Little Cherine Book 08 - BPost050

He laughed. “Our next stop is Freddie. It is time you become a Cherinian, you have a home waiting for you Allan.”

Previous: Book 08 - Post 049


“No. Not yet, you are not ready.”

He was taken aback. “In what way?”

“You must not return to your loves the way you are. Get rid of the block first. It would be cruel to make them feel you the way you are now.”

“You are wrong. It would be cruel of me to confront them with a Robert desperate for their love.” He sat next to me. “Can’t you see? They were being torn between their love for both of us. Neither of us can share, it would destroy our family. Allan, sometimes we have to hide our love and pain to help those we love.”

“You lied in your diary?”

“I have never lied in what I wrote. I am human, I might have erred.”

“Why would Cherine come back to you and tell you about Candy if she did not intend being yours? I know it will anger you again, but all I have is the truth as I see it Robert. You pushed the girls into staying with him and when they did, your insecurity convinced you they do not love you. Be fair to them, stand before them as their Robert and allow them to choose.”

He stood up and walked away. He turned and looked back and I saw the sadness in his eyes. “Allan, they did choose. They could have found me if they had wanted to. At least six times. Collect whatever you want to take with, we are going to Freddie.”

I did not know that he wrote of our meeting, nor that he warned them of our impending return. All that I knew was that I had not handled him correctly (I could not work out the how or why) and had forced him into taking the wrong action. As he took my hand to jump, I could only hope they will forgive me.

We arrived in Freddie close to the taverna. There was not one person in sight, Terran or alien. Maria walked out with two coffees, placed them on a table and marched back in. Robert’s lips were white as he forced a smile and we sat at the table.

I was trembling, my mind almost blank out of fear and I was depressed and yet, I was filled with wonder at seeing the inside of Freddie. The silence was total, not a bird chirped, not even the breeze made a sound. I glanced at his stony face as he lit a cigarette and suddenly my heart wept for the girls, for the pain I had brought them. He must have felt me for he turned to look at me. At that moment Cherine linked me. I burst into tears.

It was as if the whole world held its breath as the girls appeared. They stood before us without speaking, but now I could sense them. I turned to Robert, amazed that he could hold his thoughts so dispassionate. He only seemed to be seeing one girl, his eyes glued on Cherine.

I felt like shouting at him, forcing him to see what he was blind to. I recalled something and grabbed his shoulder.

“Robert, the fisherman, Giorgio, his eyes could see what Cherinian eyes cannot? Look into their eyes man, see their pain.”

I felt my words sting him and he looked. The little one, Candy, burst into tears and he was instantly by her side, pulling her to himself. They crowded around him and with tears running down my cheeks I walked away as quickly as I could.

Either the girls needed this time with him or at least one of them was wise enough to give me the time I needed, but I walked for three hours on my own. I heard voices and I knew aliens were ahead of me. As I came over the rise I saw a soccer field. As they felt me coming, they stopped their game and all faced me.

“You are the Allan who brought our father back?”

“Not really, he was dying to return, I was just the excuse he needed. You are the Akiards?”

“This is Kairi, my mate. He is Simdi, Salphi is his mate….” He introduced them all.


I nodded my greeting. “I regret I do not have a Cherinian memory and cannot recall all your names. My apologies.”

“You are a Cherinian now, we felt Cherine link you. The whole world is waiting for you, to show the joy your coming has brought us. You are our hero.”

“Not a hero Akiar, just a man who loves Robert and his family. If that makes me a hero, it means you all are heroes.”

He gave a short laugh. “We will tell our younger brothers and sisters what you said and it will make them proud that they love them. We must go to them, they are waiting with our parents to go to the taverna. Do you need me to teleport you there?”

“I think I should not go there yet. Robert needs to feel how you all love him. I’ll come later.”

“Like hell you will!” I turned at his voice and saw Allan with his two lovely girls. They ran to me, their arms going around my waist.

I still claim I was abducted. How could I resist two such lovely faces and hearts! At least they comforted me by either sitting at my side or on my lap, exchanging positions whenever they felt me wish to hold the other also. Of the rest, all that Robert and his family contrived to embarrass me with, I refuse to write about. All I will boast about was that I was an Arthur for one day and have been kissed by all the girls, including Cherine and Goldi. I guess Robert could have got his revenge, but he was kind enough to toughen my skin when the Akiard girls also demanded their turn at kissing me.

