Little Cherine Book 06 - BPost045

Sharply he rebuked me for interfering and I found Cherine and Aganthi holding me, assuring me I had done the right thing, whether he liked it or not. Dommi actually told him off, reminding him we are a family and we share our problems.

Previous: Book 06 - Post 044


“Soon as our guests are gone I’m asking Socrati to call a meeting. I’m laying a charge against Robert.”

Apart from Cherine I felt my words upsetting all my loves. “Sam is right, I’ll second her charge.” That made them stop accusing me and think for themselves. The first to change her mind was Athia and then all the girls. Robbie was not even monitoring us, lost in his thoughts again.

We called the nineteen to join us while it was still late afternoon. They had a lot of species and people to meet first. Robbie grinned at the crowd.

“We have never done this before, but I think it would help our guests. Would you please gather according to species?”

an Fisp called out, “I am a Cherinian Robert, where do I go?” Robbie sent him his love and the laughter died out and they did as he’d asked, Chantel moving to stand under the Kinytians.

“Above us you see the Sparklers and Kinytians. Standing before you are two large groups. These are the Anadir and those are the Inguel, or as they now prefer being called, the CherInguel. Most of both species here are scientists. These are my beloved Eminixx. Most of their people are still held by the Sparklers - we’ll explain that in the telling. These two magnificent, beautiful creatures are the only Cherinian Elipians. We have not had much success in converting their people. We do not mind, for it gives us something good to look forward to. This small group are the Duirphon, creators of the Kinytians. Urafel, can the two of you step forward? These two are of the Elabet. Thanks to them we had some exciting times.” Robbie grinned and pointed at Bitsy whose tail was wagging. “This here is Bitsy, not quite sentient yet, but a future Cherinian, or so my loves hope.”

“You said the Kinytians were created? Is not one of them part of your family?”

“Many of my family were created. Sometimes I suspect Cherine created me also. Not that I understand why, she definitely could have done better if she had concentrated a little more.”

“My husband must be feeling more relaxed for him to be teasing you. We will have supper in about two hours, why not walk among our friends and get to know some of them in the meantime?”

This time we did not have any problems in getting Iziko to sit still. He watched as avidly as if this were his first time. When each night’s telling ended he would sit with the nineteen and answer their questions, pointing out details they may have missed. There was much grief among them when they saw Robbie and Vincent killing the Sparklers in their millions and Solomon made a point of sitting with them afterwards and he explained so that they will not hate Robbie.

They were fascinated by the old man, making their own guesses as to who he was. They too decided it had to be Robert of the distant future. They were horrified by the stories of Marita, Wendy and Theresa and frightened by the Teddies. We enjoyed monitoring them as their emoting was not dampened and they reacted strongly to everything. The girls did not stop at the discovery of the Ii and they watched again, this time understanding a lot more.

Robbie still fears their judgement is wrong and worries about poisoning a civilisation that has such great potential, but he respects their ability to be so open with their citizens. He complained to us that his own paternal instincts are to blame, but otherwise said little, as he feels he should reserve his arguments for the meeting I’ve threatened to call for.

One of the nineteen spoke, “I have been elected to speak for all of us. My people joke that I tend to be ponderous and longwinded, so I apologise from before.

We are confused in our minds. We do not have a clear picture of who is the leader among you. We thought Robert. Then we grew to know of Cherine and all she stands for, so we said, Robert is as our own Generals are to us and she is the leader. Then we grew to understand Samantha and saw that she too plays an important role. The one you all call Mother, Dominique, we saw her influence as being the power behind all of you. What then do we say of Empathia, beloved of Haven? What of the others? We see you appointed a Council with powers over your leader and yet they have no power to lead.


We have come to the conclusion that you are a complex organism and rather than try to decide for ourselves, we will accept Robert as leader, since you all do so in name.

Robert. When you had us be part of the first telling, we thought we understand and asked ourselves, why does he not return us to our people so that we can get on with making the arrangements to supply what is needed? These extra days, meeting all the species and hearing the full telling have made us realise you were right. If we had been returned we would have left without the understanding of what is truly wondrous about all of you. Plus - now we cannot wake up and call you a dream, for not one of us could have dreamt such a dream.

