Little Cherine Book 10 - BPost075

As Stone had privately campaigned, they insisted the principalities remain individual states, the current princes remaining in power, but to remain subject to the rule of the Federal Government and their king.

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Edward was both elated and dismayed by the announcement. His first worry was that his brother would think he had promoted the concept to keep his principality. Stone drew him aside. “Consider this the final gift from Arrend, the idea was his. Prince Edward, he did not only insist on this being promoted by me behind the scenes for your sake, he did so for the sake of our people. For months he has talked to me about his ideas on how Britain should be ruled. He feared one centralised authority could lead to the government giving itself more and more powers over our people, so he asked me to promote the idea of principalities as states, just as the Americans have done. I did not agree that it would prevent the government stealing our rights, but I do agree that his solution does have some merit in that the princes should be able to slow down the process - if not for any idealistic reasons, then in an effort to prevent the loss of their own authority.”

“Your thinking has deepened, you and Ferdin will serve our people well.”

She shuddered. “I need some time alone to grieve.”

“Make of your service to the people, a tribute to him. Stone, he spoke to me of your talent, which he claimed was greater than his. He would be pleased to know you are painting and developing your artistic talent. Paint us his portrait, I wish to have it as a reminder of my friend. Us princes are not often blessed with true friends.”

Her eyes filled. “I promise.”

The date set was May seventeenth, so the British contingent decided they should return home. Edward decided they should return by ship, as he wanted to avoid reminding Stone of her trips with Arrend. Edward had prepared in advance and as their coach from Dover arrived within the city, the crowds were waiting to give Stone a hero’s welcome. They were both caught by surprise when his elder brother George appeared. (An aside: we do not know why it happened this way but, for some reason pertinent to this reality, the names of the two brothers have been switched. I’m not aware of the manner in which the names of royal children are chosen, so I cannot venture a reason for it happening.) Although he was only eight years senior he looked much older and Stone felt that deep within he was weary. He has the charm of a king and courteously took her fingers in his hand.

“Your description, which reached across the sea from Germany to our court, does not do you justice. Lady Stone, our sincerest condolences on the loss of your husband. All of Britain mourns his loss with you.”

“Thank you. I…I’m not a lady, just a soldier.”

“And a remarkable one at that, but nonetheless a lady. We are twice in your debt, for Edward is much loved by us.” He leant closer and confided, “We regret it is necessary we hold a brief ceremony for us to officially thank you, for all you and your husband have done for our country. The people demand it.”

Pappou grabbed hold of Cassie, squeezing her as we watched Stone on our screens receiving her medal and a posthumous medal for Arrend. She controlled her emotions and the only sign of how she felt was the way in which she clutched his medal, her fingers white.

To wait for May would have been unfair to Stone. We waited until she was alone at home and then Robbie spoke directly to her mind. *My love, I am so proud of you.*

She gave a cry and looked around wildly. “Arrend!”

*Do you wish for me to return to you?*

“I’m going mad! Yes…can you?”

He sheathed himself, jumped to her and gradually made himself visible. “See? I’ll do anything for you my love.”


We shared their night together through Robbie. It was unbelievably beautiful, their passions only incidental to their emotions. Secretly Stone decided that her grief has driven her over the edge and that she is insane, his appearance only an illusion created by her deranged mind, but she clung to the illusion ferociously, not wanting it to ever end. “My love?” He tilted her chin so that she looked at him. “Jade my love.” As he spoke her name, her block fell away and she cried out. All grief vanished as her heart soared and her mind joined ours.

The first one to have his block removed was Ferdin. He trembled without speaking, his mind racing through his memories. He bent his head. “Your death caused us much pain, sir.”

“You call yourself a servant, but you have shown yourself to be a better friend than most friends ever are. I hope you wish to join us as a Cherinian.”

