Little Cherine Book 09 - BPost004

Robbie grinned. “Who would like to give them a dose of their own medicine?”

“It depends, what do you want to do?”

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“Ask Solomon and the Sparklers to move out of Freddie and surrounding the ship take it into their World - and bring them back in here."

“Good god! They can do that!?” It was the first time we’d seen Samuel looking shocked and almost afraid.

Robbie was laughing as he answered, “Actually, no, they can’t. They could in the void, but not in normal space.”

I let him get his fill of laughing before contradicting him. “Actually, they could. Think about it and you’ll work out how.” I thought for a second or two. “I would like to see them grab a whole planet.”

“Samantha, it is impossible. The small planets we carried I sheathed and brought into the void first, there is no way they could grab the ship from normal space.”

Solomon nodded. “Samantha, I must agree with Robert,” and prudently added, “at least until you have explained yourself.”

“I’ll do so later, we have guests arriving.” With my reminder, Robbie suddenly became extremely busy while we all watched, slightly bemused.

“On behalf of all Cherinians we welcome you to our small world.”

“We come as friends Robert.”

“And we welcome you as friends. Do you require this to be a formal occasion?”

“That would not suit your style Robert. We have studied your telling in depth, tried using our best minds to analyse it, but we came to the only conclusion possible at this time - to take you at face value, as you see yourselves.” He bowed. “After all, was that not what Samantha did during our first visit?”

“She did? I thought she was overly harsh with you.”

“Msito will speak for us, she has been given the title of ‘friend of aliens’.” They are amused!

“Samantha did what no person of one species should do for another, which is not well known to be friendly. She opened her mind to me and shared her memories. As you must be aware, that meant she also shared an impression of her personality, making it possible for me to understand her - as far as it is possible for one person to understand another of a different species. That was a gesture that largely influenced our leaders. It was decided that we cannot afford to throw away the friendship of someone like her.”

Robbie grinned. “She is going to have to write what you said in the diary for Arthur and she hates writing that kind of remark.”

“We experimented Robert. We tried writing a message to Arthur in the copy of the diary in our computers. The message refused to remain. It stays on the screen, but when we save the diary and reopen it, our greeting is gone.”

Christós spoke up. “Alexander complains of the same problem. It seems Arthur has made an assumption since Alexander tried to take over the diary. He was only able to write when Cherine was with him.”

(I feel so relieved Arthur, thank you. It is bad enough knowing that perhaps billions can read what we write, without having to worry whether your comments are actually from you.)

I reached up to take the hand of Msito. While doing so, I looked up and into her eyes. I did not remember them being that soft and liquid. “Please come with me.”


I led her to our sweet angel. “Msito, today I am wealthier than I have ever been before, for I have a new friend. Can you also be special friend of Angelica?”

“That is not how it works Sam!” Dommi said. “Each has chosen their own friend, not had one chosen for them.”

“Angel, am I wrong?”

She looked into the eyes of Msito. “I don’t know how she does it Msito, but she is right, I would like us to be special friends.” I don’t know either how I knew, I just did. Msito will not be my special friend, the one she truly shares with. I wonder how she will take to Angelica’s love for magic. Could that be it? They have a lot to give each other.

They had studied us well and tried to apologise until they realised what Robbie was doing with his interruptions. One of them asked Alki to take him to the museum in the treehouse to see the replica of the ancient Greek Parthenon, winning him over as a friend also.

Our Maria came up with the idea that had a tremendous impact on the Muyzith. She suggested the Wirms visit them on planet in the tens of thousands and broadcast their joy that we are now friends. At her suggestion, the Wirms in Freddie broadcast their joy and it affected the Muyzith. Happily they passed on the message of what their people should expect and gave their permission.

They passed through Freddie for the Sparklers to give them ‘planet’ bodies. Hours later a small number of Wirms returned to us and reported what had happened. All the other Wirms who had gone there are stuck on planet. As soon as they broadcast to the children, they had felt their need and included a powerful mother love and now the children cannot bear for them to leave.

Amsiu conferred and Msito was called to join them. Msito left them and came to me.

“Samantha, was it truly unforeseen or are you manipulating us, trying to force us to change and become Cherinians?”

