LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post078

I felt three pairs of arms hold me from behind. We stood like that until the warmth of their love had driven my fear away, at least for the night.

Previous Post 077


“The two of you have given me the best gift you could have. I am happy.”

“Why don’t you come to bed to love us?”

It surprised me that it was Wendy who had spoken. I got down, resting on my haunches and took her face in my hands. “I can’t wait for the day you give me the gift of a child who is made of you and me and the love of all of us.”

She put her arms around my neck and I felt the need that was spearing through her. I also felt her determination not to cause me any more pain by her need, how she was struggling to control it. I opened my mind to her and as I slowly undressed and caressed her, I let her feel the pleasure it gave me. She was able to sense that the tingling excitement her body gave me was not just because she was female, that it was not just because I love her, it was also made up of the particular size and age of her, so that she can see there is a positive side to her still being a child. It is an odd fact, that our gifts have not rid any of us of our fears and doubts about being worthy of love.

“You have really turned into a child lover Roberto.” There was mostly amusement in Dommi’s eyes, but I sensed a fear behind it. Wendy surprised me when she nodded with a tiny smile and I gave her a big kiss.

I got up and slowly began to undress Dommi, with Cherine helping me. I ran my hands down her fuller hips (though they are narrow for a Greek) and she felt the pleasure it gave me. She tilted her head back, eyes closed, letting my feelings mingle with her own as they washed over her. Little hands tugged at me. Cherine pulled me away and her hands began to explore and caress Dommi while her own sensations of pleasure flooded us all. Wendy joined her and I stood by watching and experiencing their three-way torrent of loving, their emoting swamping me.

My hands began to roam, a caress starting on one body and ending on another, enjoying the difference in textures, scents and shapes. Unconsciously, not intending it, as if being pushed to it, I projected the three of them, as I thought, into one girl of about eleven or twelve, small breasts just beginning to swell, pubic hair a soft light fuzz at the top. The scents and textures all melded into one, becoming a unique combination that was of all of them, yet something new. The face and body morph was a creature of extreme and exotic beauty, having taken the best of each of them.

I looked and fell head over heels in love. The girls saw through my eyes and I felt their own responses of love.

This was impossible. Our circle had grown, taken in this new creature of love - and I was convinced she does not even exist!!!

“I will be Diana.”

I nodded, dumbstruck, my heart hammering at the magic of the love I felt for her. She sent back to me her own love and it had a feeling, a taste, that was unique.

“Diana, how can this be, the three of you in one…”

“I am not three Robert. I am of the five and all their love for you. But I am also Diana. Just Diana.”

She did a pirouette showing off her almost adolescent beauty. I was paralysed, in shock at the strength of my feelings of love and passion, the ache a raging need for her. Her cool long slim fingers tentatively touched my burning face. She smiled shyly. “Are you going to just expect me to make love with you or are you going to woo me?”


“I would much rather woo you.”

Chapter Forty Five

I collapsed, sitting on the edge of the bed. I was caught, I thought, in a dream-world and I did not want to wake. I could sense my three loves, we were still linked, yet they did not seem to be immediately present. I stared at the lithe dream-girl who had so suddenly enslaved my heart. She has long dark hair, her face slim with the strangeness of Wendy and Dommi in her almond shaped eyes. Her dark lashes are impossibly long and her iris a liquid darkness with specks of gold floating in their depths. Her eyebrows are also dark and full, giving her face the sense of reality I need.

Her slim shoulders, boyish in their youthfulness, lightly tanned, well formed, with all the little hollows in the right places. Her long arms, slim from shoulder to wrist. Those delicious long slim fingers I so love in girls. Though her breasts were only just swelling, the perfect rose nipples were well formed, showing her own need for me.

Her adolescent body narrows at the waist with her tummy bulging out and her hips, narrow, but oh so feminine, with long thighs and legs stretching down forever. I saw the light shading of dark hair, glistening almost golden in the light, on her arms, legs and just at the top.

“Well sir? Do I meet your expectations?” She had born my inspection with a hint of a smile and now she had a saucy, impertinent look that promised not only a good sense of humour, but a deeper darker spirit of passion. She is so much my ideal I was the adolescent teen again, shy and tongue-tied. I suddenly realised I have never wooed a woman. Even with Dommi, we were just friends and when I fell in love all I did was tell her so. How can I woo a fairy creature of such beauty, who has stolen from me my ability to think?

“Diana, please put something on. At least wrap a sheet around you. I can’t think - how can I woo you with you standing there like that - looking like a goddess?”

I had expected her to laugh at me, but she suddenly looked like a little girl chastened and shy and she wrapped herself from shoulders to feet. She sat next to me, looking at her feet. She was not being coy, she really was feeling shy.

“Do you really have a mind of your own? You are not just acting under the influence of the girls?”

“I am Diana. They have buried themselves below my mind so that I can be independent. I am also made, or full, of the love they all feel for you. I was only teasing, you don’t have to woo me Robert. I already …”

Quickly I cut her off. “That you can tease is a beautiful detail they remembered to add - I’m very glad. Oh, don’t say that please, I want you to feel special, at least as special as you are. I want you to come into my arms because you want to, not because you were ‘pre-determined’ to be my lover. Okay?”

Sadly she said, “I cannot be with you often, can I?”