If you came to us with nothing but the tale of our sister worlds and their needs, we would have given without consideration. That would have been a great gift, bringing all the species of the Unation together in a common cause. That you are willing to reimburse us, returning materials that we would have grown short of, deprives us of some of the satisfaction of making a sacrifice, but it is necessary and we thank you.

Having seen something of your world and how your leaders govern, we understand your wish to keep all this a secret. It is not something we can do, but we have decided on a course of action and if you agree, then we will keep it a secret until the whole truth has been revealed.

We suggest that you arrive at our home planet openly and officially. Tell your tale of our sister worlds and ask for our help. Make it a condition that such help must come from all of the species of our Unation. Allow us to decide to make our sacrifices, let such sacrifices bring us all together so that we work as one organism, with one common goal in mind. When it is time, announce that you will try to replenish in raw materials what we have used so that our own people do not suffer because of their generosity.

You will find there will be complaints about you interfering and belittling our sacrifices. Once you have seen that and found us deserving, then do your telling for all to learn of Cherine and what her gifts offer. Make us Cherinians if that is your wish and you are able to - if we qualify. Give this reality a future none of us would have dared dream of.”

Robbie stood up and bowed to them, his face troubled. “I do not have the heart to discuss what you suggested and offered at this moment. I have erred, a terrible mistake that needs to be dealt with first. You have heard that we dare not alter the past because we only create new realities without solving the problem for all of them. Before I came here I should have returned to our time within your reality and checked that changes here will not affect future species.”

“Roberto, why not check now?” Alki asked.

“We are already on our way there,” he told our astounded new friends. He projected onto the screens and they stood watching as solar systems flashed by and galaxies changed shape. Robbie walked off to be by himself again. I waited until he was far enough and jumped to him. I gave him a huge grin.

“They tried to find one other amongst us to call leader and found they had to come back to you. How does it feel knowing you are stuck with the position forever?”

“Is that what you consider your impudent smile? Not forever my love. Try as I have to avoid knowing of the future, we do know I will have to go into hiding. I wonder who will be leader then?”

“It will not be one of the family dad. We will all be with you.”

“I hope so.”

“You hope we will be with you or that none of us are the new leader?”

He grinned and stopped walking. A bench materialised behind him and he sat down. I sat next to him.

“Sam, of all my children, wives and loves, there is none who is scolded by me so often or who has to bear as much for my sake. Even with your gift of Cherine, I swear, you cannot feel how deeply I love you.”

“I would hate to think I make so much trouble for you without you loving me dad. Our guests are right, we are one organism, but we are not complete yet. We never will be complete, for there will be always one more soul waiting to be born to us and become part of what and who we are. I think, at times, that I understand you, myself and the others, but Cherine I fear I never will. She has the brains, the personality, she is bossy by nature - despite her gift - and yet she prefers to stay in the background, rarely revealing all she is. Our own sweet enigma.”


“She too has her own fears love.”

I shook my head, denying him vehemently. “No. Her fears should have made her bossy and unpleasant to be with and yet she is loved by all more than anybody. I sometimes have the feeling she is waiting for something, afraid of it, fearing it will set her apart from us. How will we reach to her then dad?” He saw I was weeping and pulled me to him, his own eyes filling as he felt I was seeing true.

“Oh my sweet daughter, how do you do this?” he murmured in my hair.

Half sobbing I laughed, “I don’t know.”

Freddie veered sharply to avoid something and we felt it. Robbie called out, “Go to the void Freddie.”

“I’ve done so Robert. My apologies to our guests.”

Robbie shook himself. “Sam, what you feel, is it something like when joining with Allan? Do you feel she will be a God?”

“No. More of a beacon, a light that fills the void in all hearts.”

“Please do not foresee our losing her, my Sammy,” his voice pleaded.

“We never will dad, someday we will be Cherine. I think so. Oh dad!” I tried to shut my thoughts from him, but he was too tightly wound to my soul. His arms tightened as he passionately said, “Never Sam. Never. I’ll find a way.”

Chapter One Hundred Seventy Nine

Robbie shut off all the screens as we arrived.

“I apologise, but none of you must see the future. Good or bad it could affect your present.”

“Will you at least tell us whether our people still exist?”

“I’ll think on it.”

*Robert, we have a number of guests asking to meet you.*

*Tell them I will meet with them in the void.*

“Sam, come with.”

