LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post043

“God!! Were those the twins!?”
“Yes Nicko.” Dommi watched him, worried.
“That was the best incentive I have ever seen. If you do not live now, then Robert, you do not deserve them.”

Previous Post 042


For the first time ever my girls conspired with all the others against me. They drew up a list of what I am allowed and not allowed to do. They placed blocks on my healer and protector, not allowing them to let me know if any one of them is in trouble or hurting.

Sam with Cherine went to the void and found Solomon. They asked if he could call Ordinx. When they were both there, they explained my problem. Sam told Solomon they will not allow me to come to the void for a long time, until they have solved the problem and my body is fully recovered. Only once my tissues can be used to create new bodies will they allow me to be as I was before. They told how they have blocked me.

Solomon spoke thoughtfully, *Our race was never trapped within material forms. It would not be possible for us to evaluate this news. However, Robert is our friend. All we need to know is that he is in trouble. We can wait. In our terms, I do not think the wait will be long.*

Then Ordinx offered, *You will call to tell us how he progresses? I will ask our people to search for lore and knowledge we have had no use for, for a long time. If we find anything that could help we will pass it on. Our bodies may be alien to each other, but our souls are those of brothers. Many such ills may be common to a number of species. We will do whatever is possible to help. Samantha my friend, Cherine, your pain is ours.*

The girls had gone into conference, posting privacy signs to keep me out during their planning stage, but they agreed to share with me afterwards, if it becomes necessary for securing my cooperation. I was too spaced out, my thoughts no longer self-disciplined, wandering back to sweet memories, some on pathways into imaginary situations and worlds…some of which I hope I can paint someday. Perhaps I’ll make a series of them and name the series Mind Ranting.

“What happened with Diana, it will happen again if we do not stop him. He was too weak, but when he felt her pain, despite knowing the damage it would cause him, he left his body to help her. We all have to learn to hide our pain and needs from him. From now on, anyone feels that way, you send it to me - you do not let him feel it.”

Dommi was more realistic. “You cannot take all of it Cherine. You will each of you decide who you need at such times, many times you will find you need the love of one of us, whether it be of Wendy, one of the babies or myself, you go to the one who can help. Not Robert. Anyone lets him feel pain will regret it, I promise.”

I was lost within myself, immersed in my thoughts most of the time, but at least I could hear and see my loves every now and then. With the agreement of the girls it was agreed they will send their own healers to carry on rejuvenating those who need help. I must keep my healer to concentrate on winning the battle against the death-wish of my body.

I did realise that the calm was unnatural and that I was being protected. A period of over five days passed without my seeing Alki, but I reasoned that it must be one of those coincidences, a sudden number of meetings or something like that. None of this mattered, I seemed to be in some kind of limbo, life passing on outside of myself as a kind of movie. Whenever I was self-aware, I lay removed from it all, sleeping and watching my healer, fascinated by the way it seemed to be throughout my body, trying to heal all of me at the same time.

Gradually I came back to the outside world. The first thing I missed was my girls. There were always two or three of them around, but I missed the sound and feel of the crowd of them. They drifted in, some talking, others arms around each other, standing and look at me silently. It took a while, but they began to revert to the noisy giggly bunch I am used to. Their childish voices and laughter became my balm.


Dommi had them raise me so that I was almost in a sitting position during the day. Cherine bought me science fiction books and chocolates.

“You remember Robert how you used to read to me when we were in our flat? Would you like me to read to you?”

“You might find it…yes, I would love you to. Even holding up the book tires me.”

The others were envious of her, but they could not read well enough, except for Meli, Em-e and Claudia. I pointed out that if they want to help me and read for me, they must study hard. I got the really young ones to read to me from their school fairy tales. Not one of them, from Cherine to the wee ones, ever felt upset or hurt if I dozed off.

I was chuckling to myself when Dommi and Laura walked in on me.

“What is so funny?”

“Just the irony of it. Here I was so full of myself. We, who shall live a thousand years. Who will not age. Here I am already living the life of a grandfather. Can’t you picture it, grandchildren coming to grandpa to read to him and he dozes off and they quietly, like little mice, creep out to let the old man sleep.”

Laura asked, “You feeling sorry for yourself?”

“Not one iota. I would not miss this for anything. No, just amused. Laura love, in a way it was good this happened. We were starting to think of ourselves as some kind of Superman. I forgot that even he has Kryptonite that can kill him. To tell the truth, I always was more of a Clark Kent than a Superman.”

I had been looking at Laura to avoid watching Dommi carry one of those funny shaped things they have for men to urinate in bed. It still embarrassed me to have my girls handle that side of my weakness. As Dommi returned I asked her. “Where is Alki? Even if he had a shit load of work he would have still come in during the evenings.”

“He had to go to Switzerland. He is returning tomorrow.”

“I’ll be glad to see the old bugger. As long as he doesn’t try to read to me my science fiction stories with his Greek accent.”

“You have another visitor. Can I show him in?” I nodded.

Charlie walked in. It pleased me to see him. He had lost a lot of weight and was looking well. I asked after his family and we talked about nothing in particular for a while.

“Okay Charlie. We had our chit-chat. What brought you? Any problems?”

“Yes. You. I have waited for your western ways to heal you. I can wait no longer. Robert, this is not working, you have been like this for over four months. Tomorrow morning we start using some of my oriental teachings.”

“I am in your hands.”

“We will see. The time difference, I need to go meditate and adjust my body. I will see you early tomorrow.”

He walked out and the girls came in, their eyes large with fear. I gave a chuckle.

“Just when I was getting used to being pampered like an invalid! I suppose it could not last forever. I bet he will have me back on my feet and doing all kinds of crazy things. Come sweeties, I did need a wakeup call.”

If anyone was expecting a miracle, they were disappointed. The first thing he did was massage me. It left my body tingling. He gave me time to recover and returned with a tray filled with tiny needles. I thought to myself, oh no, but kept quiet. Seeing this large man with such big hands, it was amazing how gentle he was. I hardly felt a thing. While he stuck me till I looked like a pin-cushion he talked, explaining to Cherine and whoever came in, about the lines of force that run through our body. How sometimes the lines get obstructed. The tiny needles were supposed to open the pathways again. I felt no different afterwards.


He kept this up for nearly two weeks. One morning he came in and pulled the blankets off me. Instead of massaging me, he lifted me to a sitting position. He took hold of my legs and pulled them over the edge of the bed. The hospital bed I was in was high and I feared I would fall. He put my arm around his shoulders and picked me up. He carried me to the lounge. They had moved a settee to face the large glass door that opens onto the balcony and garden.

“Your soul needs to be fed also. Here you can see the sky. Watch the treetops move and let them carry you into dreams. Tomorrow we will move you closer so that you can see the clouds. Enjoy yourself, I am leaving.”

“Where are you going?”

“To see the Parthenon. I have been here so many times and seen nothing. Dominique has offered to take me.”

Next Post 044

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
24th September
* posted on Steemit: 24th September, 2018

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Kalispera!!! Ayto to keineno to katalav olo!!! Apo oti fantazomai oi eksogiinoi tha broyn tin lisi!!! :))))

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