They waited for Ferdin to walk to the palace as he did not wish to be jumped there. He asked to meet the prince, but was told he is with his brother and cannot be informed of his request. Patiently he sat, waiting to be granted audience or for Robbie or Jade to change their instructions. Time might have dawdled for Ferdin, but it swept by too quickly for Robbie and Jade. We shared their amusement when they examined their home, for seeing it with the eyes of Jade and Robbie made it seem different and even archaic in certain ways. However strange it looked to us, to them it remained beautiful because of their memories.

“As Stone, did you imagine our prince was a matchmaker at heart?”

She laughed. “All I can recall is how angry he made me with this stupid door. For this once I’m glad I believed in your assumption - that you treated as fact. It was Cherine you were recalling.”

He grinned back at her. “My dear Stone, I see you still need to learn to think deeper. When we lay down on the mountain, I was concentrating on my love for you so that I don’t end up loving some stranger.” Sheepishly she admitted she’d done the same.

Since those of the ‘high’ society are only seen after eleven, visitors began to call on them near lunchtime. Robbie hid in the bedroom, but shared with Jade. Mostly those who called on her were of the council they served on. They had to restrain themselves and not giggle, for nearly all of them had always opposed everything they’d proposed and now they were at pains to explain how they had always admired their bright ideas and new perspectives. The biggest surprise occurred at about three in the afternoon. Lord Gavah appeared, his family with him. Gently he asked if he may visit for a short time to offer his condolences. Jade showed them to the sitting room.

“It must appear presumptuous of me to call on you.”

“Not at all, I am glad you did. Arrend and I have often wished there was a way for us to reach out to you.”

“Lady Stone, I am a weak man. I listened to friends and allowed myself to swell up with pride and self importance, seeing myself as the power behind the prince I was to install, as they described me as being. I have now understood they chose me expressly for the reason that I am easily swayed to the opinions of others and susceptible to flattery.”

She shook her head, amazed. “My husband has always maintained that within every enemy lives a friend, if we can find a way to know him, to reach into his heart. I’m glad you offered me the opportunity.”

“I have brought my family with so that my children may witness what I have to say. Lady Stone, I apologise for all the trouble I caused you.”

“Trouble? But Lord Gavah, I should be the one to thank you. If not for your attack, I doubt the prince would have realised I am more than just a female. Thanks to you, a very good man became my friend. Two if I include Swivin.” She laughed. “Actually, three if I include Ferdin. You would have been wise to listen to Ferdin instead of so-called friends.” She stuck out her hand. “Let us be friends. Please do take a seat, I’d like to get to know your family.”


They talked for half an hour and Jade played a hunch. “How would you like to be loved by the populace and perhaps become a friend of Prince Edward? Have you the courage to argue for reforms needed for the poor and take a stand against your peers? The council Arrend and I were members of, is now short of people who care enough to fight for those who neither have money nor a voice that can be heard. Will you be their voice?”

Overcome by emotion he accepted her offer and made rash promises - or so they seem to us. Perhaps he will prove us wrong? Once he left, Robbie came out shaking his head. “That must be the surprise of the day! Well done love.”

“I don’t think we’ll see the prince today, shouldn’t we let Ferdin know he can return?”

Prince George departed the next morning and Edward was busy catching up with all that had piled up and needed taking care of urgently. Two days later Swivin called on Stone to let her know that Edward asked to see her that afternoon. When she arrived by his private chambers, she could barely control a grin of anticipation and even Ferdin had a gleam of amusement in his eyes. The guard opened the door and Prince Edward strode forward to take her hands in his.

“It is good to see you looking so well. I’ve been swamped with visitors all eager to benefit from the changes to come, but I have been concerned about you, are you well?”

She grinned. “I’ve also had numerous visitors - you won’t believe who came to see me. I should mention I’ve asked him to take my place on the Council.”

He frowned in thought. “I cannot imagine who you would choose.”

“Lord Gavah.”

He flushed in anger. “I will never approve his appointment! Have you taken leave of your senses?”

“Arrend approved him, so I’m certain you will. Allow me to explain.”