On that high note I’ll sign off.

This is Sam. The girls all demanded I write again - they claim it is too dangerous allowing Robbie to write.

I will backtrack to the day/night Robbie brought back Robert, but I think Arthur deserves a sweetener. Here is a picture of Jodine.

The day Robbie brought back Robert and thereafter:

I had at all times remained aware of the pain in Cherine and Dommi. The two of them seemed to think only they were responsible for the death of Robert. The truth is that all of us that sided with the Shadow Robert felt guilty. I had not realised how strongly I had been affected nor how deeply I had buried my pain - which perhaps explains why I have not been as mentally-psychologically strong as I should have been, as a Cherinian. I’d thought that I had managed to look at the situation logically and accepted the sacrifice by the man I love as a necessary evil for breaking the spell the Shadow had wrapped us in. I even admired Robbie for being so cunning. The return of the part of our Robbie who had died was a shock to me because it also brought to the surface pain I’d not known I still felt.

Our sobbing was a catharsis for all of us, so I ignored the little voice that kept on telling me to go to our Robbie and hold myself to him while I cried. That was to cause me much grief the next day.


There was not one of us that was not willing to kiss him, lie in his arms or sit on his lap, including those born after his death, just as there was not one of us that would have willingly made love with him. He no longer was our Robbie. We have seen Robbie’s fears that we would love his innocence and I cannot help wonder, would he prefer a copy of us as we were years ago? Doesn’t he treasure all we shared that make us what we are today? It is different taking a trip down memory lane and feeling nostalgic for what has gone. Is it not true that our yearning for the Robert of that time is mostly because we yearn for our own innocence, not his? Well, on this day he made us a gift of that innocence we’d lost and we too felt we were purer and sweeter and more crazily in love with our Robbie.

If only Robbie could have seen us after he and Alki left. Within the next quarter of an hour we had pulled back, no longer as free and demonstrative as we had been with him present. The only one who did not was Cherine. It would have been cruel of her, he desperately needed to feel she loves him. She got him to sit upright and curled up on his lap, her weight a comfort to him as we talked.

It took Robert a while to recover enough to find the courage to try and face the fact that he has lost us.

“Did you mean it about splitting yourselves for me? How will you do it? Will it be as you were then or with your memories up to now? What about those who were not born at that time?”

“Sam? Can we leave memories of after?”

“I think Dommi should answer that, but I do have a suggestion.” I paused, but Dommi waited for me. “How about including up to and including Robbie becoming a child for his father again? Robbie should also share his memories up to then.”

“My father? I did it for him?”

Cherine turned to him with a cheeky smile. “You did it more for yourself love.” He had to laugh with joy as he looked at her.

Dommi stayed thoughtful and everyone sat watching her. “Roberto, would it upset you to have memories of us making love with him? What about our pain, do you want that?”

“It would not upset me Dommi, it was close to the splitting and in a way it was as if I was a part of it. As for your pain, I do not need it, you decide. Would it help my loves if I am part of their healing?”

“I think so. Roberto mou, we all feel the love that has exploded in you for those who are new to you, but I do not think it would be fair to ask them to split themselves for you.”

Ever so humbly he answered her, despite his pain, “Whatever you think is right my love.”

Coral shook her head. “No, he was part of the Robert I first loved, I want to.”

Jade gave her cheeky grin. “There you are, you got one extra.”

Shyly Lynda spoke, “I know I only married years later, but would you like me to? I thought the world of you.”

The Sparklers brought us food and drink and Cherine whispered in Robert’s ear and left. When she returned she looked and felt very happy.

“Robert said we should spend the evening here.” Some time later she was by my side and she confided in a happy whisper, “He trusts us Sam. I hardly felt any jealousy in him.”

Our internal clocks do not work very well in the Sparkler World and we thought it was only past midnight when Samuel King returned. He asked for privacy with me.

“Sam, I have been sticking to Robert all night. Most of the evening he seemed alright, but just before I left him, it felt as if he was withdrawing into his mind. I think he is troubled.”

“We better go to him.”


“If advice from me is acceptable Sam, I think you should not. I feel he needs more time alone to come to terms with what he knows has to happen. I could not believe how foolish he was in bringing him back as a permanent Robert and I think it is only now catching up with him. I’m going back and I’ll keep an eye on him. I’ll call you if I feel you should return.”

