? I called for a Sparkler to enter within me, not in full presence, but in what it has for a soul - if such a thing is possible. Then I called to the only one who could help us and explained what I needed to say, what I wanted her to do. My translator came and so did the Sparkler.

Wendy sang. Oh my Wendy, how she sang, her voice the voice of emotions painted with the rhythm and colours of music. She sang the full opera of my plea for understanding, making me feel what I had only thought before. Of the endless bounds of space being depleted of life as the Sparklers cut a swath of death and left empty darkness behind them. She sang of an eternity with no new souls, the planets that brought them forth dead and emptied by the Sparklers. She sang of our Kaleidoscope World that preserved souls for them to return and be born again, to learn whatever they had not learnt and experienced in their previous lives.


She brought in the soul of Laura, of her short tragic life, of her rebirth and new growth, of her joy in her new life, the loves and beauty she will see and make part of her. Then she showed Laura in the midst of her joyous growth cut down and condemned to the empty sterile life of the Sparklers. These were but a part of her song, I could never capture the full tapestry she sang to us. She then did something impossible; she gave two endings to her song, forking out in different directions. The one where life is returned to the planets, and the universe teeming with life, and the other an endless dead darkness where the Sparklers roam in their sterile and meaningless journey.

As her song ended, the pastel yellow-green soul trembled as if in danger of dying. I helped feed it with motes of our love and sent it back.

I played with Wendy her favourite game one more time, in case it should be our last. She could still laugh and be touched by the ‘puppy’ game and I gave it my best shot, wanting her to remember how deeply I love her before sending her back home. Then, alone again, I waited in loneliness.

I found myself on an imaginary shore, walking along the water-line. I saw a figure approaching me. It was alien and not fully formed, outlines misty as if it has forgotten what it looks like.

“We have come to know you and your kind Robert. We regret that you may never get to know us, though we hold a multitude of life forms that flourished throughout the galaxies, for we are not of them.”

I did not correctly understand, but I had to say something. “That too is my loss. I treasure the life each of you has lived and ask, what of the worlds you came from, do they still bear life, your descendants?”

“We saw your message, ask no more. Your translator has torn at the fabrics of our beliefs. We need time to reconsider. What of those souls that are consumed by the void Robert. Those are not lost?”

“From the days of you physical existence, did you know of dark holes - where suns have collapsed into space? Good. This is but an hypothesis of mine, I do not claim it for fact, but if I am right, well, just consider it please. If you know of dark holes then you should know of worm-holes that cut through space, and probably time. What if those souls taken by the void are in truth being drawn into worm-holes for souls so that they emerge at other points of space and time, to be re-born on other worlds? Where do souls come from, can they be endlessly created from nothing? The same is true of our soul Worlds, I have seen how they are formed out of a wormhole.”

“You are a danger to us Robert. You and your kind. You ask questions we have not asked for time beyond memory. Do you know why we are prepared to risk our very existence to consider what you say?”

“I would be curious and glad to find out.”

“Though you saw us as the enemy of your kind, you saw too the beauty of us. When you but suspected we had purpose beyond mindless destruction, you risked all you believed in and cared for, to give us a chance to understand each other. We are now aware you could have either totally destroyed us or decimated us to the point where we could not have maintained our existence, yet you submitted yourself in the hope of understanding us.

You are either foolish beyond belief or you have a courage we have lost the memory of. We owe you the consideration of your message. If that consideration leads to the end of our existence, then it shall be because we have determined you, and not us, to be in the right.” It turned, as if to leave.

“Would you forgive me if I say something that would be insulting to one of my own kind?” It stopped and then returned.

“We will listen without offence being taken.”


“For creatures, souls, of such great age, your wisdom seems to be but the wisdom of children - immature creatures that have not learnt of life yet, still thinking everything must be either of light or total darkness. Consider all you learnt and when you decide, either way, I ask you to return to me. Give us a chance to work together to find a way to enrichen all of life without sacrificing either.”

He considered my words for a while. Reluctantly he replied, “You have our word.”

“One last thing before you go. It is something trite, but I would appreciate it. You know my name. I suspect you do not have a name, you are a composite of differing souls from many worlds? I would still like to have a name for you.”

“You may name us.” I had a definite sense of it being amused, which made it seem more human to me.

“In a nation of our world they have in their mythology a god of the world of the dead. His name was Charos.”

“The name would but serve to instil fear and dread of us, would it not? Find another.”

“You are right, I apologise. There was a king known for his great wisdom. His name was Solomon. Would you accept that?”

