Little Cherine Book 01 - BPost061

mystery…which, as we all know, is part of the magic of the other which helps keep us fascinated by each other, which in turn helps to keep love not only alive, but also eternally evolving. I saw the changes in you, Cherine, thanks to Samantha - I’ll explain why in a while.

Previous Post 060


The need to become one is a force, not just some abstract need of love. It has begun to manifest itself as a force in some ways which are not healthy. By now it should be obvious that it abhors privacy - perhaps perceives it as some kind of threat to the successful achievement of oneness.”

I gave each of my loves a look of love before continuing. “We are a loving family, circle, and we are also a polite family. Each of us have sensed that love cannot exist if we do not respect each other. Therefore, whenever one of us indicates a need for privacy, it is granted - usually without us having to ask for it. However, I have noticed hidden resentments creeping in. When a loved one asks for privacy, in effect they are telling us they want to keep some part of themselves from us, from belonging totally to our circle.

I think there are two distinct results being born out of such resentments. The first, to prevent creating such resentments, we try to avoid asking - or wanting - privacy. The second, those who feel the resentment, also perceive such resentments as being a fear that their loved one is moving away from them, so they justify using their gifts to secretly spy on the loved one who asked for privacy. Samantha, the one time I am aware of you ignoring a wish for privacy, was when I tried to block all of you out of my mind, at the time I was in the clinic. It was good that you did so, for I do not see how I could have achieved what I needed without your help. Ignoring my wishes did not bring us closer in the way I fear, mostly because your intention was to communicate and the hours you spent in my mind you asked questions and debated with me, instead of just taking information about me from my mind. What ever additional closeness you achieved was the healthy kind.

When I started talking about privacy, I think I more or less suggested we might have to implement or establish certain rules for guiding us. However, I have kept in mind something else Samantha said. She told us she dislikes rules and prefers that we have as few as possible. Thanks to you showing me that there will have to remain the possibility of exceptions to the rule, plus your wish to keep our lives uncluttered (απέριττη) by too many rules (which would lead us to losing respect for them), I have decided I do not want to make another rule - all I want is that each of you consider all I’ve said, organise my thoughts so that they make sense to you, and then decide how you will apply them.

A last word - remember that when we do not respect the need, or even just an assumed need for privacy, we are, in a sense, raping the mind and rights of our loved one.” I wish my mind would not stray all over the place when I am trying to make a point. I made a mess of what I really wanted to say, yet I sensed that I still affected them in the ways I’d hoped to achieve.

When Alki and family left I looked over at Claudia. The previous night she had slept alone in the guest room. She gave her small crooked smile and mouthed ‘Thursday’. I made sure that she at least got the hugs and kisses that belong to her.

I did not plan it, for we can see if the other does, it happened more from a need and from the gentle joy it brought. I spent more time that night loving and being loved by Wendy than all the others together. She was not just loved by me, the girls became extensions of myself, their hands, lips and bodies, their fragrant warm breaths a part of all I was giving my little lover.

Having Wendy as a lover is good for all of us, at least for as long as they choose to come to our bed as young girls, instead of as women. For me it forces me to re-examine our relationship, I as an adult with a number of young girls. Sometimes I find myself forgetting how vulnerable they are because of their gusto and passion in bed. Being with Wendy tends to make me even more gentle and tender in my loving of all my girls, including Dommi - and she seems to need it the most.

Over the next couple of days, ideas flowed, I worked as productively as I had on Monday. Alki is a nice boss to work for; he never comments on the work I send in, especially if it is not completed. If there is something he especially likes, he says so, otherwise he remains silent.

We made time for the parents of Dommi, explaining or answering questions they had. Dommi told me that because they love and trust me, they are not as afraid as they would have been. I wonder what they saw in me as a child for them to love. I mentioned to Alki my last comment and he kept a poker face as he told me that it is not necessary that there be anything special about me for them to love me, since adults tend to love children…even if they are not very nice. A pity I’m not comfortable with the idea of hitting him with a pillow.


