LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 03 - post074

“I chose your body for you. I want you to see this through the eyes of a child. Their senses are still more alive to everything. There are no thorns and the ground is gentle, you will not need shoes here. Come with me.” I offered my hand and she took it.

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We strolled about, went to the stream and found the bush full of raspberries. I coaxed her until she tasted one. When we had our fill of them we sat by the stream and drank through cupped hands of the crystal clear cool water. I took her hand and walked out into the clearing again.

“On this world you can do things you cannot do elsewhere. Imagine you can fly and come with me.”

As I slowly rose into the air she looked at me in wonder. Our fingertips were still touching when her feet lifted off the ground. I led us towards the forest and finding the opening we sank till our feet gently touched the grass. Daniel stood patiently waiting for me to speak.

“This is Daniel. His people live here, look carefully and you will see their homes up in the trees. Daniel my friend, I regret I cannot introduce you to this lovely girl, she will not tell me her name.”


“Thank you. Are we here at the right time to let her taste of your lovely foods and drinks?”

“Fruit juices?”

“Anna, would you be able to handle alcoholic drinks in the body of a child?”

“I prefer a fruit juice.”

The walks, the fresh invigorating air, the sparkling energy of this world all conspired to make her hungry. She shocked herself with how much she ate, wondering at the strange tastes, at the exotic fruit. A soft music was played for us and she stared, trying to see everything, imprint it on her mind. The soft music seemed to speak with the voice of the breeze, telling of a people in a far away land, their lives filled with love and laughter. I made a point of not watching her openly and caught sight of a tear on her eyelashes. I could have tumbled about with joy, but sat as if nursing my ale, my thoughts elsewhere.

“Roberto, what is this world. Where does it exist?”

“It is a world waiting to be born. At the moment it only exists within the mind of one of the girls, did you notice Meli? This is her world.”

“You are trying to make a fool of me. This could not all exist in the mind of a person. What about Daniel!”

“Ask him. Daniel, who does this world belong to? Who created it and gives it life?”

“The Lady Meli, my lord.”

“Ignore him when he calls me lord. That is Meli’s fault, she told them I am some kind of prince.” I grinned at her. “Anna? You are a very pretty girl.” I pulled a face. “I’m sorry, I did not mean you are not an attractive woman.”

She laughed at my clumsiness. “But you prefer girls?”

“There is something very special about the purity of children. Yes, I feel more comfortable with children.”

“That is why you made me a child!”

“I will not answer you on the grounds that I may incriminate myself.” I teased back.

“My lord, you have seen Lua, she is well?”

“I saw her a couple of days ago at Claudia’s birthday party. She sang for us and it was beautiful.”

“How does he know that Chinese girl?”

“I’m afraid you are in for a shock if I answer you.”


“Then shock me.”

“Daniel had a daughter and she died. Meli could not bear to let her go and brought her soul back to Earth, finding a Chinese girl who had conceived she…I told you it would shock you.”

“But how? If all this only exists in her mind, how could she?”

“We still do not understand.”

When we left I explained to her. “There are still many marvels to see on this world. I must beg you though to forgive me. I sense my body is exhausted and staying here longer would not be good for me. May we return please?”

“Why are you asking me, you are free to take me back if you wish to.”

“I would not do that! I know how this world calls to one. I need your understanding and consent.”

“And if I prefer to stay?”

“Then we will. Come, I have a strange city to show you. There are no people living there yet.”

We flew there and she stood staring at the plain ancient Athenian beauty of the city. She wanted to walk down one of the avenues.

“I’m sorry, I will not come with you. Meli filled them with statues of those I love, most of them being from my future. I do not want to first see them here as statues.”

“But how can she do that? Can she see the future?”

I shrugged. “As with everything else you ask me about this world, all I can answer is that I do not understand or know. Meli cannot see the future.”

She thought about the paradox of what I’d said, could not resist leaving my side to take a short walk. When she returned it was to see Ashiir arriving.

“Robert! I did not realise you were here!” She ran to me and I took her hand and kissed it.