I hesitated a moment. “Samantha, look in my mind, see what I told him, a promise I made.”

I did and impulsively gave him a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

“You did understand my terms?”

“Are you trying to make me take back my kiss?” I laughed. “I understood Samuel. I still say thank you.”

Samuel left and I shared with Dommi. I was disturbed by his muttering just before Samuel left him, but Dommi agreed with Samuel and told us to stay. Hours later, as we were promising Robert we would return later, Samuel reappeared.

“Cherine! Robert has disappeared. I could not sense where he was going, but I felt he was emoting sadness. Not grief or anything terrible, just sadness.”

“We better go home. See you later Robert.”

It did not take us long to discover his message in the diary. I was still rereading, trying to work out what he really planned when Cherine nudged me out of the way and took over. She typed the message I have now put back in a blue font, waited half an hour and deleted it.

We all felt let down and hurt, so it did not take long for those close to us to appear. Alki read his message, swearing under his breath as he did so.

“We have to find him. Lynda, do you know which reality he went to?”

“Stop! Lynda, if you know, you block the memory. Nobody goes after him.” Cherine must have been drowning in everyone’s emoting, but she did not bend.

Alki was almost pleading as he said, “He did not betray you kori, his feelings of guilt towards his other half did. The other half is also closer to how he dreams he should be.”

“None of you can see it, can you? Pappou is right, but that was not what forced him to abandon us. This time it is not an excuse, it was the protector in him. We all felt his love for his younger half and once he allowed himself to see him as being better for us, his protector led him into blocking himself. It is time both of his protectors mature and we will wait for however long it takes. Dommi, we must be his primes despite the protector side of him, not only because of it. I must go speak to Robert and I do not want any of you following me. Vincent, please carry me in my body.”

When Cherine and Robert joined us, we sensed he had blocked himself.

“I have explained to Robert that we will only split ourselves for him once our Robert is with us.”

We returned home and found the first writing of Robbie! It was only up to ‘ “Go to hell!” I jumped back home.’

Laughing, crying, we sat re-reading it a dozen times. The puzzle of our communications with Arthur were evident here again. He had written over many months but we received his writings within a couple of hours! We were still sitting there, sipping the hot Milo Dommi had made and discussing what we had read when the screen rolled.

Just like that, in one go, we received the rest of his typing, even his message that he was returning within two weeks. Our reactions were muted as we did not need to be geniuses to understand he was not returning for our sakes, only to get rid of Allan. Cherine gave us a grin.

“When they get here, I’m linking this Allan. Even if he goes to another Cherine, I’m linking him. Why are you all so glum?”

“Daddy doesn’t want us, he’ll leave again.”


Her eyes searched ours. “You all think so? Even you Sammy?” I nodded, too blue to try and think. “Why would he bring Allan, why not drop him off with some other Cherine? He is fighting his instincts, returning in the hope we convince him to be our Robert again. Does anyone doubt we can?”

Lynda searched for a reality close to ours that does not have a Cherine and Robert (not their souls, even after checking over a fifty year period). First Dommi and Cherine split themselves, spent a week alone with Robert and then the rest of us. We did this in Athens, thanks to the help of Laki so that the girls do not get confused. They also got their own Alki, Marian, the parents of his girls where we have them. Our Alki has started building a financial empire for their Alki, Elias and Eddie, preparing for when they move to their own reality (their reality does not have an Alki and their Eddie-Hettie died a long time ago). Robbie took a wild chance and asked Vincent to split himself, but he cannot do so. Still, he is the most powerful Robert apart from ours, he has the gifts and powers Robbie had at the time of splitting and his protector instincts are just as powerful. Since he can also become the void, Robbie decided he has to have his own Freddie.

This time we have the help of our CherInguel scientists plus the Unation. A number of our split girls are taking part so as to personalise it for them. Robbie has taught Robert everything he knows about making his spaceship world safer and helped tote the materials he needs. All that remains is for Robert to name it.

The local planet sort of took a backseat and though we kept an eye on them and tried to prevent deaths, we did not push the politicians. Even Hettie was enchanted by her split self and was not concentrating. Whatever action can be taken to repair their environment without cataclysmic storms is being taken, but it will be a slow process, as they have not placed any restrictions on pollution by industry or the public.