We had our friendly police officer Savva and his wife over. Though tough and practical in so many ways, he is still treating me as some kind of holy guru and that frightens me. At least his wife has her feet closer to the ground.

Keith called and promised to join us with his love during the next week. My healer has been spending time with them also and he sounded younger, vibrant and happy. We all felt the happiness and joy, the love they feel for each other and we rejoiced for them too.

They do worry me though. His attempted suicide showed how strongly he fought against loving a minor. His sensitivity and devotion to Annabelle also means there is no chance of anyone ever joining them within their circle. I want them to have their own World, I feel it would be a wonderful one, but we will have to wait for Annabelle to have a child. Deep down inside me I know he will be fighting that possibility, determined not to change the relationship they share. After losing her and being given a second chance, he treasures every second alone with her more than most couples in love do. There is also the question as to how broadminded he will prove to be with regard to loving his own children sexually. We’ll have to wait and see, I guess.

I think for me, the biggest problem is Savva. This man, a police officer, the one who should have been the hardest, the most cynical, he is the biggest fanatic of us all. He has decided I am some godly creature deserving of his adoration. Perhaps it is the life he has led, the pain and suffering he has seen man cause to man, his need to believe in something better. I fear that as he sees my many Achilles heels over time, he will grow disillusioned and turn bitter. He has still not recovered from seeing the dead bodies of the girls, seeing them cut open in post-mortem, buried and then brought back to life. He confided that even as a child, the story of Lazarus had done more to make him religious than most of the rest of his religious instruction.

On Wednesday the girls again asked to go dancing. I did not want to. The aftermath would take off that keen edge of need that is growing in me for Claudia. Samantha and Diana were joined by Tina and then Rosie as they came to agree with me. Finally the others gave way, shamed by the babies, asking I promise we will go on our return from Cyprus. Meli was stuck with her parents and did not voice an opinion, but she also joined in on the clamour for my promise.

I offered to take Claudia wherever she wants; London, Sweden, Amsterdam, Israel, Italy or Morocco. She wanted to return to Paphos. It is strange how that ugly little town has captured our imagination. It is the kind of town where we can be ourselves, without needing to put on airs and because we are comfortable there, it has almost become our second home.

Chapter Sixty Seven

One of the great side benefits of renting the apartment is that we no longer have to keep on throwing away our new clothes - it is a relief not only because of the expense, but more importantly, because it increases our risk of visiting Cyprus. We went to the apartment bedroom to repack our suitcase and Claudia was the first to notice. As we got our things together for moving over to the hotel, Claudia stopped, stiffened as she looked around her.

“Somebody has been here. The flat has been cleaned and tidied.”

We went downstairs to find the ‘thiroros’ (concierge). He was puzzled. “But the young lady told me you had arranged for her to come and clean the flat. She described both of you. Was I wrong?”

“Did she tell you her name, was it Estella?”

“Yes. That was the name. She looked like a schoolgirl, pretty, with lots of things on her ears. I thought it was alright as she comes from a good family.”


Immediately that got Claudia interested, she wanted to ask about her family. I had to butt in. “Okay, don’t worry about it.”

As we walked over to the hotel, carrying a suitcase (we could not find a cab, not even our gifts can ever help me on that, unlike Nicko), Claudia was upset.

“Why didn’t you tell him she is not allowed in our flat?”

“Because she is.”

“You are crazy Robbie. You do not even know her. Maybe she has a spare key made and uses our flat for screwing with her boyfriend!”

“I do not think so. Anyway, so what if she does? As long as she cleans up. It’s not as if we have food and booze to worry about. The rest is just rented stuff.”

“But what if we jump there and she is in the flat with her boyfriend?”

I chuckled. “Yes, I suppose that could be quite amusing. Come on Claudia, stop worrying. I know it is the Swedish blood in you. It costs us nothing, we can take precautions to avoid them seeing us, and, more important than all, you are getting all het up about something that is very unlikely to happen. I bet you any key she has made is only for cleaning the flat. I imagine it could also prove to be useful as a place of refuge, a place where she can think her thoughts without family to bother her. I hope she enjoys it.” I then added, “I wonder how she learnt about the flat and where it is.”

