LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post072

She knelt by my body and began to sob, trying to hold me as my body jerked about in pain.

Previous Post 071


I had a suspicion that Cherine had staged the whole thing to convince my mother and that she had now lost control, not expecting herself to react so strongly to the cut off - I may be wrong and I have no way of proving my theory, but I suspect she felt it so strongly because her unborn daughter was also affected and thus, affecting her. If I am right, it means the babies are linked to us from before birth!

I fought off the void and went looking for Cherine/Dommi. As they were also concentrating on returning to me, I was able to sense them and flew my way into both of them, melding and trying to encourage my healer to help their healers while I tried to contact Cherine directly. I had to use Dommi at the start and I somehow slipped into her mind. She was there, a small tight ball of fear.

*Cherine love, you have made your point. Come back now or else I will really die. My body has already stopped breathing and there is no heartbeat. We do not have time to waste, come back now, link me back in. Please Cherry-baby.*

I finally felt her stirring and she opened our link again. We grew stronger immediately and she was able to help Dommi recover. They both stared with anxiety at my link to my body as it melted away. I quickly explained what I had done and told them to return and lay down next to me so that it seems they are bringing me back to life. They realised I was not returning with them, so I explained I have to go help Wendy, I could feel I had to go to her. If I had had an ear, Dommi would have grabbed me by it. She was livid. Together they were formidable, but all I could think of was my poor baby suffering. I sped off.

She had locked herself into a tight shell again and I could sense her body had slowed down. I had never thought she could possibly die if I did, but saw now she was fading away; the evidence more obvious in the physical part of her, heartbeat slowing down, her body switching itself off. I found her link and streaked into her.

This time she did not react with joy and love at my appearance. It was as if she had already switched off her heart and was now closing down, ready to abandon life. Thanks to the previous healing it was not too difficult to bring her body back to her normal state, but I was worried about her apathy. I explained what she will see when she opens her eyes and the reason for Cherine and I doing what we had done. She did not react, still trapped deep in her shocked grief, but indicated she understood.

As I tried to return to my body, it felt as if there is a membrane surrounding it, preventing me from entering. I tried calling my healer/protector, but got no response. I saw my link was almost gone. I now felt fear for the first time. My body must have been damaged too badly or else I had stayed away too long.

Dommi appeared and taking the situation in, immediately enveloped me within herself, reassuring me that they will not let me return to the cold void, we will start the Kaleidoscope World and all be together.

Cherine and Wendy appeared and Dommi cried out to them, calling them to help take me to the void and create the Kaleidoscope World so as not to lose me. Cherine ignored her and melted into my fading link, flowing through it back into my body. She returned and we could all feel the amazement in her. It was Rose keeping me out!

The protector had not known what to do as I had given her a high rating also. I thought for a while, but could not see what the best solution was. Rose thought she was protecting me, trying to hold me in, not realising I was outside. As she was not conscious of what she was doing and still not self-aware in this state, they could not go to her and tell her what she is doing. The membrane or shield she had made of herself also did not seem self-aware so we could not communicate with it.


Cherine gathered me, without a word, and took me with her as she returned to my body. Rose had concentrated herself inwards and recognised me as I asked her to release me; she then returned to her own body. I opened my eyes to find her fallen across me. I sent to the girls a warning not to let any of the others know why this happened, they would be very angry and hurt if they realise we have done this on purpose.

As we put Rose back in her seat, my eye caught sight of Pavlo sitting hunched over with his eyes red and face streaked by tears. I went to him and put my arms around him and held him as he sobbed. We had traumatised a roomful of people and I tried to take in all their pain. Once Rose was aware again, I turned to Alki.

“I am exhausted, I need some time to myself. Please take my mother with you, we can talk tomorrow. Pavlo, agori mou (my boy), when we are about to go to the void again, if you want to come with us, you will be welcome.”

As they left I saw Wendy, who had not shown any reaction since returning, go by herself into the guest room and she shut the door behind her. I felt her in there, her body now being racked by her sobbing. I did not know what was the right thing to do and turned to Dommi.

“She needs to have someone in there with her. Someone to hold her. That is a little child crying in there Robert.”

“I know. But who should go? Doesn’t she need a mothers arms around her now?”

“No. She needs you.”

“That would be wrong Dommi. I do not want to reinforce her attachment to me - you go, it will bring her closer to you.”

Exasperated by me, Cherine spoke abruptly, “Oh shit! just go to her will you?”

