LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 03 - post035


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“So you are not just a child?” She frowned back at me, but could not keep it for long. “Irene mou, I enjoyed last night more than you can imagine. Yesterday and last night will be treasured by me forever.”

Previous Post 034


“More than if we had made love?”

“Just as much as.”

“Then you don’t want to make love to me today?”

“Why do you girls always try to put me in the wrong?”

“I wasn’t, I was curious.”

“I thought you were trying to put me in the position where if I answered yes, you would say I don’t love you and if I said no you would say I don’t love you. If you mean your question as a genuine question I would say that if we do not, I will be just as happy, but if you want us to, it will also make me happy.”

“Oh boy!”

“What does that mean?”


“Open up to me Irene. If you want to tell me off, I will not bite you.”

“What do I have to do to make you bite me?” she cheekily asked.

I tried to work out whether she intended that as a sexual innuendo or just a childish teasing. I decided on the latter. “Try smearing some butter and honey on yourself - you are already toasted.”

Usually, when here and staying at home in the summer, I wear shorts, with or without a short sleeved shirt. She wanted to fix her hair, the seawater had made it feel rough, so I went and lay on the bed. She came in, wearing only panties and sat towelling her hair. She then brushed it and I silently lay there watching her.

She came over and let her long damp dark hair hang over my face, caressing me with the strands as she slowly moved her head about. I smiled back at her and mouthed ‘I love you’. She climbed onto the bed and sat, straddling my stomach. Her fingers toyed with the light hair on my chest and she then ran her finger around my nipple. When she put her finger in her mouth, wetting it and used it to toy with my nipple again I realised she was being erotic, enjoying a sexual examination of me and I felt myself react. I did not move, just lay waiting to see how she will proceed.

There were no signs of passion on her face; she did everything with a studious look to her, totally absorbed in what she was doing, seeing and feeling. I find that look incredibly sweet and would have probably not even noticed if she had dragged a burning coal across me. Anyone seeing her would have thought she has never seen my body before, even my belly button becoming a thing of fascination to her. She moved herself further down so that her fingers can unzip my shorts. She managed that and tugged at them, so I raised my hips to enable her to take them off. At my movement she looked up at me, as if discovering only now that I was also there. If it was a discovery, it did not seem to be of great interest to her for she forgot me immediately. She pulled them and my underpants off together, going all the way to my feet. Once she had them off she neatly folded and put them on a chair and climbed back. She sat on my tummy again, but with her back to me.

Of course I got an erection and while it grew and reached up for her, she did nothing, just staring at it. By now I was immersed within her, able to see and feel what she did. I deliberately blocked off her emotions and thoughts, leaving her a mystery.


When she realised it had stopped growing, only bobbing to my heartbeat, she took hold of it lightly and pulled it back all the way. She spent a long time examining it, familiarising herself with the different textures. She saw there was nothing much further to be seen and let me go.

I gestured for her to raise herself, she did so by lifting herself onto her knees on either side of me. I turned over and lay on my tummy. She went to the top of my buttocks, feeling her way into the two dimples that appeared at the base of my spine. She felt the tail-end of the spine, making sure she knows how all of it is shaped. She had been sitting on my waist and by now she had felt every part. I thought she would end her tour.

She got up and sat to the one side of me. As I turned to look at her she lay down and let my arm wrap itself around her. She put her one leg over my waist and lay like that lost in her thoughts.

“I like you. Every part of you is pretty in a way. How do you smell so clean and nice?”

“Uh, same way you do, I wash.”

“Now I know you told the truth.”

I waited to be enlightened, but she did not elaborate, so I prompted her, “About what?”

“You said that nothing of our bodies is disgusting. You were right.”

“When did I tell you that?”

“You didn’t silly, you told Cherine a long time ago. She showed it to me.”

“Why did she do that?”

“She does that to all of us. She explains about the showers and everything. She says we must be like you want us to be.”

“Very thoughtful of her. It may be strange, but I never thought of it. It just seemed to me that you all have some kind of instinctive knowledge that luckily is in line with what I believe. Irene, I am very glad you did what you did. There is nothing like knowing for yourself and making your own mind up about things of this sort."

“Oh it was also fun!”

“You did not look as if you were having fun, you looked more like a scientist examining me.”

She giggled. “Would they also stick their finger in you?”

“Of course, only they would have put on a finger glove.”

“That would not be fun!”

That made me wonder what her concept of fun is. Okay, I’m just being nasty, I was still feeling vulnerable and embarrassed. The conversation sort of petered out without her giving me any indication of what she wanted. I lightly rubbed her back, but she neither snuggled closer nor made any movement to give me a clue.