He turned solicitous, coming to the realisation she’d snapped under her grief. “Of course my dear. Do take a seat. Uh, Ferdin isn’t it, do sit.” He looked into Ferdin’s eyes, expecting to see confirmation of what he thought, thinking it was the reason for his presence, that he was here to care for her. He was annoyed to see amusement. “Tell me the reason for his visit.” She did, adding her own thoughts. He sat without speaking, stood up and walked to the windows, looking out upon the gardens. “I think you are too trusting. I will be judged insane if I agree to his appointment.”

“Not if you mention you are doing it because Arrend and I asked you to give him the opportunity to make up for his past mistakes.”

He turned to her. “I’ll agree if that is what you really want, god knows, you ask for such a little that it is an embarrassment.”

“My prince, Arrend would like to visit, may he join us?”

He faltered, not knowing whether he should cater to her illusions or not. He sat next to her and took her hands in his. “My dear, I know it is difficult to accept his loss, but Arrend is dead.”

“Show me his body.”

“What? It was stolen, you know that.”

“It was stolen by Arrend. He is alive my dear Edward.” Even Swivin frowned at her for being so familiar. “Arrend my love, please join us.”


As Robbie jumped into the room both men froze in shock. Robbie gave a slight bow. “Edward, Swivin, still friends?” Their blocks fell away. It took minutes for them to recover.

Edward drew himself to his full height, almost regal in his anger. “You made us suffer all this time without reason? I have had to bear the pain of her grief without reason?”

“There was reason enough my friend, the freedom of your country surely takes precedence? We’ve been waiting three days for you to be free to see us.” Robbie felt him and took a quick few steps forward and hugged him. Edward hugged him back fiercely.

They needed time to rejoice and recover and Robbie made certain they had that time. When he sensed questions begin to fill their minds, he pulled Jade to him and we sent him a cup of coffee and cigarettes. He grinned and lit up.

“Edward, how do we deal with Stone? I want her with us as Jade when we appear to negotiate with the governments of your world. How will you explain her absence?” His grin widened. “Why not announce that she has left to join Arrend?”

Swivin spoke first. “There are a number of men among our guards who not only admire her, but are very fond of her. Even among the general population there are many who care for her. Would you have them suffer, Robert?”

He looked into her eyes. “Would it feel good to see how many care for you?” She did not need to answer. He shrugged. “Edward, why not allow Swivin to spread the word that you’ve sent her off on a secret mission?”

“And have all the princes arm their men in preparation for war? The Europeans would probably descend on us like locusts and interrogate us.”

“Hmm, I was hoping to wait for May before putting in an appearance.”

“We must wait Robert.” Jade earnestly insisted. “I’ll stay here. After all, I can spend most of my time in Freddie with you.”

“Not if Stone does the work she should. Jade my love, you must prepare the people for the changes. You will have to spend your days teaching them about the dangers of government and try to teach them to think for themselves.”

Wary again, Edward asked, “Exactly what are you planning Robert?”

“She should resign from the Council and travel around the country teaching people what it means to be free. Most people don’t know Edward, they only think of freedom as opening up a range of choices. They do not realise that freedom means they are responsible for all their government does in their name. She must teach them the warrior code that places responsibility on those who would truly be free. She should promote the formation of Councils resembling yours in purpose. Her speeches have been prepared by others of our world and adjusted by the alien scientists who have studied your world, so that her words achieve the maximum impact. I do regret that it means she will be hated by those about to take positions of power and some of that hatred could be reflected upon yourself.”

He waved a hand, dismissing his concern. “Are they likely to take action against her?”

“Yes. In some principalities she could be forced to leave, but in some they might imprison her.”

“Any who do, I would be forced to declare war on them.”

Robbie grinned. “A prince who is impetuous! No my friend, you will not need to fight on her behalf. As soon as they lock the cell, she will be seen walking the streets again. If they try to kill her, she will vanish to reappear a hundred feet away. This time Stone does not play according to the rules, she will frighten those who wish ill of her.”


