LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 03 - post083

It was wonderful to be free of the needs and raging fires of passion and to be only overwhelmed by a dreamy love and tenderness.

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I could have lain with her like that forever, but we were both hungry; apart from a toasted sandwich, we had not eaten that day. I saw it was about ten o’clock and I made her get up. We dressed and took a cab to the restaurant. Though we had not booked, the owner, a lady, was touched to see father and daughter coming out for a dinner together and made space for us. I ordered two Chateaubriand, rare to medium, and a bottle of very good red wine. To start off she wanted avocado and prawns while I had some pate de foie gras.

“You will not like the wine, it is dry and your palate is not accustomed to the taste. Sip a little between your food, it will wash your mouth of the taste of the food, renewing your ability to taste the food.”

I only gave her about three quarters of a wine glass and she carefully did as I said, at the start pulling a face.

“In this country parents are sensible, they bring up their children with wine on the table. You will hardly ever see Greeks badly drunk, like you do back home in England. I think it is the laws that are responsible. Because children are not allowed alcohol there, soon as they can buy it they think it proves they are adults and they make fools of themselves, drinking until they become alcoholics. Here, for as long as you are with me my love, you may have wine or beer whenever you want - when we are eating.”

That was my only ‘adult’ comment. The rest of the evening was spent with me making her either giggle or her making my heart melt with love. By the time she was yawning I was surprised to see it was nearly two in the morning.

I carried her from the cab as she rested her head against my chest fast asleep and gently laid her down on the bed. Carefully, shushing her if she started to wake up, I undressed her, pulling the blanket over her. I was dying to get in next to her, feel her warmth against me, but I sat there looking at her, the eyelashes dark against her cheek, her unruly hair spread out in dark waves over the pillow and fixed the image of her in my mind for me to treasure forever. Quietly I went to do some painting and when I finally did get into our bed, she wrapped herself against me, her breath gentle on my skin and the patter of her heart a comfort as I drifted off to sleep.

We are told that the human mind and heart cannot remain in ecstasy forever, that even awe and the pleasure of beauty palls with time. This has not happened with me, I think it has only intensified as my love for my Cherine has grown day by day. I have this feeling in my heart that she will never pall - a thousand years from now I will still be in awe of her precious heart and her beauty. Even should I be able to get used to having her around, there will still be these moments when I will catch sight of her out of the corner of my eye and my heart will quicken with love and adoration.

As the last days before Christmas came to a close, the streets were filled with people doing their last minute shopping, meeting each other at cafes, their bright chatter filling the air. It was a magical time to be granted time with a loved one. Cherine and I walked all over Athens, we went to Plaka, ate at funny tiny tavernas, had mezedes at old coffee shops where the tables were ugly tiny metal wobbly things and the ouzo would be brought with little plates of octopus and other delicacies. She mostly drank her fizzy drinks, but would always take a few sips of my ouzo, the food tasting better for it. We even walked around the Parthenon, those parts still allowed to the public and looked down on Athens from the tiny monastery on Lykavittos. Wherever we went we dragged love and joy with us like a blanket to cover us and keep our hearts warm. At home we spent most of our time without any clothes on, getting acquainted and re-acquainted with each other’s bodies and in the process getting to know our own bodies and even love them for the joy they gave the other.

Cherine ached for me to enter her, but was afraid to spoil this idyllic moment and did not use my moments of passion to try and get me to enter. The closest she came to it was when she would take my penis and rub the head within her slit, pushing it around the tight small entrance. If she was able to feel the tip within her without it causing her pain, I did not object.


I managed to book a table for us to go out on Christmas eve. Luckily I had drawn a considerable amount of cash from before Cherine joining me, as the queues at the banks are terrible and I can’t find my credit card. We were provided with paper hats, crackers, confetti and all the rest of those paper things people like to play with at this time of the year. As Cherine and I played, I pretended to be afraid of her spraying me from a tin of ‘cobwebs’ that I had bought her and ran around the club, in between the tables, with her shrieking and laughing as she chased me. I have never seen so many adult faces look with so much amusement and tenderness as they watched her, some of them encouraging her. By the end of the evening she was the darling of the club and even danced with a number of the men, her face a study in fierce concentration. When we left she went to each of them, wished them a Merry Christmas, kissed their cheeks and thanked them. A number of them called out to me, ‘na sou zisei, einai koukla’ (may she live long - she is a doll).

She sat on my lap during the drive home, her body and head against my chest, but she did not fall asleep. We entered our home (I let her open for us with her key - I had misplaced mine somewhere). Shyly she went and brought me her present. After kisses and hugs I opened it. She had got me a mouse for my computer, the new kind that does not have a lead. I knew that it is quite expensive and she must have used all her pocket money. She felt my reaction, did not even need to see the tears in my eyes - my soft ‘thank you, it is a wonderful gift, I’ll think of you every time I use it’ was almost superfluous.

We put on some music and sat cuddling, silently enjoying the feel of our bodies against each other. Patiently she waited, then decided I had not bought her a present and mentally shrugged, not upset at all. Her philosophical acceptance endeared her to me even further. I thought, one day, if life is good to us and we stay together, I will not be able to surprise her, she will know me too well. That will be a pity.

When we went to bed our two naked bodies came together in a gentle tender loving that left us breathless with love for each other. The psychic gift of Cherine may have helped to strengthen our joy in each other, keep every touch fresh and new, but I am convinced that even without it my heart would still have been her slave, beating only for her. Without knowing when, we both slipped off into a sleep that was deep and happy.

