Little Cherine Book 09 - BPost006

Dommi picked her up and shushed her, but we noticed his eyes stayed glued to Sheena for a while.

“There is no need to fear us Robert, I did promise.”

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“Was that teleportation?”


“Did you do it or do you have a machine?”

“I did. Soon you will also be able to, it is not that difficult. Will you say hello to my Robert please?”

Robbie stepped forward with a grin. “Take your time. Do you need a drink?”

“Alternates! Parallel realities do exist! Nobody believes the messages you sent us. Are you going to allow my son and I to return home?”

“When we return you, only ten minutes will have elapsed on your world, we jumped to a different reality when you arrived so that we’d have time to get to know each other.”

Iona had approached and Nicholas thought she was a toy and tried to grab her. Robert went white. “What is it?”

Iona was affronted. “Not it! I am a she! I’m a girl.”

I am not the only one, we all never get tired of seeing the reactions of people who’ve never been to Freddie before. At least Robbie was gentle and tried to use humour to relax Robert. Maria brought him a coffee (not Greek) and he unfroze long enough to get up to sit on a chair. She also unwrapped a small chocolate bar and Nicholas gladly sucked on it, his eyes huge as he stared at whoever talked. Soon he got impatient of his father holding on to him and when Solace bent over close to him, he grabbed her hair and pulled. Our laughter relaxed Robert and when Goldi promised to look after him, he let his son go with her.

“How can your reality be so advanced compared to ours?”

“Time is not the same for all realities. However, we are not advanced beyond your planet, we have not sent spaceships to other solar systems, so I suppose you could say we are behind you technologically.”

“This…place, does not belong to you, it belongs to one of the other species? Why have they brought you here? Have they conquered your planet?”

Robbie grinned. “Which question would you like me to answer?”


“In one sentence then, all this exists thanks to this special young lady, Cherine.”

We were monitoring his emoting and trying to guess our way forward in a way that would not only help him relax, but also awaken his sense of curiosity. He was fascinated to see Syrina float towards Goldi and his son. When she landed to play with them he looked up at the treehouses and we sensed he was itching to get hold of a sketchpad. I admit I am prejudiced because of Robbie, but I find it so much more cultured when a person wants to draw or paint the beauty he sees instead of just grabbing a camera.

We kept the Cherine of his world away from him, as we want him to be relaxed when he meets her. The other astronauts were presented to him and he knew their faces from the media and books written about them. Slowly he thawed and his questions began to reflect a badly suppressed excitement. He returned again to the matter of Freddie and the spaceships above us and this time Haven answered him with the truth. His mind went reeling, so we decided he’d had enough and Dommi took him and Nicholas to a house close to ours. He was told to relax, play with his son or sketch if he wants to and we’ll meet him the next morning. Enough food to feed six people was sent to them, as we were not certain what he would enjoy.


“From what I could sense, I think I will like him. He is not as frightening as you are.”

“A Cherine afraid of a Robert?” he teased gently, his eyes smiling at her, but his mind chuckling.

She laughed. “You pretend to be afraid of your Cherine, but I bet she is more afraid of you - you expect to much of all us Cherines.”

“I don’t pretend love, I am.” He turned to our Cher. “You’re not afraid of me are you?”

“In lots of little ways Robert.” He did not press for details because she was partly teasing, but we knew he will hound her over the next few weeks. I guess our Cherine spoke a truth that applies to everyone; we all fear the person we love because we are vulnerable - if they leave or stop loving, our hearts will be lost in a black hole and there will be no meaning to life.

He smiled at Alexis and sitting down he placed her on his lap. “My sweet starry eyes, do you know what I would like? How about a world without people, just swimming and lazing around? We could tell Freddie to go jump around while I forget everything in those eyes of yours.”

In mock seriousness Cassie leant over and ‘whispered’ in her ear, “I can feel he is not interested in sex, maybe he really does only want to stare into your eyes. Have fun.”

Robbie acted affronted, “What do you mean not interested!”

Cherine grinned. “It is amazing! Forty nine women in love with a randy little boy!”

As everyone teased and joked, I realised Robbie had manipulated us in a nice way, wanting to make us feel joyful for a while. He was delighted that Cherine was teasing him and even Cher smiled at his pleasure.

I have decided to write, even though I hate it.

First of all, I wish Samantha would stop separating me from the family, she makes me feel like I am not one of the girls.