“You honour us. Solomon shall return to you Robert. We must go now, but when we return we in turn ask of you one favour.”

“Name it.”

“We cannot, we do not know the name. What we wish is to hear at least one more time your translator speak to us.”

“Her name is Wendy. It will be her pleasure.”

I felt as if I were awakening from a dream, to find the green cloud receding at a great speed. Mentally worn out and yet filled with elation, I returned to the protector. As I made to pass through, to join my family and friends, I found myself thrown back, unable to penetrate the ghostly glow of my protector.

Sam came to me. I saw Cherine waiting and with shock realised that the protector held her prisoner. Somehow I could not process the information, confused by what I was sensing.

*Sam, they are gone. Wendy did the trick.*

*We heard from her of her song. Robert, I am sorry, but you may not return. You are still infected with the greenness of the Sparklers. How do we know that you are what you were. I must also warn you, Wendy has been placed in quarantine. She was within you, we have to be certain she has not been contaminated.*

*I gave you orders without taking into consideration the impossibility of proving I’m not contaminated. That was stupid of me. But to hold our little Wendy in quarantine, that is criminal. Forget about me Sam, go back and see to Wendy. Go into her mind, let one you trust with my healer enter her soul, meld with her. You will only find the Wendy we know and love. There was no contamination.*

*By the time we have done so, your body will be dead. It is on the verge of expiring already. You do not know how long you were out there?*

*It seemed but a few hours.*

*It has been over three weeks. As you have seen we are holding Cherine prisoner. She is demanding we allow you back in.*

*You and my protector, you have exceeded the authority I gave you. Samantha, you are not the ruler, Cherine is. You were only meant to help keep a balance.*


*I have done what was needed in line with the spirit of your orders. Soon as she stops fighting us we will release her and I will hand authority back to her.*

There was a disturbance behind her and the aliens appeared. They sent motes in exchange with Sam and I. Soon as she saw them exchange with me she refused their offerings.

*Samantha my friend, we are troubled. You ordered us to remain behind, but we have to point out to you, our pact was with Robert. We swore obedience and loyalty to him alone. We will not be part of your plans, we too stand out here with him.*

*Friends of Samantha, I thank you. However, Samantha is acting under orders I gave her before leaving. My mistake was in not taking into consideration her youth and the inflexibility that comes from lack of experience.*

*That is an exaggeration Robert. I am not inflexible. Your orders were. How do we prove you are not infected or puppets of the Sparklers, as you ordered me to?*

*Would it not have been reasonable for you to have asked what was the effect of this greenness? Should you not have asked what was the purpose of their offering? And, the most obvious - should you not have asked why they left?*

*Their leaving could be part of a ruse to convince us to allow you to dismantle our defences. As for the rest, how would we recognise what is truth and what is but part of a plan to betray us? We saw them take you in as prisoner. One touch should have destroyed you. How can you expect the protector and me to believe they did nothing to make you part of them?*

*The protector and I, Sam, not me. At least speak correctly if you are to speak as the leader. I am prepared to argue and explain and give you all the time you need, but not if you are to make my loved ones suffer too.*

Without warning I disappeared, returning to my body. My healer was within, struggling to keep it alive. I told it I would keep my body alive, the healer must search through me, find the greenness and see whether it has infected me in any way. I also ordered it to check through my memories, and those of Wendy, to see for itself the truth of what happened. Then I warned it that the protector might try to attack me, I asked whether it can defend me - give me time to prove I am still the person I had been before. It let me know I will not be attacked by the protector, and left.

Maria and Kosta were there and were happy to see my eyes open. I felt an awful weakness, but it did not frighten me. What did frighten me was the emptiness of the room. None of my girls or friends were with me. Kosta realised what I was searching for.

“Your daughter Samantha ordered everyone to stay away. She allowed us to stay, though she warned us we will be kept in quarantine and may have to pay the price if you are infected and there is no way you can be cleansed. She is not willing, she said, to allow us to help spread whatever it is you have. She was honest enough to warn us that she might have to kill us, perhaps destroy our souls too. We are doctors, so we accepted the risk, it is part of our job.” He smiled at me.

“That girl truly amazes me. She has more steel in her little finger than I have in my whole body. Still, she has handled this badly.”

Maria came over with a most unpleasant looking needle in her hand and I flinched as she injected me. She did not smile at my obvious fear of the needle as she spoke. “Do not blame her, you are solely to blame. You placed a terrible responsibility on what is in truth but a baby. How did you expect her to react? She has taken all you told her in earnestness and fears letting down the Robert, the father she loves. She cannot know for sure how to feel about you now.”

