LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 03 - post037


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It was so late that I only hugged Irene to me and after a soft goodnight kiss we closed our eyes and slept.

Previous Post 036


By the time we got up in the morning Eddie was gone. An Asian mechanic turned up later, found the problem and promised to return the next day, also promising to bring the spares with him so that I can see him install them.

“That looks like the carburettor, are you going to replace it?” I had not brought one with me.

He laughed. “We cannot do that sir. I will fix it and bring it back. We have had to learn to make do in this way.”

“Yes, Dimitri did mention it. I will be paying you in cash. Would you prefer dollars?” That pleased him and I knew he would do all he could to be back next day.

Irene asked, “It is too far to walk to the beach. Are we staying home today?”

“Too far for a Cherinian?”

“We can jump! I’m silly today.”

I hugged her, “I think we should start jumping wherever we can. The old car won’t last long if I keep using it.”

The day passed as pleasantly as had the previous ones, though this time I noticed our games were an excuse for her to tease me, tantalise me with sudden soft touches. When I reciprocated, her face became flushed, but her eyes remained steady as she stared at me. I opened to her and felt a little spring of desire running through her veins.

We had a very early supper at the hotel and jumped back home.

“Robbie, I love you verrry much.”

“Me too, but what brought this on?”

“You wanted me to be the one to save you. You did not say I am a baby, you thought of me as your woman.”

“I give my trust where it is deserved.”

The night had not cooled off yet so we went for a shower, my hands gladly doing their duty as I washed her, getting rid of all the sea salt. She did what part of me she could reach, which was not such a good idea, it was with difficulty I suppressed my urge to consummate our love right there and then. We took some iced fruit juice and sat in the garden. Once she cuddled up to me for warmth and the feeling of being with me, I decided it was cool enough for our loving without us becoming sticky with our sweat. I picked her up and carried her to our bed.

As I lay her down, she clung to me till she saw me struggling to undress. She let go and watched. I lay next to her and ran my fingers over her face.

“I am amazed by your mother. We can all sense in her the fear that she is not worthy of us, not equal to the others. How can any woman feel that way after giving birth to a miracle like you?”

She turned shy on me and did not reply. I had to leave the undressing of her for the time being, let her become aroused and then it would not cause her any distress. I placed my upper body over hers and covered her with kisses, murmuring all the words of love I could think of. As I drank from her lips she at first shyly played her tongue along mine, but soon forgetting all but our loving, she became bolder. She licked all around my lips and when I moved down her throat, she did not just lay back and enjoy it. She tried to pleasure me with her fingers wherever she could reach. This mostly meant she was running them through my hair, over and into my ears and along my neck. The soft feel of them was lovely.

Her chest was totally flat without even a hint of what is to come. In a grown woman I prefer breasts, though I like them neatly outlined with girlish nipples and on the slightly smaller side. Yet in my girls, this flatness, the purity of line of their bodies has become a delight that can transfix me in an ecstasy no breasts of a grown woman has achieved. I kept running my fingers and lips over her, taking all the pleasure I could in her small unformed shape. Her little coral tips, like mosquito bites, the centre swelling at my touch, felt and tasted of her little girl scent and it went to my head (and elsewhere). I think I could have spent hours there if not for the tingling I felt it send down into her genitals. I had to follow the sensations in her and my lips trailed in soft kisses, my tongue tasting her all the way to her soft mound.

(Jesus, just writing of those moments as I slowly opened her, the tastes, the scent of her, the sight, it all comes back and I can hardly bear to sit here and write when I know she is just next door - and that another eighteen loves are waiting to offer me all that is most precious of their hearts and bodies.)


Since I had not positioned myself for her to pleasure me, she took matters in her own hands and turned her body until she could reach me. First her fingers played over my belly and as they strayed lower, her fingers so small it made me feel like a giant, both of us our bodies were getting ready to reward us with the sweetest agony imaginable so I pulled away, hardly needing to make any soothing gestures as she allowed me total control.

I resumed my loving of her and she did likewise. As she toyed with me, I knew I would not last long, so I turned and positioned myself over her. She lifted her head to watch my probing. I took her hand and showed her to guide me. She shook her head, pulled her hand back and lifted herself onto her elbows so as to see better.

She gasped and I stopped, waiting for her to become accustomed to the strange sensation. Soon as I sensed she was ready I pushed again till I reached the barrier. I waited for her again, but this time she was more impatient than I was.

“Please daddy, now!”

With her words I gave a sudden thrust, breaking through in one jab. The sharp sting did not make her hesitate or cry. Apart from the one gasp, she made no other sound.

“Still got a long way to go love. When you feel my body against yours I will be all the way in. Irene mou, you are driving me insane.” I rubbed my fingers along her cheek as I slid in slowly, taking the time to savour the sensation. I stared at her as she flinched and she saw from my expression how I felt.

“Do it daddy, let me feel it now. I want it!” Wildly now I pulled and thrust and groaned.

Neither of us needed to call on our healers to make love another two times and even then I only stopped because I felt her becoming tender inside, almost to the point of becoming sore for her and I did not want to use the healer. We fell into a natural deep sleep with me still inside her, her body lying on mine, arms and legs wrapped around me.

“We have consummated our marriage and now you are my woman. Are you still glad you are mine darling?”