I avoided answering her. “Do you have a soul of your own Diana? I felt the circle grow, it expanded to include you. How could it if you do not have a soul, if you cannot dance with us and be part of our Kaleidoscope World?”

“You want to dance with me?” She sounded insecure.

“Not now. If you are all of what is most beautiful in my three girls and my daughters and you have a soul, dancing with you would be the most dangerous thing I could do.”

She gave me a look from the side of her eyes. “That was a compliment?”

I was caught up in my thoughts and spoke aloud without intending to. “Why. Why did they do this?”


Her slim fingers rested on my hand and I looked at her. “Robert. You have two daughters and one lover who are all too young for you to make love to. This way they can all make love to you without you having to fear you will damage them. When they made me, I think they forgot that I would also have my own needs, that I would also yearn to be your love.”

“They sure opened Pandora’s box.” I brought her fingers to my lips and then kissed the palm of her hand. “I too want to love you and be loved by you. Diana, I am confused. I need some time to think this through, to understand how I can have you as a part of my life without losing you or the girls. Can this happen?”

I could feel the pain at the thought of not seeing her again. I shut my eyes.

“Robert?” I looked up at Cherine. I saw the other girls were still on the other side of the bed, where I had last seen them. I was afraid to turn and see the emptiness of where Diana had been. “Look my love.” Cherine was smiling.

I turned and saw Diana sitting there!

“How can this be?”

Cherine took both my hands in hers. She was looking deeply into my eyes and did not hide the fear. “We gambled. We felt the need of Wendy. We felt the needs of our babies after they danced with us. There is no way you can make love to them. That was why we kept you out of their minds. We lied to you so that Diana can be a surprise.”

“I knew you had.” I smiled at her.

She, they, knew I had, but they were curious. “How?”

“If one of them were a boy, how would communicating with its mother give it a ‘male’ mind? Okay. What was your gamble?”

“We gave her a part of ourselves. We don’t know how it was done, our children did it; in some ways they have talents greater than ours Robert, but they say we will have all their gifts soon. We made sure she was made of the best part of each of us, including from our daughters, as they will be years from now. She is real Robert. She will stay with us, she is one of us now.

Our gamble? If she is only of the best of all of us, you may end up loving only her and not want us anymore.” Her fear was still tightly held, but easier to see now. I turned and looked at Wendy and Dommi. There I could see the fear too in the way they held to each other. I thought of making another Robert, one who only has all the qualities they love in me, with none of my bad habits or traits. It was fucking scary.

“You girls, you have got to be the craziest people in the world - maybe it is why I love you so much?” I shook my head and looked at Diana. I saw a resigned look in her eyes. I also saw a deep pool of misery which she was trying her best to conceal.

“I better go Robert. I’m sorry I teased you, I would have loved to make love with you at least once.”

I demanded of her, “You think I am going to let you all off that easily?”

She hunched her shoulders, “Please Robert. I told you I love you, but I did not tell you that I also love all five of them very deeply. I will only harm them if I continue to exist.”

I searched her eyes, “That must have either been the Dommi or Wendy part of you. Not Cherine. She is a fighter.”

I now looked at Cherine in anger. “It has been done. She was made a full human being, not some damn robot for you to do with as you will. You will not allow her to stop existing. You, all of you, took a gamble. Now you pay the price and just hope for the best,” gently I asked, “understood?”

I turned to Diana. “You may either stay or go to sleep in the guest room. Either way, I want the time to woo you first. We will not make love to each other tonight. And,” I smiled at her, “welcome to our life and circle. Now I have four children!”

Diana wanted to go to the guest room, but the girls kept her with us. As I had known how miserable she would have been alone, I sent my approval and love to them. I could sense they love her, but not as much as they usually love each other. I suppose the rest of it will come with time. As for me, apart from the effect Diana was having on me and the love I felt for her, I was also quivering inside me, still unable to believe that my girls could create a human being just by deciding to. I also wondered, could this become another way of having children for the future generations? I hope not, I love the entire process of having/creating babies.

Next Post 079

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.

e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.


molis to diavasa!!! de katalava to robot diana pws dimioyrgithike?
malon kapoy to exasa i den to katalava! :)

Okay, tha prospathiso na to eksigiso sta Agglika. Ean den katalaveis, tha prospathiso sta Ellinika.


Niko writes that he does not understand how the robot Diana was created, so here is an explanation for anyone who has the same question.

  1. Diana is NOT a robot. She is a full human being.

For all those who have read at least a number of these posts, they will know that Robert managed to contact his healing energy, and so did the girls, later on.

Something not explained yet, because Robert and the rest of them still do not know this fact (but if you read Boxee, posted earlier, you will know):

The healers are capable of using a cell from a body and duplicating it (creating an exact copy). All five girls gave a cell (kittaro) and the healers were able to create ONE cell out of the five cells, stressing, I presume via the DNA, those characteristics each girl knows Robert loves the most in them.

2 . If a DNA test were made, it would be found that all five girls are related to Diana.

3 . The girls also donated a sliver of their soul, from the center, and thus created for Diana a new soul...this will cause Diana problems later on, as the girls did not really know what they were doing.

Any questions? PLEASE ASK.

Ok to katalava twra...😀
Pou tha paei.. tha ginoun kalitera ta agglika mou😀😀😀

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