Little Cherine Book 01 - BPost024

She giggled. “I know, but my teeth and claws are sharper.”

Previous Post 023


“I think I’ll project you as a snail, leaving slimy trails all over.”

“I’ll make you lick them all up!”

I leaned forward and whispered to her. “Your slime? I’d love to. By the way, are you monitoring?”

“Yes. You mean that old guy in a navy blazer? The pervert has been listening to us. He is so confused, he thinks we are talking about sex, but the pictures in his head are crazy.”

“I thought you could only feel emotions! You can see pictures now!?”

“Yes, thoughts are also pictures Robert, not just words, it is why words feel so alive.” She became bashful as she felt my admiration. Dommi sent a clapping and gave her a kiss. I told her to stop encouraging her, and reminded her that Cherine looks like her, so it is her good name being dragged into the gutter (υδρορροή). Dommi sent a picture of the two of them in a giant gutter looking happy.

I asked her whether her mother has brought up the subject of her pregnancy. She told us that Nicko told them they should prepare themselves for the possibility that she could be made pregnant by Roberto. He asked how they would deal with it. They refused to discuss it in superstitious dread that talking about it would make it come true. I told her about her mother feeling her belly. Dommi sent me a picture of her face with Cherine’s smile. I turned to Cherine as Dommi faded.

“You have infected her with that damn smile of yours.”

“At least you know what it means now.”

“Are you crazy? You think I would do that - lose something so magical just to satisfy my curiosity? Anyway, it is your secret weapon to melt me when I’m being impossible - I should not really be telling you, should I?”

“I think you are the sweetest man in the world, I love you.”

“Ditto baby, for always. Cherine, neither of us must make the mistake of thinking we now know the other absolutely. All we know is of the past - and even that, all we know of it is our interpretation of what we’ve shared from each other…if we shared what I know about you, I bet you would be surprised how often my interpretation does not agree with yours; for instance, I viewed you through eyes strongly affected by my love for you. I’m certain you’ve done the same with me. When either of us does something that surprises the other, we may be able to look at what we know and see what led the other to acting as we do, but, not always. Just as you can say or do things that surprise yourself, so will you surprise me. Some people claim we are programmed and there is no real free will, that free will is only an illusion. That is nonsense, we are often able to transcend (υπερβαίνουμε) our instincts and our past. I’m going to delight in being surprised by you.”

She nodded, her eyes serious. “I’ve noticed that, as I searched through you. As I’d be going through a memory, I would think that I knew how you would react and then see you did something very different. It worried me, I wanted to be able to predict your reactions. I’m glad you explained because I agree, it is nicer being surprised.” She grinned. “It is especially nice being able to surprise you, I sense how it makes you feel and I never want it to stop.”

I’d had enough of waiting so we left. I was worried that our time together was being eaten up by others. Dommi would either have to mute us or get to be alone. My little love loved being able to flaunt her love for me, walking cuddled up in public, even if she was projected as Dommi. For once she was able to kiss and show her passion in the cab without worrying. Being a bit of a prude, I would have been uncomfortable, if I had not known how special it was to her.

Chapter Thirty One

When we got home she asked me to allow her to project what she had in mind. First she undressed and lay on the bed and asked me to close my eyes. When I opened them, her projection was Maria-Elena. Stunned, not expecting this, I stared at her. She has a lovely, lithe body, so different yet so similar in its immature sexuality. I knelt and taking a look, saw her sex bump is very different from my love’s. The scent though was still the scent of Cherine. I pulled back.

“Sorry darling. I appreciate the gesture and I enjoyed the sight, but tonight I want my Cherine. I would also feel I’m being unfaithful to the girl I love. But if you want, I’ll give you something special to see, if you agree to turn back into my sweet girl. Close your eyes my love.”

As my Cherine closed her eyes I first called Dommi and told her to check us through Cherine’s eyes. As she opened her eyes, Dommi gave it away by her shocked recognition. I was the child Dommi of our special ‘show-me-and-I’ll-show-you Sunday’. My projection was of course far more detailed than hers had been, as I had examined her in all her glory, not just seen her in a shower-room.

