Day 4 ~ Seven Day B&W Challenge – Again

Lol…I did this not too long ago but I was nominated by @redheadpei and just can’t say no! Love ya’ @redheadpei and thanks! 😊

This is my Day 4 contribution.


I will do a follow-up Day 8 in color!

I did nominations the first time so now I’m inviting anyone who hasn’t done it or who would like to take on the challenge again! 😏

• Seven (7) black & white photos or images that represent an aspect of your life.
• Present one image every day for seven days
• No people
• No explanation.
• Nominate someone every day, although anyone can join in.
• Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags.




Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!

Thanks @pixresteemer!!

Lol Dee. that’s an interesting B&W. Moonshine with what looks like a crab at the top. I would love to hear the story on it.
PEI had lots of illegal moonshiners one time. Now they make it and you can but it in the liquor store. Deadly stuff!

Thanks Jo!! This is the legal stuffl! No crab, just tricky!

Lol Dee. I see now it is a reflection not a honest -to-goodness crab. I thought it was a tradition like the worm in tequila. 😂

Hee hee, but this is Maryland so crab isn't so far fetched here. People here would probably love and "Old Bay" moonshine. 😊 Shhh..I'd try! I was literally just typing crab when my sister called and said "you know, I've been really wanting to get some crabs". How funny is that?!

Must be some kind of ESP with the help of the moonshine, Dee! 😂

Have mercy! The last time I was in a room with moonshine it was my husband's dad that had made it. It made him so crazy he cuts his pants off. lol! That was a one time experience for me. I know I could have handled it much better than he did, but someone had to drive. Injoy!

Thanks @innerstellar!! This one is flavored and not as potent as homemade..just don't ask me how I know that (wink wink)!


Moon shine 🌙

Good stuff to make herbal tinctures with.
Tho I hear 190% is the best ;-)

Awesome challenge @deerjay!!

@manorvillemike made me do the
B&W challenge awhile back lol

Thanks @shasta!! I never thought about that but would have to agree. This is my 4th round. I did nominations the first round though.

Super black and white photo, I like the name Firefly as well quite apt for this Moonshine in a wide necked jar - is it the thick stuff you spread onto toast!

I like the dome BBQ cover in the background as well, really well laid out photo.


Thanks so much @c0ff33a!! Does bring back fond memories of catching firefly's. is caramel flavored. It has a nice balance of alcohol and flavoring so not as potent as the illegal stuff.

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