“And when Freddie appears and I am seen among them, they will know Cherinians interfered in their politics?”

“You already have Jade. None will believe Stone and Arrend did not know who they are.”

“I’ll vanish from cells Robert, but I will not do anything to show I have powers they should fear. Let my words be my sword.” She was not really paying attention to what she was saying, as she had a feeling Robbie was manipulating them into doing what he had already planned.

“That’s a good logo, we must build it into your speeches. Edward, I’ll mostly be concentrating on Jade, would you be happy with Samantha as your secret advisor?”

He hesitated. “You have determined I am not to be free anymore?”

Startled, Robbie tried to work out how he could have been misunderstood so badly. “I don’t know what has given you that impression.”

“After watching the tellings, do you think I will be free to refuse her anything? You want me to be the same as you, a tool for Samantha to manipulate?” Not much point in my saying I owe him one, so he made his joke with impunity and all in Freddie are having a good laugh at my expense. Them I don’t mind that much, but I do not think it was nice of Robbie to roar with laughter.

Stone was only made welcome at the first principality she visited. The prince, a cousin of Edward, did not know how to react when she began making her speeches. He did not like what was being reported to him, but he was aware she is the darling of all of Britain and Europe. He tried, with the help of his lords and ladies, to invite her to so many dinners and parties that she will not have the time or energy to make speeches. She made speeches at the parties and, having her Cherinian endurance back, spent her days making speeches to the public wherever she could. He summoned her to an audience.

“We cannot find the words to express our joy at your taking the trouble to visit us. Your presence has honoured us and been most illuminating and I wish it were possible for you to stay with us for a greater length of time. However, I have been advised that you must be considered as belonging to the Royalty of Britain, since the Europeans and our princes have declared you a Lady. Under the Charter that created our small principality, there is a clause that states no person of the aristocracy from a different principality is allowed to endeavour to gain support within any principality outside their own. I am aware that you are not seeking support for yourself and are only attempting to educate our people and prepare them for freedom, but, it is the opinion of our legal and state advisors that the European committee might misconstrue what you are doing and interpret your speeches as an attempt to sway the populace to your beliefs, in the hope of securing their support for when a central government is formed. Not only will they punish you, but they would have grounds for punishing us by removing me as the prince of our principality. I regret I must ask you to desist from any further speeches and suggest you continue your journey to the next principality. I would welcome your return after May and the coronation - if our king has no objection.” He had prepared an honour guard and she was escorted to the border.

The next prince is known as having a short fuse and after a week he angrily sent soldiers to arrest her while she was in the main square talking to a crowd. The crowd reacted, despite her pleas for them to remain peaceful, and a number of people were hurt. From her cell she jumped to Freddie. “I can’t continue if it means other people will be harmed.”

“We’ve already healed them and everyone is claiming their sudden return to full health is thanks to you - increasing your standing and popularity. I doubt any other prince will try that tactic.”


Jade returned to the same principality and square and she was soon surrounded by a crowd. This time she was allowed to speak for as long as she wanted and the crowd escorted her to the inn she was staying in and a ring of men surrounded the inn all night. We had not intended nor foreseen this possibility and Robbie asked her to move on. The next prince diplomatically provided her with a wooden stand and told her she was welcome to stay and give as many speeches as she wants - as long as she only does so from the stand he has provided and at the specific location he has chosen for her. He made a point of boasting that he has chosen the most central area for her, so Stone had no excuse for defying him - or so he thought. Soldiers in the surrounding streets controlled who was allowed to enter the square and her audience was made up of only soldiers in civil clothes.

Jade asked for volunteers. Nine of us joined her, looking exactly like her. She gave her speeches to the soldiers while we repeated them all over town. The prince had her escorted to him.

“We have been generous and allowed you to make your speeches under conditions meant to avoid our people being wounded, as I hear happened in another principality. You agreed to our terms and now we are informed that you are speaking in numerous parts of our city. That was not honourable!”