“Robbie? Would you feel the same way if she was not pretty? What if she was fat and ugly?”

I gave an exaggerated shudder. “Oh good lord Claw! What a horrible idea. A fat and ugly girl in our flat. You mean like the feminists of today? No, that definitely would not do!”

She took my teasing seriously, but her attention was diverted for a moment. “I do not like that ‘Claw’ you called me!” Her little face was set in a most ferocious look.

“But it is so apt! You are just like a baby tiger, your claws come out at the slightest suggestion of danger.”

I felt her swell with pride. “You think I am like a baby tiger!”

“I hope you do not prove me wrong. I love baby tigers.” I quickly gave her a kiss.

She threw her head back and laughed. “Robbie, which is more dangerous? A baby tiger or a baby lion?”

“Don’t get too ambitious girl. Cherine is far more dangerous - she is very, very intense about protecting me. That is why she is my little cub lion.”

“I’ve heard. I cannot believe she nearly killed her own mother for you.”

“She was not trying to kill her. More of a case of not thinking of the effects her powers were having on her mother.” I sighed. “I’m so glad that all turned out alright. We don’t need any Greek tragedies for our family.”

At the hotel, as we signed in and unpacked, I wondered about the local girl. Cherine has given her the ‘thumbs up’, but it did seem strange that she not only knows we have a flat, but also went in and cleaned it. She did not strike me as the type of girl who would enjoy that kind of work. I sensed there is something mischievous in the situation - like she is making fun of me, or of somebody else. It would have to be the someone else, which only serves to make me more curious about him. Since I have no intention of dealing with her while Claudia is with me, I rid myself of thoughts of her by concentrating on my sweet but sometimes bloodthirsty little Claudia.

We decided to go to visit Britta and Andrea. Claudia wanted to go as an adult which suited me fine. As much as possible I want to avoid being seen with my little girls at their true age. All I need is stories to start circulating about us again - Petsas is not a nightmare anymore, but no point in provoking him - or fate.


I phoned Britta and we met her at the beach near her home. She stared at her grownup little sister and crying gave her a hug. Claudia is taller than her and her beauty at eighteen is more apparent. Never mind apparent - she is stunning! I had been tempted to make myself look a bit more ‘interesting’ to look more a suitable companion for her, but Claudia had protested, so I’d made do by ageing myself. Andreas shook my hand gravely, a look of awe still in his eyes.

Claudia may have looked older, but she was an eleven year old bursting with glee at the effect she was having on everyone. She was vivacious and lit up the whole taverna with her presence. We could feel all the male eyes trying not to stare and the resentment of the ladies. Musing I wondered; why is it that a woman who acts like a little girl is so attractive to grown men? What need does it fulfil? Then there are those men, so strong, determined to be the patriarch. The way they treat their women, they end up forcing them to become like little girls, obedient to ‘daddy’. Is it possible that they all are just camouflaging, hiding from themselves their true wishes and needs because they have been taught it is immoral? Would it not be better if they could treat their women with the respect they deserve and love them as they need to be loved?

A woman of about thirty, passing our table on her way out, stopped and spoke to Claudia and Britta. “You are both really gorgeous. Don’t let these sour faces get you down, they are just jealous, enjoy yourselves - we are only young and lovely for a short time, so make the most of it.”

Gallantly I stood up, pulling out a chair for her. “For those kind words you are now obliged to join us for a drink.” I smiled at her, but she hardly turned to look at me. She sat and giving me her order, turned back to the girls. For the next forty minutes her attention was devoted solely to them. I am very slow and it took me a while to understand. Both girls were highly amused, but remained polite and friendly. Finally she left.

“We had a bit of competition there Roberto. You did not realise?”

“No Andrea, how could I guess she is a lesbian.”

“Ah, so you are not so wise! You do not go out much to clubs?”

