LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post153

“You calling us silly giggly girls? Are we going to let him get away with that?”

Previous Post 152


“Yes you are. I have something more important to ask you.” I repeated the second part of my discussion with Meli. The point made about how I love them, that I idealise them and so on.

“I need to know, do any of you really feel that way?”

Only Dommi felt that way. This shed some light on the dream for me.

“Can you see what happened? The discussion within my dream, it was with you. It was probably some part of me reaching into you, picking up the way you really felt. Dommi, knowing you feel that way would not be a problem for me. If you all felt that way, as it seemed in my dream, that would be more than I could bear. Meli, you gave me the other clue.”


“Only you would say what you said in my dream. That you go to your imaginary worlds because you feel safe and loved here. That you do not use it to hide.”

Dommi was right, I too was beginning to feel the talking time was over. I needed to hold my girls, but I felt the secret intention of my first love. “Cherine. Whenever there is more than you and I, you always want to wait, to be last. Why are you being so unselfish?”

“I’m not. I am being selfish. If I am last I know you can give me all the time I want, you are not thinking of anyone else still waiting.”

“That’s my baby.” I laughed. “Only problem is that you seem to end up missing out entirely at least half the times. You want to be first this time, before I sleep and dream again?”

“Not even as a joke, don’t you dare say that! And no, tonight is a new start for all of us. We were all born today. Except for Claudia. Claudia, if you are going to stay with us, be part of our loving, I want you to be first and forget what you heard me say just now. We will all be happy to wait for as long as you want to love him.”

Claudia looked shyly at me. I sensed her emotions. After spending so many weeks totally alone unable to sense anyone, I appreciated this afresh.

“My fair Swedish maiden, would you like us to go to the other bedroom, be by ourselves for the first time? It was done that way with the others too.”

“What made you all think I changed my mind?”

“You did, you made me feel that in Cyprus, on the beach. I…I was wrong wasn’t I?”

“No. I did feel that way. I thought I had lost you forever and spent my time feeling sorry I had never been your woman. But I...”

“When I said I was wrong my love, I did not mean I was wrong about you wanting me. I was wrong in that I should have allowed you to tell me, or us. Not jump to conclusions that you wanted to because of your emoting.” She nodded in agreement, her face slightly relaxing. “Claudia, I will not apologise with much depth of feeling,’ I smiled at her, “you girls are enough to drive any man crazy. If I had not responded to your emoting, I would have been accused of being insensitive, I do respond and I am being presumptuous. Whatever I do I am in the wrong.”

“Not true my Robbie. If you responded by asking me to make love to you, that would show you responded to my emoting, but still cared enough to ask me.”

“I really have to have a serious talk with Britta. I think she lied to all of us. She said she had an eleven year old sister, this is no little girl. I’ve been cheated. Claudia, tell us the truth, you are the reincarnation of her grandmother aren’t you?”

Once we were alone, still smiling from our teasing, I stopped her from undressing.


“First of all, at least this time, our first, I want you looking the age you really are. Secondly, I want to ask to do something I have not done with you yet.”


I grinned wolfishly at her, “That too. This is something else, fun but very different. I want either for you to enter my mind or allow me to enter yours. It is not scary, promise. But it will bring us closer to each other.”

“Is this the thing you did with Wendy, the puppy thing?”

“They told you? I’m sorry they did, I would have preferred it to be a surprise.”

“That time you told the story to Savva, of Wendy, how she was hurt by her daddy. I talked with her, asked her how I could also forgive my daddy and mummy for doing what they did to me. She said she never forgave him, she just decided to forget about him because she has the best daddy in the whole world now; you. That was when she told me about the puppy thing. How it helped make her well. You know something else? I think Wendy is my best friend now.”

“You have chosen one of the sweetest persons I know to be your best friend. I’m glad.” Poor Samantha and Meli, I thought, I guess they are no longer her special sisters.

As I entered I felt there was something different. I could not quite pinpoint it, but whatever it was, it was pleasant. For some unexplained reason, our appearance within each others’ minds is never the same as it is when we go dancing. Claudia appeared more colourful which I soon came to appreciate more truly reflects her personality.

Instead of me making her feel at ease, she was so eager and pleased to see me, so gleefully got involved in games and thought up more of her own, that I totally forgot I was the adult and just enjoyed her company. As I left I thought to myself, this is definitely the person to be with if I am depressed and need cheering up.

“Your sister was right, you really are a cheerful soul. That was one of the loveliest visits I’ve ever had.”

Her rosy cheeks flushed. I decided I was going about this in the wrong way. I took her hand and pulled her up. She was puzzled, but allowed me to lead her back to the girls. I caught an echo of fear emoting from her and pulling her to me, kissed her lightly and opened the door. We caught the tail-end of a fit of giggles then they all turned, concerned at our early return.

“You girls were all very generous, you said we could take our time. That still imposes a sense of there being a limit. Our Claudia is too special for that. If she agrees I would like to ask you to let me take her away for the weekend. I want her to have all the time she needs to find out how much I truly love her.”

