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RE: 7 Day Black and White Photo Challenge. Day 1. Humility: Falling and Rising. Magical Moments. Original Photography

Melinda, I've just nominated you to participate in the '7 Day Black and White Photo Challenge' in this post: Diligence: Caring and respect for what you do.

It's not obligatory ~ And there is no starting date. And it can be kept pretty simple ~ Just one b&w image for 7 days ~ Not necessarily consecutive days either.

The idea is that the images relate to some aspect of you and/or your life. I'm using my images to explore the 'Seven Heavenly Virtues' ~ An idea that just came today, on my second day.

I always find it interesting what comes to us when we accept a 'challenge' like this, so I hope you'll get something out of it too, should you decide to join it. 🦋


Thanks for thinking of me, but I'm afraid I am going to pass. It's that nominate someone every day thing that is uncomfortable for me. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with, though!

It's such a new 'challenge' Melinda and I've adapted it to meet my own approach in how I like to present my work here at Steemit.

Ideally no words are needed as the image needs to say it all ~ Whereas I'm interweaving quotes and my short 'poems' with my image ~ To give an impression of an aspect of my life or life in general without spelling it out completely, so the viewer is free to come up with their own 'story.'

Strictly speaking my images are not 'black and white' either because at the moment I'm working on selected colour with black and white.

And I've also seen people posting their images without nominating anyone. So if you like the idea of presenting b&w images that convey something about you and your life ~ Please feel free to do so, without nominating anyone. I'm sure Johleen won't mind in the least. 😊

Ive seen this same challenge on Facebook and have been trying to stay out of sight for it there. I'd be happy to post a b&w photo every day.Thanks!

GREAT. If you use the tag #sevendaybnwchallenge, I'll be able to see your images Melinda.

The original idea for this 'challenge' on Steemit came when Johleen was nominated to do it on Facebook. Only she preferred to do it here.

I've done similar challenges on Facebook and it took so much energy to keep up with everyone's postings. Met some wonderful artists along the way, and although we can never say 'never', I doubt very much I'll do anything like that again. 😊

I posted one...hope the way I stated my 'rules' is ok! I feel like I am giving my work away and wasting it on I have had friends copy and save my photos and then post them years later wirhout even remembering that they are mine. Its rather hurtful.

YES. That was a great approach to nominate anyone.

Strange things happen on FB ~ Not nice for 'friends' to take your work without acknowledging authorship.

The only value I see in FB is to use it to share what I post here ~ And at Tumblr ~ So that people at FB can still see any of my new work as well as what is happening here at Steemit.

As soon as I started Tumblr (and later IG), I stopped sharing my images directly to FB. (FB has © of anything you post directly to FB.) That was four years ago now. Just received the b'day notice from Tumblr. 😊

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