We arrived in the void to find it filled with Worlds, and souls seemed to be everywhere we looked.

*Welcome Robert and Samantha. We have waited for you.*

*You are of the Unation?*

*Correct. You carry the nineteen with you?*

*You are not certain? I did not say?*

*We apologise, you did. Robert, is our time of confinement over? May we visit other worlds now?*

*Not yet. I will return. What of your planets and bodies?*

*They exist and are a continuous source of joy. Dominique was right, being able to return to our bodies makes us feel whole.*


Wryly he replied. *If Dominique said so, it would have to be so. You are telling me of our future, please avoid that. Now I will have to tell Dominique to tell you what you said she said so as to avoid changing your past. It would be better you allow what is to happen to happen naturally as it was meant to.*

We sensed amusement so I asked. *Are you a soul or an entity of a World?*

*A soul, Samantha. We have met before, I was of the nineteen.*

*I have a question. Were you right? Did being open with your people work out as you predicted?*

*You have the authority to countermand the order Robert just gave? We are allowed to tell you of your future?*

*No, only an answer to that one question.*

*What for Samantha? Would you change your decision according to my answer?*

*My apologies, to you and Robert. Please do not answer.*

*There is much we wish to do and tell you. It might be better you leave before we show you too much. We will wait for you to return. Please pass on to Cherine our love and gratitude for allowing us to become Cherinians.*

*Soon as she has done so we will. We will return as close to this time as we can. We are eager to hear your news.*

*Father, before we return, must I block everything, what do we tell our family and the others?*

*It would be better we block everything. Allow me to talk for us.*

“Freddie, take us to the local Earth.”

We had a number of people upset with us and that included family. I kept my mind shut to all, waiting for Robbie to decide of what he will speak. Freddie must have felt the tension and travelled in the void, asking Robbie to become the void so as to make the distance shorter.

We were all allowed to go to the void when we arrived. We stared at our planet and it was not necessary to go to normal space to see there is no life on it. First our family drew in for comfort and then we pulled in other Terrans, hoping the mingling of our motes will give all some comfort.

*I have to go check. Why is there no life at all, not even plants?* Robbie became the void.

When he returned his mind-voice was harsh as he ordered us back to Freddie.

Even opening his eyes to Candy did not give him the comfort he needed. He sat without speaking, his eyes haunted.

“The fire-world, Robert?” Solace guessed.

He shuddered. “No. They did it to themselves. The whole planet is radioactive. They also used biological warfare so that any who survived the nuclear holocaust died from new diseases.”

All heard our words and it was a moment of terrible grief for all Terrans that our friends shared with us. Many faces were wet with tears when Asimi asked, “Did they have a Cherine? If they did we must save her.”

“And her Robert!” Candy demanded.

After a delay Robbie said, ‘We will’ and we waited as he thought. “Where do we take them? They even fought their damn war on the moon. A city they had built there destroyed. Damn them!!”

Gently Dommi touched his hands. “They damned themselves Roberto mou, do not add to that. We cannot just save friends and family if they existed.”

“Where do we take them?” he asked in anguish. “They have destroyed their home. It will never be fit for humans…Terrans again.”


“Lynda can find them a virgin Earth Robert.”

“No! They will not be allowed to spoil another world. Jesus! I wish we could feel the soul of a planet. This one must be in terrible pain.”

“If it exists Robert. Do not add to your pain from your imagination.”

“Alki, there has to be a soul.” He nodded and spoke viciously. “They all belong on the penal world. Damn, damn!” We all pressed as close to him as we could so that he does not withdraw from us. This kind of pain has to be shared.

Keeping my voice impersonal I said, “Chantel, can your people and the Inguel repair such a world?”

“Yes. It would take thousands of years.”

“We can wait. Robert, collect them as they finish the planet they are working on and bring them here.”

“No. Those who died through no fault of their own have precedence. When all the species are returned, then we help this planet.”

I was about to argue that time-wise it makes no difference, but that it does to us, but Dommi and Cherine stopped me. Wendy nodded, the blinking of her eyes telling me she agrees with them. Robbie needs time to get over his pain and anger. I thought to myself, he needs some sweetness.

“Robbie. Go back in time and check for those we love. Even if we are disrupting their lives, collect them. The rest we collect just before their war, or as it is happening. Get our family and friends Robert, they will need time with us to grow and be able to help their people.”