I’ve had a few people ask me questions that have forced me to think deeply about what is happening to me. I’ve also had to study writings by others and even though they were only theorising, conjectures based on conjectures, some of their ideas have helped me understand myself or at least given me a possible explanation as to why I am changing.

First of all, let me start by stating that it is not a nice feeling, it is terrifying at times and I feel I am drowning in an ocean as wide and deep as the Universe.

Here are three conjectures that if married to each other can suggest what I feel is occurring. The third conjecture is mine.

1) The subconscious is aware of everything that is happening throughout the Universe, perhaps part of a gestalt overmind. 2) The mind and subconscious are separated by some kind of filter to prevent us from being driven mad.


3) I believe my gift of empathy, the linking of many minds to mine with the openness that exists between us because of our love for each other and the growth of other gifts, have affected the filter so that more is getting through. When I sacrificed my Robert (being a part of two halves does not change the fact that he felt I was killing him, condemning him to a final death) I went through a period when guilt drove me into a strange kind of insanity. If he felt it was the worst kind of death, being killed by the one he adores, can anyone expect me to have been affected to a lesser degree when I realised what I had done? Having my Robert back with me helped keep me sane enough to function without betraying the deep despair and turmoil within me, but the truth is that for a long time my mind was a place I wanted to escape from.

I am cursed by an inability to fool myself for long. Whatever excuses or justifications I employed to hide behind were soon tattered, so I dove deeper into my mind. I am convinced that this is also what forced the filter to relax and widen the flow of communication between conscious and subconscious.

I am not as strong as Robert (and Samantha) think I am. I’ve had to learn how to protect myself from my gift, but nobody seems to have asked themselves what my defence is. I did try blocking my gift, I did try to make myself harder and I tried other ways - only one worked. I found that only by loving all of life, the ocean of emotions they broadcast, the good and the bad, all of it, only by loving could I retain my own personality. Meeting and loving Robert, it was the best gift of all, giving me strength I never would have acquired on my own. (Syrina and Robert and those who helped him, yes Samantha, even your Samuel King, they rid me of the dark seeds of self-hate when they saved the Robert I thought I’d killed. I feel as if I have been redeemed, brought back to life again since then.)

I think it also explains why our family has grown so quickly. My love for each of my wives and their love for me have surrounded me with an ocean of love that heals and protects in the best way.

I feel that when I let go and become what Sammy calls the light, I am in a deeper communion with all of life and I am able to build on all the love throughout the Universe, whatever the species and however it is they love. That is all.

Since Cherine wrote the above I have not written here for nearly two weeks. What could I have said that would not have sounded trite? All of us, except for Robbie, cried when we read it. Robbie only became even tenderer and emoted a happiness from somewhere very deep inside him. It was the affirmation that all is well with his special love. He has always been aware of the hidden depths of Cherine and for the first time is more confident that their love will never die and that she will not leave us. A great part of his joy was in reading that she used and accepted love as the brightest shield for protecting herself. No wonder he adores her.

Another four days have passed since I wrote the above, but I have not been able to write. Last night Cherine slept in my arms. When I awoke this morning, I saw she was staring at me.

“Will you fill my heart with another sorrow Sammy mou?”

I was instantly wide-awake. “What do you mean?”

“When you write in the diary, do you think you only write for Arthur and yourself? Haven’t you felt how we all enjoy reading it, seeing through your eyes what we experienced? Sammy, by simplifying everything and using the old ways of speaking when you write, we all benefit. Either erase what I wrote or else ignore it and write as you always did, please.”

“Jesus! You gave me a fright! I thought you were prophesying.” She kissed me and then lay with her head against my chest. I rubbed her shoulders and laughed. “Now I’ll have stage fright when I sit to write.” I crushed her to me to show her I did not mean it. “I’ll write tonight.”

Before I continue, a small observation. We’ve written about us girls loving each other and helping each other reach our orgasms. What has never been mentioned is that none of us ever French kiss. Our kisses on the lips are more like those of mother with daughter, soft and tender, but not intrusive or passionate (okay, while loving they do become demanding). It may sound like I am making a trite observation and I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that it is more important than I find reasonable. Just as a matter of interest, did you know that a French kiss is also called a ‘soul kiss’?