“Jesus! Clubs! I’ve got a whole club of my own, why should I go out?” He laughed and Claudia pinched my leg under the table.

Softly she murmured to me, “Wait till we get back. Cherine will get you for that.”

“Your Cherine, she frightens you Roberto?” I saw he was not teasing, he was serious.

“She would like to think so Andrea. No, my only fear is that I love her too much and, even worse, that I do not love her enough.”

He glanced at Claudia. “You say so in front of all the others?”

“He has never hidden it Andrea. We do not mind, he seems to have a way of loving each of us in a special way. If she is his best love it is because she is the most special of us all.”

I don’t know how many times I am going to have to make this protest. “You are wrong my love. Not one of you is more ‘special’ than the others. You each have your charms, etc. Cherine is just loved more by me because I happen to love her more.”

“Britta told me you are foolish with the women, you are too open.” Poor Britta blushed and it was obvious she wished the earth would swallow her. I hope he has a nice dogbox.

I chuckled. “Another friend accused me of that, so Britta is in good company. Claudia, would you have me pretend?”

“Since you cannot, I can see and I can feel exactly how you feel, if you did pretend, you would be insulting me.”

“See Andrea? Think of it this way. You and Britta, you will find more people to bring into your circle and you will love each of them, for they could not otherwise become part of your circle. If you love Britta more, or maybe a new member of your circle, you could not hide it. None of us can love everyone to the same degree. Pretending would cause more unhappiness and you would lose their trust.”


Andreas stated, “If she loves someone new more than me I would be unhappy, whether she pretends or not.”

“You are forgetting, no other person can join your circle unless you both love that person deeply. If you love that person too, how can you resent…”

“I would!!”

Claudia took my hand. “Maybe it is different for us because of you Robbie. Maybe it will not be the same for everyone else.”

“How can it be different because of me.”

Claudia smiled. “Robert love, I’ve heard the other girls discussing it, so I have the words. You feel so much love, it is so strong, it is more than I could ever dream anyone would love me. You make me so happy, how can I resent it that you maybe feel a bit stronger for Cherine, or maybe even Wendy…” She paused, following a thought. “I was about to add Dommi to the list and then I realised that I would have to add all the girls, but that I would be wrong. Apart from Cherine, I don’t think you love anybody more than the others, you just love each of us in a different way and for slightly different reasons. Dommi is also special because you have more shared memories with her. Anyway, even if you do love all the other girls more, so what, I also love them so much for letting me join you, how could I resent them?”

We carried on in this vein for a while and wandered off to other subjects. I saw it was getting late and I knew I had a long night ahead of me. We took our leave and returned to our hotel room. I looked at Claudia, expecting her to return to her normal age.

“Robbie, would you mind very much if we went to that bar where they all sing. It is so romantic, I love it there.”

Sitting with her in my arms, the warmth of her body, her warm breath as she brought her lips to mine while the singer sang and played his guitar, the soft murmur of voices and faces glimpsed by flickering candle-light, these were all I needed to feel more comfortable and relaxed with her. Her instincts had been right and walking back to our hotel, standing a moment on the beach and holding her tightly as I kissed her, all helped to build this night into a long moment of love.

Soon as she was in the room she undressed and posed in front of me, wanting to see the effect of her lovely adult body on me. She must have been satisfied by what she saw and felt in me for she left me, going to the bathroom. It is strange. For all of our intimacy, all the girls do not like me seeing them change shape. I had lain on the bed when I heard the shower running. I jumped up and joined her, my sweet wet eleven year old Claudia. She giggled, but tonight it seemed she was not going to be my aggressive little Scandinavian. It was as if the knowledge of what is to come made her shy. This was a side of her I had never seen before and Claudia being shy of me was unbelievably erotic. Also a little saddening - I will never ever see her like this again. It made me want to prolong the moment.

As I lifted her arms for me to dry her, she softly asked me, “Robbie, I don’t have a healer. Can you tell yours not to come into me?”

