LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post095

“He has danced with us. We did exchange with him. Anything happens to him love, he would be collected by us, you know that the protector is permanently aware of the void and will sense him.”

Previous Post 094


Chapter Fifty One

We chose the weekend so that everyone would have the next day free for recovering from the after-effects. Natalie turned up that morning with bags of shopping. I raised an eyebrow at her as I opened for her and she walked through the door.

“I did some shopping. Thought you might like me to cook you my favourite meal, lahanodolmades (cabbage dolmades with white lemon cream).”

“Ahh, my stomach has just come back to life. Why don’t you try to teach the girls at the same time.”

“Next time. They will be too busy today. I believe there will be a whole crowd of us.”

“No Natalie, I think you misunderstood. Only Alki, Marian and Meli will come over. The rest will be at their own homes. Let me put that stuff in the kitchen for you while you make yourself comfortable with the girls. We have some talking to do, explanations are overdue.”

We went into more depth, explaining, as far as we could, what she would experience, how we would go about it and so on. She was fascinated and scared, but not interested in the mechanics. She was more interested in exploring the changes this would bring to her life and I understood why when she stood up and turned around, happily showing off as she spoke.

“Look at me, not in my wildest dream did I ever hope to look like this. Roberto you were right, my so-called friends are green with envy. Men keep hitting on me, to the point where it is becoming a nuisance.” She giggled. “That I should ever say that - I can’t believe it.” She sat again, slightly embarrassed.

“You did not find any of them interesting Natalie? It would be good to see you with a love of your own.” Dommi was speaking as a friend and she knew it.

“No. Anyway, as good as this is, and I am grateful Roberto, as good as it is to know you healed me, there is one thing more important, more exciting. You have freed me. You cannot imagine how it felt to be a freak, to have to hide who I am. I thought God hated me, for making me like I am! You all released me. That was the greatest gift of all.”

I felt humbled by her gratitude.

“Natalie. Robert did the same for all of us. He does not understand how special he is.”

“Cherine you are embarrassing me. I did nothing, I only loved you. You are all special people, I had no choice, I just had to love you.”

The girls, well Cherine and Wendy smiled to themselves and looked at Natalie, giving a little shrug.

“Natalie, I think one of the girls should have told you this, but I see they left it to me. You now understand a little of what we mean by dancing. Of course the reality of it will still be a surprise. What we have not discussed is the attraction it has. Your soul, spirit, whatever you wish to call it, will not want to return to your body. There is a yearning to return there that destabilises you, so that you feel you are about to float out of your body. To allow it to happen we think is likely to lead to death. What is needed then is something like an anchor to settle you back in this plane…the material plane.

You will find yourself craving sex. The tactile sensations of sex are what stabilise you. I must stress, you will crave it as you never have before, or ever will again unless you go soul-dancing. My worry is that you have no one to have that sex with. Do you have a boyfriend you could call over? We would not mind if you tell him you are staying the night here and would love him to be with you. If you do not consider him trustworthy, he need not come dancing or know about it, but...”


“No Roberto, I have no one.” Her face was scarlet with embarrassment. “I am a virgin, surely not having had sex I will not feel so strongly the urge to...”

“It has nothing to do with past experiences. Your body, the nerve endings, crave the feel of another warm body against you.”

“I cannot call just anyone. It has to be special, that somebody for the first time. Someone I can remember with pride and a feeling of love.”

“I understand. Then I am sorry, if you dance you will suffer. Being your first time you will survive it. Themi did a couple of times.”

As if I had given her the excuse to open up and she now felt free to speak of how she felt, she asked, “Why must I suffer Roberto? Can’t I be with you and your lovers? If I am to lose my virginity, there is no one else I would prefer to lose it to. Do you mind?” she asked the girls. All but Dommi instantly showed their agreement. “Dominique. I do not want to take him from you. I swear. I just want to make love once and if I am blessed with a child I will be even happier. I do not know of or think there is another man in this world for whom it would be an honour for me to give myself to. Just once?”

“I am not being jealous Natalie. We already share Robert between us and there is never one single instance of jealousy. Never. The problem is, we are in danger of finding you locked into our circle of love. That would not be right. There are others who need your gift, your talent and your warm heart. If you do not think you could love Themi and Rose, we will find, or you may find, others. We need to expand. We need to have as many circles as fast as possible to protect ourselves and our children and our friends.”

“I could lock her out so that there is no link, no possibility of her joining our circle.” Cherine was deep within herself even as she spoke, not even monitoring how her words are affecting us. She was obviously searching, getting confirmation that she is right. I could sense she is willing to share with Natalie for one night and her generosity no longer surprises me as much as it used to, but I did pause to wonder why, especially as it is not something I really want.