Cherine was enchanted at this opportunity to examine her darling Dommi as a child lover. Thanks to the vast improvement in my ability to plumb the depths of my memory for the slightest details, I was able to call back all that I would have sworn I had not noticed at the time, even to such non-physical memories as her scents. Cherine was under an enchantment of her imagination and love. She examined, kissed and breathed in her scents. When she stuck her tongue out to taste her as a little girl, Dommi could be felt to be blushing fiercely. Cherine had almost forgotten it was a projection, as her lust at being with this tiny version of her love sent her reeling from passion to a volcanic craziness.

I noticed that in spite of her loss of reason in her need to enjoy and become part of little Dommi, she was careful not to hurt her little love. Finally we lay alongside each other satiated. Even now she could not stop herself from continuing to touch and taste. She sucked at my breath, tasting the female milky breath which is so much purer, sweeter in a little girl. I allowed her excitement to start building up and pulled back. Her look of bewilderment showed she had forgotten I was the lover. We became aware of Dommi who was broadcasting so strongly I thought all of Athens must be picking her up.

She had also been carried away by the unbalanced passions of her little Cherine. She asked me when can we do this again. Cherine opened her eyes, that direct dark-eyed stare I love so much, upon me. I grinned. *This was my special gift to my little girl. I thought it would mean a lot to her.* *Fuck you, it was more than that, I want it again!* I laughed in my mind as I prudishly sent to her, *My, my, what language Dominique, and in front of the child!*

I saw I was going to lose this battle. I had brought a garden of Eden to both of them - not that it was not sweet for me too. There was no way they would let me stop here. I spoke to Cherine, since Dommi could hear me anyway. I still prefer talking aloud, even do it sometimes when we are communicating mentally.

“Cherine love, my sweet Cherry baby, this was my gift to you for our anniversary. Would you have preferred anything else?"

“I’ll never forget what you did for me tonight. How did you make it so real?”

“You tasted what I have tasted. Those beguiling scents, the intoxicating flavours of her little body were mine to love. With the growth of our abilities comes the gift of being able to unlock from memory all the tiniest details, even those we had not consciously noticed at the time, down to the feel of her light fuzz on her velvety skin.”

“Dommi is right, I want it again and again.”

“What is so special about it that you want it again?” I grinned. “Are you turning into a lover of little girl’s bodies?”

“Don’t be silly, that was my Dommi!”

“So you can now see how I feel about you. After all, you have the grown up Dommi, can you see why I am so desperate not to lose my little Cherry baby?”

I could swear that I felt her gift of empathy deepen, grow stronger. “I did not understand. I’m sorry Robert.”

“See how fast you are growing up? Now you have a new empathy for me from understanding how I feel. Just try to imagine you were a big hairy man like me, how such a cute body would move you.”

“You mean more than it did me?”

“You have me inside you now. Go and examine that part of my love for you and little Dommi. Not now silly.”

It felt as if she is vibrating from her happiness and the love in her for both of us, Dommi and I. “It is like having a time machine.”

“Okay. Here is the deal. I will do this for both of you again. There are a number of possibilities. I could project little Dommi onto the big Dommi.” I felt them both freeze and then flare up at the thought. “I could project her onto you, so that I can have her to love again. Though it was just as marvellous for me this way. I could project her onto you and let Dommi make love to her. But, and this is the point, I will do it only when I offer it as a gift. Not if either of you pester me for it. Understood and agreed?”

They were both unhappy about that. “But why Robert, why can’t we ask?”

“Because I want to have something I can offer, that I know is very special to you both. Once you ask, then it is no longer a gift, but something I have to do so as not to displease you.”

*He is right Cherine, though I think he forgets how useful his gift will be. As you grow up and change, he can have you as he remembers you now, for another thousand years if he wants.* Cherine sent her a grin. *Yes, but I also can have him as I remember him now.*

“Touché my love. Now bye-bye. It is my time to create more special memories.”