“Why my love? It will not interfere in any way - unless I cause any damage.”

“I still don’t want it. If I need it, I will say so. It is my body you know.”

“I know, but it is I who would be causing the damage.” I stopped drying her and thought for a moment. “You are the oldest virgin, apart from Dominique, that I will be de-flowering. Still, you are tiny my love. If I do not have the confidence of my healer watching over you, I will be afraid of hurting you.”

“You mean you will be too gentle?”

“Something like that.”


“Alright. Then we wait.”


“I do not understand why taking the virginity of a girl is so special to men, but I know why it is special to me. I know you will make me your woman with lots of love. I am not afraid, it is a moment of holiness for me. But not if you will not treat me as an equal, as a woman coming to you with love also. If you must treat me like a child, then we must not make love.”

*I liked her unconscious pun Cherine, but I am lost. I do not know what to do. She is certainly different from all of you.* *I wish I had her guts. You have to decide Robert, are you our father or our lover. If you are our lover, maybe you need to learn to respect our wishes.* *You damn well know that I am the protector also, that means I cannot help thinking like a father.*

“You are talking to the girls? Who? Cherine?” I nodded. “Cherine, if I wait until I am grown up, even then he will be too gentle if I do not allow the healer. Am I right?”

I don’t know why they did not talk directly, but I passed on her reply, “She says yes. But you…”

“Cherine, will you all think I am very bad if I do not make love with Robert? The first time I mean? I will find a young man I like, I do not have to love him, but it will be someone who is tender, but acts like a man. Then if Robert wants me, if you all do, then I will come to you. At least I will know what it really feels like to be made a woman.”

Without waiting for a reply she got up from the bathroom stool, returned to the bedroom and started dressing.

The girls were silent. No words of advice, no gloating or teasing. Heavily I got up and went to Claudia. She was half dressed and sitting on the bed crying.

I went to sit by her. “You think becoming a woman happens when you stick your penis in me? You have stolen the beauty of this moment from all the others. You will not do it to me. I want to become a woman because a man feels so passionate he cannot control himself. Because he is on fire with need for me. Not because he decided to, even if it is with love, and sits and calculates how gentle he must be.

The others, you had your healer watch them, take away their pain. If I feel pain, it is because I am a virgin. It is a natural part of giving myself to you. You are a thief Robert, you steal all that makes it special and turn it into something banal. It will be the same as all the other times afterwards.”

“You are exaggerating Claudia, but your point has been made. You are a weird girl, maybe that is what made me love you. I mean, I thought all girls dream of a man who will be gentle the first time.”

“Tender, considerate, yes. You are not.”

“You think my lovemaking will all be pre-calculated? You think there will be no passion?”

She did not reply, just stared hard at me, as if demanding that I answer my questions.

“Did you really get the impression from the girls that it was like that with them? Do you mean they all feel robbed? I shared their minds, their hearts, I felt the physical sensations they did - I did not pick up even a hint of this.”

“Maybe they were too grateful to realise.”

“God, what a nasty thing to say!”

She looked as if she were about to apologise (whether to the girls or me I don’t know) and then held herself back, feeling she would be conceding points she did not want to. I felt there was no way out for me. I could not say I would not be gentle, it is the way I am.


“Claudia, you laid down the ground rules in such a manner that you have not left me any space to try and meet you halfway. Your ultimatum was particularly distasteful to me and that alone was enough to kill any wish I would have had to share this experience with you. Go find your young man, I am returning to Greece, I’m going home.”

Silently we both dressed. I was ready first and left the room and the hotel, walking down the beach until I was beyond the last of the row of hotels. It was chilly which suited my miserable mood. I sat on a rock and wondered about the girls. It was very strange the way they had kept silent. I began to wonder, could Claudia have been right? Did they feel cheated?

“You need some company?”

“If you are my sweet Samantha, yes.”

She sat by my side and put her arm under my jacket and around me. I felt her shiver with the cold and used my healer to warm us both. She sighed. “You really let her get under your skin didn’t you?”