We all knew that if there was a Cherine and she does not have the gift of our Cherine, he will still want to save her, but I have given him a reason that justifies his doing it now and he grabbed it. Freddie went back in time.

“We will have to find the Sparklers and Anadir of this reality. Think how rich they will be with the Unation there to guide them and be friends.”

One of the nineteen asked, “We will have our own Cherine?”

I told the nineteen, “They will not be the same, just as your people of our reality will not be the same. Those of this, your reality, will have existed for the last fourteen million years. Ours are starting all over again within our time.”

“Good! We will grow together.” Cherine added to my explanation.

Soon as we arrived at a period of at least ten years before their war, Robbie sent a probe into normal space at an orbit not much beyond the moon. We sat to supper with the Earth and moon on our screens slowly revolving. We could also see satellites and spaceships moving to their space station and the moon.

“They seem further advanced than us, I must check what the local date is.” As impetuous as always, he left for the void and his body had to be held up by those sitting alongside him. It was amusing to see an eight year old girl (Cherine) on one side and the ‘king’ on the other holding up our Robert whose face was vacant, the mouth hanging open.

Robbie appeared as the void and took on his form. “We are fifty seven years ahead of our time. Do we go further back or collect them as they are now?”

“We have to go back Robert. All adults will be dead by now.” He nodded and the scene on our screens changed. Gone was the settlement on the moon and the space station. Only the clutter of satellites still existed.

Candy ignored everyone and ran to Robbie, standing between those who were sitting opposite Robbie and she stared at him as he softly sighed and opened his eyes. He seemed to know where to find Candy and smiled into her eyes. Glowing she returned to her seat.

“I’ve decided to take a chance. We’ve returned to when Cherine was about six.”


Theresa asked, “Are you going to collect all of us Robert?”

“Those that existed.”

With sorrow in her eyes she stared at Lucy. Aganthi was thinking of her small brother and sister. Claudia was thinking of her older sister, wondering about her. If neither of them have been molested, they will sorrow if taken away from their parents. Maria thought of herself, her gifts not having developed yet. The list went on. Even Allan was sitting looking pensive. Robbie tried to ignore them all for as long as he could, his dream of finding Cherine before her father died only slowly giving way to the sorrow in the others. He sighed. “We’ll go forward a few years.” He brightened. “Let’s see why Cherine did not meet her monster.” Because of Cherine, Freddie stayed where he was for the time being.

I waited until I could speak to Theresa alone. “Ulya of this world will not know of Lucy and will not miss her, but she will not have suffered as you did. Are you certain you prefer it this way for her too?”

She looked me in the eyes. “Lucy is too precious. She is worth whatever I suffered.” I thought of Gina and nodded, I knew I would have decided the same way for my alternate in her place - even if my alternate curses me for it.

“We have twenty seven guests who did not come along to share our lives, only with us for specific purposes. I ask your forgiveness, but none of us can bear to leave and return later.”

“If I may Robert? Could we stay while you rescue family and friends, bring those who will rebuild this world and bring back the people? We will have something wondrous to tell our people about.”

At the insistence of Cherine, the two of them went to search for Robbie first. At this time he would have been at school with Nicko. While they were on planet, Aganthi and those who enjoy it built a village to house our new guests. I did not help as I was sharing directly through Cherine.

“Robert, there you are! You played cricket?”

“I hated it. Usually I did a bunk and hid somewhere with a book.”

“Where is Nicko?”

“He should be on the soccer field.” They found him and watched him a while, allowing our Nicko’s family the pleasure of seeing him. When they’d had enough, Cherine wanted to collect Wendy and her mother.

“No love. We can return to this time. We must see whether our alternates meet here. If they did and Wendy became part of their family, then we should wait.”

The screens blanked, reverting to the sight of the globe revolving slowly. I saw heavy cloud cover over the Sahara and wondered if it is raining.

Soon as both of them were back, we jumped forward in time. Again we decided this moment belongs to Cherine and Robbie so we let them go alone, myself a silent passenger in her mind and Dommi sharing in Robbie’s. Everyone else watched on the screens.

Robbie was in his apartment. They could feel his pain as he worked on something for Alki. Cherine felt him and then reached out trying to sense herself.

“Are you sure this is the right date?”