*He is desperate to create memories for you to be able to remember him when he was young.* She signed off laughing.

“No she is wrong, you must never get old!”

“Enjoy what you have now, and let the future take care of itself.”

She looked down and grinned expectantly, “And what are you going to do with that?”

“I’m going to pick your cherry. This was the day for it. A special act of giving for a special occasion.”

“I haven’t got a cherry for you to pick!” She was distressed at my wanting something she no longer has to give.

“Half of one you do have. Being a virgin is half in the hymen and the other half is the newness of the experience. I can do nothing about the mind part. As for the other, want to check?”

“Oh this is funny, a pregnant virgin!” She was laughing at the joke of it, but also at the joy of being able to offer herself to me again.

“Will you offer me your virginity, allow me to make you my woman? Will you let me make you hurt and bleed so as to symbolise your love and commitment to me?”

“With all my heart. I want you to be my man forever.”

“Then I accept and offer in return my commitment. I will be your man, to treasure and adore you forever.”

This time I was able to do it as I had always wanted it to be, a re-creation, of sorts, of our memories. This is how we went about it, and though some of it was outrageous playacting, neither of us laughed, we both found it beautiful.

I kept having to stop as she would quickly reach a frenzy. This was driving me crazy. Not only did I have to contend with my own sensations and hers, I was being consumed by both our passions. As she felt herself on the brink of an orgasm, so would I reach the early throbbing of ejaculation. I kept having to take breaks. Her entire body was filmed in a sheen that had nothing to do with the temperature in the room. With both our bodies being at peak health, they were more alive to every possible sensation. Sharing those sensations, having to bear our own plus our partners’ was driving us insane with need. I considered ending the game, but was able to hold on. This I determined is going to be a special occasion and if we both have to go mad from it, so be it. As for Cherine, she could no longer pretend and was uttering small noises and trying to thrust her hips at me.

I soothed her and we lay calming ourselves, letting the passions ebb. It was not of much use, we were both so keyed up that soon as I touched her again we both were on fire. I was desperate to keep the game going, but did not know how to control it. We both felt the cool soothing of Dommi as she came to our rescue. Somehow she was able to drain our desperation, the fires burning in us, without dissipating them, just storing them - or blocking them within ourselves for later. We all sensed that the release of them is going to be an experience beyond anything we have ever been through before. Added to the store were her feelings. We both welcomed and thanked her.

I was now able to resume. Soon the feelings were climbing too high for us and Dommi was able to relax us again, adding it to our stored center of burning fires. She undid my shirt and trousers and I allowed her to take off my clothes. As she took off my underpants she giggled and grabbing the camera, photographed me, a wicked smile on her face.

I buried my face over her, tasting and smelling her. She pulled me away, her face suddenly a wild mask. “No. I can’t wait anymore.”

“You want to become my woman?”


“And will you by mine and only mine, forever and ever?”


“And will you have my babies, hundreds and hundreds of them?” She screamed her yes and grabbed at me. As I positioned myself, I put her little hand to me so that she can guide me.

As I pushed I felt an incredible tightness, it was as if I were trying to tear her flesh. The healer had overdone the change in her, perhaps due to my need to see and feel her as she had been when I first met her. I stopped.

“No, no, push!”

“No. I cannot. It would tear you.”

“I don’t care, now! Now, please!!”

“Wait!” I called on my protector to arrange the necessary elasticity so that I would not damage her and to tell me when she is ready. While waiting, I carried on caressing, careful to not allow her to force me in.

“I’ll kill you! I’m going to die, please Robert, now!!”

“I can’t love. I’m not saying I won’t; I Can’t! My protector would kill me if I tried to hurt you. It will be okay soon, hold on my love.”

Dommi joined me in her soothing of Cherine. She was wild with need, but the threat to me stopped her. I pulled her agonised face to me and kissed her repeatedly, my hands roughly caressing her while murmuring of my love for her, my desperate need for her also. It seemed to take forever.