“My prince, there must be witnesses that I spoke all day at the place appointed by you. Are you claiming it has been reported I spoke elsewhere?”

The prince conferred with the captain of his guards and her words were confirmed. He lost his aplomb. “I do not understand. It is claimed that you appeared in another nine different locations - all at the same time!”

She looked thoughtful for a short while. “What if the Europeans have sent people who look like me? If you arrest them, how would it affect your relationship with them?” When she returned to her room at the inn she left behind her some very confused and disturbed people and she spent half the night chuckling to herself.

The next morning they had confirmation from the European representative that they are not involved or backing Stone in any way, but they demanded caution as she has very important friends in many countries. The advisor of the prince demanded to know whether they were allowed to stop her and the representative hinted that the leaders of the three most influential governments in Europe would not like her subversive messages to reach Europe.

Jade went underground.

Able to know when and where those the authorities sent were, she was able to ‘escape’ just in time and a myth grew up around her. What amazed many of our alien friends was the way even the most law abiding men and women cheered for her in private when they heard of how she’d foiled another effort to have her arrested. Where her words would have been ignored by the majority, by her persecution and her agile escapes, she became a heroine to the people and her words started being repeated by countless idealists. Her ideas were argued across the British Isles and even in places she never appeared she gained converts. They named themselves the ‘Stones of Britain’ and we had a laugh when they adopted the Stonehenge as their symbol.

Wherever Stone went, she exhorted her followers to avoid violence of any form. She talked of the many ways they can use peaceful means to force the changes they want and mostly she was obeyed, with one of us quick to appear in her guise if anyone tried to use violence. When ‘Stone’ (mostly Haven, her most enthusiastic supporter) calmly walked into situations where violence was imminent and stopped them, somehow always escaping, even if she’d taken a position between the mob and guards, the more conservative classes began to support her. By May her movement had swelled and was even being exported to Europe by the lower officials residing in Britain. We were providing all the Stones with pamphlets and by the time of coronation it became a crime to be found with such a pamphlet. All the actions the authorities were taking were strengthening her position and a few names became known as her followers and organisers of peaceful resistance. It had reached the point where it was rarely necessary for Stone to appear, the movement having achieved such a momentum that only the requested changes by the newly elected Federal Government of Britain could stop it.


We prepared ourselves for a hectic period once we’ve announced ourselves, so Jade stayed with us, not visiting her supporters anymore. We were being foolish, for we did not think ahead. After weeks went by without Stone appearing, rumours grew that she has been either been imprisoned or that she has been assassinated. Her supporters turned ugly, demanding the authorities prove she is alive and release her if she is imprisoned. The first acts of violence took place and we had to rush to prevent any deaths and heal all those hurt, whether soldiers, guards or of the public. Stone had to appear simultaneously in over thirty locations so that word would reach all as quickly as possible. She sorrowfully condemned those who’d turned to violence and stressed that whether she is imprisoned or killed, even if the government kill her supporters, they must keep the upper moral position and use peaceful means to make their demands. She then warned them she will not appear again for a long time as she wants them to prove they have learnt the lessons she had been teaching them. Cassie joked that if Gandhi exists in this reality we’ll have to apologise to him for stealing his ideas.

It is now July, current reality, and we think it is time to present ourselves. At the first sitting of the British federal parliament, they tabled a number of motions for laws to be amended or new laws to be added that ensure the human rights of the individual. There is a debt to prince Edward that cannot ever be acknowledged, as he pressured his brother to request these changes - despite the two of them having a bitter argument that has left Edward out of the circle that influences George.

Freddie appeared in their skies (at first over Europe) on the 6th of July, at the request of Jade. She wanted it to occur on that date in honour of our Wendy and Candy (their birthday). Edward made a serious mistake that I hope nobody else picks up on. He instantly issued a statement, advising his people they should not fear, that the apparition in their skies is friendly. In turn, Freddie contacted governments all over the world and reassured them we pose no danger for their world and to the contrary have much to offer. He did stress that we were not looking to trade, but that we want to help them grow without damaging their planet. He mentioned that as a sign of our goodwill, we will be providing every single person a food machine. He sternly suggested the governments do not try to impose a tax on the possession or use of such machines. They were advised they can respond on the same broadcasting bands and signed off.