We have now been here four and a half months and three quarters of the population worldwide is healthy; their mental problems will have to be dealt with later, maybe with the help of the Wirms.

Diana and the twins stay linked permanently, with the wives and children of Nicko linked as often as they can be. We all are sharing as Rania is awakening to her new life, but we make a point of leaving them hours to share alone or with Robbie. He teases us that he is going to have to suffer once she ages herself, but he does not get much sympathy.

I’d expected Samuel King to be closer to us after his helping us, but he remains a loner. Robbie suggested he spend some time with Richard and though he expressed interest he is not willing to go there yet. I wonder why.

We have eaten our first vegetables grown in Freddie and, because they are eaten the same day they are picked, the tastes are incredible. Robbie says this was how he ate as a child in Nairobi.

I’m sorry your story has become so boring Arthur, but Robbie does not want to rush off to new adventures, he wants to finish with this world first. This morning we had a pleasant surprise. The Pope made a speech and he acknowledged we have proven ourselves to be on the side of the angels. I expressed the opinion that I was surprised at his speech since he had not first checked with us whether we practice birth control. That got everyone in a joking mood and work stopped when we decided to have an impromptu party.

Robert devotes a lot of time and effort to monitoring Robbie, I suppose he wants to avoid making the same mistakes. By him doing this, he has had an amazing influence on Robbie. Robbie keeps a watch on him and when he senses Robert does not approve of something about him, he examines himself and in a few ways has changed to make himself the man he used to be. The trouble is that we have seen Robbie do this a number of times, but then life happens and he changes again.

Robert and his family announced they will not be forming their Kaleidoscope World in their reality. They say that ours still feels like home to them and they want it in our void. I reminded his Samantha that we know how to carry our World across realities, so they just might change their minds.


I used to think of ideas and actions taken as being akin to throwing a stone into a pond, the growing ripples disturbing and affecting everything around me. Now I see it is more like the Wirm cloud. Disturb one rock and you need a chaos theory that even million year old civilisations don’t have. We see the effects of our ideas, extrapolate to the nth degree and think we can forecast the end result, but the truth is we only foresee the results we are capable of seeing. From thereon everything happens beyond our control or knowledge. As a small example, the return of Robert. The immediate results any of us could have foreseen, those with vivid imaginations might have seen further, but I doubt any of us, or all of us together, can see much further than our noses. If we had been told of the changes in Cherine, in us that would occur, we would have shrugged and said it was obvious. If we had been told our Robbie would have been affected, it would have become apparent, but none of us guessed. Not because it was impossible if we had concentrated on Robbie, but because we extrapolate to the degree of discomfort (or disinterest) and then stop. With an ocean of possibilities, why bother to try to go further? And yet, we do remain ultimately responsible for all the effects.

That is it! My one and only pretentious philosophical endeavour for this decade.

Freddie called urgently for Robbie and he dropped his body to return as the void. Within seconds he was in the field the Akiard kids were. He kept his distance and watched, but we sensed how grim he felt. They had split into two groups and Akiar was strutting out in the open, every inch of him a warrior. Every so often one from the opposing group would ‘shoot’ him with a pebble.

“Come out and fight like men! I will make you my friends, whether you like it or not!”

Robbie relaxed, chortling in his mind. Fascinated he stayed to watch their role-playing. He realised the ones who had been chosen to be the enemy did not know how to act their part. He pulled back, assumed a shape and walked out.

“Yo little man! You are challenging me?” He gave an evil laugh. “You are right, you will be a good friend. I’m looking for Robert to do great battle with, but since you want to be my friend I will eat you first so that you strengthen me, as a good friend should!” He roared with laughter again.

Robbie looked like some evil gnome or ogre, shorter than Akiar but twice as wide and looking at least three times as strong.

“How did you get inside Freddie? No violence is allowed here.”

“I am stronger than Robert and have come to eat Cherine so as to get her magical gifts. Then I will eat Goldi so that everyone loves me and I will be invincible!”


“I am powerless to interfere Akiar, you must handle this on your own.”

Game forgotten the others stepped out, surrounding Robbie, girls and boys all ready to give battle.