A sense of relief flooded me and I knew it was finally time. I murmured to her that it is okay now and let her place me back within the entrance. I stared into her eyes.

“Now my love!!”

“Yes, yes!! Now!! Be mine, now!!”

As she spoke she thrust her hips up at me and I slammed through the hymen, lodging myself in one movement. She clung to me, crying.

I waited, giving us time to savour the moment. It was the most delicious sensation for me. It was not just a sexual thing of passion. It was a deep satisfaction, an easement of my need to be part of her, of feeling that I am home. I wanted her to also savour these feelings of mine in addition to her own. She added her own and returned it. As the feelings continued to be augmented, we were thrown into such deep pools of contentment and happiness that we could not move, only our tears the outward evidence of our emotions. I licked up her tears and she did the same for me. We felt Dommi also crying as she shared our emotions. We both sent her our kisses. She actually felt Cherine’s lips on hers.

The ecstatic feelings of pleasure were unbelievable. It took an act of willpower for me to break out of it and start a slow movement. I continued for as long as I felt the pleasure it was giving her, until her own needs became overwhelming.

As our senses began to reel and we were on the verge of exploding like comets able to light up the whole void, I screamed, “Now Dommi, now, let it go!!”

It hit us in an impossible surge of passion, love and lust, the intensity blowing us out of ourselves. As we all three spasmed without any foreseeable ability to stop, we all screamed with the pain of our orgasms and fainted. As I passed out, I felt my protector tilting me to the side so that I would not land on the unconscious body of my baby girl. When I came to, I found the girls had recovered long before me. I had been hit not only with my own blow-out, I had also been slammed with theirs. Their healers told them that we had tried to enjoy passions far in excess of the capabilities of our bodies. If they had not intervened we would have fused our nervous systems, numbing our ability to feel anything sexual.

Two benefits could be said to have come out of this. We now know that pleasure of any kind, if too intense is an unbearable pain. The second is that I somehow forced through to the girls my ability to share their bodies. They are each now able to share and fully participate in all three bodies. I am delighted that so many times, when we experience emotional extremes of love, of needing to be three in one, we open ourselves to new gifts.

They went through the same disorientation I had. I wondered whether they will see their new gift as a blessing or a curse. They both agreed/reassured me, that because of knowing they are closer to me by this gift, they see it as a blessing.

One embarrassment was caused. The parents of Dommi heard her scream and rushed into her bedroom in a panic and saw her convulsing in what they thought was a fit. As her father rushed to the phone for an ambulance, the mother tried to hold her. She soon realised that her daughter was in the throes of intense sexual feelings from the sexual scents of her body and rushed out to cancel the ambulance. I do not know what her explanation to her husband was, but she returned to Dommi and bathed her face with a cool damp towel. Dommi was amused, under her embarrassment, by the envy she felt in her mother.

During that night, we had to go to the kitchen a number of times to nibble at rich foods, like chocolates, halvah, nuts, dried figs and honey, and we kept a two litre bottle of water and glass by the bed for drinking, as we were getting dehydrated from sweating. We also used our healers to keep infusing us with energy as we spent the rest of the night in long bouts of passion, with sweet moments of lying in each other’s arms our only times of rest. It was well into the morning before we had drained ourselves and, I thought, finally satiated slept, even now her sweet body lying upon me.

We spent the afternoon eating, drinking and lying in each others arms. I offered to take her out, maybe to an amusement arcade, but she did not want to, claiming nothing can compare to being alone with me like this. I teased her that she is settling into becoming a real housewife and she was amused, asking me whether having so much sex is the way it is for all wives. She smiled at my reassurances that it is the way it will be for us, and then she told me it is more likely that she is settling into becoming a mother. I did not pedantically argue, for I sensed how happy the thought made her.

She patted her belly. “Robert, how can I love someone so much before they really exist?”

“I suppose it has something to do with the fact that she is a part of you.”

