LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post066

With all the people that kept turning up that day we had to wait for evening, but it was worth the wait.

Previous Post 065


“I cannot believe that so much time has passed Diana, without me holding our babies once in my arms. They must think I am a terrible father.”

“They know the price you paid to save them.” She smiled. “They love you very much.”

I nodded, “We can feel each other all the time. I can’t help wondering if it is because of them having a piece of me.”

“I wish I could feel you like that.”

“Next time we dance, give me a very tiny part of your soul. If it works, then you will.”

This got her excited and she proudly let everyone know what I had asked and offered her. It made her feel special that I want a part of her in me and to be linked this way. Even Cherine felt a little green-eyed with envy. Now every day she has to wait would be a torture for Diana, so we decided to go dancing.

“Robert, you must promise me...”

“…as soon as my healer says I must return, I will do so. Happy?”

“Why do you always end off everything you say with a silly question?”

Aganthi and Angelo, as expected, were nervous. Once they had joined us and had danced with everyone, they responded with enthusiasm. Everyone knew of what Diana and I were to try and watched with interest. Even our alien friends were fascinated by the concept.

I had the protector on guard, monitoring us carefully to see that we do not meld. Diana and I began our dance. Her exchange kisses had for me a particular ‘taste’ that sent my own motes into a frenzy. If I were to look for a logical explanation, I would say it is because each mote of hers represents love from a number of my girls, all in one. I do not believe the logical explanation stands on its own. Diana is far more than the sum of her parts, she has grown, developed into a remarkable person, a soul that far exceeds her origins.


The ‘recipe’ of her soul, just as with her body and personality, had been designed especially to be attractive to me in every way, to touch my heart and body; she was made to be my ‘dream’ girl in every way the girls could imagine. Since her birth she has become more than that, as we grew closer, our love more important to her and me, she blossomed and touched parts of me that were previously deeply hidden.

Just the dance, with our frenzied exchange kisses was so pure an ecstasy it was almost a torture for us. I had shown her how I had split myself for the twins and she began to split off a sliver of her core. The protector intervened, forcing her to reduce it and I received that part which came from the heart of her soul and melded it within myself. The others tell me I blazed forth as if I were going ‘nova’.

It was too much. I spun out of control, flashing in an arc beyond the Sparklers and into the unknown depths of the void. I was in a mindless ecstasy. The protector remained with me, even though it too was affected and gradually it influenced my path so that I returned to my loves. I came to a trembling stop and looked in amazement at my protector. It had also gained, the power that blazed from it almost a tangible energy.

I examined Diana with a new clarity and saw she was not harmed. In my joy at our new closeness, I dived in and out of all my loves and drawing them to me we became the Kaleidoscope World.

I looked on the changes, the arrival of Aganthi, the growth in the power of I and saw our future growing. The other circles formed their own Worlds and greetings were exchanged. The parts of I left immediately for the emerald isle.

The part that was Robert ignored the beauty around him. He found the rest of his soul and went to her.

“Diana, you have affected me beyond anything I expected. How I do not know. It does explain why the twins souls have grown so rapidly, I feel as if you have made me into a giant.”

She stepped closer, her emerald body, the long darker emerald hair and shining brightness of those almost black emerald eyes, an unbearable beauty to Robert. Tenderly he extended a hand, letting just the tips of his fingers brush against the soft curve of her tiny breast. He started, as if in shock. He had actually felt her. Soon they were on their knees upon the sand, their hands exploring as their lips sought to unite their breath and bodies. She fell back, her thighs opening in a call for him to unite with her. He slid his trembling body over hers, luxuriating in the sensation and sweetly slid within her. He was unprepared for the heat, the fire that met and joined, pouring through both of them as one, no longer a male climax and female orgasm, but a blend, the sum again far beyond the parts. The body of Robert sank into Diana, for the split second of an after-image merging into one and they disappeared.

I held their trembling souls at opposite ends of my World, giving them time to regain their equilibrium and sanity. I was astounded, for even now there was a current that flickered across from one to the other. I called the others and sent them all back to the void before the Robert part destabilises the World.

Cherine called urgently to the protector to force the return of Diana and I to our bodies.

I opened my eyes to see Wendy watching me fearfully and in awe. I smiled at her as the others returned. I saw Diana and the beauty was too much to bear. Wendy threw herself at me, blocking my view of my little goddess. Cherine immediately also stood in the way while the others surrounded Diana and took her out of the room.

I held my head in my hands till I had recovered. “We will have to go through the whole adjustment thing again. I do not have the strength for that now.”

Aganthi brought her face close to mine, staring into my eyes. “I saw you, with the protector in you I saw you are a god. How can your body be so weak if you are a god!”

I moaned, half in despair, half in amusement and half in exasperation. “Ftou kai apo tin archi!! (from the beginning again!!)”

Alki pushed his way through the girls. “Don’t take what she said lightly. If you are a god or not, we cannot say, but you are changed Roberto. You did not grow by just the tiny sliver Diana gave you. Didn’t you see the change in your protector? You are something new Roberto mou, a soul that transcends anything we have seen before. If you had been as you are now at the time of the war, you would have wiped out every single Sparkler.”


“You are telling me my responsibility for every action I take is larger now! I do not want that Alki.”

“It has only just begun Roberto. There is not a soul, of any Cherinian, that does not dream now of giving you a part of themselves, to become a part of what you are. You could not see it, but we who remined outside, we could see a difference in your World. It shines brighter than even those of the Anadir.”

“No. They must not give to me, they should give to each other!”

“That will happen too. You better set your protector to watch in the void to ensure it does not happen without them being guided and guarded from each other.”