“Is this how you fight, thirty against one?” Robbie moved so fast he was a blur. His arm struck Akiar and his feet left the ground. He landed badly and stared up at his enemy for a second. Almost just as fast, he was on his feet and moving, circling Robbie as he called out, “I will fight him alone, do not hit him.”

Kairi called out, “No Akiar, we must all fight together, we must not allow him to harm Cherine and Goldi. It is more important! They are our primes.”

One of the boys shouted, “Get stones! We must kill him.”

“No! We are Cherinians. Do not let him get through, we must keep him here until he changes his mind and becomes a friend.”

Robbie feinted, now at this part of the circle, now at the other side. Each time they stood their ground. Loud enough for them all to hear, his belly rumbled and he laughed.


“The longer you keep me here the hungrier I get and the more of you I will eat. This one here, she looks more tender. Is your meat juicy little one?” He made as if to approach her and the boys formed a wall before her.

Akiar was visibly struggling with a concept alien to him. He raised his arms. “Stranger, tell us your name and we will provide you with food. I am Akiar.”

“You will let me eat you? Good. Then know my name so that all may tremble when they hear it. Crkshutwe, Killer of Robert and Cherine.”

“How do you like your meat cooked Crkshutwe?”


“Maria, a leg of beef please.”

The kids have been spoiled, thinking that all they have to do is call out for what they want and they will get it. Maria did not let him down. Fascinated they watched as Robbie tore into the meat. Within ten minutes there was nothing but bone. He cracked the bone with his teeth and sucked out the marrow. He sat back, belched and gave Ameka a toothy grin that must have terrified her, his eyes weighing her up. He wiped his bloody hands against his thighs, blood and tiny pieces of meat glistening as it smeared the wiry hair.

“You have half an hour before I hunger again. Next time I want fresh meat, not carrion. Mighty warrior Akiar, speak, let me see how your race make friends. Do you offer me Cherine?”

“No, she is The Light.”

“I prefer darkness.”

“But she is good, she feels your pain…”

“I think it is your pain she will feel as I eat you.”

Akiar flared up and spoke with pride. “You will have to eat all thirty two of us before you can get to her.”

“Good, you are friends, it will keep my belly full for two or three days.”

Akiar was wracking his brains, trying to imagine how Robbie would handle it. “Where do you come from Crkshutwe?”

“From the anti world of Christós.”

“Are you his alternate?”


Akiar turned to his group. “You see, it was good we did not hit him.” He turned to Crkshutwe, “Why do you hate Robert and Cherine? Have you ever seen Goldi?”

“I was going to take over the world of Christós, but they made him too powerful. I have to eat them first before I attack. A warrior does not look at little girls, they are only worth a bite or two.”

“You are wrong! A real warrior protects little girls from monsters.”

Robbie’s sense of humour got the better of him. “Fine, you be the monster and I will protect her from you by eating her. You can’t hurt her in my belly.”

It was getting too complex for Akiar and Robbie was in danger of undoing the good he’d achieved. We argued among us, each wanting the other to go. In the end we all voted for Goldi.

She jumped to the trees and walked out. “Akiar, can I meet your friend?”


While they urged her to stay away she walked into their circle. “Akiar, you were playing a game when Robert came to watch. He also wanted to play, so he pretended to be a monster. When he saw how brave all of you are he told us to watch. Would you really have made him eat all of you before letting him get me? Do you know why Robert pretended? He keeps telling everyone that his Akiard sons and daughters are very brave and some people sometimes do not believe him. Now everyone has seen that you are brave, but that you are also real Cherinians. I’m very proud to be a sister of all of you.”

Of course she was emoting at maximum and they did not have a chance.

Nicko just had to tease him. “Robert, you really are hopeless at playing with children. You get carried away instead of keeping the game at their level.”

He answered deadpan, “How can you say that! Ask the girls, I’m very good at playing with them. Sometimes we play until morning.”

It is so rare that he makes a humorous reference to our lovemaking publicly that we all joined him, confirming that he is wonderful at playing with us amid much laughter from our friends.

Two days later we had a panic situation because of kids - but not the Akiards this time. Perhaps we should have anticipated the problem. Hilmar has been to the void three times and his parents have been loving afterwards. He is a thoughtful boy and though they only concentrated on making him feel good, he reciprocated. Once his parents sensed that he enjoyed loving them, even the taking of the penis of his father in his mouth, they relaxed.