I tried to get out of it, since I sensed where the girls were heading. “Natalie, how do you feel about joining Themi and Rose, creating a circle of love with them? There is still time to get them to be here so that you spend your first night of love with your own loves.”

She shook her head. “I can join them, if that is what you want. I still would want you to be my first man. It has to be you.” I was puzzled, for we could sense she meant it - with an odd degree of urgency.

“Not if, as you said, if I want, it must be as you want Natalie, only you. Why me, Natalie. I am not that good looking, nor even talented. Even the gifts I have, they come from Cherine. All I am is an artist, notoriously the worst fathers. Why not the people you will spend an eternity loving and being joyous with...”

“I’ll have to tell you the truth, what I really want. Please, you are special. Please don’t make me beg. Give me your baby.”

It seemed callous to reject her outright, but I was also perplexed. I was able to appreciate how difficult it must be for her to be asking me, whether in front of the girls or not. She must have very strong feelings about the giving of herself to me and having my baby - I had noticed she had changed the outward focus of her need to having the baby and I wondered about it. I did hope it was not just a romanticised whim. The truth is, I had no interest in her that way. If she had been seven to ten years younger, I cannot say. I have realised that I have a weakness, I tend to love children and if they are hurting with need for me, afterwards it transforms into a sexual love. But an adult; that needs either an instant sexual attraction or a process of falling in love with their personalities. Her eagerness for me was flattering, but that was all.

What was erotically exciting was her wish to have my baby. But, the thought of that child of mine not being in my, our circle, it was unbearable.


Until after the dance tonight, Diana was mentally out of reach, but I did show the others my thoughts and feelings. As honestly as I set them out here. Because of her empathy, Cherine found it difficult and was distressed at having to reject Natalie. Wendy was a bit sorry for her, but was happy not to have to share me with even more lovers. She glanced at me guiltily as she sensed I’d picked up her secret feelings. I sent her a grin and my pleasure at her selfishness, at her love for me.

Dommi looked grim. She spoke in a harder voice than I had ever heard her use. “Natalie, whether you have a baby or not - that could be decided from before you realise, making love to you would have an effect on us, even if you are kept out of our circle. We could risk that. We would not easily turn away a friend, someone we all care for. I agree with you. You could not chose a better man than Robert for your first time. He is so gentle and tender, he understands a woman’s body better than any other man and it makes him caring while remaining all you could want of a man. I sense though, your real reason is not just to let him take your virginity. You want his baby more than anything else.”

Natalie was honest enough to nod her agreement. “I’ve been dreaming of her, I don’t know how I know, but I know she must come to me.”

That made us pause, but then Dommi carried on relentlessly, mostly affected by my needs. “There is no way we would allow a child of ours to be outside our circle, to not be part of our Kaleidoscope World. You would have to give up your child, even before birth she would be ours.”

“She Dommi?” I asked.

“Yes Roberto. She. You heard Natalie.”

“That is if you do not take me into your circle?”


“And you will not take me in?” The look in her eyes was breaking my heart.


I stared at Dommi, the girls also astounded. We have never before had occasion to know this implacable side of her. Cherine sighed and sent to me, *It is the Mother in her.*

“Dominique, am I wrong? I get the feeling, you want me to have this child?” Natalie asked, surprising us.

Dommi looked at me - not at Natalie, her eyes though were withdrawn, deep in herself. We all held our breaths.

“Yes. She is already calling, she wants to come to us. Natalie, such a daughter no mother has ever born. She will have talents we do not even suspect exist. She will strengthen our Kaleidoscope World so that it lasts throughout eternity.”

Next Post 096

The previous times I posted LiTTLE CHERiNE (all 12 out of 14 books), I was able to add a zip file with more information inside.
For instance, if I mentioned in the book a song or a food, I would add the song and the recipe. I felt this helped make more real my story for my readers.
It is not easy to add music here (I do not know how), but I can add the recipes.
I now have a choice to make; I can either add the recipe for Lahanodolmades (cabbage dolmades) and add the rest later, or add them all at this time, in one go.
I'll go with the second option, as it means I can also make a post called "The LC Recipes"

Please keep in mind that the Meditteranean Diet is considered the healthiest diet you can follow, and this diet does not include low-fat, fat-free and so on. Cook and eat as your ancestors did - it is by far the healthiest for you. If the meat has some fat, then reduce any coconut cooking oil you use).