The first couple of days all of us made a fuss of Nicholas, but on the third day Jade took him to our Cherine. “Spend the day with him, you need it.” Dommi nodded her approval and we waited to see how she would react.

“I better age myself.”

“No, seven is fine, he’ll enjoy playing with you.”

They only spent three hours together, but ever since, he includes her in his games and goes to her to show her his earth-shattering discoveries.

Robert calmed down quickly and soon forgot himself when he found out we have a large supply of artists materials. Ordinx told him about Robbie and Jade’s paintings and he spent a complete day studying them, returning to them now and then. He was even taken to the cavern to see our ‘primitive’ style paintings. He agrees with Robbie that Jade is developing beyond anything either of them can do. She gladly spends time with him every day teaching him the methods she developed, that make her paintings so unique. If I’ve understood correctly, she mainly tries to teach him how she sees things in her unique way.

Robbie cracked a joke, saying that now that I’m writing again, the girls should do a telling for Robert. Since ‘his’ poor Cherine has been in hiding, it is about time. Afterwards we’ll bring them together - hopefully in a natural way without placing pressure on either of them.

We first did a golden circle of love and then the show began. Right from the start we could feel how fascinated he was to see the way our Robbie grew up as a child. When the girls showed him making love to the young Dominique, he surprised us by only emoting distaste for such a moment being made public, he accepted it as a childish experiment that was almost funny.

When Robbie fell in love with Dommi we did not sense any echoes within him, but afterwards he did stare at her thoughtfully. He has not told us his history yet, so I am guessing, but I would say he has never been hurt by love. There was no deep empathy for Robbie when he suffered the loss of his Dommi, just what a kindly stranger would feel.

We carefully blocked him off when Robbie began to caress and later, make love with little Cherine. He did look as if he had bitten into a lemon, but he did not comment, not afterwards, nor the next morning. It was the first time he’d consciously realised that all those of us who appear as children were/are lovers of Robbie.

The next morning he sat next to Meli. “You are a remarkable person. May I assume you were not born yet at the time of the story portrayed last night? How are all of you able to achieve such depths of understanding of nuances?”

“We are telepathic Robert, we have shared memories.”

“He must be remarkably resilient, he seems to have shrugged off any ill effects of such a miserable childhood. I did not like my father, but at least I had a fairly normal childhood and he did not abandon me.” He was surprised when our Cher giggled and then the rest of us followed her.

Meli touched his cheek lightly. “He was badly damaged Robert, but it became his strength. Before you settle on judgements that could blind you to what you are yet to see, wait for a few more episodes. Try to keep an open mind, he really does not deserve the criticisms I sense boiling in your mind. Try to understand the effect of someone like Cherine on him.”

“I am trying Melina. When I was told of the powers he has, I thought he had been born with them, it is amazing that he grew to be so powerful from such an ordinary person.”

“No Robert is ordinary.” No exclamation mark, she answered him flatly, just stating a self-evident fact.


Perhaps he’d done some soul searching for that evening he was drawn deeply into the telling and reacted with strong emotions. What the girls were doing was powerful, the emotions of all depicted raw and direct, affecting everyone. Over the next couple of days he vacillated, for hours painting with an obsessive concentration or else walking without noticing any of the beauty that surrounded him. The only unchanging factor was the hours he devoted to his son. Nicholas was having too good a time to tolerate his companionship unless he was exhausted and then he’d curl up on his lap. He had discovered a new game and never seemed to tire of it. I’ll call his game ‘catch a Sparkler’. They would swoop down, teasing him by staying just out of reach as he jumped and snatched at them as they bobbed up and down or flew past him. It did not take long for Sheena to copy him and they became friends.

We noticed that Samuel King is spending more time at the taverna again and we wondered what has captured his interest. The fact that he did not try to speak to either Robert or to me intrigued us even further.

“I’ve seen the Cherine of my world on the news. Is she keeping away from me?”

“Yes. I’ve asked her to wait until the telling has ended. What was your impression of her?”

“On the telly?” He shrugged and then with a grin (his first) he answered as he stared into the eyes of our Cher. “She was stunning!”

Robbie and all of us laughed while Cher blushed.

“Seriously? Have you ever watched a really talented singer sing a beautiful song? Doesn’t she become beautiful as she sings? I was so fascinated by her extrasensory gifts that she could have been fat with a moustache and I would not have noticed. If she was such a beautiful child as yours is and still has the same cheekiness, she’ll be fascinating.”