I found myself in a strange world. The colours were bright, but almost splashed on haphazardly and sometimes forgotten. Right from the start I knew that I had slipped into a dream Cherine was having. I heard her calling me and looking up saw her floating above me. As she drifted I ran after her until she disappeared. I looked for her and felt her calling again, she was standing on a low hill. She came running down to me. She stood looking up at me and said one word that was filled with joy, ‘daddy’. With the word I realised that I was not wearing my own face or body.

I scooped her up in my arms, “My darling little girl.” She hugged me and disappeared. I found her sitting looking off into the distance. She was crying. “What is wrong my baby?”

“You are going to leave me again.”

“I will always be in your heart.”

“But I want you with me. I miss you daddy.”

“I sent you someone so that your heart will not be empty.”



She smiled at me and my vision blurred with tears. “Can I have him daddy…forever and ever?”

“Yes my baby, he is yours.”

“And you will come back to me? Promise!”

“Yes, I promise.” I vowed somehow this I would do for her, logic having no part to play in dreams.

She jumped up and ran to me. I picked her up, swung her and her body came back to me and as she hugged me she melted into me and I woke up.

I spent the rest of the night listening to her breathing and wondered how I was to keep my promise, for keep it I was determined to do - even if I have to find death and fight with it for him. It did strike me I was not being logical, but her need was forcing me to become illogical. Once dawn had broken, I quietly crept to a cupboard and placed my gift next to her, to find when she wakes up.

Though I wanted to stay by her side I went to my computer and sat drawing.


I sensed the change as her mind broke away from sleep and I returned, standing at the door to watch her. She stretched and looked over at me with a happy smile. “Merry Christmas Robert.”

“Merry Christmas my love. Our first one together. I promise, this is only the first one.”

“I know.” Her elbow touched the gift and she grinned as she pulled it to her. “What is it?”

Even as she asked she tore the wrapping off and opened the box. She looked inside without speaking. “Robert!!”

“I know it is a cheapie, but I hoped you might prefer something I made for you. I painted it with my heart, love.”

She pulled out the portrait of her, the picture showing her half turned away, her fingers wiggling behind her back and her face as she looked back with a hint of that mysterious smile of hers, her eyes dancing with mischief. I may be accused of painting an idealised painting, but it was as my heart saw her - at least, as well as I am capable of painting the magical quality of her.

“I could not give it to you last night, the paint needed time to dry, I’ve had to work during the night to get it ready for today. Better handle it carefully for another twenty four hours at least.”

“I’ll always handle it carefully. Robert, you made me look lovely!”

“Actually I feel I did not succeed in capturing your magic and beauty, but it is the best I could do. Maybe in fifty years I’ll be able to paint one that does you justice.”

She put it back in the box. “You will have to keep it here for me. If my mother sees it she will know you are in love with me.”

“It shows?”

She looked back at me and I saw her eyelashes heavy with tears. “Oh yes, all the love I needed to see.”

She came into my arms and I kissed her face all over tenderly. Her legs were clamped around me and she wiggled her bottom rubbing her crotch against me. “I want to make love to you Robert.”

“First we have breakfast. How about you make my toast and coffee while I wash and shave?”

“No, don’t shave, I want to feel you scratching me.”

“You silly bunny.”


“Not to shave? If it means that much to you, okay.”

I went to the bathroom and waited for her. I heard paper being torn, a happy laugh and she came running in. “You cheated, you gave me two presents!! How did you know I want a CD player?”

“I was hoping you did. It is only a small portable one, but I thought your generation seem to prefer them to the full unit.” She shook her head, not hiding her happiness. I knew my girl has grown up without luxuries, but I was touched by her response.

I had to get bossy, but we had our breakfast, Cherine with her CD earphones stuck on as she listened to music, humming and singing along to the songs. Soon as we had finished eating she took them off and coming around to me took my hand. I grinned.

“You see, I was right.”

“About what?”

“What I told your mother.”

She got a naughty look to her. “You going to tell her you were right?”

“That woman is quite capable of sticking a knife into me, think I’m crazy?”


“You are still afraid she will take me away from you.”

“My biggest fear. I think that if I lose you now I would wither, wilt and die.”

“All of that?” She turned sober. “You keep on being afraid and I feel it. Robert, I told you, I will not let her take me away.”

“If she decides to marry the man she is with, she will not have to take you away. As a family you will have less and then less time to be with me. As you make friends you will slowly forget me.”


“That reminds me, what about your friend Maria-Elena? Call her and wish her Merry Christmas.”



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I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
15th October, 2019

* posted: 15th October, 2019

If you wish to read from an earlier book, from Book 01 to Book 04, use this link button to open the LC Book Index:


Μια χαρά περνά τις ημέρες των Χριστουγέννων!!!! :)

Se ligo tha gyrisoun spiti tous - na po ston Robert na sou kanei 'surprise visit'? :)

Τον περιμένω.... :))))))

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my 2% downvote just is a summons without punish.

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In what f*ing world do you live!!!!

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You have earned no respect from any talent in writing or art, because you obviously have no talent - as is usual with small-minded worms like you - so now you think to earn respect by hitting those who do produce material to give others pleasure? I have an earning of 0.37c on my post and you flag, you little sh*t!!!

Well, F* you and all those other little worms like you, which have suddenly sprung up like maggots, to chase away all those who actually do produce something worth reading - then like cannibals, you will only have each other to attack.

Hmmm....I see no posts from you...but you resteem. Maybe the only way to hit back is by flagging those you like? We'll see.

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