“Your silence did not help.”

“You believed her?”

“What else was I to think? None of you…”

“Robbie, it was a private conversation. We could not help hearing, but we did not have the right to interfere - not if your relationship with her is to grow.”

“She is so different. I do not know how to handle her. There is a hardness in her that none of you have. She is a mess of contradictions. She is vulnerable, of all of you she is the most cheerful and yet there is a darkness that comes from a lack of empathy. She has a viewpoint on just about everything and no place in her for understanding how the other feels.”

“That was spoken in bitterness dad.”

I laughed. “Are you telling me you are here as my daughter? You chose a funny time to remember to call me dad.”

“You would be surprised at how often I do - in my thoughts. Robbie, you have to help her. She needs to find a way to unsay what she said. She is still in the hotel room, lying on the bed. She cried for a while, but now she is just lying there feeling miserable.”

“Self pity? She said she hates that.” I grinned down at her.

“No. She feels she has hurt you. She does not know what to do to make things better between you. She spoke like a child does, since when did you lose that special empathy you have for kids?”

“Bullshit! How can I have empathy for someone who scares me.”

She bent over with her amusement. “You better not say anything more, you will never live down that comment. Come, let’s return to your room.”

“You coming with me?”

“Don’t be silly, you are on your own.”

She hardly blinked as I appeared at the foot of the bed. I took one look and without need for a second thought sent a wave of love and tenderness to her. It was as if I had struck her. She burst into tears. As I pulled her into my arms I felt hers wrap themselves around me. She cried for a very long time and when her sobs had turned to sighs I found she had fallen asleep. Any effort to move would have awakened her so I spent hours lying as I was until she turned over.


In the morning she uncharacteristically waited for me to speak first. When she saw I did not intend to, she tried to open the discussion but I stopped her.

“No talking today. This is the day for adventure and fun. We can do our talking after you have become my woman tonight. Then, and only then, you can tell me if you were right. Come on squiggly tail, get dressed, I’m hungry.”

“Squiggly tail?”

“You ever looked at yours? Okay, I’m teasing. But you do tend to squiggle your arse around when you are in one of your bubbly moods. Claw and squiggly tail - strange pet names for a strange girl.”

“I’m going to find one for you and you will be sorry.”

I laughed. “Maybe you and Cherine should get together on that. Meli has the best imagination, but she is far too sweet to come up with something really nasty - nasty was what you wanted, wasn’t it?”

“Are we going to search for that Estella?”

“It is Friday, she will be at school now. How good a swimmer are you?”

“In this weather?”

“It’s not too cold and we will be wearing wetsuits. I want to go diving. I learnt that apparently there is a wreck of a ship somewhere out there and I heard some locals talking about an octopus that lives in it. It sounds as if it is about fifty years old and is huge. Claudia, octopi are one of the most intelligent creatures after man, can you imagine what it has learnt over so many years? But, you know how these stories go, I want to check it out. We will have a professional with us and you don’t have to come all the way down with us.”

To prove she was not as crazy as I am, she spent the time waiting in the boat, freezing her butt off. Once I was underwater I did not feel cold and enjoyed myself. It seems nobody knows exactly where the ship is and we spent our time searching. Being a romantic I also hoped we would come across some antiques from the days of Ancient Greece, but we hardly ever saw the bottom, since I’ve not had any training my companion felt it was too deep for me.

The young diver was very friendly and a bit of a chatterbox and he told us a lot about his village. This is the first young person I’ve met who has shown any yearning for their village and he talked about saving up enough to return there. He likes the idea of farming and of getting out of the rat race life is in the towns. The only problem he foresees is the difficulty he is likely to have in convincing some young maiden to join him there. I found the idea of any woman choosing the hard life he would be offering very unlikely, especially the young girls of today who are spoilt and, as a separate issue, have dreams of their own. I hope they can both find a way to compromise so that the dreams of each of them can come true.