“You are right. The solution to the problems will have to wait, I first need to be strengthened. I’m starving, no chicken soup today?”

“They know by now that you have returned. I am certain the food will arrive soon.”


No food came. The door could not be opened. I was certain she must have considered the possibilities, but I had to try. I feared trying because of my weakness, but I did not have a choice, delaying would only worsen my chances. I jumped to the flat in Cyprus.

I made certain that I arrived within reach of some chocolates I had left there. They were gone. I collapsed onto the sofa in dismay. I would not have the strength to go out, I could not even stand. An hour passed as I waited for Samantha to decide my fate. Because of my weakness, I had given up.

I heard a key in the door and Estella walked in. She gave a start when she saw me, then she saw my dilapidated state and rushed over. I explained I was in desperate need for food. I told her where I had a bit of money hidden, keeping the larger sum for later, and asked her to get some chocolates. Concerned at leaving me, she still acted quickly. I feared Sam would come to stop her, but Estella returned with the chocolates.

“I also ordered from the taverna some food for you. They will bring it soon. What has happened Roberto?”

“What could I tell you that you would believe?”

“The last I heard you were fighting those green things, sparkles?”

“Sparklers. God but you are a puzzle. How the hell could you know about that?”

“First you tell me. Did we win? I’ve been afraid to sleep, with so many people dying.”

“There was no battle Estella. I managed to communicate with them and the misunderstanding has been cleared. They have left.”

“But then, why is Cherine not with you? And Sam, you told them to be leaders until you return. How could they let you be like this?”

“I do not have much time Estella, Sam is the problem. She has made Cherine a prisoner and is fighting me. She is very likely going to arrive soon to stop me from getting food or contacting anyone. It would be better you leave now, no point in having her imprison you also. Thank you for your help. You really must tell me sometime about how you know all about us.” I finished with a smile.

She surprised me with her strength of character. “First I take you to the taverna. Come, we must get there before they bring the food here or else Sam will take the food away.”

She pulled at me, got me to my feet and supported me as we went to the door. I had a feeling this brave girl would not listen to me so I did not argue anymore. She made it, got me to the taverna and I was soon eating. A glass of red wine put some of the blood back in my cheeks. Though weak I soon felt a lot better. I had expected her to ask questions, but she let me eat, chatting gaily, telling me about a friend who was angry with her and what she intended doing as she was very cross with her friend.

“I would think about it first Estella. Friends are something very special. Look at me now, alone. I would give anything to have my friends with me. Why don’t you find out from your friend what really upset her.”

“Oh, she is just jealous of me.”

“Not if she is a real friend. Be honest with yourself, are you very sure you did not do something thoughtless to hurt her?”

“You would believe this friend of mine you have not met is a true friend, but I, who you have met and who helped you, is not a true friend? Roberto, you are not a good friend.” I think she was upset with me, but with her, who knows?

I gave her a smile. “I know. If I was talking to her I would have said the same to her as I did to you. You are here with me so it has to be to you I say, check in your own heart first. I am really in too much trouble myself and too weak to get involved in this Estella. I need somewhere safe to sleep a while. Can you help me to the beach?”

“You want to sleep on the beach? You have your own flat upstairs!”


“And Sam knows where it is.”

“Then I will find a friend to let you sleep at his house.”

“A better idea. In the kitchen, under the sink, right in the back under some rags, I have a few hundred pounds. If you could get them for me I could go to a hotel.”

She ran off while I drank a strong coffee. When she came back she was breathless. She rushed to the owner, thrust some money at him and grabbing me pulled me out onto the street. She tried to make me run, but I could not. As luck would have it a taxi came by and she got us in. As it drove off, she breathlessly whispered to me. “Sam came while I was still in the flat. As she appeared I smiled at her and then hit her with my fist. She fell down and I ran.”

I called to the driver to stop.

“Estella, it is not good that you be seen driving around with a stranger. Also, you should not know where I am going. I promise I will find you once this is over.”

She kissed my cheek and jumped out without a protest. The fact that she had hit Sam, I think, was making her nervous now. I called out to her as we drove off. “Thanks for knocking Sam down. She needed that.” She grinned back and waved.

I got myself a room, bought a lot of food and went into hiding. As I lay on the bed I called to my healer. It wanted to finish something it was doing to my body so I waited. It reported that my protector can see that what is happening is wrong, but it cannot disobey Samantha. My instructions had been explicit and given while in a battle zone. It cannot take the chance I am infected and Sam is right. On the other hand, it feels it is wrong of Sam to hold Cherine a prisoner. I laughed.