She was amused by my blindness, as she thought of it, but was emoting tender love. “Not me silly. Because she is a part of you that is all mine.”

“I hope not. I hope she can also be mine, at least a little bit?”

She wrapped herself around me tightly. “You are sweet when you get silly like this. I really love you.”

As Dommi told us, her father told her mother he was going out and asked her to meet him, without telling her mother. Her mother also wanted to grab the chance to be alone with her daughter to talk. Dommi rejected our offer to join them. She preferred to face her parents alone. *Not that I will really be alone. The most important parts of you are here with me.*

It was an important moment, so we were fully linked when her mother came in.

“You want to ask me whether I am pregnant?” That is my girl, always facing problems directly in her honest fashion.

“No. I know you are. You are not getting married are you?”

“No Mamá.”

“What do we tell your father. He will have a heart attack.”

“I’ll do it Mamá.” She gave her a hug. “Are you very angry with me Mamá?”

“You are my daughter.” To her, that was the only explanation necessary. I/we felt Dommi needing more than that. Cherine picked up my secret thoughts and sent a wave of love to Claire. It worked, she felt a need to show it to her daughter.

“I was pregnant with Nicko before marrying your father so I do understand Dominique; I feared for a time and did not want you to go through that. What I do not understand is why you will not marry. How can a little child, that sweet little girl, stop you from wanting to marry. For goodness sake, she is only a child, it is not as if he is in love with her or could marry her?”

“No Mamá. There is something very special about the way they love each other, but that is not what stops us from marrying. He is like a father to her and I would love to be a mother to her. Please trust me, it is impossible for me to marry him. I will have his child, or children, I will live with him, but I will not marry him.”

“The world is changing too fast for me. You young people think you know about life and make your own minds up, you do not want to listen to your parents anymore. You will see one day that we did know what we were talking about.”

Dommi squeezed her hand. “But I do know it already. And I do love you very much. I just cannot marry him Mamá.”

“You hurt your father very much, that day with the television people at our front door. When you said for all of Greece to hear, ‘goodbye’ to us, it broke his heart.”

“You also broke my heart mother. You let all of Greece see you would not open your door to me.”

Claire sighed, remembering the pain it had caused her having to stand by her husbands’ decision. “I know, we were both wrong. It is better we forget the past. We must now plan for your future. Agapoula mou, you do know that whatever else happens, your father and I will love your child very much?”

“I know, I was sure you would, and I’ll see to it that she spends time with both of you so that she loves you at least as much as I do. Roberto will care for me Mamá. He is a very good man. He is special, do you think I would do this for anyone who is not special?”

When they had cried a bit in each others arms, Dommi left to find her father.

“Ah kori mou, sit. I need to talk with you. I asked to meet you alone as I do not want to break your mother’s heart, you know how sensitive my Claire is.”

“You want to talk about Roberto and me?”

“In a way. Daughter, if you live with him and you are a wife in every way except for getting the piece of paper and going to church to get married, you could become pregnant. What will the two of you do then?”

“It is not the two of us father. It is the three of us. Cherine, the little girl is an important part of us, we are a family.”

“Dominique, I know you love her, even I could see that. But you cannot be her mother. She has a mother. I asked you what you will do if you get pregnant. Are you going to break your mother’s heart and still refuse to get married?”

“I will do what I am doing now. Would you still love me father? Even if I disgraced you with a grandchild? Would you love my child?”

Elia did not react to her question with unease, all we sensed was worry, plus a calm flow of love. “Nicko asked me. He got me thinking about it. I have realised you are my child, whatever you do I will always love you. If you have a child, it will be my grandchild. A child is once your child, a grandchild is twice your child. How can you ask me? Of course I will love him. But that does not mean you must rush off and get pregnant!”

“It is too late for that father.”

“What do you mean?…You are pregnant?” His face was ashen. He discovered that it is different being brave about a theoretical possibility and having to face a fact. Still, his love was strong enough for him to recover.