Here goes, copied from the LC Recipe Book:

Samantha and Robert repeatedly rhapsodise about greek food.
Just in case your saliva is dribbling off your chin, here are a few of the easier mezedes (starters) and main meals, recipes either from Greece or Cyprus.

MEZEDES or MEZE (Starters):

FRIED CALAMARI RINGS ( Kalamarakia Tiganita)

(Everyone loves eating these when they eat out so surprise family and friends with this as a meze)

1kg calamari, washed and sliced
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
Salt and black pepper
Juice of 2 lemons

Place calamari rings in a deep bowl and cover in milk.
Sprinkle with bicarb and leave for 1 hour.
Drain and rinse under cold running water.
Season well (salt+pepper) and pour lemon juice over the rings.
Leave in fridge for 2 hours.
Remove from fridge and drain.
Place flour in a small plastic bag. Throw a handful of calamari rings into bag and shake around well.
Remove rings and shake off excess flour before frying.
Drop into piping hot oil and deep fry until golden. Do not cook more than one layer at a time otherwise calamari will not be crisp.

Remove from oil and drain on paper towel.
When serving provide a slice of lemon.

Suggestion: Cook just before eating so that the rings remain crisp.


Careful, you could become addicted to this :)

Slice cheese into 1cm thick slices, dip into flour (do not coat too heavily) and fry in a mixture of butter (not margarine) and oil until golden on both sides. Serve hot with lemon wedges.


First of all, this one from Samantha's mother - you may recall she cooked it for them the first time they were to take her to visit the void .

LAHANO DOLMADES (Greek Stuffed Cabbage Rolls in lemon sauce)

500 g mince (not fat-free)
1 finely chopped onion
2 handfuls of raw white rice
Salt and Black pepper

Mix the mince with finely chopped onion, a couple of handfuls of raw rice, salt and pepper.
Boil the cabbage leaves until they are soft enough to roll the mince into. Cook gently with a little water in the pot. Usually a plate is placed upside down over the dolmades so that they are steamed and the cabbage does not unfurl.

Three eggs well beaten with juice of one big lemon. Pour into the pan over the Lahano-Dolmades and let the heat thicken it. Careful not to let it cook. When ready the sauce should be a creamy white.
If need to fix the sauce because it 'ekopse' (curdled), beat up another egg and put it in the sauce.

LAMB FRICASSEE (Arni Fricassee)

(as mentioned in Book 06)

1kg cubed lamb (leg or shoulder with bone)
2 bunches spring onions, chopped
3 sliced onions
1/2 cup butter
2 tblspoons flour
1 tblespoon chopped dill
1 tblespoon chopped parsley
1 cup hot water

Juice of 1 big lemon
2 egg yolks

(Lamb can be substituted with Pork when using Celery)

500gr celery stalks, trimmed and cut. (I prefer to leave most of the 'leaves' with)
Add to meat after 1 hour for a further 45-50 minutes

Saute onions until soft, add meat and cook until meat juices evaporate but do not brown. Reduce heat, add flour and mix well. Stir in parsley, dill, salt, pepper and hot water, cover and simmer gently for 1 hour.

Add the celery and cook until tender.

Prepare avgolemeno sauce: In a bowl beat egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of water, add 4 tablespoons of the hot meat sauce and the lemon juice (keep beating the yolk mixture as you add the lemon to prevent it from curdling). Beat well and pour over the meat and celery, gently stir over over low heat for a few seconds (for the sauce to thicken but without allowing it to boil).


1 leg of lamb
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 teaspoon dill, chopped
3 spring onions, chopped
1/3 (one third) cup of oil
Juice of one large lemon
Salt and black pepper
1/2 teaspoon origanum

De-bone meat (butchers often do this for you).
Combine garlic, parsley, dill, spring onions, origanum, salt and pepper.
Fill meat with this mixture, brush with oil and lemon.
Wrap tightly with 2 layers of of wax paper and secure tightly with string and then wrap in foil.

Bake at 180 degrees C for 3 hours.
Serve hot with green vegetables and salad.

LAMB KOKKINISTO (with tomatoes and wine)

Serves 6-8 persons.

1280grams (1 oke) lamb
1/2 glass red wine
4-5 sieved tomatoes
1 onion
aromatic vegetables (carrots, celery, onions, leeks)
salt, pepper
olive oil

Cut the meat into big pieces and put into a deep dish.
Cover it with a little oil and wine, add the aromatic vegetables, cut into small pieces, and marinate it in this sauce for 2-3 hours.
Drain the meat well and saute it in hot oil.
Drain it well again and put it into a cooking pot with a little broth or water.
Bring the pot to the fire and leave the meat to cook.
Add wine, the vegetables, Thyme, tomatoes, a bit of broth.
Leave to simmer until well done.