Once on land and as I was paying him, he invited us to go with him; he told us he had arranged with his family a trip to his village for the day. The family have prepared a good lunch and there will be more than enough for a couple of guests. On condition that he allow us to make some purchases at a supermarket we agreed to go. Claudia did not say anything, but I could sense she expected to be bored, but was willing to endure without complaint if it is what I want.

For parts of the trip the countryside did not look like Cyprus. When we came around the side of a hill, the road winding down into a valley, I had a feeling of déjà vu - I suspect the déjà vu feeling came from seeing something like this in a movie or a fairy story book, I know it is not from real life. There were two very large rocks, with trees growing on them, on either side of the road. It looked as if they had been cleaved by a giant with an axe. The valley was green, but the village we came to looked unkempt, with giant red clay pots, most of them broken and half buried, lying in the fields and amongst the stone houses. Stathis explained the condition of the village as being due to all the younger people leaving for the towns and thus half the houses being abandoned.


The parents looked older than they were, their faces deeply lined and tanned by their life in the open. As most village people are, they were extremely hospitable and were eager to show off to their neighbours the ‘xenous’ their son had brought. Claudia felt it had turned into a party as the neighbours drifted in with dishes of food, wine, fruit and loud voices full of cheer and warmth. The radio was switched on, adding to the bedlam and we hardly knew who we were talking to, nor understood the half of what was said, especially the older ones who spoke with a heavy accent.

Claudia was treated like some rare princess, or like some mythical creature; the old folk repeatedly exclaimed over her beauty, the smooth silkiness of her skin and they were not shy about touching her cheeks or arms to feel her. They pampered and stuffed her until she was ready to cry from it all. By the time we had reached the moment for the little cups of coffee to be served, Stathis had the sensitivity to arrange for Claudia to lie down. She sent to me that there was no way she could sleep, the room and bed smelt so clean and strange from the herbs and lavender. In less than five minutes she was sound asleep and I sat chatting, drinking coffee after coffee and even enjoying a couple of cigarettes. Once they had understood I earn my living as an artist I found I had to draw a multitude of sketches. Most of them did not wait for me to leave, they would grab their sketch, exclaim over it, show it to all and then hurry to put it away in a safe place at home before returning for more coffee, fruit and sweets. To tell the truth, the idea of works of mine being treasured by these people meant more to me than the compliments I get for my artwork which appear on the internet.

It was almost evening by the time we left, burdened with gifts of delicacies cooked by the givers. Claudia and I were fascinated by a sweet in the shape of a candle with a string through the center. It has pistachio nuts inside and is made from the pulp of grapes after the juice has been removed for making wine. Rubbery and almost tasteless though it was, both of us kept on nibbling at it. At the hotel Stathis politely declined our invitation to join us for a drink and thanking us for going with him, he left.

If this day had left an impression on my mind, I could hardly imagine what it had done to little Claudia. In the room she flopped down onto the bed and within minutes was fast asleep. Cherine and Dommi both promised to keep an eye on her and to let me know if she wakes up. I went downstairs to the verandah facing the sea and had a cappuccino, gazing off into the distance, my mind a blank sheet of happiness.

Claudia was still asleep when I returned. I half undressed her, loosening her clothing, covered and lay down next to her, my arm gently cradling her to me. She made a strange little mewling sound and dug in, burying herself against me. I love it when the girls do that in their sleep. Silly it may be, but it makes me feel loved.

In the hours before the goddess of Cyprus appears over the horizon I awoke to Claudia nuzzling me with soft warm lips. Her hands were gently caressing me, her fingertips feeling out the texture of my chest. I lay for a while luxuriating in the sensations before my hand that lay against her back began to rub her in little circles while pushing at her to bring her even closer up against me. Luckily I was excessively gentle, for as I looked at her face I saw she was fast asleep. Soft as a feather my lips touched hers, while I timed my breath to inhale as she exhaled, wanting the essence of her life to flow through me.

