I'm joining in on the Seven Day Black and White Challenge. Here's day 1!

in #sevendaybnwchallenge6 years ago (edited)


Yesterday I was nominated for the Black and White Challenge by @crosheille and when I'm challenged I'm usually up for it, so thanks for the nomination!
I really like B&W Photography, and when I was younger I loved working in the dark room.

I'll go by the rules for the challenge and tell you a little about what I think about them.

Challenge Rules:

  • 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life;
    This one is quite easy, because I usually take photos that are of my life or has a direct impact on it. Most photos taken by me has a personal meaning to me and is from an aspect of my life.

  • Present one image every day for seven days;
    Should not be a problem as long as I can use photos I've already taken, and since that's not stated anywhere my conclusion is that I can do that.

  • No people;
    This is difficult for me, because even though I like shooting architecture and nature, the photos that give meaning to me are the ones that has some kind of human presence in them, and most of my photography have that.

  • No explanation;
    Even more difficult for me, because I'm really eager to explain why my images are important to me, what their meanings are, where they are taken and so on. I'll just have to keep my mouth shut...

  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in;
    Having been on Steemit since New Years Eve, I start to get to know some really nice and interesting people in here, and I already have a few in my mind for nomination. Please do take it as a compliment if you're nominated :)

  • Use #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags.
    That's quite easy :)

So this is the first entry in the seven day B&W Challenge and today I'm nominating @powderskier with hope for some great mountain shots ;)

:) Helen


Helen! Great post and I'm honored. It is this type of camaraderie that makes steemit an amazing community.

Sorry for the 5 day delay!...I was on a covert mission with some of my best friends skiing the hills of Colorado and I would have jumped on this nomination sooner had I known. My head is spinning now on what I should post tonight. :)

  • Gunnar

Hello! Great to hear that you're up for the challenge! I agree, camaraderie is the best thing about Steemit.
No worries about the delay, skiing the hills of Colorado is the best excuse! I've skied in Colorado myself and it's the best powder I ever had!
Look forward to see your contribution! :) Helen

Thanks again for the nomination. I'm having so much fun with this B&W challenge and learning a lot about he Steemit community. Cheers

My pleasure, I'm glad you're having fun! I discovered the same thing... :)

Wow look at that sky. This is a nice shot. I liked how you told us what you feel about the rules of the challenge. Have fun! 😃

Thanks! Do you know where it’s taken? Will do, and you too! 😊

You’re welcome! No I sure don’t but am curious to know :D

It’s glass pyramids outside the Louvre Museum in Paris😊

Wow so cool! 😃

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