Cher grinned at Robbie. “I thought you Roberts are no good at dancing?”

“This one seems to be an exception in many ways.”

“Are you saying I am different from all the Roberts you’ve met?”

“In some ways. I’m not certain how important the differences are.”

“Give me an example.”

“Of an important one? Will you be able to resist a Cherine?”

He nodded. “I thought so.” He did not look happy. “What made you decide to be open about it now?”

“The telling has nearly finished. There is nothing from here on that will teach you what you should know by now, just a few adventures.”

He kept his eyes on Cher. “I love my Susan. I’m not blind Cherine, I think I have understood about you and Robert, it is just that you came at the wrong time - if you’d come a few years earlier…”

She gave him that wicked smile of hers, “You are not tempted?”

“God, if she is anything like you I’m in trouble.” He shook his head. “Cherine, it may sound strange with your Robert having so many wives, but I have seen he is loyal to those he loves. Do you expect me to be less than him?”

She was completely unfazed. “I told you the first time I met you that you had already lost. Robert, the Cherine of your world is different from me, in similar ways to the differences between you and my Robert. It does not matter, you are still Robert and Cherine.” She turned to Robbie. “We made a mistake, we should have brought his wife.”


“We can’t return and leave again! It would take time to find her, we’ve never seen her.”

“You could take Robert with, he’s seen her.” With Haven, we are still often uncertain whether her humour is unintentional or not, but she gets her laughs. “Why not go as the void?”

“Not a polite way to introduce her to our ways.” He pursed his lips. “What do you say Robert, if Susan agrees to sharing you with Cherine, would you unbend enough to give her a chance?”

He chuckled. “You definitely have not met Susan.”

I’ve tried imagining myself an ordinary girl, maybe vaguely just about pretty. Someone comes along and tells me I can become a Cherinian if I meet and love a stranger who I’ve loved and been loved by in all the other realities; I can tell you I’d be raring to meet this mister fantastic! Why do we find so much resistance most of the times, are we doing something wrong?

Robbie took Robert and they brought Susan back with them. When she arrived she glared at us and then at the interior of Freddie. She saw Robbie’s body, but even as she gave a start of surprise, Robbie left to return. She forgot us all when Nicholas came running, calling out “Mummy.” He did not give her an opportunity to grab him, running away again, calling out to her to go see this and that.

Even when she’d settled, she still looked angry. “Did Rob tell you that I am a solicitor? As far as I know you have not been given permission to land on our planet, you are in contravention of a number of laws and international treaties and I’m in two minds about reporting you! We could add to that three charges of kidnapping, one of them a minor.”


I knew he was asking me to handle her, but I was enjoying myself. “Well, she has made a couple of valid points, in law that is. You can forget about the part of you going to their world without permission, you only went as the void, so it means you went as a soul. I doubt they have any laws against that. As for the kidnapping part, maybe you better be nice to her so that she changes her mind.”

Meli asked, “Even if she doesn’t, what would they do when they see what we did in our telling? Would they try to arrest us?”

“Not us, we are minors, only Robert.”

“Natalie, Marian, can’t you please control your daughters?”

Everyone was laughing which was pissing off Susan, as she thought she was indirectly the butt of our horsing around. I touched her and jumped us to my apartment. Before she could get angry again, I excused myself and going to my bedroom changed to a woman of about her age. She did not recognise me when I came out again.

“I apologise, because we are telepathic, sharing thoughts between us, we tend to forget how it must seem to people who only hear our spoken words. We were making fun of our Robert, but I was also genuinely interested in how we should or would respond if a warrant of arrest were issued. Please make yourself comfortable and let’s have a chat on our own. Tea?”

I had known that the only way to reach her was by dressing elegantly, speaking with an upper class accent and sounding very ‘sensible’. I must have performed well for she soon opened up to me, greedily absorbing information as we talked. While we talked, I tried to find what had attracted her Robert to her. I found I liked her, enjoyed her ability to question and understand without indulging in histrionics. I’d seen that her son loves her, but all those physical and non-physical attributes all Roberts seem to be attracted to were scarcely hinted at. I guessed she learnt the self-discipline and cultivated her no-nonsense manner of speaking so as to deal with her clients. She is not easily sidetracked, concentrating always on the heart of the matter. Where was her apparent romantic sweetness or at least the fire, the sense of humour? When the idea came to me it was a shock and I dismissed it as being totally unlike any Robert.


