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RE: Sexism Hurts Everybody

in #sexism6 years ago

thank you for writing about a topic that all of us would have encountered some time or the other.

typecasting or stereotyping an individual is as old as civilization itself. we may call it sexism when it is applied to women or men but in reality we do it with everything else. knowledge is compared to a tree, a song to the warbling of a bird, peace to the tranquil flow of a river and much more.

human beings are metaphorical creatures. they take comfort in things already encountered in the past.

that being said, the line between a woman and a man is blurring rapidly. i am sure society is confused to use the right expression for the right situation. we have men behaving like women, women like men, some like both men and women and others like neither.

life indeed will be dreary when we cannot differentiate between men and women.

what is the meaning of the phrases "she walks like a man" and "He throws like a girl". One meaning could be the strength (or lack of it). the other could be the grace (or lack of it).

There are two sides to every coin. constantly looking at one side, convinces us that the other side does not exist or is not desired.

maybe the issue is the degree of contempt that accompanies the phrases thus rendering it sexist instead being merely a comparison

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