“It is my love. Something different happened here. Let’s go back to your home in England.”

They found her home, but only Marian was there. On a hunch they went to her school and found her in class. She looked up, tensing and then relaxing, not certain what had disturbed her.

“My gift was stronger even as a baby!”

“It does not matter love. We’ll help her develop. At least she has enough to sense us. I wonder what she thinks we are?”

“She is thinking of the break when she will meet her friends. Robert, she has friends!”


“I’m glad love.”

“Her father is alive! He did not leave.”

“Marian also felt different. I think we better not try to explain. Soon as they are all home we grab them.”

“That would be cruel Robert.”

“We have to love. Think of how many people we have to grab. If we try to sit and explain to each of them first, we’ll be here forever.”

“I just thought of something. Dommi, she is still in love with the other guy. If we take her, she will hate us.”

“But she will be alive. Can you imagine what the newspapers are going to be saying tomorrow? Elia, Alki, Themi, Savva, Tasso, Perikli and their families all disappearing on the same day!”

“What about Eddie and Hettie? She will still be a Doris.”

“Not for long my love.” He stroked her hair. “Let’s just save all those we can and worry about the rest later.”

Claudia was right. Both her and her sister were still happy girls when they were stolen in their sleep. Andreas was difficult to find as we had never been to his family home, but they found him at a club. Socrati sensed them just before they took him and he panicked. They went to Taiwan and took them also, even though it means there will be no Lua. But then it also means there will be no Meli, Gilli and her people. Robbie pulled a face when they grabbed Jonathan and his family. He does not look forward to re-educating him - and we can’t leave him to Jonathan, as he will not have the patience to help his alternate and will try to ram understanding down his throat, ensuring he never does.

They took Marita, then Dimitri, Manoli (they had to try a number of ships to find him, so the Sparklers helped). Luigi (they went to his brother and healed him), took Sylvestro and the little sick girl he will love. Apostoli they found still has his wife so they looked in her mind and found she already loves another man so they left her, but took the two girls with him. They found Tim and the girl he loves. Tasso and his family were easy to find. Aganthi was impossible. Solomon sent hundreds of thousands of Sparklers to find her, but they were not successful. They did find her family and without any respect for our rules Cherine checked their minds. Aganthi had died while with a customer. Both of them were like wild animals as they returned to Freddie, ordered Freddie back in time and returned to the exact time and place she was with the customer. As the man penetrated her, he put his hands around her throat and choked her. In a rage, Robbie grabbed him and threw him across the room, snapping his back. Tenderly he put Aganthi to sleep and took her.

“I also had that customer. With me he let go before I died.” She sat by her sleeping alternate, tenderly caressing her face, her healer already repairing her body. Robbie did not stop her, even though he had wanted Cherine and Robert to do so, so that she will bond with them.

Cherine wrapped her arms around his waist. “You must sleep first Robert. Do the rest tomorrow night.”

“No. We must get Cherine and Robert first.”

Was it some instinct? They went to Robert first, not Cherine as we would have expected. As they arrived at his apartment they felt him deep in grief, the sudden anguish of a sharp pain and a sense of relief. They found him in his bath covered in blood. Quickly they made him sleep while Cherine’s healer closed the wounds and strengthened him. Cherine insisted Robbie wait and first she cleansed the blood and made Robbie dress him again. Only then would she let him bring Robert to us.

Grabbing Cherine and her family was almost an anti climax. They were all fast asleep.

They went for Wendy and her mother. They were alone and fast asleep. The mother was obviously very sick, so Robbie sent his healer to her while bringing her to us. This Wendy has not been tortured yet and is still fairly healthy. Her father has used her sexually and her body needs to be healed, but the worst of what our Wendy had suffered has not happened to her yet. She has been infected, but her Aids has not become active.

“Now I can sleep. We go for Theresa and the others tomorrow.”


“Perhaps we should go for Eddie first. He monitors Hettie, while I doubt she does the same.”

“She would feel him stop sharing with her and wonder.”

“True. If she takes a few seconds to think about it we may still catch her off guard. We don’t have a choice, Hettie I can handle at her worst, Eddie I’m not so certain about.” Hettie was not insulted and squeezed her husband’s hand with pride.

“Let us come with Robert, we may be able to help.”