We spent three hours talking about what it means to be a Cherinian, what is required and what is offered. I then explained about the special relationship of all Cherines and Roberts, making it clear that neither of them can reach their potential if they do not love each other. When I talked about the gift all Roberts have of loving more than one and how it surges their ability to love each time they love another person, I could sense she has a blind spot, her analytical mind not able to grasp the concept. I asked her to follow me to the balcony and gestured.

“All that makes up our world was created by Robert on his own. With our spaceship world, Freddie, we are able to travel throughout realities and time. Originally it was not a sophisticated ship, Robert did not have the expertise and our alien friends developed most of the additions, filters and controls that helped stabilise the ecology for us. We still have problems with the water soaking through to the platform underneath, but at least we are aware of it and Robert is controlling the situation. Despite that, races that are technologically millions of years ahead of both our planets admit they could not even contemplate creating anything like Freddie. All he is able to do is because of Cherine.”

We’d now talked for nearly five hours and I was running out of things to say. Recalling my impossible thought, I asked her to tell me of how she met and married Robert.

“I do not see how that is relevant to your problem. Samantha, you said it yourself, Robert would have to fall in love with our Cherine and however convinced I am by your arguments, I do not see how you expect me to make him love her. I must also add that I am not comfortable with the idea of being part of a harem. I cannot pretend, he would know.”

“I’ve taken enough of your time, we should return so that you can be with your son and husband.”

She sat down, looking at her hands.

“Robert and I had been friends for nearly nine years. He can be quite witty at times and we would spend hours talking. We discussed the fact that we were ageing without finding the right companion to marry. He told me that what hurt him the most was not having a child. I offered. When we discovered I was expecting, he asked me to marry him. I do love him, but I am not in love with him.”

I sat down and took her hand in mine. “Susan, please, as a favour to me, if you are thinking of giving him up to Cherine, do not do so. Do not make up your mind from now, just allow things to develop and even help him feel comfortable about loving her. Once they link and you are able to feel his love directly, if it is not as I said, you can leave then.”

She gave me a sad smile, thinking I do not understand what a sacrifice I am asking of her. “I’d have to or else he will refuse to spend time with her, he is a bit of a prude and very fair minded.”

I grinned. “That sounds like my Robert. Exceedingly loyal and determined to honour all his commitments - even when he undertakes to do the impossible. Let me tell you what he promised our little Candy because she pleaded.” I told her and explained why it is not possible to bring back the Iziko that never existed and she was amazed that Robbie would make such a promise. I grinned.

“His strength is in his belief that he can do whatever he wants to, especially if it is to prevent one of his loves being hurt. Don’t be too surprised if he succeeds.”

“How could he?”

“That is what is worrying me - knowing him, he will toss the problem at me.” When I laughed, she thought I was joking.

I felt it may not be a bad moment to ask her, “Has Robert always been as gentle as he is?”

“For as long as I know him, though the death of his friend did affect him. Why? Isn’t your Robert as gentle?”


“He is gentle, but not as soft. We’ve had to fight to stay alive and to prevent our dream being killed by others.” I hesitated, uncertain, feeling I should wait…but then I asked my question. “Do you know about the Illuminati?”

“I’ve seen articles and videos about them on the internet. Surely you don’t believe they exist? They are just the sick imagination of conspiracy theorists.”

“May I tell you what we know about them?”

I was not surprised to find that she was affected by my pointing out that the Illuminati had realised they cannot keep their existence a secret, so they concentrated on calling it a conspiracy theory, because most people like to imagine themselves more intelligent than the masses, and so they refuse to read or watch the videos, even when they are giving facts. For instance, I asked whether she has given any importance to the fact that The City, in London, is a separate state, with exemptions from many of the British laws. She had heard about it, because of being an attorney, so she started to listen. They have not been named the Elite, but the word globalism is being used as the way to a better future.

“I’ll provide you with facts and even names, once you have had a little time to digest what I’ve been telling you. Susan, the reason I spoke about this is because Robert will have to face the fact of their existence and all the horrible things they are doing to Mankind, and to be successful he will be forced to become tougher. I have a feeling it is not something you want, but he is the protector of this reality and he cannot avoid it.” I returned us to the taverna.