“If I had thought of it I would have arranged it. Msito, do not be blinded by suspicions, look instead to the facts. Why would children who have never known a mother respond so strongly? Was some deep need in them being ignored?”

“I do not remember anything like this as a child and I have almost perfect recall.”

“Are you willing to try an experiment? Either just you, or all of you. We have never tried this before, but I think it can be done. I want Cherine to do a golden circle of love using the mother love of all the Dommi’s with us. When she brings you into the circle, you will find out for yourselves whether you have such a need. It might be that as adults too many years have passed, but I’d like to try it. Before you refuse me, consider this. If it is a need that has been repressed, then you are not mentally healthy. What would happen ultimately to any species that does not allow itself to fulfil its own basic needs?”

They agreed but only three of them succumbed, opened themselves to their childish need. Not Msito, nor two of the other females and one male. The rest were horrified and asked us to excuse them. They returned to their ship to talk in privacy.

“We have been asked to return to an urgent meeting.”

“If there is anything we can do to help please do not hesitate to ask.”

“Please do not try to come to our planets, we will return.”

As soon as they were gone Claudia asked, “I wonder what their dark secret is.” Robbie raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t they want us to go to their planets Robert? They are afraid of us learning something about them. That is what I think.”


Elias, Hettie and Eddie agreed with her so we considered it. I could only come up with one scenario.

“They told us they were preparing to abandon their home world to search for Cherine. Perhaps they have allowed it to return to primitive conditions and are embarrassed at the thought of our seeing it.”

Claudia shook her head. “No. It is something else, more important.”

Angelica touched me and I sensed the worry she was trying to hide. “Msito is in trouble. Something bad is happening inside her.”

“You have bonded that quickly?”

She nodded and an idea flashed across my mind. I quickly clamped down on it, but Cherine had heard. She was not of the same opinion as me and nodded. “Angelica, your prophecy, could that be why you bonded so quickly with her? If so we must help Msito.”

“Cherine, we will respect their request. When they return we first listen to what they have to tell us before taking any such decision. If our Angel is the Seeker and she needs Msito, then Msito will survive whatever is troubling her.”

Moses spoke in a heavy voice. “Do not rely on any prophesy forcing an outcome. Often they change if you do not take the action they demand of you.”

Robbie tried to look suitably chastised, even though he had no intention of giving in. He is still in awe of Moses and shows him far more respect than he does some of the other old timers. As for me, I have my own weaknesses. I would have loved it if Siddhartha had been a real person and spent some time with us. The story by Hermann Hesse is still in my list of top twenty books for discovering philosophical nuggets of pure gold. To meet him at each of the stages of his development would teach me more than I am capable of learning on my own. Would he see our appearance as a mutation that is a step forward or would he abhor us, considering us failures because we cannot attain the same ideal he strove for? (CH: I like Moses also, but Samantha’s comment exaggerates how Robbie feels. Though he does respect Moses, he actually respects his loves even more - even little Sheena. The truth is that he respects most children more than any adult, apart from Alki.)


No, I refuse to fall for his trap. For what he said to be true, it would not be so because of empathy, understanding of him or some outlandish kind of wisdom. It would have to come about as part of a belief in Political Correctness. PC is a sickness of the soul, destroying our ability to think logically, even making it possible for us to ignore facts if they contradict what we want to believe and I refuse to have anything to do with any aspect of it.


Chapter Two Hundred Thirty Seven

The astronaut companions of the ‘bodiless’ Cherine were at first worried years would pass while we travel. They argued the theories among themselves and with the crew from the Unation ship. They’d been taught that it is impossible to travel faster than light and that the maximum velocity achievable, in theory, is 99.999% of the speed of light. Therefore, if you travel to a part of the galaxy that is fifty light years away, it will take about fifty years (I’m being sloppy and not bothering to work out the exact figures because they are irrelevant) for those back home. Since we would need at least another fifty to return plus the time spent as guests of the Eqkee, all their loved ones will be dead. They have the experience now to know that such a trip can take us a day or ten days, depending on the mood Robbie is in, but they argue that the fifty years of their outward trip will still have passed back at home.

Once they understood that we can jump in time also by swopping realities temporarily, they relaxed, accepting that we can get them back home the day after the last spaceship departed. They said they feel weird knowing that they are already back home and are fifty (or a hundred) years older there. Deep inside they call forth images of themselves as elderly men standing on Earth, looking up at the sky towards the area we are in and imagining themselves here and still young.