“Ashiir, I would like you to meet Anna.”

After their introduction Ashiir explained. “I sensed someone had come to the city. The lady Meli did not explain so I hurried here. You made me responsible for the city and I feared to find someone was here without your permission.”

“Anna, do you recall the worlds of the Anadir? Ashiir is of those people. She died a few hundred thousand years ago, as a child. When the Sparklers released her she was brought here and we became friends.”

“Ashiir, you are female? A girl?”

“Ashiir, do not answer that!”

I was laughing so Ashiir was not disturbed. “Why not Robert?”

“She thinks I only love little girls. If you tell her you are a little girl that will only confirm it for her.”

“You are a silly man Robert. Of course you love little girls and I am one.”

I laughed with her. “Thank you Ashiir. Since when did you learn to pronounce my name?”

She was pleased and proud that I had noticed. “Ordinx made me practice.”

She stared at me in shock as I fell to my knees. “Robrrt, what is wrong!”

“It is my fault, he needed to return but I made him stay. How do I get him back to his body?”

“You only have to imagine it.” She called out loudly. “Lady Meli, help Robrrt please.”


“Shh. I’ll be okay. Just felt weak for a moment. You sure it is okay for us to return Anna?”

“Oh for god’s sake, stop being so stupid and take us back.”

“Bye Ashiir love. Don’t worry, I’m alright.”

“If lady Meli tells me you are home and well I will believe you.”

I smiled and wished Anna and myself back to our bodies.

Dommi was leaning over me her face concerned. “How can this be Robert? What is wrong now?”

“Nothing love, I just overdid it. Will you help me jump back home?”

“Of course.”

“Anna, please think of all you saw. Do you wish it for your daughter? Maybe we can finish our talk tomorrow?”

“Phone me.”

I nodded and let Dommi help me stand up, fussing over me, every cell of her radiating her worry, we jumped.

Soon as we were home I called to Meli, “I had to give Ashiir a fright. Please tell her I am well. Dommi, sorry love.”

I got no further. She broke into sobs, her fists hitting my chest. Finally she calmed down a bit.

“How could you do that to me Robert? After your illnesses you must have known how scared I would be!”

“You said I would find a way to keep her from fearing me. You had to be genuinely worried for her to believe it.”

“You crazy bastard!” I pulled her to me, she fought it for a second and then came into my arms. I kissed her, ignoring all the others staring at us.

I whispered into her ear. “I’ve been dancing in the void. Shall we go to our bedroom?”

“I think you first have to get rid of Alki and Savva.”

“I see Tasso was the only one who had the brains to go home.”

“Stop being a shit Roberto and tell us what happened.”

I decided it would be quicker to tell them so as to get rid of them. It was not that quick, as they needed a lot of explanations, but they left laughing.

“Now you can take us to bed Robert.”

I groaned. “What! All of you?”

When we did not call, Anna called in the afternoon. Dommi took the phone.

“I’m sorry. Robert is still sleeping…yes I know…no, he will be fine. It is from the time we were at war with the Sparklers, he spent months away from his body and now if he stays too long it sickens…he what!?…no, I understand, it is not your fault, that is how he is…yes, we’ll call you.”

Dommi grabbed my ears and sat on me. “You really are just an overgrown kid.”

“Hope so. You like to find out what is the favourite pastime of us overgrown kids?”

“Again!? You must be kidding!”

“Me! Kid you!” I tickled her and, well, one thing led to another and she decided I was not kidding.

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I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
2nd October, 2019

* posted on PALNet - Steemit - WEKU - CreativeCoin: 2nd October, 2019

If you wish to read from an earlier book, from Book 01 to Book 04, use this link button to open the LC Book Index:


Γιατί το θέλει αυτό το κορίτσι???


Ennoeis tin Anna, tin mitera tis Smaragda?

Min ksehnas oti gia na ehoun kapoia ασφάλεια oi Cherinians. prepei na ginoun ena megalo meros apo ton plithismo...

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