Hilmar became friends with the two neighbouring girls. Then, they were allowed to go wherever they want and they knew they only had to call aloud for help or food, so they spent their days exploring the surrounding countryside. They knew they were not supposed to go into the marsh as it could disturb the breeding cycles of various birds and insects and our ecology is still too fragile to take the risk. Perhaps, because it is a ‘forbidden’ area, they tend to sit on the outskirts for lunch. They make up stories of what it is like in their minds and imagine crocodiles and monsters roaming there.

Valerie, the older girl, had moved behind a bush for a pee and Hilmar was lying on his side, raised on his elbow as he looked at and spoke to Erica. She was lying on her back, one leg raised, staring at the Sparklers and the spaceships high above. She was young enough to be careless and her skirt had fallen back so that her panty was exposed to him. He could see the bump of her sex and having been awakened sexually he was interested.

“Do you have sex with your mummy after going to the void?”

“I haven’t been to…the void. Where is it?”

“Outside Freddie. Hasn’t Valerie been?”

Valerie was walking back and had heard. “No, I haven’t. Can we go there in a spaceship?”

“You can’t go in a spaceship. Your soul has to leave your body and fly there. When you come back you have to have sex, or else it hurts.”

Erica blurted out, “I know what sex is, our mummy told us when Robert wanted to, but he changed his mind. I think he finds me too ugly.” Valerie knew better, but the words of her sister made her doubt the explanations she’d been given so she nodded in agreement.

“You are not ugly! I think both of you are very pretty.” They remained silent for a moment and then Hilmar asked, “Would you like to go to the void? Afterwards I’ll have to teach you about sex if we go.”

Freddie got worried about the ethical side of it and patched Robbie in so that he could watch. Of course we all joined in. Hilmar convinced the girls they had to first take off their clothes. As he saw their sexes naked of any hair he got an erection and found it difficult to leave his body. The girls also kept on peeping so we relaxed. Even had Hilmar been self-composed, we knew it was highly unlikely he could leave for the void. We were mostly wondering how the sexual side of their experiment would develop since they were in the nude and both girls were curious.


What actually happened was Hilmar used the technique his mother had taught him, counting down from ten to zero while telling himself to relax. As he left he called to the girls and they heard him. We only realised what had happened when a Sparkler urgently summoned Robbie.

As they arrived, Hilmar sensed the girls were terrified and instinctively he wrapped himself around them, emoting soothing thoughts. Mimicking what he had done with his parents he sent them love motes. The girls reciprocated and as we arrived we were just in time to see them merge, implode and form their own Kaleidoscope World!

What a day we’ve had!

The birth of a new Kaleidoscope World is a moment of great joy, an ecstasy that is almost religious. This one was no different for us. As soon as Robbie recovered, he communicated with their entity. First he greeted and welcomed it and then he warned it that the three are children and must not be allowed to stay away from their bodies for long. Their entity sent them back and we danced with them. By now the void had filled with souls and the three of them were greeted with love motes from everyone. Robbie sent the kids back and we returned to our bodies to watch them from there.

It did not take more than a minute for us to see that Hilmar was going to go about it the wrong way and the girls would not enjoy it. Dommi told Robbie to go to them and help Hilmar. With a huge grin Robbie aged himself to about ten and jumped.

Robbie had to pull Hilmar off Erica. Once Hilmar realised who he was, Robbie talked softly, guiding him, teaching him to feel from the girls what pleases them, how to build their passions until the girls could have screamed and then deliver them of their ecstasy so that their bodies and minds murmur like a gentle stream. He taught the girls how to not only bring his body pleasure, but also how to wait and tease until his mind explodes along with his climax. Since he could not ejaculate yet, his climax was not as intense, but it was all his young mind could handle.

Robbie took Hilmar’s hand and placed it over Erica. “Open her and look inside. Can you see how tiny the opening is? Much smaller than your mother’s, isn’t it? You would have hurt her if you had forced your penis in her. Take your time Hilmar, until all three of you have learnt how to love each other. When it is time, the girls will show you how to enter them without damaging them.”

He leant over and kissed Erica on her lips. “You were wrong, I did not refuse to make love to you because you are ugly. I was very tempted, but I also knew that your own true love would be coming to you one day and it is better that your first time is with him. Was I wrong my little heather bell?”