“I wonder how Cherine is taking this.”

It told me she is no longer upset. She had heard I had got away and am well. The healer admitted it had told her. It said she is eagerly waiting to see how I handle the situation and told the healer to tell me not to take too long or else she will be forced to take over from Sam. She said if I cannot win against a baby, I do not deserve to remain leader.

“Have you examined my memories and the green motes?”

It had. It was convinced my memories were authentic, but it could not analyse or prove what the green motes were made of or what they were there for, unless it accepted the information it saw in me as being the correct interpretation.

“The simple answer would be to get rid of them, but if Solomon returns I may need them to communicate again. Well healer, do I worry from now about the future or do I solve the present problems?”

It pointed out that there was no future problem. Our friends the aliens have the other half of the motes. It also pointed out that Sam has discussed with the protector the possibility that I may hide the green motes to prove I am fit to be leader and once I have taken over and dismantled our defences, I will put the green motes back again.

“Shit! That means I must not get rid of them. I wonder, how would Cherine handle this.”

Suddenly I heard the voice of Cherine within my head, relayed by the healer. *If he wants to know how I would handle his prooblems, tell him, I do not know. He has to handle this as Robert would, not as Cherine, or else no one will ever believe in him.*

Due to my pleasure at hearing her voice and my frustration at her answer it took me a while to realise she had actually answered my question…if I could work out how would Robert handle it. I reasoned it this way. The old Robert would have committed suicide or done something just as self-defeating. The new Robert, none of them know what the new one would do. Though I changed a long time ago, the time has been spent in battle so they do not know what to expect of me if I feel hurt by my girls.


I ate again, had a shower, tried to sleep. My first priority was to regain my strength. I slept very badly and gave up just before dawn. I dressed in my dirty clothes and went for a long walk, stopped at a coffee shop, had something to eat and a coffee and walked back towards my room. As I came around the corner I saw Socrates with Sam, they had traced me. I quickly hid and raced down the street. Soon as I saw I was alone, nobody else around, I jumped to the flat in London.

Dommi was waiting there, sitting on the sofa. “Please do not jump again Roberto. We know all the places you can jump to, we will find you again. Samantha is coming here.” She grinned. “She is very upset about that knock on the jaw. I think she is looking forward to finding your little Cypriot girlfriend.”

“And when I do I will give her more than just a sore jaw.”

“Hello Sam.” I instantly grabbed and kissed her. “Are you also infected now Sam?”

She stared at me in dismay, running her hand over her lips.

“Get your healer to check Sam. Or go dancing and let the others see the green motes in you, then go quarantine yourself.”

“You are lying.”

“Why should I lie. You having been making life hell for me, to the point of being willing to sacrifice me and anyone who came into contact with me. Nobody else has been kissed by me. As I see it, you are the primary suspect now. I would not be surprised to find that I do not have any green motes, that you have them all. You did tell the protector I may hide them, what better place than in you? Even the protector will not think of searching you.”

“That was nasty Roberto. Sam, this proves you were right. Our Robert would have never done this to any one of us, he loves us too much. This is not our Robert.”

Now it was my turn to stare at her in dismay. Instead I laughed. “Bullshit Dommi. You have not got the slightest idea of how I would behave. After returning from that alternate world and after the war, you know I am different. Your problem is that you do not know which changes are mine.”

“None of those changes would make our Roberto place his daughter in danger.”

“You miscalculated Dommi. You may not exclude yourself. So, what have we got up to now. Sam, Dommi, Dr Maria, Kosta, Wendy, Estella, the people at the taverna where I ate. The people at the coffee shop where I had breakfast today. The grocery store, do not forget to include all the customers at all those establishments. Oh yes, the taxi driver too. Tell me, if I infected them, have they also passed on the infection?”

“Oh God!”

“Oh God is the right reaction Dommi. If I am infected, the infection has spread. The world is condemned by now. If not, then why not? Do you think there could be a possibility that I am not infected? Should we find out before you rush off killing thousands of people?”

“They have won Samantha.” Dommi buried her face in her hands.

“Sam, as the leader, what are your plans now? Order my execution? And Dommi and yourself?”

“You betrayed us.” She sat down, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“You might do better to change yourself back to a baby. When you do, consider yourself bloody lucky that I did not give you the hiding of your life. What kind of leader are you anyway? I insinuate, or whatever, that I infected you, that I passed on the green motes and your world collapses without you even checking my bluff? This is the girl, my Amazon, who I chose to help my Cherine?”

Next Post 065

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
18th April, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 18th April, 2019

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