The only reason I am mentioning it is because ‘bodiless’ Cherine brought them to our Cherine today, asking her to help them link to her. We were all excited and very happy - another Cherine with Cherinians linked to her! Our Cherine is worried that this is happening without her having her own Robert, but does not feel she has the right to enforce her own views on her alternate. As happens occasionally, after the linking, a party came into existence spontaneously and everyone had a great time. For the first time, the Akiard kids, with their younger brothers and sisters, joined us in the dancing and they turned out to be very agile, but not so good at following the beat - they somehow exaggerate it. They only danced to fast music, dropping out when a waltz or tango was played. As for blues, they could not understand why we enjoy such slow dancing. Christós told us that they are enchanted by certain strong ballet pieces and he feels that with training they could produce some great dancers. We find that very difficult to visualise - fierce warrior-like in appearance and dancing ballet. We are being silly because most folk dancing originates and reflect the times when people were still fighting wars throughout their lives and many of their steps are as intricate and beautiful as ballet.

Just as the party was ending and many were returning to their homes or to work, the Muyzith ship returned. The fact that the Wirms did not follow spoke for itself.

“We ask that Samantha not remain present.”

“That is a foolish request, coming from telepaths.”

“She must bind herself to treat our discussions as private until her presence is requested.”

“I’m sorry, but I cannot oblige you. If you have something to say then say it, but do not expect us to ever agree to exclude any member of our family.”

“It’s alright dad, I’ll leave.”

“No! You will stay.” He so rarely speaks to me in that tone of voice that I stopped. “If you must leave then so do all of us.”

They probably made a contingency plan in case this happened, so they signalled ‘peace’ and explained their problem. Msito is in trouble and it is because of my sharing with her. She claims that ‘I’ am not giving her any peace and that ‘I’ am tearing at the foundations that make her the person she is.

“There are many who believe this was a planned attack and are demanding that we order you to leave. A very small minority of extremists is demanding we take Samantha back to our planet and judge her. Both groups are made up of those who have not studied your telling.”


“Why would Samantha attack Msito? If we were to attack, surely we would have to attack all of you at the same time? As you said, you know she did not intend to harm Msito, what she did was only a gesture meant to bring deeper understanding between them. Even Msito knows that. We do not understand what you mean when you say the memories of Samantha are attacking her.”

Timidly I said, “I think I know what is happening.” I thought of what she was enduring and tears came to my eyes. I could feel Robbie’s heart pulling at him to take me in his arms as he kept his place, allowing me to handle it on my own. “May I give an example of what I think is happening?” they agreed.

“Imagine a child growing up in an environment where it learns that love is a weakness and is to be punished. As an adult she cannot love, neither wishes for love, nor is able to give any. Her environment changes and her new companions tell her that she is missing out on the most wonderful experience, but she finds their attempts unreal and even sees them as a threat.

Along comes someone like me and wishing to open her heart to the most wonderful emotion any human can feel she reaches into her mind and shows her love in all its glory. Of course she would fall apart.”

“We are fully capable of feeling love Samantha.”

“I did say it was only an example to illustrate what I think has happened. My memories cannot call to her, unless your minds are so different to every species we’ve met till now. Msito has matured with certain beliefs and having met mine, having felt how they have affected me, strengthening me far beyond what any of you can imagine, she is drawn to them, experiencing them repeatedly against her own will. Has she spoken of how I am attacking her, with what?”

“No. She has only said you call to her and she cannot find surcease.”

“Then I am right. We had a discussion about parenting and she told me that none of you could ever become Cherinians because you will not change the way you rear your young. She said so because she was convinced that yours is the correct way to bring up well-balanced and sane children, while our way damages them. Seeing what it meant to me to have parents and family, the beauty of our intimacies that can only grow within a family setting, then also sharing in my feelings with respect to those children I consider mine must have been too much for her. I would guess that logically she still feels I am wrong, but emotionally she feels the opposite.”

They obviously did not want to enter a discussion of my theories. “Have any of you an answer to our problem? To watch the personality we know and love being destroyed is unbearable.”

