
Lol, you talking to me?

Maybe you should look up ad-hominem.

Hint: Pointing out when someone else uses an ad hominem fallacy is not an ad hominem fallacy.

Ironically, your statement is much closer to ad-hominem than mine, since it attempts to smear me with a lie.

Fair point, had to look up ad-hominem again.

Do you think that broadly calling women bitches within your first few paragraphs incentivizes more or less people to read on?

What type of people will continue reading after you write things like that - only people who agree with your point or a fair distribution between people who agree and people who disagree? Which of those two options facilities further constructive two-sided discussion?

Yeah, I agree with what you are saying here. I was only responding to the misogyny claim, not the article itself.

I think the answers to most of these questions lie in the fact that this was posted in the #funny and #satire tag. I get the impression this was not meant to engender any real discussion on gender roles and male/female interpersonal situations.

As I said in my previous response:

"Think of it like reading (where this article could probably be posted with few edits) or stand-up comedy, where the formula is:

Kernel of truth (often optional) + expansion to humorous proportions = funny for some people subjectively."

The kernel of truth that this article is based on is the "gyno-centrism" running the west, where women:

Get Title IX and discrimination protection that men don't.
Get alimony that men generally don't.
Child support that men generally don't.
Automatic presumption of "being the better parent" in custody battles.
Vastly lighter sentencing for all crimes.
Numerous scholarships, minority training programs, and various other advantages.
Preferred admissions to college (look at the gender splits, you will see that all else equal, women are now preferred.)

Each of those is indisputable, established fact. The creator of this platform Ned partially made Steemit BECAUSE he was divorced raped for over half his after tax salary each month in alimony. (His wife decided that his questioning of the government and church and interest in cryptocurrency was good enough reason to steal his children and more than half his salary).

These are the kernels of truth that make this (admittedly, basically gallows) humor funny to those of us who are regularly being discriminated against in the west now. I have worked in the family courts in the US and let me tell you, it is a grim spectacle that will make you question your faith in people's basic goodness.

Thank you for taking the time to write a thoughtful response. I would be happy to discuss any of this further as time allows.

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