Even as she awakened in stages, she continued to caress me, her movements becoming more erotic as she became aware. This grew into a lovemaking of such tenderness as we rarely have the patience for, our passions usually impatiently goading us on. It seemed to be a continuation of the magic of the previous day and I treasured the sweetness. I do not understand those men who have not the sense to give such moments to their loved ones, thinking it is only a ‘woman’ thing.

She brought her lips to mine and they felt soft and puffy with sleep. She moaned and her body moved against mine. The magic moment was almost over, the passion was beginning to light up fires in both of us.

Suddenly I felt her reactions to what I was doing and knew that my darling Cherine has woken and is emoting to us the others’ feelings. I sent her my love and then forgot about her as I concentrated on my little Swedish flower.

I switched on the bed light and looked down at the flawless skin that seemed to glow with a golden warmth. Every single line, every curve was perfect, but I soon sensed she is not physically a virgin. Quickly I called to Cherine to stop transferring my feelings and thoughts.


I called to my healer and it reported she has no hymen blocking the entrance. It had been torn a long time ago. I instructed it to repair the curtain of ‘pain’ she wants. To avoid her noticing I spent many minutes deliciously enjoying (and letting Cherine swop our sensations) as I lovingly kissed and tasted her. As the healer worked she felt a tingling, but it only increased her passion.

I felt she was close to coming so I pulled back and, knowing she was ready, I raised my upper body as far as I could to enable her to see me. At that moment Wendy appeared, we heard a click and were blinded by a flash and she was gone.

“That Wendy!!”

She laughed, “It is okay, I asked her to.” (I had added a copy of the photo here, but then I had the thought of the friend of Stella getting a copy, so I removed it - as I have with most of the other photos or paintings and sketches I created - partly because of my being a prude, but mostly because of the trouble it could cause our unknown diary copier.)

With the double dose of passion we were sharing it was soon over. We hit the peak and the heat was ecstasy for both of us.

We were both surprised to see how much she had bled. For some perverse reason this too was a source of satisfaction for her. If I am to call her perverse then I too must be honest and admit I also reacted to the sight - I can’t help wondering whether it is a natural for women, or is it something grown from the romantic symbolism men place upon the taking of their virginity. Just because I share the minds of my girls, it does not mean I understand everything about them, just as I don’t understand much about men - or even of myself.

As we calmed and I drank of her milky breath and examined the bright red splodges over her breasts I realised she was crying. I stopped to look at her and she saw my concern. “Robbie it is alright. I am crying because you made me feel so happy. It was almost too good, better than I had dreamt it would be.”

“It will get even better my love.”

“It can’t!!”

“Wait until you are in a pool of lust and passion, with all the girls part of us. When Cherine sends that swirling between us you will feel as if every nerve is on fire.”

“Then I was right. This was the best cause it was real, just the two of us.” She smiled at me, satisfied with the self evident triumph of her argument. I grinned to myself, for I knew that even for just the two of us, it will get better.

Since she does not have a healer yet, I was amazed when she began to caress me again and I felt her build up another need for a bout of loving. This time our climb up the curve of passion was slower, taking longer and as it built up so did it become even more powerful than before. When I collapsed upon her I was spent and feeling she might be over-tired, I sent the healer to revitalise her a little. Her glow of satisfaction turned back into a hunger for even more sex and I decided this time I will not send the healer back to her or else there will be no end to this night.

It was lovely waking up to the sensation of us making love again. Waking up this way did not leave me feeling tired, it actually seemed to invigorate me.

We ordered breakfast, which we ate on the balcony. When I suggested we go for a walk she wanted to know, ‘What for? We only have one night and two days left to us’. I realised this is going to turn out to be the most exhausting weekend I have ever enjoyed, but I was not about to complain. Just looking at her, wrapped up in a sheet, was enough to set my pulse racing again. The memory of the clean tight shape of her body, the smooth silky feel of her, her sweet voice crying out in passion were enough to invigorate me again, without the help of my healer.

She was soon no longer just blindly striving for orgasms. She began to search for variations and was curious about trying all the positions she or I could think of.

Next Post 062

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
16th April, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 16th April, 2019

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