LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post193

He pretended to look hurt as the adults laughed - the kids of course have not seen the movie, but we could tell that Alki liked being compared to larger-than-life Zorba. “Oh well, since you won’t be here, I might as well give this to you now. Roberto, stand up. This is a formal Cherinian occasion.”

Previous Post 192


He held out the envelope to me. “It was decided by Elia, Nicko and myself. We do not want you to have to work or worry how to provide for your wives, even should they soon be twenty of them. We created a trust fund for you. These are the legal documents.”

“Papa who told you?”

“Who told me what Meli mou?”

Meli went, “Ooops!!” and blushed.

Alki looked at her and then at Marian, then over at Nicko. “Nicko, you better go home I think, you do not want to hear this.”

“Hear what?”

“I think Roberto has found himself someone new. Another girl.”

Nicko spun around to me. “Are you crazy? You already have the most beautiful…Jesus, tell me it’s not true.”

I grinned. “You have both got the wrong end of the tail. Diana, you want to tell them?”

She came over and put her arm around me and looked back at them with so much pride that I know Marian immediately guessed. “I am going to be the mother of twins.” As if she could not contain herself anymore she burst out, “I am having Robbie’s babies!!”

Cherine had already gone to Nicko and taken his hand in hers as he paled, swaying on his feet. She made him sit down and sitting on his lap whispered to him. When he nodded at her I hoped he had accepted it.

I waited for everyone to give their congratulations and so on. When it was over I went to Alki and held out the envelope. “Thank you, but I cannot accept this.”

“It is not charity Robert.”

“I did not think it is. I know why you gave it to me and I know you do so with the best of intentions, but I will not accept it, I cannot.”

“Ella mpampa.” Nicko called out, opening our front door wider. Elia and his wife walked in.

“Alki told me you would not accept it. I do not understand Roberto mou, we give it with love in our hearts.”

“I know.” This would be difficult to explain, but if I wanted to avoid hurting them I had to do so. “I am who I am because of being who I am. I became afraid of this when Themi spoke. Elia, if you treat me as someone special you will change me. I’m only human and the truth is, I like who I am, but I would not like who I will become. I like being Robert, to my girls, the crazy guy, to all of you, the strange idiot. If I start being the hero or anything else like that, then I start having to prove that I am. You know that it will change the way I think of myself. Please, I prefer to worry when I do not earn my keep or owe Alki. I prefer juggling my accounts if I have to. And if I make a lot of money, it must be because I earned it by my talent and work.

A year ago I would have said, put it in a trust for my girls, but now it is no longer necessary, I will be around to take care of them.” I decided I had to face certain possibilities which may arise again. “I’m not saying that during times when I cannot work because I’m fighting for us, as happened with the Sparklers, that I will not accept your help, I will. But I cannot accept that it becomes a way of life.”

Dommi said, “Robert, a part of it is my trust money.”


“A part of it!! Jesus, how much is it?”

“Ten million Euros.”

I threw the envelope at Alki. “Take it before I weaken.” I was certain my girls would berate me for being so stupid, especially those who still consider money important, so no one can imagine how I felt when they all came to hug me and I felt, under their amusement, even a bit of regret, a strong sense of pride in me.

Nicko teased, “He is right. The money would only corrupt him. I remember from school, it was very easy to corrupt him.”

From the still open door we heard, “Who is corrupting whom?”

“Savva, I am so glad to see you. Come in Sophia.” They were also carrying a parcel for Cherine and a cake, so they first exchanged kisses with her and she tore at the paper as the conversation continued.

“Alki, I do not think we will get a chance to go out, if Savva knows then they all do.”


We ended up with a house full of presents and guests. From the cakes they brought, the girls ate enough to make any normal child sick. The biggest surprise was when Cherine’s friend Maria-Elena arrived with her parents, bringing Pavlo with them. He has grown and unfortunately his face is beginning to break out in spots. Silently I asked the healer to take care of them for him. Puberty has changed what he looks like, but because of being healed a couple of times, he is growing into a slim and fairly tall young man. I sent to Cherine that I think her friend is going to be quite a hit with the girls and I was amused by her proprietary pride in him.

