LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post076

in #sfandf-fiction7 years ago (edited) she turned around to the doctor. “It is time, we are going to have our babies now. Are you coming to help me?”

Previous Post 075


She left, going into the ‘theatre’ and Dommi got up to follow. The doctor seemed to have been shook up more than anyone else and she accepted Dommi’s hand and let herself be led. In a very unhygienic way we all trooped in, not one of us willing to miss out on seeing and welcoming our new family members.

The doctor was soon in no condition to react to us - she was too busy controlling herself as a slit appeared across the lower abdomen of Cherine. When she finally came to herself she quickly washed and gloved herself, put on her mask and prepared to help Rose out of her cocoon.

Dommi had us strap her in the new bed and I tilted it over, explaining to the young man the theory behind it. He nodded and stood by to help her until the doctor could come over. It was not necessary. My mother took care of it and as Rose came out, taking her first breath, the head of Tina was emerging, so that she too was breathing within a minute of her sister. The bed was tilted back to a conventional angle and Tina was placed on her mother’s stomach. Cherine saw this and got impatient with the doctor as she wanted her baby on her too.

“Be patient my love. Rose understands, she can wait a couple of minutes extra.”

The doctor looked over at me and carried on with her work. “I recognise you now. You are the one they called the ‘Angel’. You lied to me. This girl, you are her lover aren’t you? This is your baby.”

“Can we discuss this later? Now is only the time to celebrate and welcome our children.”

Wendy picked up little Rose and placed her next to her sister. She gently sang to them and the baby eyes seemed to focus on her as they lay silently listening to her welcoming them. When she finished I hugged her with my heart bursting from gratitude and love.

When the wound on Cherine faded away the doctor gasped, making the young man hurry over and they both stared at Cherine. They crossed themselves in religious awe. I then sent my healer over to Dommi to help her healer repair her and we went and sat in the lounge. No sooner had the doctor and young man come out than they were followed by Cherine and Dommi, who side by side walked in proudly carrying their babies. They were glowing and I knew this was the most beautiful moment of their lives.

“I should have had ours today also, I can’t wait Alki love.” He hugged her and they both stood holding each other with the love openly flowing between them.

“Doctor, we all thank you. Now that it is all over, may we call you by your name? Thank you Maria. The gift of life is a miracle, but when that gift is in the form of a child of ours, even the word miracle seems too tame. I think we owe you not only a debt of gratitude but also a full explanation.”

While we were served coffee I explained in full about us. She had many questions and seemed to be full of nervous energy. I noticed that she would touch the hand of the young man now and then as I talked. There was obviously an attraction between them. That solved one problem, I thought.

“We need to dance with our babies. Will you please join us. Kosta is your name? Kosta and Mary, please join us. You will never regret it, I promise.” Cherine had sent a message to the son of Tasso and they were there to welcome us.

We all made the babies welcome and then welcomed our guests. Once we had seen them through the adjustment, we let them dance to each other while we concentrated on our babies. Without realising it I had pulled back so as to watch them all, feeling such joy in seeing my family, my whole extended family, dance and exchange their love. We were all awed to see the babies joined by Marian’s daughter for a short time, in a dance of exchanging motes and love. She then returned to dance with Alki and Marian.

Rose and Tina suddenly darted, in unison, away from everyone and I found myself being orbited by my two precious little souls. As we exchanged I tasted love and laughter - laughter, there was such joy in them! They drew in closer and it was as if I were hugging them to me, their joy infusing me with the essence of their untouched innocence. When they came within me, I saw Cherine, Dommi and Wendy close in and our dance became a song of our love for each other and our two children. They gradually drifted closer and as they came into me we seemed to implode into a new and brighter Kaleidoscope World.


This is the first time I am an entity almost whole in all my parts, or so it seems each time we grow. The more I grow, the further I can see; there are still uncountable parts of me to join in the future, but we the nucleus are almost complete, at least three more needed. I spent time knowing myself and can sense love sparkles on my surface and deep into the core of my existence. Before I withdrew back into my individual parts I sent out my greeting to all and welcomed them.

Following my suggestion, we led Maria and Kosta so that the orbits of their hesitant dancing drew them in closer to each other and by having exchanged with them our motes of love, they knew to exchange with each other and bond themselves, now not only to us, but to each other. I made certain they did not bond to the point where they form their own circle. They will need to bring others in later.

I opened my eyes to find Wendy as usual watching me. I waited until they had all recovered and gave the new ones time to assimilate what happened to them. There were many questions. The doctor was fascinated by our healers and wanted to know how she can contact hers. I asked her to wait awhile. To give herself time to adjust to the changes.

How wonderful it felt to be admitting to my crime with a huge smile. “Maria, Kosta. Now you know everything and you know I lied to you. Cherine was not raped, she was loved by me. The child is mine. You can sense yourselves, how you cannot ground yourselves within your body? It feels as if you are going to float away and I am sure you also feel the urgent need to touch someone; you are probably feeling stronger sexual needs at this moment than you have ever felt before. In the beginning there was only Cherine and I. We had to become as one and we did.” I offered no further excuses, they either understood or never would. Maria without speaking filled in the form, showing she had been called to the early birth of Rose and Tina by Dominique. I did not need to see it or question her. Alki wrote out his cheque and I knew he had added to it substantially. As he stretched out to give it to her I reached and took it.

“Alki. This is no longer a thing of money for them. I have a better suggestion to make. What if you and I pay for them to establish a private clinic. It can be small, but we will know we have somewhere to send people we want to help. I suggest Maria does not rent medical offices, a house on its own grounds would be better and more private. Would that please you Maria?” I passed on the cheque. “Please consider this only an initial payment.”

“Thank you. I have too much to think about and I cannot think properly right now. You seem to have accepted Kosta and me into your group, but I do not even know if I want to be part of it. Can you understand? I am afraid.”

“The only thing you are afraid of Maria is your need to give love. To succeed as a woman, and a fairly poor one at that, to become a doctor, you had to shut yourself off from your emotions while you fought tooth and nail to get to where you are today. If you can conquer your fear of loving, you will be a better doctor and a happier person.” As it was Themi speaking, a professor, she has even attended some of his lectures, she listened to him without looking for ulterior motives - which is an instinctive reaction in every Greek.

I decided to take another chance with them. “Maria, Kosta. We have to go to visit the parents of Dominique in Kefalari, to give them the shock of their lives,” I smiled to show I was teasing, “they were not expecting twins and did not know it was to be today.”

“But they should not go…” she bit her lip. “I forget. You are not normal people. None of you, not even the babies can get sick. Am I right?”

“If we do we will get healed so fast we will not even know we were sick - so I suppose you are right. Does it make you feel bad to know you worked so hard to become a doctor and you may not be needed someday?”

Kosta spoke up, a wry grin on his face. “I was taught that you British are very reserved, yet even when you are asking us serious questions I get the feeling you are teasing us. No Roberto, there is no need for Maria or I to worry. Even if you convert the whole world, it will take many years. By then we will be old and retired. I personally would be very happy to see the world does not need doctors anymore.”


“If you are part of us, I am afraid you will not be able to retire for hundreds of years. It was the professor who realised this first. Our healers are rejuvenating us and it is expected that we will live far longer because of keeping our health at prime. For instance, my two little beauties, Cherine and Wendy, will not look twenty years old for at least another fifty years or more. We estimate each stage of our lives lasts about seven to ten times the normal.”

Next Post 077

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.

e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.


molis to diavasa anamenw tin sinexeia!!!! :)

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