“Don’t you dare ‘shit’ me!! I am still bloody angry with you. We’ll talk later.”

I shut the door softly behind me and took her in my arms. Her body was still shuddering so I tightened my hold and murmured of how much I love her and so on. As she quietened and buried her face in my shoulder I pulled her away and looked her in the eyes.

“Wendy I never knew you love me so much!” She did not answer, but new tears flowed as she stared at me. “I promise you I will do my best to deserve so much love.”

She buried her face again and murmured from there, “Promise you will never leave me?”

“Never my love. Remember, we are very lucky, even if one of us, or all of us die, we still do not get parted, we’ll form the Kaleidoscope World and live there together. You are stuck with me forever and ever - until you get sick of me.”

This brought on a new surge of tears, leaving me feeling bewildered. It seemed that whatever I said or did all I managed to do was make her cry. I wished Dommi were here instead of me. I had a brainwave.

“Sing just for me my love. Sing me a song of how you love me.”

Okay! I am pretty stupid and a real glut for punishment. She sang and my heart broke and I wept as I held my face buried in her sweet smelling hair. The girls heard through me and Dommi had to hold Cherine as they both sobbed.

I called to them, asking them to come in. “Will both of you give our baby your loving?”

Wordlessly they lay down alongside and embraced her. When over twenty minutes had passed and all they had done was hold her, I sent a question mark to Dommi. She lazily sent back to me a soft happy smile so I left it to them and lying down at the foot of the bed dozed off.


I awoke with a start. Dommi had flicked my nose with her toe. As I looked over at her I saw they had undressed Wendy. Four hands were rubbing her body, caressing her face with sweet tenderness. I opened myself to Wendy so as to feel what she was enjoying. I guess it is a little like being a voyeur, a sort of mental peeping tom, though I can meretriciously (επιτηδευμένος) justify myself with the excuse that all three of them are a part of me, so I am only spying on myself. Their hands were fondling with just the right pressure, at just the right speed, lingering where they should until her whole body was softly glowing in pleasure. She stretched like a little kitten and I felt the growing tension and ache that began from deep within her belly, mostly caused I guess, from the visit to the void.

They avoided somehow building that warmth into a burning passion. It was as if she were meant to hang midway to heaven, floating on feelings of bliss. I cannot say whether this lasted but a few minutes or forever, but I was the first to sense a stirring within her. She had been quiescent, enjoy their loving, but now she began to feel the need to love them. She started by lightly running her fingers over Dommi’s face, a finger parting her lips. Slowly they ran down her until they were over her swollen breasts, feeling their milky fullness. Her mouth rose to take a nipple in and Dommi moaned. She had become so sensitive from giving of her love that the effect was doubly pleasurable.

It was not that long before I sensed the amusement from Cherine and Dommi and felt Wendy place herself on my chest where she could hear my heartbeat, before finally sleeping.

The girls helped pull me up the bed without waking Wendy and they lay alongside me. They knew I too needed them desperately after the day we had been through, but I asked them to just hold me and ordered the healer to take away my need for a while. Cherine laughed and stopped it.

Later, she said, “That was just to keep you going until she wakes up.” She gave her naughty smile and kissed me before snuggling up and falling asleep with her arm over Wendy.

Next Post 073

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.

e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.


Molis to diavasa... kalo sk...

Gia sou.
Eho anevasei to 73+74. Avrio to 75, alla tha ehei mia allagi. Apofasisa oti apo avrio den tha epitrepo na me plironi kaneis gia ta post pou einai apo emena.

Doiladi, ean to post einai videos apo to YT, den me noiazei kai tha to afoiso anoihto. To Little Cherine, ta poiimata, oti vgike apo to diko mou mualo, den tha dehto pliromi. Upvotes einai akoma hrisima, alla den tha vgazo lefta.

Den ksero ean tha me katalaveis, alla einai tora schedon 7 moines pou eimai sto steemit kai apo ekei pou toulahiston evgaza pano apo ena SP, tora sinithos einai kato apo to miso.

Protimo to tipota. Eas poume pos ta anevazo gia tous filous mou na to diavasoun, kai gia na ta valo mesa sto blockchain.

Syntomos kati polli prakseno tha ginei ston Robert - gia na doume pos tha sou fanei.

Anameno... na mathw... an de prolavo simera sigoyra aurio..gia ton Robert..

Se katalavenw me ta post..


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