If you want it to have a red colour, add diluted tomato paste.
Season with salt and pepper and serve with potatoes covered in Mint and boiled vegetables.


1 Hare or Rabbit
Vinegar for rinsing
1/2 cup Oil
1/2 cup Butter
1 Onion chopped finely
4 Cloves Garlic
1kg Small pickling Onions
450gr Tomatoes, peeled
Salt and Black Pepper
1 pc Orange rind

1 Onion sliced
1 Carrot sliced
2 1/2 cups Dry Red Wine
Bayleaf, Peppercorns
Sprig of Rosemary
4 tblspns Wine Vinegar

Joint and wash hare in plenty of water and vinegar. Put into a basin and add the ingredients for the marinade. Cover and leave in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.

Remove pieces of hare from the marinade, dry and saute in oil and butter in a large frying pan until lightly browned. Put in a casserole. In the same pan saute the chopped onion and garlic until soft. Add to the hare with the pickling onions.
Boil the marinade for 10 minutes, strain and pour over the hare and onions.
Add chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper. Cover and bake at 180* C for 2 1/2 to 3 hours or until hare is tender and sauce is thick.


Nice as a side dish for your meat dish or to keep your vegetarian friends happy

1 kg deep fried baby potatoes (you'll have to fry them - just until lightly golden)
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
3 teaspoons ground coriander seeds
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup dry red wine - sorry, more wine will not make it taste better :)

Place lightly deep fried potatoes in a large frying pan with all the other ingredients. Cover and cook very slowly, tossing now and then (Best if you toss by keeping lid on - hold securely - and gently shake the pan up and down).

Serve garnished with (fresh) chopped parsley.


MUSHROOMS WITH WINE (Manitaria Afelia)

Substitute potatoes (above) with 50gr lightly fried mushrooms and follow above instructions exactly.

GREEK COOKIES (Koulourakia)

250 g butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 eggs
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons ouzo (careful you don't drink the rest of the bottle until you've finished cooking - remember ouzo goes down easy and then hits you)
6 cups flour
1/2 cup milk
Sesame seed - for sprinkling

Cream butter and sugar until light.
Add 2 eggs, one at a time, while beating.
Mix baking powder in the ouzo and add to the above mixture.
Add flour, a little at a time, alternating with the milk while beating continuously.
Knead dough lightly with hands.
Shape dough into small rings or twists (two strips twisted gently around each other).
Place on greased baking trays.
Beat remaining egg and brush onto cookies.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees C or until golden.

FLAOUNES (Easter Cheese Cakes)
Makes about 12.

Yeast dough
1 ½ lbs (750gr) strong plain flour,
1 sachet easy bake yeast,
1 teaspoon salt,
2 teaspoons sugar,
2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil, water to mix.

Cheese filling
8oz (250gr) cheddar cheese or 12oz flaouna cheese if available,
4oz (100gr) halloumi,
1 tablespoon flour,
1 teaspoon baking powder,
1 tablespoon crushed dried Mint,
4 eggs, lightly beaten.

To finish

1 egg, beaten,
sesame seeds.

Sift flour into a large bowl. Stir in the yeast, salt and sugar. Add the oil and enough water to make a firm dough. Knead for at least 5 minutes until smooth and elastic. Put the dough in a plastic bag and leave in a warm place for an hour to rise.

For the filling, coarsely grate the cheeses, add the flour and baking powder then gradually stir in the beaten egg and seasonings until you have a stiffish paste ( keep some of the beaten egg back if the mixture becomes too runny).

Divide the dough into egg sized pieces and roll these into 4'' (10cm) discs.
Place a generous tablespoon of filling in the centre of each pastry disc, spreading it slightly. Pull dough up at 3 points to make a triangle, or 4 points to make a square.
You should stilll be able to see the filling in the middle.
Press corners together to seal and leave to rise. Just before baking, brush with beaten egg and sprinkle some sesame seeds over the finished flaounes.
Bake in a hot oven gas 8, 450'C, 230'C for 12-15 minutes until cheese filling is puffed and flaounes are golden.
Serve warm or cold.

An attractive alternative that I prefer: Add some large (seedless) raisins to the cheese mixture - I like the contrast of the cheese with the sweetness of the raisins.

The flaounes recipe is slightly complicated, but really delicious.

