Seven Day, Black & White Challenge: Day 2 by @tumutanzi

in #sevendaybnwchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Day 2.

Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.


  • Present one image every day for seven days.
  • No people.
  • No explanation.
  • Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun.
  • Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.

Thank @antone for nominating me joining this event.

I would like to nominate @xvjingshuo to participate.

You can find my previous photos: Day 1.


How much per square meter? :)




Best wishes for challenge

how you got photo black and white?i cant do that

Hiiiii Friend,

@tumutanzi, Great post all time, and your entry for #sevendaybnwchallenge is so nice and attractive. nice sharing....

Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life."

My wonderful and sweet friend you’ve been missed by @richforever
I passed here to say hi. I told you I shall forever give thanks like a pilgrim and I will never forget you for all the support you gave me.
Merry Christmas! Stay blessed!!



你应该来个 explanation :)

你应该来个 explanation :)

No explanation.


very nice pictures and interesting picture, angle managed to look.
Thank you for sharing the nice pictures @tumutanzi.
don't forget to visit my blog.

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