“Not a bad idea. I may need your help with my brother Henry also.” After so many years, Henry still melts when Robbie calls him brother.

The next day, Eddie sensed Eddie and Hettie and because of his curiosity, he did not resist. Hettie was aware and ready for a fight. As Robbie appeared she attacked.

“Stop!” Hettie and Eddie appeared. “You recognise us. We come from an alternate Earth. We have to take you with us, this world is going to have a nuclear war and you will be killed. We have already taken your Eddie, let Robert carry you to safety.”

Hettie obviously does not trust any other Hettie and she tried to attack again. Robbie wrapped her in his energy, placing her in stasis, the energies she was unleashing frozen for the moment.

They went to the mental institution, but Henry was not there. Robbie took them to the mountains where he had found Richard. He was not there either. Solomon had to help again as we do not know where he comes from. Sparklers combed Scotland, but he was not there either.

“Maybe he never existed in this reality Robert.”

“I refuse to believe that. Solomon, can you widen your search?”

It took days, but they found him. He is living in Los Angeles. Robbie took Henry with this time.

Henry did not comment when they zoomed in on an expensive house. Richard was inside with his parents. That shocked Henry and Robbie waited, giving him time to recover. *Henry, now we know your parents, we can find your own.*

*No thank you. I don’t think mine know the difference between chocolate and shit.*

*Neither did my father Henry.* Henry would not answer, so Robbie settled for a long wait, wanting Henry to see how this family interact.

Richard was in his bedroom, slowly looking through some pornographic magazines. Henry was amused when Robbie moved over so that he could see the pictures also. When he finished, he put the magazine in his cupboard, locked his bedroom door and putting in a video placed earphones on his head. *I think he is going to masturbate, shall we leave him alone?* A porno movie started and Richard unzipped his jeans. Henry quickly agreed and they moved over to the parents.

“I have a booking for New Orleans and one for Houston. We should arrange the dates so that we don’t have to travel somewhere else in between.”

The father looked up from the book he was reading. “If you can get him to do the shows.”

“If he wants this house and the expensive girls, he has to.”

“If he doesn’t, what then?” He did not seem interested, returning to his book.

“We have enough to live comfortably back home. I’m not giving up yet. I’ll make him go. We were promised that if he does a show in Texas, the TV people will come to the show. If they like him we’ll make enough to spend the rest of our lives here in comfort.”

*I’m sorry Henry. Shall we take him now?*

Henry laughed. *You want him coming all over you? Wait until he is finished.*


*Henry, we will save him, but he will not become a Cherinian, I don’t think Cherine will approve of him. He cares about nothing but himself.*

*I’m not surprised. Not with them as his parents.*

Soon as he had finished it was easy to put him to sleep and bring him to Freddie.

Henry looked at us suspiciously when he heard a few giggles. “Did you see him on the screens?”

“Of course.” Alice was laughing. “You are both prudes, you moved away just as it became interesting.”

“Our Henry is a magician in this world, they bill him as a mentalist.”

Henry blushed. “I doubt he is much of a success.”

“With his powers he might be.”

“If he is like Richard and me, he can do the tricks, but he will not be good at talking to his audience.”

“I don’t know.” Cherine said, “You can be quite charming when you want to.”

Robbie collected all those still missing, including Sonja, Katherina and Alice and then we jumped a year forward.

“Would you like to come with Theresa?”

“Take Cherine please.”

“Agapi, come with us.” Happily she joined them as they left for the void.

It was early evening in the Ukraine and being Winter, Ulya was already in bed. She lay with her knees drawn up, her face a picture of misery. The three of them stood over her and their souls wept as they felt her. *God I hope Theresa was right! We could have saved her this misery.* Even Agapi reassured him Theresa was right, that she too would prefer to suffer than lose her Latreia.

*Where would they be holding Lucy? Can you girls find her?*

They went off to search for Lucy and the little boy, Peter. Robbie stood watching Ulya and then walked from bed to bed checking on the other children. At the corner bed he came to a tiny dark haired girl and something in him made him reach out to her. She turned and opened her eyes, two almost black eyes that searched the darkness. Softly she asked in Russian, “Papa?” Robbie looked in her mind and moaned. Gently he calmed her and put her to sleep. He wrapped her in his energy and brought her to us, not to the houses prepared for them.

“Dommi, she is special. Please love her.”

