LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post151

“If I do, I do not want to meet him, me, whatever. If she is still alive he is probably still at the university and is a bore, still thinks the world revolves around his brilliant ideas.”

Previous Post 150


Alki cut in, to tell me, “All your things are in storage, I did not have the heart to get rid of anything, but I cannot get them to deliver right now. We better go buy some clothes for all of you. Cherine, Dominique, your trust money; the money is no longer available to you. I would imagine they are frozen to be returned to your parents, after expenses and so on. I’ll have to let our attorneys know…”

“Dommi love, your parents, how do we handle this. We don’t want to give them a heart attack.”

Marian sounded like the old Marian, her voice acerbic, “I did not notice you being so considerate of us Robert.”

I grinned. “Joking aside, before I brought the girls back, I did send the healer to you and Alki. How else would I have known you are expecting your next child?”

During all the hubbub another little girl appeared. The girls all rushed to her, kissing and hugging her, tears flowing. I stood there wondering what this was all about when another girl appeared. Marian was starting to looking harassed. I did not recognise either of them with certainty. Well, the one, the Greek girl was familiar.

“Robert. I have a surprise for you. This is your sister Laura.” Cherine said. I took the hands of Laura in mine and my heart filled with a tenderness. “Robert, your mother does not know, Laura is not a new soul. That is why we asked your mother to give her the name of her first daughter. Robert, this is Laura, your baby sister who died when she was four years old. Her soul clung to your mother, she felt her grief and how alone she was and did not go to the void.” Tears fell from my cheeks as I pulled her to me and hugged her. When I was able to let go, the other girl came. I had seen her only once before at a younger age and recognised her now. She is a strange faced, but lovely dark haired girl.

She has an olive complexion and her eyes are huge, almond shaped eyes with pupils like black olives. She has a slightly pointed chin to her strong face and her beauty is not in each individual feature, but in the sum of them. She will disturb many hearts and already I could see the fire that smoulders in her. I smiled with a happiness that surprised her. I greeted her in Greek.

“You are well named Agapi. How is your family? Did you tell them we are back?”

“They should be here soon…if my mother can stop crying long enough to get dressed. So, you are the Robert I remember, I am going to like you,” she answered in English. Without inhibition she gave me a hug. Though I could feel she is part of the circle of her family, when she hugged me she did not do what girls normally do. She pressed her hips up against my legs. I pulled up her face and gave her a kiss on her soft lips. Softly I asked.

“Are you going to be a tease Agapi?”

“I was told you love to be teased.” Her impudent, naughty look went straight to my heart. She felt it and pulled away. She put her lips to my ear and whispered in Greek, “If you ever find yourself without a woman, you call me.” She bounced away, obviously relishing her effect on me. I shook my head wondering. This was the first time I have seen any of the girls show any interest in flirting with someone outside of their circle. I had not asked for privacy so all my girls stood watching me with a smile.

To take their mind off the display, I asked, “Keith, you never told me the name of your girl”

“After watching you, do you honestly expect me to?” He turned to Alki. “Nine of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever seen and he flirts with the first new girl he sees!”

“I see you have caught on fast Keith. Keep him far away from your girl and any daughters you have with her. If she hasn’t got breasts yet he will steal her fr.. what is wrong?”

The sadness emanated from him in palpable waves. “I think you misunderstand me. I only need to see she lives. The one I love, she is dead.”

“But Keith…” I tried to interject.

“Robert, you found your Dommi exists in my world, why did you not try to go to her, to meet her?”


I kept silent, but I understood. While all of them continued to turn our return into a celebration I wandered around the room troubled. The obvious thought which had come to me was wrong. Surely I cannot change history, in this world or any other? I walked off to the kitchen, made a coffee and was not surprised to feel Cherine enter the room.

“Do it Robert. He is a good man.”

I nodded, my heart in my throat, fearing that I would be playing ‘god’. I called the protector and explained. It needed to know the time and place, but none of us had been there. We returned to Keith.

“Keith, my protector needs to enter your mind, but it will not do so unless you give it permission.”

“What for?” There was an edge of superstitious fear in his question. Alki took him by the arm.

“There is no need to fear. I suggest that if he asks, allow it. You are safe, see, it is not only him, Cherine is with him.”

“What an insulting thing to imply Alki. As if I need Cherine to be honourable.”

“Your protector is welcome, will I feel it?”

“No, unless it triggers any memories.”

I was right. The tears that flowed showed us that. Alki made him sit down while we all waited silently.

The protector found her soul at her moment of death and stole a cell from her drifting body and with the help of my healer she was brought to us. Diana immediately whipped off her sheet and wrapped it around the shocked girl.

Keith, his face totally devoid of any colour staggered to her, felt her cheek and collapsed at her feet. She stared at him lying at her feet, but did not make a move. Dommi went to her.

“This is a shock for you also, do you need to sit?” She just stared at Dommi numbly. “Do you still love him? He has braved a lot to bring you back.”

She glanced down at him again. “He is alive? I felt myself die, it was horrible, how did I get here?”

“We will explain, or maybe Keith will once he recovers. He has been hurting for a long time because of what happened to you. If you still love him, show it to him, ease his heart. There will be a lot of time for explanations later.”

She knelt and touched his face. Tears welled, dropping onto him even as he opened his eyes.

Tasso and family arrived. Soon after, my mother with Natalie and Themi arrived. From all the tears anyone would have thought this was a gathering at a funeral. As my mother stood by me, I put my arm around Laura. She watched the two of us together and I saw she thought her happiness was complete.

“I think she should know Laura, otherwise there will always be an ache in her heart. You want to tell her?”

“No, you do it.”

As gently and as clearly as I could, I explained. There had been too many miracles for her to absorb and this one was such a pain in her that it took a long time for her to accept it. Once she did, we all felt the change in her and Laura, weeping, flung her arms around her mother.

“Robert, I’m going to get Claudia back.”

“No Cherine. Let her be. She is better off with her sister.”

All my loves froze, all celebrating suspended as they stared at me in disbelief. “How can you say that, she is part of our circle.”

Next Post 152

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
5th June, 2018
- posted on Steemit 5th June, 2018

Καλημέρα! την Claudia γιατί δε θέλει να υην επαναφέρει;;;
τι κανεις;;

Palevo apo to proi na ftiakso to computer mou...

I Claudia den pethane. Otan pethanane ta poritsia, eirthe kai tin pire i adelfi tis stin Kypro.

O Robert nomizei oti den pethane epeidi den ton agapai, kai giafto skeftike na tin afisei me tin adelfi tis - alla leei na stelnei lefta. Ta koritsia ton koitane san na trellathike kai...(sto epomeno)

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