The kids left us alone as they closed themselves in my office, taking Annabelle with them. We talked about nothing important to us, uncomfortable at having Maria-Elena’s parents with us, as it limited what we could discuss. Though I was trying to be friendly, my mind was on my girls. I sensed they were giggling and conspiring. I decided it had to be something innocent as Cherine would not give us away with her friend and her parents here.

“Everybody quiet please.” Cherine stood in the center of the room looking just like a spoilt birthday girl. We all stopped talking to hear what they have planned. “It is customary for everyone to sing ‘Happy Birthday’. As a gift to me, Wendy has agreed to sing a song of hers instead.” My heart sank as I stared at her, but she was in the mood to be cruel to me and ignored me, refusing to answer my mental questions. All I could hope was that Wendy would sing a normal song. I noticed that even Alki had paled.

They all stared at our tiny cute blonde girl who stood in the center of the room without any sign of embarrassment. She lowered her face till we could only see a curtain of hair, which now reached her bum, and began to hum to herself. Gradually it grew in strength and we were flooded with feelings of an innocent joy that turned to fear. We felt the blows that hurt the childish heart. There was a long low moment of sadness and emptiness in that little heart and then Wendy raised her face, lifting her arm to point at the ceiling and a golden ray of light shot down to her fingers.

She sang of that golden light even as it seeped into her so that she glowed. As the song carried on I shrivelled in my seat. It was a song about Cherine, the joy of her gifts and the ache when she found out she had to hide it, that she was a freak. The pain was the death of her father. Wendy was representing me as the golden light that filled the heart of Cherine with joy and love and liberated her to be who she is and is still to become.

She reached the point where they all died and above Wendy I saw the Kaleidoscope World revolving in sadness. There was a calling from afar and the World spun in joy, searching out and finding me, collecting the golden glow to itself. Suddenly the World was in agony. It looked as if it would die. At the last moment it began to reverberate with a joy beyond belief and it broke up into a burst of rays of light that were cupped within the golden glow.

My eyes found Marian and saw her face wet with tears. She stared back at me and I saw so much love that I forgot the song and the danger we were in for a moment. I thought to myself, if the gifts of Cherine can make someone like Marian love me, then they truly are miraculous and worth whatever we have to endure.

Next Post 194

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
4th August, 2018
* posted on Steemit: 4th August, 2018

For those who wish to be notified of sequels
@nikosnitza - @jaisaluja
If you wish to have your name added above, I would be honoured.


What was envelope had in it.? As I can say that was money in the envelope. But why she refused to take it?
Was she considered it charity?
Was she poor?

The envelope was given to Robert (who is a man) and it had a cheque inside it of Euro 10 million. They are giving it to him because he is their leader and has to take care of all the problems and dangers. Robert does not accept it, he believes in working for his money.

Ohh,,thanks for explaining.

με μπέρδεψε λίγο αυτός ο φάκελος... δε κατάλαβα ποιός τον έστειλε...

Epeidi o Robert (ean thimase) palepse to polemo enantion twn Sparklers gia pollous mines, katalavan oi alloi oti pithanon, san arhigos tous, tha ginoun kai alla tetoia kai den tha mporei na doulepsi gia na vgalei mistho.

O Alkis, o Elias kai o gios tou o Nikos kai i kori Dominique (Dommi) dosan lefta na diimiourgithi logariasmos gia ton Robert. Mazepsane E10 ekatommyria.

Poli sosta, o Robert den to (ta?) dehtike. Den theli na ginei san allous arhigous, fovatai min arhisei na skeptetai oti einai kapoios spoudaios...protimaei na doulevei gia to mistho tou. Ta E600,000 pou tou edose o Alkis, ekeino to fakello to dehtike epeidi einai antapoivi gia douleia pou ekane.

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