“I think most of what I enjoyed was because it was you. My heart feels like it is breaking because I love you so much.” She wrapped her arms around me and putting her face into my shoulder she wept. There have never ever been any tears more precious to me and we had to spend the rest of the day far from other people for only one look would have been needed to see how we were both feeling.

We spent another four days making love as often as we could, Irene growing more versatile and taking a more active role each time.

On the last day I took her to London, hoping Elia and family were not there, so as not to intrude on their privacy, and we filled ourselves with milkshakes, hamburgers and whatever else gave her pleasure. She bought a few small things, but we were two years in the past so any clothes would have been out of fashion back home. Small things for the hair, belts and so on were okay.

We arrived home within half an hour of having left and I saw how the girls all stared at her.

“Irene, you have changed so much!!”

To her that was the best compliment. I left them to their giggling and chatter while I sat in the garden with a coffee and a cigarette. Dommi came out. After a kiss she snuggled up, half lying on me.

“Robert, you do not need to come out here to smoke, it is too cold and it is drizzling.”

“We are not getting wet. I’m alright love, I don’t even know why I smoke. Days go by without one and then suddenly I want a cigarette with my coffee.”

“I noticed, you want one when you are too happy or when you are sad and worried.”

“That doesn’t leave me much time to not smoke.”

“No straws this time. You are taking Candy.”


“The only one I do not feel comfortable about.”

“Why not?”

“A feeling. Have you noticed that she does not keep playing with her age? She is not interested in being older. What if she is coming for the sex only so as not to be different from the others?”

“Then you will find a way to make it right for her not to.”

I gave a snort of amusement. “You expect me to hold that lovely little body in my arms and tell her why she should not let me make love to her?”

“It would sound silly if it was not my Roberto we were talking about.”

I took a break of an hour or so to be with all my girls.

You are correct. I thought of deleting your message, but I suppose that in a sense you are part of the family so I will leave your comments in - as long as you are careful not to say anything that could lead others to you and, as long as you do not intrude too often. This is a diary for my family.

Next thing I know this is going to turn into a message board. Now, if nobody minds, I have to write about my time with Candy. Shit! All this corresponding is starting to make me feel self-conscious about my writing all our personal details.

I decided Africa is not the right environment for Candy. I preferred London. Dommi gave me a recent date when nobody had been at their flat in London, wrote a note for the concierge and gave me her keys. I jumped there alone, switched on the heating, returned for Candy, making sure she has warm clothes on and jumped to enjoy our days of sexual splendour.

Does anybody remember a series called ‘Fantasy Island’? I sometimes feel like I live there. In general, I prefer my home and my comforts. Travelling is fine, but only when it is spread out over time. These last few weeks (for me) have been trip after trip. London at least is a second home to me, I feel comfortable and relaxed here. Mayfair is a lovely area to be staying in; close to everything and yet, with the view of the park from our windows, it does not feel as if I am in the middle of a huge city. I can look out and pretend I am in the country.

Next Post 038

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
16th August, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 16th August, 2019

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Ακόμα συνεχίζουν και καλά είναι πάρα πολύ ωραία ε??

Πάνω που περνάνε ωραία εμφανίστηκες και εσύ....

Αν καταλαβαίνω καλά εσύ θες περισσότερο να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί τους από ότι αυτοι. :)

Φαντάσου ότι κρατάς ημερολόγιο, ώστε να μπορείς να θυμηθείς όλες τις ευτυχισμένες στιγμές με το γιο σου και ανοίγεις την καρδιά σου, έτσι ώστε αν ο γιος σου θέλει να το διαβάσει όταν είναι ενήλικος, μπορεί να δει πόσο πολύ τον αγαπάς.

Ξαφνικά κάποιος άλλος αρχίζει να γράφει στο ημερολόγιό σου. Δεν υπάρχει κανείς άλλος που θα μπορούσε να έρθει στο σπίτι σου και να γράψει (το ίδιο για τον Ροβερτ, καθώς χρησιμοποιεί έναν ισχυρό κωδικό πρόσβασης), οπότε μετά το σοκ, τι θα σκεφτείς;

Νομίζω ότι είναι πιθανό ότι θα σκεφτείς πρώτα, "κάποιος μου κάνει πλάκα", αλλά ξέρεις ότι δεν είναι πιθανό.

Στη συνέχεια, αυτό το άτομο σου γράφει, "Συγγνώμη, αλλά είσε απλά μια ιστορία που γράφω - υπόσχομαι να προσπαθήσω να μην σου προκαλέσω πάρα πολλά προβλήματα. "

Υποθέτω ότι θα τηλεφωνήσεις να σε δεί ψυχολόγος;


Στην αρχή μπορεί να θυμώνουν και να φοβούνται, ειδικά η Σαμάνθα δεν με εμπιστεύεται, αλλά αργότερα.... Αν δεν γράψω για κάποιο χρονικό διάστημα, αρχίζουν να πανικοβάλλονται...


It is not often writers put themselves into their story ... only you as the reader can judge whether it was wise of me to do so, as I have grown to love my characters and can no longer imagine not wanting to be with them.

Αφου είσαι πάρα πάρα πολύ καλός, πώς μπορεί να μη σε εμπιστευτούν!!!!

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