If you wish to love a child it is important that you go along with their own needs - your own have to come a far second. To do otherwise is neither fair nor caring. She yawned, stretched and pulled away.

“I’m hungry and thirsty.”

“I know the perfect remedy for that. By the way Irene, don’t ever drink water from the tap. Get dressed, we have a lovely day ahead of us.”

I got her to put on her swimming costume underneath, rolled up her undies with mine and we drove the short distance to the beach. I took her to the nearby local village where we sipped our coconut milk while waiting for them to char (the only correct description I suspect) a few tiger prawns. They included with it something like a potato (I think they call it cassava) and we had a wonderful feast, with a lot of joking by the locals in their own language. The atmosphere was friendly enough, till I saw a face I recognised. It was the man who had, sorry, who will slice his panga into me in the future. He was just as friendly as the others and though I am no Cherine I could not sense any evil in him. I wondered on what basis Doris chose him. Probably he just happened to be with a group of men and she grabbed, darn, I mean will grab him along with them.


Irene was sensitive enough to me to feel something had changed, but I reassured her without explaining, I did not feel she is old enough to differentiate between what he will do to me and his intentions. I got a couple of extra green coconuts and we left for the beach, walking back towards the hotel. The tide was out and seeing such a wide expanse of white sand was a beautiful sight.

The day passed very pleasantly, with me playing with her again. I even swam out a little and dove down to see the bottom. I am not very knowledgeable about what grows where, so I was a bit disappointed when I only saw sand with a few rocks, no corals anywhere.

I asked if she wanted to go dancing that night, but she preferred to take a drive into Dar to see the city. I knew she would get bored, but took her anyway. We stopped at the hotel and sat by the pool with cold drinks. In that heat a fizzy drink does not satisfy thirst, despite all their fancy advertising to the contrary, but it is a nice way to cool down. The waiter suggested a small restaurant where the m’zungu go. We were lucky to find a table and had supper and left for home. On the way back the car died on us. We sat in the dark, the insects causing a riot around us (probably laughing at us). Irene did not show any fear, she just cuddled up against me and went to sleep.

I could not abandon the car, but neither could I leave Irene the whole night here or alone at home. After midnight a car came towards us, obviously, I thought, returning from the hotel. They stopped with their lights shining on us. I had left our protector back (forward) in our time with the other girls, but I was not worried. Whatever their intentions, I knew I can handle them.

The man stood in front of his car, the glare of the lights making it impossible for me to see him. “You really are being stupid. Why haven’t you used your own powers to move the vehicle - making an old man drive out all this way is not very considerate of you.”


“So, I was right. Dimitri told me I visited him and asked him to vacate the house for six months. I knew I had not. So, the matter between you and my wife was settled?”


“Stop! You must not tell me anything, it could affect the future.”

“All it could do is open another alternate world.”

“I would rather not know - get your backside off that seat and come tie the rope. You don’t expect an old man to bend do you?”

“If I had the energy you have I would not do half as much moaning as you do. Old man indeed. Eddie, give me a moment, I have to move Irene over.”

He stepped up to my door and looked in. “I do not remember seeing her before.”

“She has not been born at this time yet.”

“Travelling through time - how long in the future?”

“I thought you did not want to know anything. Two years, more or less.”

“She is older than that.”

“Even at this time you should know that we can adjust our ages.”

“Good, you are at least honest. Don’t move, no reason to wake her.”


“What now!”


“When we get home could you stay a little? It would be interesting for me to get to know how you think of us at this time.”

“Are you sure we are friends in the future, you are not here to trick me, find out what my weakness is?”

“Your only weakness is your love for Hettie. As a sign of good faith I will give you a warning. You will side with us and fight yourself.”

“You call that a sign of good faith!! Are you going to explain it?”

“No. As far as I am concerned you do not deserve my real friendship right now. You know what your wife will be doing to us, the suffering she will cause and yet you allow her just because you want to test me. I resent that.”

He grunted as he bent over. When he stood up again he smiled. “You resent it? What on earth prompted me to tell you?”

“Your mind is open to me, if you had not I would still have known.”

“I will visit a while, since you cannot tell me anything to change the future and nothing I can tell you would have an effect, I might as well.”

Next Post 036

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
13th August, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 13th August, 2019

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Ζωάρα κάνουν!!! Αυτά τα πειράγματα μεταξύ τους με κάνουν και γελάω πάρα πολύ.... :)

Elpizo eftases spiti sou kala. Piso stin routina e?

Skeftomouna, to yploloipo (i ena meros) pou eheis sto wallet sou, giati den to kaneis 'delegate' ekei pou sou plironoun kati - opos sto tipu i sto smartmarket? Toulahiston kati na vgazeis kathe mera

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