She tried to be gentle, faced with his distress. “Father, I am so sorry to hurt you. I am going to spend the rest of my life with Roberto. It was bound to happen. It did happen. Nearly three months ago. Mother does know, she guessed last night, but was afraid you would be hurt. Will you be brave for her sake please?”

He nodded, dumb with the shock. I nodded to Cherine. He needed a tonic. She sent him our warm feelings of love and his face took on some colour again.

Cherine turned from them to me. “You got so angry with me for manipulating Dommi. Lately you keep on making me manipulate people!”

“Do you remember the word? Exten..? circumstances?”

“You want to play word games - now!?”

“If you keep getting any smarter and your tongue any sharper, I am going to have to learn to keep silent.”

She was immediately contrite, but could not prevent herself from taking another dig at me. “I’m sorry. I was just trying to be humorous. I suppose you can’t help it if my brain is getting more brilliant than yours. I’ll have to try to be more careful of making you look stupid.”

I felt like I was being a daddy again as I told her, “There is one important thing you need to learn before you become an adult. I am being serious now Cherine. People who love you and those who do not, each for their own reasons, will flatter you. Those who love you, like me, will try to build up your confidence and self-esteem by telling you things like, you are so beautiful, or, you are brilliant. If you take all of it at face value without preserving a hold on reality, without preserving an inner sense of modesty and what you know about yourself, you will end up making a fool of yourself. I’m not telling you to never enjoy the flattery and neither am I saying you are not more special than you think you are, but, think about why people tell you things you want to hear.”

Her self defence is often to attack instead of thinking about what was said. Afterwards she does think on it, so it usually does not upset me. This time her sense of humour was part of it. “You have shot yourself in the foot now Robert. How are you ever going to be able to convince me again that you mean it when you say things like that to make me confident?”

“I concede. Guess I am lucky you are so bright; the way I keep on messing up, no wonder I can’t even best a little smarty-pants; at least we have someone with brains to save the situation. And don’t you dare say it, I know you detect a bit of self-pity. If you look deeper though, my love, you will see under everything is such a pride in you it sometimes chokes me.”

As we talked and lovingly teased, we felt Dommi at home with both parents. When she arrived at a level of understanding and acceptance by them, we were made happy by the change in her. The fear of losing them again had been eating away at her, even at moments of group contentment, and we rejoiced with her.

Cherine, in her insatiable manner, soon converted that to a warmth that emanated from her position on my lap. Soon our hands were straying and I was feverishly kissing her. I picked up her long hair and nibbled and blew soft kisses on the nape of her neck. I carried her to our bed.

While making love in the early hours of this morning, maybe because it was not as intense, I had sensed behind her excitement, that she wants something, but fears that certain parts of her might disgust me. First Dommi and now her, how many ‘secret’ problems are they hiding from me? It is the price of allowing each of us some privacy. I may not like it, but it is not something I will ever try to change. I did not speak of what I sensed, for it is something that will fade away over the many times of our future loving. If not, then I will speak.

I also realised, later, that it means our mental sharing had not been as total as I’d assumed, it seems our minds insist on protecting us, hiding what we do not want the other to know about us - and maybe that part of our mind does know better than we do. As long as we are willing to allow the other to hold back a tiny corner of the mind so as to have secrets, which in a way is necessary for us to remain mentally healthy, this will be true for us, not because of any failing in our abilities to sense and share all of ourselves. I wonder why no novels about telepathy have mentioned something as important as this. I guess it is necessary for telepathy to become a fact of life for certain aspects of it to become known.

I lay on my side and we looked at each other. I was tired, but she was puzzled and a little hurt at my physical evidence of not wanting her - as she saw it.

It was all I needed to be flooded by tenderness. I pulled her to me. She clung to me desperately and her heart beating at a faster rate than an adult’s, as is normal at her age, her sweet smelling warmth, all combined to evoke what is fast becoming an instinctive response. I buried my face in her hair and gave to her heart all the love in mine. She kissed my chest and then her lips found my nipple and she began suckling. At first it brought her a sense of comfort. Her little fists were clutching and letting go and clutching, her nails digging in. I softly rubbed her back in circular motions. Ever so slowly her suckling altered, her tongue turning it into something erotic. Her little fists began to rub more than clutch.