“Cherine, go to Diana. She needs to be held, comforted. When she has calmed down, try to help her. She knows what I want. Get the protector to help. She must try to create her own protector; maybe as part of me now, she can.”

I had hoped in vain. Try as she did with all the help she was given, she could not. When I felt the sorrow in her I was glad, for her sake, when she felt the happiness in all the others, their pride in belonging to me, the only one to have a protector. I felt her grimace of wry amusement, but I felt too that her sentiments were exactly the same.

Angelos had been sitting so quietly I almost forgot he was with us.

“Roberto, what you did with Diana, would it help new members to learn all the gifts in one visit?”

“It is too new for me to answer you. To be honest, I think not. Each gift needs new doors to be opened in your mind. None of us seem able to learn or acquire all the gifts the others have. Luckily most of the basic ones seem to be universal, until proven otherwise.”

“I was wondering. I do not understand this ability I have or how it happens. How can I pass it on?”

“One of the things you will learn is how to open your mind, let others pick from you knowledge, experiences and gifts. Certain people do find it very difficult; a matter of personality I think. If someone has very strong feelings about privacy, they seem to have these problems. Like Jonathan. I suppose we are lucky I did not meet Cherine in England. Greeks are more open and they changed me.”

“I must be like Jonathan. I’m having problems.”

“Don’t let it worry you. The main things have happened. You have danced with us so we will not lose your soul if you die. You must go to Dr Maria, let her take tissue samples. That way we can bring you back, if that is what you want. You will develop a healer and learn to jump. The rest, they are more useful once you have someone you love. You cannot imagine how they will make you feel.”

“Where will I find someone to love me. To really love me, not with my gift?”

“There is only one way it can happen. You have to find someone for you to love. Angelo, forget your ego, do not wait for others to love you; give love, feel love for your friends, your family. You will then be an attractor of love yourself.”

Alki spoke to him in Greek and I noticed Aganthi listening closely. “What he says to you, they are just words. Angelo, you have been dancing, you have seen our souls. Tell me, who had the strongest, the most brilliant soul?”

“He did.”

“And after him?”

“The ones he calls his girls and you.” Alki turned red but doggedly continued.

“Do you know why?”

“They have more powers and they were the first?”


“Όχι! They have more powers because of the souls they have, not the other way around. Time means nothing. Most of his girls are only babies. Roberto is the most powerful and has the most magnificent soul, even before Diana shared hers with him, because he has the biggest capacity to give love. The girls had to grow to be able to return a fair amount of what he was giving them.

Think of your soul being like his. Imagine love flowing out from you to embrace everyone and let it happen. Then it will no longer be words. You will have to grow because the love will shine out of you.”

“Uncle Alki, in the streets where I lived, people are hard and cruel. How can they be given love? If I were to have to live there again, how could I grow?”

Next Post 067

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
18th October, 2018
* posted on Steemit: 18th October, 2018

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Giati I Diana thelei na ftiaksei ton diko tis protector??
To kentriko noima autou tou post de to epiasa... :(

As gyrisoume ligaki stin istoria tou Robert.

Otan o Robert anakalipse oti ehei "Protector" - mia dynami pou ehei προέλευση apo to Healer tou, (opos to periegrapse, san tois dio plevres-prosopa se metalliko nomisma), o Robert den mporouse na katalavei giati olloi oi alloi den ehoun Protector, ef'oson olloi tous ehoun Healer.

Afto to provlima synehizi na ton provlimatizi, kai giafto, otan enothikan oi psihes tous (Diana kai Robert), kai epeidi oti afti i enosi edose toso dynami sto Protector tou, ilpize o Robert oti isos afto na anoiksi stin Diana tin ikanotita to na dimiourgisei diko tis Protector.

Afto to provlima tou dinei polli anhos, epeidi o Robert ehei mania to na einai ta koritsia panta asfaleis, alla ean hreiasti na steili to Protector gia na voithisei allous, den tha einai ekei gia na sosei ta koritsia ean kati tous apeilisi - ean esto ena akoma yparhi, tha ton anakoufisi poli.

Gia afto o Robert zitise apo tin Cherine to na paei stin Diana kai na tin voithisi na dimiourgisi Protector.

Den ta kataferane kai ton singinise ton Robert oti aisthanthike oti olla ta koritsia, akoma kai i Diana, harikan oti mono o Robert tous ehei Protector.

Metaksi mas? O Robert akoma den kserei polla kai tha prepei na kanoume ypomoni me tois theories tou....eos pou na ginei ligaki pio sofos

To parakseno, opos tha dies argotera, o Robert to katalve afto akoma pio prin kai apo emena.

πώς το κατάφερες αυτό και ο Ρόμπερτ το έμαθε πριν από σένα??? Αναμένω να το δω αυτό το σημείο... είναι πραγματικά απίστευτο να γράφεις μία ιστορία και να σε καθοδηγεί ο χαρακτήρας του έργου σου...
Καλό σαββατοκύριακο...

Apo tis 6:30 to proi eos tis 10 to vradi, den eihame revma. Den tha proftaso na kano polla, all tha kano to LC post oposdipota.

Kali Kyriaki - kai ef'oson den tha pas gia na kaneis mpania, fantazome tha vreis dikaiologia gia na fas kai alla souvlakia. Pes mou, tros kokoretsi?

Χαχα... Δε μου αρέσει το κοκορέτσι... Όχι για μπάνιο δε πάω έχει κρυώσει ο καιρός... Σήμερα είμαι για μπύρες... :)))
Καλό βράδυ...

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