Robbie complained that science fiction has come true on this world before science fiction was invented. Now there will be no alien bugs from space coming to eat ‘humans’ and so on. He then wondered what all the great science fiction writers of our reality will find to write about if they exist here. That led to some interesting speculation which turned to humour when Samuel King asked Allan what he thinks his alternate will do without a book to write anymore. Of course Allan has not been born at this time and now is not likely to. That was what led to the jokes as we teased him about an aborted Allan wandering through time feeling lost and useless. He replied there is no reason why any alternate of his should not share his fate. That got his girls going at him.

Edward was asked to walk the streets of his little city. He did so with four guards, Swivin among them. As they entered a large square, a silver sphere swooped down out of the sky and hovered above them. “Prince Edward, we have watched you do your duty to your people and help reverse the decision of the Europeans, freeing your country. The Cherinians ask that you visit them. Will you do us the honour?”


“It would be my honour.”

“Bravely said Prince Edward. Please ask one guard of your choice to stand next to you and have the rest move away.”

Swivin looked around. “There have been times I thought I’d only dreamt this.”

Edward laughed. “I’ve also wondered about my sanity at times. Swivin, I hate to stand on ceremony but you are here as Captain of the Palace Guards.”

“I understand sire.”

Only then did we jump close to them and walk over. “Prince Edward, welcome to Freddie, the world and spaceship of all Cherinians. I am Robert Teller and this is my family.”

“You have that many children, but no wives sir?”

Robbie laughed. “We’ll explain in a short while, we prefer to talk in comfort, would you join us at our home for a drink and later on for a meal?”

The cameras were recording of course so that we could show his ‘first’ arrival in Freddie to the world below, using our own screens on the streets of every city. We don’t call it being deceitful, we just explain it with the word politics. Edward is obviously well versed in the art of pretending lack of knowledge, but Swivin kept quiet, only speaking if addressed directly. We spoke of the events we’d watched and our admiration for this world that solves their problems peacefully and honourably. We spoke of them being good examples for other worlds. That brought us to the explanation of realities. Although they both had learnt all we spoke of from the tellings and previous conversations, they did not pretend an avid interest, we could sense their wonder and excitement.

“Prince Edward, you have been here five hours and your people are concerned about your safety. Would you speak a message for Freddie to broadcast?”

“You can reach our radios? They do not have a range much larger than my principality.”

“The range is not a problem for us.” He spoke his reassurances and added comments about great changes being in store for their world - all for the better. I hope they do not have the equivalent of Campbell and others like him, so that his words are true without qualifications.

“We have advised your king that you will be arriving in London and he has agreed to meet you. Edward, we will be watching all the time. If any attempts are made against your lives we will protect both of you. Please do not react with violence should there be such an attempt.”

We could have jumped them directly into Buckingham Palace, but we chose to send them in a glowing platform. It seems royal families are normal at least in one way. They rushed to their balconies to see the golden sphere as it settled on the ground. Within minutes Edward and Swivin were closed in a room with the king, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence. Our two friends spoke of us in glowing terms, giving them some ideas of our powers but mostly speaking of the many ways we can help improve life for all. Our first request was not onerous, we asked that the ambassadors of all the major powers gather for our ambassador to meet with them. Our isi-mi will act as our ambassador with an Anadir, an Elipian and a Muyzith as her advisors.

