Day 1 - Black & White 7-Day Photo Challenge

in #sevendaybnwchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday, @barrydutton threw the Black & White 7-Day Photo Challenge gauntlet in my direction and I accepted the task.

The rules are clear and easy:

7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life.

Present one image every day for seven days.

No people.

No explanation.

Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in.

Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags.

I nominate Steemian @amberyooper to keep the Challenge going.

Day 1


What a beautiful photo of your your ragtag tennis shoes. I think it is the little seeds stuck on the inside that gave them away. Lol aunt-deb you do make me laugh! Real life insights. 🐓🐓

Thanks! Those are 'sock' seeds. Have yet to have any socks make it to maturity though. I must being doing something drastically wrong... 😜

Sometimes the organic ones can be tough to get started.

Ahhh, okay, that makes me feel better. I was afraid I'd overdone the lint mulch. Maybe an extra spritz of fabric softener? These exotic varieties can be so touchy!

Oh no...don't use harsh chemicals. They just require more sweat. Sweat will have them germinating in no time!

Ahhh, so that's the trick. I was getting a tad desperate & running out of ideas. Thanks & I'll give that a try!

Those are some well-worn sneakers!
I had a pair exactly like them. The most comfortable sneaks ever. It got to the point where I was going to use duct tape to save them. LOL

My comments on these shoes are going to be similar Mere!

You got it! They fit like a glove. Would still be wearing them regularly if they didn't leak. At least they're good on dry days! Lol!

Those are good court shoes Eddie.

My comments are like Mere's........ a good indoor court shoe that is that comfortable, as those, or my old Asics --- you honestly feel like a friend died when they finally cannot be taped up or salvaged anymore!

Great photo on many levels, your week in B+W is going to be a good one, I know it.

I figured Tink would be your first LOL

When you find a good fit, nothing else will fill the bill. They held up well considering they beating they took.

Thanks for support and kind words! I'll do my best to keep them interesting. Oh, and no teasers on future shots. Mostly because I haven't figured them out yet.


So those are your "puttering" shoes. They look really comfy and surprisingly shiny white. From the comments: My favorite shoes started leaking. You can buy a spray that is clear and seals them from water so they don't leak.

They are now. That's where work shoes go when they retire. The leak on this pair is where the upper meets the lower sole portion - along the seam so to speak.

Thanks for the tip on the waterproofing spray. I'll have to check into it for my next pair, especially now that the weather is veering towards sloppy.

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