Up to now was the beautiful part of today. When Robbie returned was when the arguments erupted. We had linked the parents of Hilmar and the mother of the girls and they had shared the feelings of the kids. Hilmar’s parents mostly were bemused and their feelings were very mixed up. The mother of the girls, Hilda, was livid. She screamed a lot of nasty things at Robbie and us, blaming him mostly for what had happened. We were not hurt by what she said and felt, but, when friends agreed with her, saying we should have stopped them, we became depressed. Not Robbie.

“I agree with Hilda. If they had remained on Earth, this would not have happened. They would have probably given their virginity to some callous pimple-faced youth who would not have known what he was doing and spoilt sex for them. On the other hand, if Hilda had come to us pure of heart or, after moving here, had shown interest in learning about us and had opened herself so that she became a Cherinian, she would have rejoiced today, as my family and I do. If they were to be stopped, it should have been before they went to the void. Once it happened, I am not willing to spoil the beauty of love they now share.

Have none of you realised how remarkable today has been? For the first time ever children have gone to the void on their own, exchanged love, become a family circle and created their own World! To us it feels like a miracle.

I confess to being puzzled as to how their family circle will survive without an adult to guide them, but with our help I think they can grow into something very beautiful.”

That was actually the crux of the problem. Many of the adults were not that upset about the sex, even approved of the help Robbie had given them. They just felt it was wrong for children to form a family circle on their own. Mostly these were adults with children of their own. They knew that Hilmar had been part of the family circle of his parents and perceived this event as a threat to their own families.


“Hettie, you do see what it means? Since a World has been formed in this void, we have to find a Cherine and Robert for this reality. It also means we must do our best to make this Earth a good home for them.”

Cassie whispered to Jade and they both giggled. When they shared with us what Cassie had thought of, it gave this reality another first. This is the only reality that has a Kaleidoscope World without a Cherine.

American television showed a number of protest marches in their main cities. Just as it became interesting, the stations stopped broadcasting live and returned to their regular broadcasts. It was obvious that the Federal Government had forced a clampdown on them. The president gave a speech and told his people that the USA is withdrawing out of Northern Africa, but keeping restricted areas as bases for the defence of the United States and their allies.

The Americans were very quick to put in place local governments, filling the positions with those friendly to them. The first agreements they signed were the granting of autonomy Americans kept over their bases, treaties of ‘alignment’ granting the Americans the right to intervene should future governments try to ally themselves with enemies of the United States. It was amazing to watch how the local populations accepted the fact that their leaders were suddenly extremely wealthy.

Robbie asked us, “Before Hettie asks me what I want to do, anybody have any thoughts?”

“I guess it would be fun to remove everything from their bases?”

He tilted his head and smiled. “You are going to explain why it would not?”

“Well, first of all, it is too obvious to be much fun.” He grinned, mentally allowing me the point. “Hettie would tell us that we should leave the bases until the world has negotiated and disarmed. The Americans need a zone of comfort for them to willingly negotiate.”

Athia giggled. “Sam has told us what Robert and Hettie would want. I wonder what is it she wants?”

“Freddie, can you project on our home screen only, a map of the world. Colour the main power blocks. Add bases in foreign countries, colour bases according to the power block they belong to. Can you see, the only power block that has bases where short range missiles can be launched is America. What does it suggest to you?”

The girls of our family are all too smart to answer when I ask such a question, which left only Robbie. “Are you serious Sammy? You want us to make bases for the other powers?”

“In international waters. You could put platforms. They must only be allowed the same fire power the Americans have.”

Most of the girls fell for it, thinking this was their Samantha being clever, outsmarting the governments. Unfortunately my darling Robbie has spent too many years studying my craziness to fall for it.

“What would the point to it be? We are supposed to be getting rid of the possibility of war, not strengthening any of them.”

My lips were stretched in such a wide grin I don’t know how I got the words out, “It is original and more fun than your idea was.”

When Hettie arrived I was being assaulted by the girls and a pillow had burst, making feathers fly all over. Robbie grinned.

“Do it your way Hettie.”

“Just like that? What is my way?”

“Girls! Let Samantha talk.”

I said, “You are hoping to keep the hammer in reserve for when you need it. You prefer to play the same games they do with political manoeuvring.”

Next [Book 08] - Post 051

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

8th February, 2020

  • posted: 8th February, 2020

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