Before Dommi could reply he was gone for Ulya and the others. The girls were waiting for him, the babies by them. Carefully he wrapped them all and brought them back.

Dommi did not heal the little girl, only sitting next to her as she slept. When Robbie returned to his body he joined her.

“She has a gift. Have you checked her mind Dommi? Have you seen what she suffered? Only four and she knows such pain!”

“It was her fate love. She had to know suffering so as to touch your heart and bring her to us. She will know an eternity of being loved now.”

He struggled within himself. “Not for us love.” He jumped to the taverna and took Perikli by the arm. “Your first love ever, she waits for you. Come.” Robbie jumped, not giving him a choice.


Perikli looked at the tiny sleeping face and Robbie made him look at what he’d seen of her life. Her father a Russian and her mother a Kurd, she had been abandoned the day she was born. The mother had been only thirteen when she had her and the father being an abuser of children had arranged with a club he belonged to for her to be taken in by an orphanage so that she will be available to them as she grows up. Within days of her being born they were using her suckling instincts to climax. The father only took part for the first three years or so and kept their abuse of her gentle, not enjoying hurting her, and then he was moved and never returned. The little girl knew he was her father and did whatever he told her and he would bring her a few boiled sweets and once a little plastic doll that she treasured. She still cries for him. Since he left, the others have begun to abuse her painfully, destroying her tiny body, and she thought that if only her father would return she would be safe again.

Feeling her mind, sensing her thoughts, her emotions and pain Perikli broke down and cried. “Send me to them Roberto, let me kill those animals.”

“Forget your thoughts of revenge Perikli, they will soon die anyway. Concentrate on this little angel. Be the father she needs. Give her your love.”

“How can I return to Athens with a child Roberto? How would I explain her?”

“Tasso will get you the documents. Her birth certificate will show you as her father. Say you had an affair with a foreigner and she did not want your child. All the documents you’ll need with her signatures will be in your hands. To hell with everyone Perikli, think of her dreams, make them come true.”

Theresa had joined them. “I knew her. She gave me a sweet once. We all felt sorry for her. She believed that man when he said he was her father and we thought he was lying just to make her do whatever he wanted.”

“I’m going for her when we get home.”

Dommi rubbed Robbie’s back and leaning forward against him said softly, “Get her at the same age. Let them grow up as twins with Perikli. They can have their own World that way.”

We found Iziko at our door. He asked for Theresa. “Can I see her please, the one that was as you were? I need to understand.”

She took him to the new village and showed Ulya to him. Carefully she undressed her and showed him all the damage to her body. Not thinking of whether it is possible or not, she sent to him all the moments of pain and he fell to his knees. Candy jumped to him and put her arms around him.

“Damn! Now we have a sick alien. How do we cure him?”

Iziko has returned to his ship and is refusing to communicate. We waited a day, hoping he will return, but he did not. Dommi took the hand of Candy and they jumped. They obviously have their equivalent of alcohol and he had overindulged. Even with the filters they could smell the stench and Iziko looked terrible. Candy took his hand and pulled. He got up and let her lead him to his shower.

“Wash and then come to talk with us.”

More than half an hour later he came out to them. Without looking at them, hiding his mouth he spoke. “Those of my people who have been sent to worlds of other species have returned with tales of this, but it did not mean much to us. How could it? Our female must want us first. So many species torturing their young ones! What kind of universe do we live in?”

“One that does not care Iziko. It is up to us to care and protect - and not only the abused. Those who fortune did not smile upon and are ill, that nature played her tricks with, like our Maria. You look at our Robert and see a being who created Freddie, battles species and wins and repairs planets. That is not what our Roberto is; he is first of all protector of all life and in particular of the young. Why do you think his loves are all children? Some of them in years are adults, but we all feel that special way he has of loving and protecting children, so we prefer to keep the bodies of children. We fear the day he prefers us as adults, for then we will lose that special sweetness of his. Come back to Freddie and allow Cherine to send you our emoting when he loves us and feel how beautiful it is.”

“Iziko, did you know Robert makes us feel afraid?”

“How can Dominique speak truly if that is so Candy?”

“We fear he will stop loving us.”

He looked at Dommi and then back at Candy. “I think not.”

Next [Book 06] - Post 046

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

16th December, 2019

  • posted: 16th December, 2019

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