“You will have to bring her to us.” Dommi looked calm but determined. “We will regress her for a time so that she experiences love as a child. When she is ready we will mature her again and by then she will be capable of handling her emotions.”

“She will not agree to come.”

“Then allow me to go to her.”

“We regret we cannot.”

“But you allowed the Wirms!”

“We are sorry.”

“Would you allow any of the other species?”



We could feel that many of our friends were insulted and were worried someone might tell them they should not enter our world then, so I was pleased when Cherine said, “You will always be welcomed by us in Freddie.”

“We must seem unreasonable and it is gracious of you. Thank you.”

I guess we were caught up in the moment and were not paying attention. I should have guessed.

Suddenly we felt Angel and her Wirm friend disappear - not with her body, just her soul. Robbie only stared at her sleeping face and nodded. Gently he picked her up and jumped back home.

“Something is wrong?”

“Yes. You recall that I sensed our Angelica and Msito were meant to be special friends? She is young and impetuous and found her own solution, not strictly respecting your wishes. She has not gone to your planet in her body, but has gone directly to Msito as a soul.”

They were highly upset, our ‘special friend’ nonsense not meaning anything to them, and it looked as if they were about to rush off again. We pointed out to them that it is not worth it, as she is bound to return before they arrive.

Less than an hour later Robbie ‘spoke’ to us, telling us that Angelica has returned and is depressed as Msito refused to communicate with her, only demanding she leave. A few minutes later he jumped back to us.

“Ask Msito to meet us in the void. Samantha will take back her memories.” They seemed pleased by his solution so I kept quiet. I do not know how to take them back from her alien mind and even if I succeeded, what of her memories of my memories?

Robbie asked Hettie and Eddie to take care of our guests while we go home to freshen up. Our close friends joined us and then he explained.

“The problem is far worse than we’ve been led to believe. Msito is not the only one suffering. Once Angelica pointed it out to me I saw the signs. All of those who came here are in trouble and she saw signs that the problem could be spreading to others on planet, especially those responsible for the upbringing of their children.

I’ve had a quick look at their history in the files they uploaded for us, but through the Unation computers as they have started to organise them. They are a highly intelligent species, sensitive and compassionate. Their historians noted a change in their people about seven hundred years ago and the problem has only grown worse with time. By ridding themselves of family units, the successive generations have grown more rigidly dedicated to their society as a whole. This change made it necessary for their leaders to strive to prevent the unexpected happening as it only has led to nervous breakdowns in large segments of the population. To be fair, they did not think of it that way in the beginning. At first, they became rigid and restrictive about small things to make their citizens feel safe and comfortable. As these rules were accepted, they found a need to adopt more rules and so on, escalating to the point where any individual who was capable of thinking for themselves being removed from their society for training and placed as one of their leaders. The assumption of responsibility for their fellow citizens forces them to control their yearnings for change and abstract freedoms.

Their leaders are aware they have taken a wrong turn, but do not know how to solve their problem. In the hope they might be able to prevent the death of their species, they have been carefully assessing all children during their early years. They are looking for those who show resiliency and an ability to adapt to changing circumstances and they groom them for positions among the leaders or influence them into studies that could be instrumental in finding an answer for their people.

This now is conjecture on my part. I suspect they never intended to leave their planet to search galaxies and realities for Cherine and Arthur. Thanks to their proposed mission, gradual changes required to return them to a healthy society would have been accepted by their people as necessary so as to fulfil their destiny of protecting all species, a strong instinct it seems in them. Unfortunately for their plans, we then came along.


Those who came here are amongst the most adaptable of their people, and yet our demands for an apology, our telling and the attitude of Samantha forced them to change beyond their endurance. I’m guessing that by sharing her memories, Samantha forced upon Msito atavistic tendencies that are in direct conflict with generations of social evolution - or engineering.”

“We faced the same problem among the Thinkers, a number of them shutting down their higher thinking processes to become Sparklers.”

“God! Why have you never told us?”

“There was no need, you could not have helped them and as Sparklers they will adapt, enabling them to revert to Thinkers within a few centuries. It is our way of handling problems that would destroy Thinkers and it works for us Robert. I do not think we can do the same for the Muyzith.”