While we’d been gone a small number of scientists had gathered to advise Robbie of their latest knowledge gained and or results and where they hope their unfinished experiments are leading to. One of the experiments has to do with the infinity or not of the cosmos. I am never afraid of betraying my ignorance by making statements, so I joyfully stepped in.

“I think I can guess the shape of our universe, which of course includes all the ghost realities within it.”

One of the scientists responded, “The shape? I was not aware it had a specific shape. What is it?”

“It is a cube.”

There was silence for a while as they tried to work out what had prompted me to give it that shape. They surrendered and asked. Family and friends were grinning in anticipation of hearing another ‘Samantha’ crazy theory.

“You said it must be finite? Then it has to be a cube. Let us examine what we know exists. There are realities, ghostly or otherwise. Parallel universes, as that of the Inguel and then dream universes, such as that of Arthur. Since nobody has discussed or explained parallel universes, let’s accept that they too occupy the same space as all the infinity of realities do. Since each reality seems to have it’s own parallel universe as evidenced by the fire-worlds, it seems our universe or cosmos is so chockablock with realities, parallel universes and who knows what else, that we’ll have to theoretically agree that there is absolutely no free space in our universe. Not only do matter and energy take up all space, once we multiply the possibilities of it coexisting to a finite or infinite number, we also have to accept that all matter occupies space simultaneously, sorry, an area already occupied by countless other possibilities of matter. The same area that is so densely packed with matter has to also be simultaneously occupied by empty space. Do the two negate each other so that neither space nor matter exist? I’m including energy as a pretend matter.

We also know that each reality has it’s own void plus other planes, so does each parallel universe. If you recall from our tellings, for those of you who were not with us when some of us got sent to a new to us reality by mistake, Robert tried to follow them and discovered another possibility, he called it the ‘in-between’. Apparently the in-between does not like energy of any kind and therefore probably is at a uniform absolute zero temperature. We must include at least one in-between for each reality - there might be more than one, there even could be an infinity of them for each reality. Does that alter the mathematics for space and matter coexisting? Can anybody think of any other possibilities?”


By now those that do not know me that well were confused, thinking they’re just listening to a child who is showing off to scientists and they felt slightly embarrassed on my behalf and for my family. The scientists were looking at each other with a speculative look and the rest were silently laughing - at me, at my ideas and at the others who were trying to work out what I’d said.

Rosie asked, “Are we getting to the argument about the shape of the universe?” A number of groans were heard as they mentally muttered to themselves, ‘oh no, here we go again’.

“I thought it was self-evident! Either the cosmos has a shape, a sphere, cube or whatever, or else it is amorphous but occupies a finite area. Let us pretend that right up against ours is that of Arthur. Do we look in a certain direction and say it borders ours to the south or could it be all around us - even inside us? Like the mini universe of the soul eater planet is within a reality? Actually, is it within or is it just intruding through the process of having created an interface?

The word interface brings up a separate argument to be enjoyed another time. For now, let us pretend we travel to the edge of space. Unless Freddie feels up to trying it, and we find that space curves back inwards so that we discover that at some point, though we continued travelling in a straight line, away from here, we are now travelling back here. Shall we call that point where we turned without turning the edge of space? Surely an edge or an end to something implies the beginning of something else, even if it is the nothing of non-space? If it were possible to theoretically see our space from outside, the end of our space would be a kind of surface or interface? How can that non-space or space that has stopped existing tolerate such an interface - how can space exist within or outside of non-space?

I’ll ignore the possibilities of either our cosmos being within his or his within ours as it gets too complicated for me” (many callously laughed, in agreement I suppose) “and pretend that I know it is in that direction (I pointed) relative to where we are now.

If the shapes are amorphous then they must be in flux, changing all the time or else, because of inner tensions, they would have settled into a shape, probably a sphere. If that is so, what a horror! We then have to imagine what does or does not exist between his cosmos and ours, wherever they are not touching. It definitely cannot be space, we postulated that space is finite? Hmm, is there a wherever for them to touch or not touch? Didn’t some scientists speculate that the big bang may have been caused by two universes wavering, fluctuating in shape, and when they touched - bang!

However, if each cosmos is a perfect cube then we avoid having to think up such an impossibility of space not being space. There you have it, an infinity of cubes packed and stacked tightly, all neat and orderly - doesn’t that sound nicer?