The meeting held no great surprises for us from our side. isi-mi suggested they form a United Nations representing all nations of their planet. In the meantime, we offered to bring our own embassy to Earth for the large number of meetings to be held until they are ready. This will be the only Earth where our embassy will not be situated in Greece, we will use the principality of Edward as our base. Athens does not have the infrastructure and it would take them years to be capable of hosting us without internal fighting among the Greeks. Since we have dispersed food machines throughout the world, they already have proof that we have technology far in advance of theirs and they are eager to receive whatever we are willing to share with them. (Cassie pointed out to me that we do not have our embassy in Greece in a number of realities where there is no Athens, so, for the sake of peace, I’ll stand corrected.)


While they were talking, Robbie created our embassy within Freddie. Without securing their formal agreement, he then moved it to the outskirts of the small city - it is nicely visible from the palace and should Edward need to speak to our staff, he only has to go to a window and gesture and he will be teleported to his office there. Edward has been appointed our ambassador and the just formed United Nations accepted his credentials, with the major powers quickly following suit. The relationship between Edward and his brother the king has cooled off again, but it might be better we do not interfere any more. So that our ambassador is fully mobile without needing to depend on transportation being provided by local governments, he has been provided with an anti-gravity sled for travelling to London and other capitals of the world. It can achieve speeds of thousands of miles per hour, so he has been provided with a Cherinian volunteer pilot (of our species). All has gone as we’d hoped and we will be leaving here within the week.

Jade asked and we all backed her, so we took Edward, Swivin and Ferdin to Goldi’s planet. We departed in the evening when they were supposed to be safely in bed and returned them within the hour. They spent ten days there and now they have something beautiful to dream about. Cherine promised them we will return to find their own Cherine and Robert or else bring them from another reality and that, when we do, they will be linked as Cherinians. The volunteers who are staying behind to man our embassy have promised to use their healers to keep them healthy. Local Anadir and Sparklers will be part of the embassy. I forgot to mention that the maid was set free and compensated, and it was decided we should not look to prove anyone else guilty.

Out of courtesy we should return to the Firmziani, but we’re all homesick and missing friends, so we are returning to our Athens home. Mostly we are missing Michael and Dimi, while we can sense how much Allan, Eleni and Jess miss Ahní. Gosh, even having to deal with Campbell doesn’t seem so bad right now. Arthur, if you would like to write the last pages (without causing us more complications please), you are welcome.

Why aren’t you writing? We’ve arrived and for days you haven’t written! Michael, Ahní, Lua and others send you their love. A point has been made that troubles us also. They are worried that if you are writing only for yourself, you’ll become lazy, not write as often, and finally forget about us.

We showed the videos of our travels and the entire world is amazed. They were distressed by the thought that aliens might have taken people from here in our past and a few argued we should return those we have with us, but most people agree it would be kinder to let them become a part of the people of Orgg’s reality. The Normals are also clamouring for us to set up a shipping route to the planet of the Firmziani as they see their mountains as the perfect opportunity to live adventures without placing themselves at risk. We had to explain that since they would not just be dreaming, they could cause harm to other worlds. As you can imagine, they still want to go, certain they will not cause any harm. I guess we all like to think of ourselves as good.


We have been absent from home for about two months. If we return too early and we’ve spent a long time visiting other realities, our friends find it difficult to adjust to any changes in us. This time though, something happened that has me worried. Alexander and some of his magician friends visited while we were away. They only stayed three days and the Cherinians who were here advise us that they did not meet any of our enemies. Michael though has his doubts, he feels that with their magic they could have fooled them. I can’t help wondering why they came to Greece and walked past our home. We’ll have to ask Christós to check for us.

Since it seems you don’t want to write the end, us girls got together and prepared a little something for your reader(s). If you want to write, we’ll add it at the end.

We would like to say to you that we hope you enjoyed reading about us and that some of our Cherinian dreams have filled a tiny corner in your hearts. Don’t forget, you do not need to have a Cherine and extrasensory powers or gifts to be a Cherinian at heart. If you are a true paedophile (in our sense), enjoy your fantasies, but treasure all children, they are your responsibility. From all of us girls, a kiss and a wave…goodbye.

Next [Book 11] - Post 001

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

  • posted: 30th May, 2020

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