“My people faced the same problem.” Ordinx added. “Our way of handling those who could not adapt was to isolate them from you.” A number of us chuckled, even though it was not appropriate. Ordinx sent us a smile to show he understood. “Robert, this seems to be a development many species arrive at as their civilisation reaches a peak and ossifies. Look at your own people, you are still in the early stages of exciting growth of knowledge and yet your people are already willingly accepting illogical changes imposed by their governments that will ultimately lead them to a dead end for your species. The Cherinians came along early enough to prevent it happening, but it is possible the Cherinians too might reach that end someday.”

“Ordinx is right Robert. The majority may avoid it happening to them, but pockets of groups seeking sanity, safety and comfort in an unchangeable universe will grow and collapse many times in our future. Themi agrees with me.” He nodded, indicating he agreed with Claudia.

Robbie was getting depressed so he would have crushed Rosie to him when she added, “As you said Claudia, they will collapse because we will not allow them to ossify. We have enough crazy minds among us to keep any group young and excited about life for a very long time. More to the point is, how do we help the Muyzith, we cannot revert them all to childhood.”

Because Haven could empathise, she giggled. “Can you imagine how they would react if we suggested it?”

“I think Ordinx was wrong about our people.” Robbie was not in denial, as we sensed, so we listened with open minds. “I agree that there is a constant search by all for safety and comfort, but the key to saving Terrans was not the appearance of Cherinians, but the growth of knowledge, technology and therefore, possibilities. As it became possible to colonise space, mankind would have blossomed again. I think we would have had a few thousand years before settling down again.”

“That is assuming governments would willingly risk their hold on people by allowing colonisation.”

“Hopefully they would not have had a choice, they would start off with mining or placing solar panels in space or some other method of gathering energy and the number of people living in space would grow.” We argued the points for a short while, but we were conscious of the need to return to our guests and had to find a workable solution quickly.

isi-mi-Metti will be adored by all of us for a long time for asking the question that was asked to lead us to an answer of sorts. “Would it be unethical of us to affect other species so as to help the Muyzith?”

“You better expand on that my love, we cannot answer such a vague question.”

“The species killed off by the fire-worlds, many of them need help, but you feel they should be allowed to find their own way back so that they are not influenced and changed by us. Could the Muyzith help a few of them, the most desperate?”


Robbie did something he has never done before and her exoskeleton changed colours as she reacted with an almost adoring love of him. He went to her and carefully leaning over kissed her between her eyes.

“Daughter, you are loved more than you can imagine and I am proud to be called your mother.” He sat by her, his arm resting on a limb of hers. “The leaders knew their project was not real, so they themselves could not adapt. Perhaps a real project will provide the catalyst they need.”

Dommi asked, “What about those who tend the children? They must be helped urgently. The children themselves need help, they cannot have the mother love of the Wirms withdrawn from them.”

Her Wirm told us, “Our people will gladly stay as long as they are needed.”

“That is not healthy either, for both. The children must learn to expect that love from their own kind.”

Since Msito had more or less accused me of manipulating them, I offered to tell a white lie and claim she had guessed correctly. The others refused and Jesus said that if I did, I would be damaging my credibility (and therefore, of all Cherinians) over a long time for a short-term benefit.

Since Robbie is in a semi-protector mode, he has to deal with the Muyzith. Msito, we were told, has refused to meet with us in the void, so he diplomatically told them, “We have thought about the problem of Msito and do not see any instant cure for her. We would suggest that you persuade her to join us here, not to solve her problems, but for her to help solve ours. We also ask that a small number of you remain with us in Freddie as we travel, for the express purpose of studying Cherine, as long as you do not expect her to become the Light for your own purposes. If events should prove it necessary for her to do so, you will be able to examine her without endangering our beloved.

Furthermore, we suggest we pool our knowledge and work together to help Arthur join us. If we do not succeed, it could mean we all die when he does, so the matter is urgent. We hold in stasis an image of his body - rather, I should call it a projection. If it is linked to his mind you might have a way of finding the link; we have not been successful.

Perhaps of lesser importance to you is our need for your assistance with the species we bring back from the destruction the fire-worlds caused. Many species find it very difficult to adjust to having lost their technology, literature, art and the comforts and security of their previous lives and we do not have the time to help them as we should. We fear that some of them could die out as they lose courage. Friends at their side could make the difference between survival and extinction for them. Are your people up to such a challenge?”