RIZOGALO (Rice pudding)

1 cup water
4 cups milk
2 tspoons cornflour (mixed with cold water)
1/2 tspoon vanilla essence
A pice of orange rind
1/2 cup white rice
2 egg yolks
3 tblespoons sugar
Pinch of salt
Ground cinnamon

In a thick-based saucepan bring water to the boil, stir in rice and cook gently until water is absorbed. Add milk, orange rind and salt and bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Cook over low heat (uncovered) until rice is very tender.

Add cornflour and stir well until mixture thickens. In a bowl beat the egg yolks with the sugar and pour the mixture slowly over the rice while stirring continuously for a few seconds. Remove from heat, add vanilla essence and pour into small bowls, sprinkle with cinnamon and serve hot or chilled.

Robert's favourite:


Greek coffee is the most popular beverage in Greece. It is always served with a glass of cold water, either after a meal or at any other time.

Ideally Greek coffee is made in a 'briki'. This is a small pot which is broad based with a narrow top, a pouring spout and a long straight handle. If a briki is not available, one may use a small thick based pot.

The coffee is served in a very small demitasse or coffee cups.

To make 4 cups:

4 tspns Greek coffee
4 tspns sugar (or according to taste - Robert prefers it without sugar)
4 demitasse cups cold water

Place water, coffee and sugar into the briki. Stir well. Place on stove and bring to a slow boil, stirring occasionally. (Coffee spoils when overboiled).

A froth will form on top. Pour a little of the froth into each cup and top up with the coffee.

Each of the girls has a favourite recipe they want me to give you but... I'm too lazy. If you enjoyed the above, do-a-gargle for greek or cypriot recipes...there are thousands. Oh crumbs! I'll have to give you my favourite!

A bit of background first.

Within the time of our grandparents there were Greeks living in various parts of Turkey. One of the towns that developed it's own culture and many special recipes (perhaps a blend of Greek and Turkish) was called Smyrni. This is a loose adaption of mine from there - I should mention it is delicious and cheap!


(For 2 people)

300 g mince
1 onion finely chopped
1 slice of dried white bread and then crumbed
Either a tin of tomato paste or a tin of chopped tomatoes
1 teaspoon olive oil
Cumin powder (if you've never used this, you'll find it at the spice counter in your super-market)
Optional: Flour (I don't use it, I prefer my meat balls fluffy and light)
2 teaspoons sugar for the tomato paste

Mix the onion and crumbs into the mince. Drizzle some olive oil over it and then mix thoroughly.
Now mix in the cumin. I like to be fairly liberal and the flattened mince is lightly covered. Mix thoroughly.
Roll about a tablespoon of the prepared mince to make little sausages of mince.
Lightly fry the mince 'balls'. (It seals in the flavour and helps them keep their shape).
Place the mince in a pan, pour in a little of the oil from the frying.
Mix the tomato paste or chopped (tinned) tomatoes with about 2 teaspoons of sugar already dissolved into the tomato paste and then pour it over the mince in the pot. Boil gently for about 35 minutes, lightly shaking the pot clockwise now and then - do not stir.

The above goes very nicely with mashed potatoes and a greek salad.

Hope you enjoyed the above, Arthur

* Hopefully you can now feel you received your ten cents worth of a post.

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.


Ωριαίες συνταγές,
Γιατί θέλουν απο την Ναταλί ενα παιδί; μπερδεύτηκα λιγο...

Den thelane alo paidi, alla i Natali thelei - epeidi aisthanete oti 'her future daughter is calling to her'.

I Dommi tote leei oti tin aisthanetai kai oti afti i kori tha einai polli 'special' kai tha tous dynamosei, gia na yparhoun gia pollous aiones (eipe 'gia panta' - alla, den to prosekse i Dommi, oute oi alloi, oti eipe gia panta).

Afto to koritsi pou tha ertheir, tha tin agapiso polli, epeidi, eno einai polli thilikia, einai kai polli dynati/dynamiki kai eksipni - stin pragmatiki zoi, den ksero ean tha agapousa tetoia gynaika, (mou aresoun oi glykies kai romantikes, kai opos tha deis, i S... tha me kanei 'tease' oti oute kan ksero ti thelo stin pragmatikotita). Pantos, nomizo oti ligaki tin agapo epeidi einai ligaki trelli (ehei megali fantasia) kai ekeini tha mou pei oti me agapaei gia ton ido logo).

Είσαι πραγματικά φοβερός άνθρωπος...
Μου αρέσει πάρα πολύ η σκέψη σου...
Είμαι σίγουρος οτι θα αγαπούσες οποιαδήποτε γυναίκα που ειναι "Καλή στη καρδία"...

Besides mutual understanding, mutual respect is one of proving love.

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