Wendy clapped her hands with glee and rushed to embrace Claudia. I saw the look of love in the eyes of Claudia and sat among the girls. “You going to tell me what you were giggling about?”

“About you of course.”

“Cherine, this one better be good.”

“Oh it is. We were just saying you met three new little girls today, all of them pretty and you did not fall for one of them. Not even for Agapi when she flirted with you. There is hope after all.”

In mock seriousness I replied, but felt the truth even as I spoke. “But that should be obvious Cherine. None of them were in danger or miserable. No little hearts were broken, aching to be loved.” The silence as they looked at each other and sent little non-verbal messages showed they also had seen the truth in this. Diana turned to me.

“Is that how you saw me?”

“I think you and Dommi are the only ones who do not have to wonder about that. As for the rest of you, well…a bit of wondering may be good for you.”

“Cherine too!” Meli wondered.

Next Post 154

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
8th June, 2018
- posted on Steemit 8th June, 2018

νομίζω οτι όλα καλά! οι αναμεταξύ τους σχέσεις εφτιάξαν!!!

Efharisto pou panta mou dineis ta comment sou.

Elpizo na katalaves afta pou sizitane sto telos. Tous eksigei o Robert (kai ekeinos den to eihe katalavei apo prin kai mono tora mathainei aftin tin alytheia gia ton eafto tou) oti sinithos, gia na agapisei, prepei na aisthanetai oti ponaei/ypoferei to koritsi kai i kardia tis kleei gia agapi.

Ean to eprosekses, dyo meres loipo kai polemao na ertho sto internet - eftihos eiha kanei image to OS kai to evala to ligo palaiotero, pou douleve, kai eftihos epiase to kolpo. Gia na doume gia poso kairo tha mporo - edo, etsi sta ksafnika, mas zvinoun to revma (gia oli tin periohi), kai afto mporei na ginei, orispenes meres, dyo kai treis fores. Afto prokalei zimia sta Hard Drives (skliro disko).

Mia kai doulepse, molis teleioso sto interent, tha valo to kanoniko mou Hard Drive gia na sfiso to OS kai na valo to image kai se keino - den ithela na to dokimaso se ekeino prin do oti tha doulepsi.

Heraitismous kai stin oikogeneia sou

Ευχαριστώ πολυ!! Οι διακοπές ρεύματος ξέρεις που οφείλονται;
έχεις χαιρετισμούς και απο τη γυναικα μου.
Κάτι κατάλαβα για τον ροβερτ άλλα τώρα το καταβα πλήρως!!!! :)
εσυ είσαι καλά;

Pou ofeilete? Sto oti vriskome stin Afriki

File mou, ksafnika dyskolevome to na grapso, zalizome, pao na sikotho kai aisthanome oti pefto (arhise mes tois teleftaies 3 ores kai hiroterevi). Tha dokimaso merikes vitamines...

En eimai etsi kai avrio, tha pao se giatro (kati san to KAT, alla heirotera, alla, ean mporo that to apofoigo). Etsi kai alloios, den einai tipota epikindino, aplos anosto.

Apo oti diavazo, mporei na ieinai apo ta aftia (den nomizo) ta matia i apo farmaka (den pairno farmaka), kai etsi, mallon ftain ta matia....hmmm pou na fantasteis strofi pou pire to mialo mou

Μάτια μου, σ' αναζητούν τα μάτια μου.....

Oraia, eas teleiosoume me to tragoudi - tragoudi kai humour me kanei idi na aisthanomai kalitera.

Efhome na erthei i Samantha sta oneira mou gia na peraso efharista to vradi


καλήμερα, περαστικά. ναι μπορεί να είναι απο τα αυτιά άλλα μπορεί να είναι και από τον αυχένα..
ελπίζω να ηρθε η Σαμανθα και να ξυπνήσεις 20αρης! :)



Thimase pou epesa kai ktipisa to kefali mou - pano apo ena mina perase all, leei o giatros oti to ktipima ekeino ftaiei. Nomizo oti oi giatroi, afti tin epohi, tois pio polles fores mantevoune - alla emeis den hreiazetai na mantepsoume ean tha theloun na plirothoun.

Simera mas kopsan to revma 2 fores...oi etairia (kivernitiki) zitise apo tin kivernisi ekatontades ekatomiria evro gia na anoiksoun 2 stathmous, alla i kevernisi eipe ohi - afou programatizoun to na pethanoun ekatomiria apo mas, tha skeftontai oti tha einai 'a waste of money' - kapos logiko den einai?

Katafera kai esvisa to proigoumeno OS kai eftiaksa kainourgio, olla doulevoun ektos apo to audio. Otan teleioso me to steemit, that psakso na vro lisi.


ελπίζω να μη είναι τίποτα το χτύπημα και να περασασουν οι ζαλαδες..
όντος πολλές φορές μαντευουν.. κι εδω τα ίδια κανουν...
μακάρι να πανε και με τη ΔΕΗ σας όλα καλά..

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