LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post145

“Yes.” Now she was crying, but her tears were of happiness so I did not mind them. I took her dress and slipped it on for her, over her head.

Previous Post 144


“Get the girls to give you some panties, knowing you are walking around with nothing on underneath will be driving me crazy. We are then going to Paphos to stay for a few days.”

Teasingly, Cherine sent to me, *I bet you wish you had Agapi too.*

I ignored her jibe, but then recalled her flirting with me and realised that if she had come I would not have been able to say no to her either. Partly to punish her for teasing me, I replied, *Sure, would have been fun.*

*Good! Then we can tell her she can come. She is sitting at home crying.*

*I was just joking!*

*Too late, she has come, she is here with us.*

I went to the phone.

“Tasso, are...”

“We are very proud that you would make us family with you. Both my girls will be very happy.”

“They should be having your children.”

“Not my daughter and niece Roberto. It may be easier later with their children.”

“That is why you want them in your circle. You are hoping to make love to my daughters.” For a second he was worried and then realised I was teasing him and laughed. “I’m taking them to Cyprus. You’ll see them whenever we get back.”

“I know you will take good care of them Roberto.”

Agapi walked in and stood next to her cousin, holding her hand for reassurance and looked me in the eyes as she asked, “You really want me Roberto?”

“I want you, I want both of you.” Their little faces beamed with joy and I wondered at how I have changed. A year ago I would have been torturing myself with the thought of touching these two children, one of them practically a baby still, while now I found myself becoming aroused at the thought of loving their bodies. I had not realised that my loves have helped me, to such an extent, develop the confidence in the bodies of Cherinian children and their powers to protect themselves when treated gently and with love.

As we went to say goodbye, Dommi teased me. “Now you are a real paedophile. Maybe we should not have called ourselves the Cherinians, the Paedophiles would have been more appropriate.”

“You mean that as a joke Dommi, but one day the world will know about us and they will call us that and use it as a word of hate.”

“Then they are the stupid ones. They do those terrible things I saw in your photos, but they hate us! Don’t look so surprised, did you really think you made me forget? It only lasted a few weeks.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For playing along and letting me feel I had taken the pain away. I wish I had though.”


“Anger can also be good Roberto. It is good I remember, for remembering helps me to see how different what we do is, nothing like those horrible people. You want to know something else strange? If these two girls had been women, I would have been jealous and hurt and angry with you.”

Chapter Eighty Nine

The girls let Socrati know I am coming and he put some flowers in the vase, filled bowls with chocolates and pasatembo (salted pumpkin seeds) and cold drinks in the fridge.

“Looks like they want us to have a good time. Come sit here by me.” They sat, shy and nervous.

“Girls, both of you hardly know me. Are you sure you want this?”

“Yes.” Agapi was positive.

Klo looked at her nervously and plucked up her courage. “I’m scared, but I am sure that I want you to be the father of my child.”

“There is nothing to be scared of, I would not hurt you for anything in the world. I’ll tell you what worries me. Neither of you love me and yet you want to have my baby. Why? You both have men in your circle who would be proud to be the fathers of your children. Why me!?”

Agapi took the lead again. “That day you returned after everyone died, I felt when I teased you that I really wanted you. I felt shy afterwards and very stupid for teasing you. But the feeling of wanting you did not go away. I do not love you, if you mean am I in love with you. I love my brothers and father very much, but my father will not let them make love to us. Only to kiss and touch us. It is not fair Roberto, we also feel we need to so much that it hurts, not just my mother.”

“Do your brothers make love to your mother?”

“Nicholas did once, but it upset my father so much, even though he tried to hide it, that they never did again.”

“Your father, does he hold you and make love to you without putting his penis in you? Does he let you hold his penis?”

“He will not even talk about it the way you do.”

“Agapi, that day you teased me, I did respond to your teasing, you are one hell of a sexy girl. The problem is that you, I think Klo also, want to make love with me for the wrong reasons. Your first time is very special, you will remember it forever. It should be with someone you love very deeply, for then the lovemaking will have a special meaning. Every single one of my girls, I refused to make love to them for a long time. I wanted them to first be sure in their hearts, to love and want me so much it hurts. I cannot do that with you, your hearts belong to your circle.

This thing of the children staying within the family circle does not seem to be working. Because it did for me and my girls, everyone is trying to make it happen for them too, but it is not. It is not your fault, the grown ups have learnt to think of making love to children as being evil and they are finding it difficult to adapt. Kleanthi, if you did not belong to a circle, would you be happy to make love with your mummy and daddy?”

She looked scandalised for a moment. “You mean if they wanted me to?”

“Of course.”

“I suppose I would.”

“Can you see what I’m talking about Agapi? You have grown up from birth as a Cherinian. Perhaps the example of my family plus the need you all feel from the void-dancing makes it feel natural for you. As you see, even Kleanthi finds the idea difficult to accept. Her face did not light up with joy at the thought of making love to her parents, not like yours would have.”

“Maybe you are right, but what do we do?”


“First off, let me tell you that your problem is only temporary. If you share a bed with your parents every time you go dancing, it may take a year or it may take ten, but bit by bit they will be tempted into doing more with you, until they will find it completely natural to make love with you. There is too much love between you for that not to happen. If you make love with me, it may then never happen, or, who knows, it may happen faster, but it will not be the same.

If you are like my girls, you are dreaming of having the children of your father and brothers. Do you really want to risk that because you do not like waiting?”

“No. How can we make it happen faster Roberto?”

“Obey your father, but take a more active role in the lovemaking. Don’t wait to be invited. Caress and fondle so that you and that lovely body of yours become a source of joy and passion for them. Send your feelings of passion to them, do not hold it within you. Let them feel how you need to be loved and made part of their loving.”

“They will be sad if I go back without a baby.”

“That is their problem, not yours. You have to be brave for the sake of the future you want for your family.”

She gave me a grin. “Right, so you got rid of me, how are you going to do that with Klo, she won’t talk openly like I do.”

Next Post 146

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
11th January, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 11th January, 2019

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