I won’t bore you with the hours of discussions, what is important is that they, and their leaders, soon saw we were offering them a solution to their own problems. We were careful to explain that it would be necessary for their children to be returned to their parents, suggesting also that those who were trained to rear them should be available for assisting the parents. That took a while to iron out, but they accepted that if they are going to be travelling throughout the cosmos, they cannot keep their present child rearing system.

This period has taught me a terrible lesson. At no time did I act selfishly, my only thoughts were of friendship and the joy of sharing, and yet I caused so much damage. Is this what you meant when you spoke of never having hurt those you hate, only those you love?

I have now reached our present, my time of writing, with only one more item to be divulged. When the Muyzith said they felt you communicating with us, they were not being totally factual. They developed instruments that are capable of sensing other realities. As we communicated, their instruments showed a disturbance of our reality, as if the very atoms throughout our universe danced with excitement and became even more ‘real’ than all the other realities. When we moved to the reality the instruments are in, they could no longer sense anything happen, as the instruments themselves are made out of the atoms of this reality.


Our scientists are excited about this group of instruments as they are hoping to use them from a separate reality to the one we are in to try and extend their ability to sense the source of the ‘excitement’ of the atoms, hopefully leading us to you. Another small step forward Arthur, we’ll get to you someday.

Msito came, but Angelica asked that we stay away from her. They walk for hours in the wild, Angel performing minor magic tricks to amuse her and then they will sit on a log or by a stream and talk seriously. Angel does not pamper her with either love or mother love. She tends to be less emotional and more down to earth, not allowing Msito to ‘play to an audience’ (pity herself). Somehow this seems to be the tonic Msito needs and when we can sense her, she seems to be healing day by day. Angel says she will be fragile until the day she is forced to forget herself in some desperate need to help others.

We often have Muyzith here in the hundreds and each of the Cherinian species seems to have adopted a few individuals. There are always about a dozen Muyzith studying Iona and her father. A few try to study Sheena and the way she interacts with us, but when we want our privacy, they leave her alone.

The Muyzith are not ready yet to trust us with their normal citizens and children and we are looking forward to the day they do. Now that Robbie understands their plight he has changed, always gentle and sweet. As a human being he treasures their differences and tries his best to understand them. As protector he cannot help anticipating the day they become Cherinians. We will be richer in many ways, as these are a complex but highly intelligent species with many extrasensory abilities. At this time, they are just a little bit impractical and not strong enough to handle stressful situations because of their inability to adjust to what life throws at them, but they will bring many new gifts and ideas with them.

Meli’s world has become a very popular place with them, visitors going there daily. Daniel mentioned that they are always courteous, but they are not as interested in eating and drinking as they are in watching and hearing their music and dancing. As a special favour, Lua and Coral dance there quite often.

Though they mostly still avoid Dommi, there is one person all our visitors seem to feel at ease with and quickly become fond of - Wendy. The poor girl is getting tired of the tender way they ‘handle’ her, as if she is our victim, but she controls herself, understanding their needs. I guess the Muyzith will take longer to accept us as we are than any other species has till now, which is strange, considering how many species they have met and their gentle introspective nature. Just in case anyone wonders, we make a point of ignoring signs of arrogance, understanding it happens at those times they need to shut out the world.

Sheena thinks the interest in her is because they admire her and is acting up, talking non-stop and expecting her every wish to be catered to. Dommi has decided to take over until she returns to normal.

After lengthy negotiations, Robbie adjusted another ecological niche to fit comfortably about two thousand of them. They used their own massive transporters to lug the materials for building their homes, laboratories and entertainment areas. Freddie was pleased when he learnt they had brought advanced equipment for handling the sewerage within their niche. When they realised how interested everyone was, they brought an extra plant for our scientists to examine, including blueprints and complete instructions and explanations. With Freddie carrying so many people, we need anything that can help keep our little world cleaner.

We’ve just had a reversal of roles, Msito has to help our little Angel and Sammy!

A team arrived with equipment for our scientists to study the disturbance created by our discussions with Arthur. They brought with them those who are specialised in analysing the results and evolving theories.

Before I continue, I need to know how your health is Arthur.

Next [Book 09] - Post 005

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

22nd February, 2020

  • posted: 22nd February, 2020

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