Hold on, I just thought of another interesting possibility. What if there are wormholes exchanging energy between the finite cosmi?” (There is no plural for ‘cosmos’ so I had to make it up)

One of the scientists said, “I won’t argue your other cosmogonical points right now, but I would have to say that common sense dictates that wormholes cannot exist between realities or cosmi or else the two would in effect collapse into one. Nothing can be allowed to penetrate the finite edge of our cosmos or else it ceases to be finite or extends its finiteness at that point.”

“Not even the reality of the soul eater planet?” With a grin I asked, “Then how does Arthur do it?” I thought a moment. “Do you recall when Robert and Claudia were in the energy-eating pod, travelling towards the local sun, Freddie was asked whether he could project a part of himself into normal space at whatever point he wished? Apart from those of the Fragile Galaxy who seem to have a different method, it seems that the rest of us can cross the interface of the void and space just by willing it! Does matter or energy cross the interface or does it get cut off at the ‘edge’ of the void and ‘continue’ in space as a separate part that in all ways is a true continuation of the part in the void? Let us say that Freddie protrudes a hollow tube of energy into normal space, the tube being sealed off at both ends and I travel up or down that tube. At one part of the tube I would begin to pass through from the void into normal space. I stop halfway through so that my lower body and legs are in the void but the rest of me is in normal space. Surely my blood would continue to circulate and my nerve endings in my toes communicate with my brain? It would seem to me that it would only be possible if the interface, from both sides, simultaneously exists and does not exist.” I laughed. “Could it be that all interfaces, even those between matter, such as my body and the air or the chair I’m sitting on, also exist-do-not-exist at the same time? Does that help explain how we can teleport?”


One of the Unation scientists I do not recall meeting before asked me, “Do you think like this all the time?” making everyone laugh.

“No, only when I want to have fun.” While comments of amusement were exchanged, I knew that with so many Cherinian minds hearing me, my flimsy arguments would be shredded point by point and I would end up sounding silly. Sometimes it is necessary that someone brave appearing foolish so as to force others to rethink accepted theories.

Tina did ask me once we were alone whether those cubes were all being used. I asked what she meant. “We know that new realities are created within our cube all the time. Surely new cubes have to be formed at various times also - like Arthur did by creating ours? Could it be that our cube has always existed as a potential cube? It would have to work like that or else there would be no space for our cube to be formed in.” The idea of an infinite number of cubes waiting as potentials awed me.

Susan, Robert and Nicholas walked away from the taverna. They got lost among the groups of people and then I saw them walking at the edge of the water. Cherine walked out from the jumping room inside the taverna and sat next to Cher.

Because of Susan, Meli made a decision. “Friends, we are not going to finish our telling - we have decided to begin all over again.” She smiled. “For those of you who expect to be bored if they sit through another telling so early, we promise to try to give it a slightly different interpretation. Thank you.”

Arthur, I can imagine that if I had to type out everything again and again for the meaning to filter through to you, I would have given up a long time ago. I don’t know how the girls can do the telling so often without getting bored or frustrated.

Arthur waited for Samantha to answer him, but then he realised she must have left to attend the telling. Bored he reread her - his last writing, and then sat back to think about her ideas regarding finite cosmi touching. It made sense that there would have to be some kind of wormhole for their communications, mentally and or directly, computer to computer, when they chat, passing through the ‘barrier’ of the ‘edges’ of their cosmi. Thinking back to the days of the Doris war when Robbie was able, as the void, to trace the mental attacks back to the attackers, he imagined Robbie waiting as the void for him and Samantha to chat. As he saw the energy being exchanged thanks to the Muyzith machine, he entered it as a form of energy and rushed to the other side.

As Robbie sensed he was close to his destination he pulled out and took form. Arthur imagined himself getting a huge shock as he saw a man take form within his bedroom.

“It worked! We told you we would find a way. Are you ready to come with me - Sammy and the girls are waiting for you.”

Once Arthur had done what he wanted to leave his family secure and less unhappy at his disappearance, he allowed Robbie to enfold him within his energy and they raced back, from dream cosmos to dream cosmos, arriving within Freddie.

Arthur chuckled. Yes, he decided, it could work, just wait until Samantha sees his writing in her diary!

Next [Book 09] - Post 007

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

22nd February, 2020

  • posted: 22nd February, 2020

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