I brought one of her hands to my lips and kissed the palm. Keeping it slow, in a dream-like trance my lips trailed to her fingertips. I had deliberately stayed out of her mind, allowing her the sweetness of her baby comforts. I slipped back in and felt the queasy feeling of sexual longing in her lower belly. As I adapted, I realised there was an ache in her arms, her legs. Her whole body was singing of her need for me.

I lightly bit the back of her neck and I clung to her sweet form under me as I shuddered. In return, she bit on my finger, deep into the bone, gripping me in her spasms. As she gradually relaxed, she turned as I lay next to her and shrank herself into my hug.

“How did your finger become so salty, did you project that?”

I smiled. The healer had already repaired me. She guessed and rubbed her fingers against her lips and saw the blood. “You’re not cross?”

“You joking? You pay me the biggest compliment and I should get cross? Not that I want you to do it too often. I thought you were going to bite it off for a moment. The pain became a fire in my insides, but I don’t want that kind of fire too often.”

As I hugged her I gave a phantom hug and kiss to Dommi. I missed the warmth of her next to me.

I was half asleep when Cherine moved. I had thought kids need more sleep than adults! She was going to make a long night of it again, but it was her last night alone with me. With the thought ‘that’s my insatiable baby’ I resumed the pleasures of my duty. My poor healer was going to be busy this night.

The next morning Dommi walked in and stripping, lay next to us, holding both of us in her loving arms. “I missed you both.”

Cherine climbed onto her and her head resting on her one breast, her leg lay between Dommi’s legs.

I called out in pretend alarm, “Watch out Dommi. Our baby is totally insatiable. She’s going to try to excite you into wild frenzies of sex. She is completely degenerate.”

“And who made me like that?”

“Oh, so now I am the one to blame. Don’t fall for that Dommi. She has lied to us. She pretended her powers were of love and empathy - her real power is of exerting a fatal sexual attraction and then she’ll lead you into the most depraved acts you can imagine. That is it! All you have to do is imagine something new and she’ll drive you insane until you’ve done it with her. Keep your mind blank.”

Dommi reacted to my humour seriously, as she mostly does - which, now that I think of it, may be her kind of humour. “There is nothing I can imagine or that she would want, that I would not want to do with her.”

“Oh shit! Too late. She’s got to you too.”

Dommi looked at me and stretched her other arm to me, welcoming me to her. With a little tomcat in her one arm and a weary man in her other she held us. Cherine and I could sense her need, so I recharged myself and soon it was a contest that sometimes got mixed up as we would also get at each other.

In one of those moments that we took a breather so as to cool down, I remembered their latest gift. “Why have you girls been muting the sensations of my body in you?”

Cherine answered, “I wanted all of us to be together.”

Dommi however had a more practical reason. “I find it confusing. That thing of yours sticks out of the body and so many of the feelings are out there. It feels weird. I also wanted we all agree to do it at the same time.”

“Thanks girls. I wonder what will happen. If I am simultaneously feeling your bodies as part of mine, but you are feeling my body in yours, you should be able to feel your bodies in mine. The same in me. Feeling three bodies is confusing, if we feel six bodies we will get lost, and if we mirror it to infinitum I would imagine it could become nauseating.”

It is amazing how our mind deceives us. When I feel the body of, let’s say, Dominique, I feel her breasts on my chest, her sexual organs where mine are. Yet it is from their brain that I pick up the sensations. As they opened to me, I picked up their body sensations that were overlaid by my body sensations, which were overlaid by the sensations of their bodies that were overlaid by sensations of my body until I could not identify myself as having either male or female genitalia. We had to stop.

