LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post118

“My darling Swedish maiden, I love you so much. I wish I could have a copy of you at every age. If we keep on talking I am going to end up wasting it by wetting my pants, ideal or not, those are one hell of a sexy pair of tits. Let’s see what the rest looks like.”

Previous Post 117


I stripped her, making an erotic game of it. Slowly she thawed and teased me back, her usual bright personality taking over. Underneath everything I felt a fear in her. They have teased me for so long, felt my adoration of their bodies as pre-teen girls, so she was convinced I would not like her as she is now. It does not help if I have previously loved any of them as an adult, next time they are lacking in self confidence again.

As I fondled and kissed her tummy I came up for air. “Do me a favour Claudia, do not mention how much I love you as you are, it would damage my reputation of being a little girl lover.”

“You really like me the way I am?”

“I actually do have a problem - same one I had with Wendy. I already loved my Wendy and then I met her five year old version and I fell in love with her again. I miss my little Wendy. Can’t you feel that the same thing is happening now?”

Even with her gifts she still pulled my face up so as to look into my eyes. “You actually mean it! How can that be, I am still the same Claudia inside, I’m not actually older.”

“No idea. Maybe it is this body, so slender and yet so softly shaped, sculpted in the form of an ideal young woman. I am seeing what your eleven year old body is only hinting at and I love what I’m seeing. Speaking of which, I do believe there is magic in dem dar hills - can I go prospecting (έρευνα)?”

I licked, one long lick that touched every part of her secret flesh. She moaned and arched her body, but I sensed that most of her pleasure was in the pleasure I got out of her body. She felt the need that was burning in me and she pulled at me to move up so as to enter her. As I did, I waited a few long seconds, just enjoying the feeling. I wanted to move in slowly, luxuriate in the sensations, but I found the way was blocked.

“God, how did you manage with such a lovely body and face to get to the age of twenty five without losing your virginity?”

“I… I was waiting for you.” She gave me a fond smile, her liquid dark eyes staring into mine.

I kissed and fondled her breasts, cupping and pulling at her nipples with my teeth. As she relaxed I thrust myself through her hymen, tearing my way into her, re-claiming what (I like to think) belongs to me. We hit our peak at the same time and she kept on crying out as roll after roll of spasms hit her in a multi-orgasm. It was fantastic being able to share hers, but I sure wish the male was also capable of the same.

Although our lovemaking had not taken long, we spent another hour loving each other. It was not just the exotic strangeness of her new body, nor was it that my body seemed different to her now; being more evenly matched in size; it was the joy of loving each other, of feeling her now sensitive skin responding so acutely to my tender caresses. We gradually became more demanding in our touching and probing until we ended up searching for the mind blowing release we needed. This time when she came it was as if I had become an extension of her orgasm, my climax melding into hers. It seemed to hit a peak and stay there forever.

Hours later I was sitting at the computer creating a design, when I recalled the time I prepared myself to meet Henry. I had strengthened the body I was using! I sat back and thought about it and then tried an experiment. I kept my mind as neutral as possible until I was certain.

I went to the kitchen and taking our sharpest knife, went to the girls. “Do not become frightened and Cherine, relax, nothing will happen to me - I have something to show you.”

I had already pulled my sleeve up so I put the keen blade to my arm and sliced, using all my strength. They all either screamed or gasped, Cherine jumping up at me anyway.

“Here, take the knife, you try. Hard as you can.”

She just stood there with the knife in her hand, unable to obey.

“Cherine, feel the blade, it is sharp?”

“Like a razor.”

“You are scared of hurting me. Just try to slightly cut me then. Do it for me baby.”

She put the blade to my skin, her hand trembling and closing her eyes made a short gentle slicing motion. She looked and saw there was no mark upon me. I made her try harder.


“You could use all your strength Cherry baby, even Alki is welcome to try as hard as he wants. No knife can cut me.”

I explained what I had done when facing Henry. I had thought to myself earlier, if I can do that, why can’t I toughen myself even further. This was the result.

“Will a bullet go through?”

“I think so, even a small handgun. You must all learn to do this so that we can teach all the Cherinians. I do not know about you, but I am going to sleep a lot easier after this.”

Cherine flew into my arms and smothered me in kisses. That was when I learnt of the disadvantages. All tactile sensations (αφής αισθήσεις) were greatly reduced.

With time, as this gift spread amongst us, Tasso complained we are all getting slipshod in our defences, depending on our gift to protect us. He forced us all, ruthlessly, to train until he had drilled it back into every one of us so that we stay alert and protect ourselves. He seems to have the least trouble with all our babies. Their reactions are like lightning and they are amazingly agile. Cherine watched this with a sour look and I felt her resigning herself to the fact that her daughter is more capable of defending me than she is. I tweaked her ear and pulled her to me.

“Since when has it been your strength that protected me? It has always been your heart, the ferocious determination to keep me safe. I would still prefer to have one of you at my side rather than five of them. I do not need muscles love, I need a brave heart and a mind that is totally committed.” I chuckled. “I can imagine us some day, me old and shaking and my Cherine still there - though I imagine you will be concentrating on shooing away all my little great-great-grandchildren, especially the girls.”

“Are you going to give me a couple of days alone with you for our anniversary?”

“You better believe it. Where do you want to go?”

Chapter Eighty Six

I took her to Venice. If that city is not a city for celebrating a special anniversary, then I do not know which one is. We did all the ‘tourist’ things; a gondola up and down the canals, passed under the bridge of sighs, sat on the pavement at little restaurants, eating and enjoying the sights and sounds of the Italians with their exuberant ways. We did have a small bit of drama worth mentioning at one of the seafood restaurants.

We were not specifically looking for that restaurant, we just happened to be passing and noticed how crowded the entrance is. More out of curiosity than anything else, I guided us to take a look and saw that they are a seafood restaurant. I noticed the tanks with lobsters in them, but did not give them a thought since I know that all good restaurants with seafood only cook lobsters from their tanks. Luckily most of the tourists moaned about the high prices and decided to eat elsewhere.

We were shown in, we had lobster and crab, a delicate wine and coffee. I was very pleased with my little Cherine. Most women ask for semi-sweet wine. She has acquired my taste for dry and, since we were in Italy, we tried it the way many of them seem to drink it. They like to squeeze a lemon into the glass of wine. I did not put mineral water (fizzy) as they do, but Cherine did and liked it. We were feeling good and in an amorous mood, so we decided to return to our hotel.

As we walked out of the restaurant, there were no people crowding the entrance and we saw the stand by the entrance where they displayed their lobsters, crabs (bound so that they would not run around) and so on for their customers to choose their meal from. She looked at it without reacting and then one of them moved. She must have opened her empathy gift to them, for now she realised they are all alive and suffering. She burst into tears and made a bit of a scene. She would not forgive herself for having eaten there. It was no use my explaining that they keep them alive so as to provide their customers with food that is fresh and tasty. That just made matters worse and she would not talk to me for nearly half an hour as we walked up and down the streets.

Next Post 119

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
12th December, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 12th December, 2018

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Νέο χάρισμα ε?? Γίνονται κάτι σαν ατσάλι?
Πήγαν και Βενετία... Τι ωραία... :))

To katalaves ollo... :)

Tha ta poume gia tin Βενετία sto epomeno...

nai to katalava!!! elpizv to bradi na ksekinisw na diabazw ki to allo... :)

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