“That was a flop. It made me feel like I’d been neutered. We will have to take turns. I’ve had the experience of being female, I think it is only fair the two of you have the experience of being male. Cherine, now you will be able to feel what I’m feeling when my face is ‘cross’. My climax may be similar in certain aspects, but at the same time it is very different. I hope you enjoy it.”

I took it slowly, starting with tactile sensations, letting them compare what it feels like to me as a male to be caressing the softness of Dommi, her breasts, her body. The scents of her womanhood. The delight of her mouth when we kiss. I then turned to Cherine. I ran my fingers softly over her velvety skin, the light fuzz of her legs. The taste and feel of my sensitive lips on her lips. I tried to show them the delight I get from feeling their tummies which are starting to bulge, how the thought that my baby is in there stimulates and arouses me.

I let them enjoy all the nuances of their sexuality and its effects on me, until the rising need in me and them became overwhelming. They both agreed it was Dommi’s turn. We all came together in one beautiful blast. We lay heaped over each other in our sweaty exhaustion, our hearts beating in each other.

The girls continued, for a while, running their hands over me in joyous gratitude at the pleasure and range of sensations my body and mind derived from theirs. Cherine curled up in my arms and yawned. “Now I can sleep, I was missing Dommi.”

Dommi tenderly caressed Cherine's little face, “I thought you guys would get fed up. You wanted to be alone, but I kept getting mixed up in your loving...”

Cherine spoke vehemently, “No! I never want you to be away.”

I said, “Oh yes, she will do it again and so will you baby. And if the two of you want to be alone, so will I.” That galvanised them, they both jumped up, wide awake again. I could feel in Dommi that she was irritated by what I’d said, but Cherine was only upset.

Cherine called out, “Never!!”

As I’ve often said, I get pedantic, as if others always need me to explain in detail (is it because I don’t want to believe they don’t agree with me?). “Why not. There is nothing wrong in your loving each other without me around. All such moments would do is deepen your love for each other, which would make me happy.”

Dommi saw I did not understand, despite her having previously explained, or else she saw through me and that it is my fear that they will love each other more than me that pushes me, so she tried again. “Are all men as stupid as you? You don’t even have an excuse. Most men say they don’t understand women. You are a man and woman. You are in us, you know how we think and feel. How can you have not seen that, deeply as we two love each other, our sexual loving of each other is always a part of loving you. You can have us both or one of us at a time. Neither would ever want to be anything other than friends and sisters to each other without you around. You are our husband, not our brother.”

Deep inside, I still did not know how much of what she was saying was just to keep my male ego happy. They both gave impatient sighs. “Just look next time, you foolish sweetie.”

They both made sure there were plenty ‘next times’ for the rest of the week, as they were our last days before school starts. As much as they drained me, as much as they filled my hours with their sweet presence, I claimed I did not ‘see’. The truth is, I keep having a feeling that they resist the loving of each other because of a subconscious fear it will label them lesbians. I had to throw out that theory when I remembered that such a worry would certainly not be any part of what worries or motivates little Cherine. I also wondered about the reasons I’ve been pushing so hard. It is not as if I want them to love each other so as to stop loving me.

I had to go to central Athens to buy paints, canvas and so on and took some time on my own - I went a couple of blocks from Syntagma Square, by Voukourestiou and Panepistimiou and sat in Zonars, where mostly men sit drinking coffee, reading newspapers or talking. I hoped the totally different and somewhat old fashioned atmosphere would help me think more clearly.

I came to accept that whether the girls are right or whether my arguments are, what matters is what they want, and that I don’t have the right to try to force them into doing or being what I think they really want. I could also see how much of what is driving me is hypocritical, which helped me stop being such a pest. As the girls felt me, I sensed how they also relaxed, glad that I can accept them as they are.

I did manage to convince them that I am right about them having time alone, just the two of them. I explained that it does not need to be for sex. I want them to go out to the shops, cook together and even watch tv on their own. As I think they’ve understood, those little intimacies are precious and give more depth to all relationships.

Next Post 025

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
18th March, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 18th March, 2019

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