The Seven Day Beer Challenge # 2

in #sevendaybeerchallenge7 years ago (edited)


The Steemit community is incredible! I was amazed with the support I received yesterday from you all and I would like to thank you very much for being with me during the hardship that this challenge is 😅

Even those of you who were surprised to see me posting about beer were good-humoured enough to have a laugh! Some felt so sorry for my plight they even left me tips. @karencarrens gave me the idea to keep the beer I buy so then I can use it later in recipes, @jesusagon advised me to taste the beer when it’s really cold, and finally, @teutonium suggested I should try Sagres - an authentic Portuguese beer - ... in a bar! 😲 Take it easy @teutonium I am a beginner! I did try the beer you recommended, though; but, in a restaurant.

General Info

Sagres is a Portuguese beer that, according to what it says on the bottle, has been around since 1940. In the Indian restaurant we had lunch today it costs 2 Euros 😨 , maybe that is why all the people at the tables around ours were having draft beer instead.

So, for the first time ever in my life I ordered a bottle of beer in a restaurant:

“Can, I please have a bottle of Sagres?” I asked the waiter, and soon added “with a straw, please!” he looked at me and enquired “with two glasses?” No, I said confidently, “one glass and a straw”. A minute later he came with my beer, kindly poured it into my glass and handed me the straw while my husband was shaking his head across the table.

I smelt it first, obviously; and it did not feel great. This beer is very different from the one I had yesterday; in colour, smell and taste 😕 I thought of what @ruth-girl said about non-alcoholic beer and envisioned the next five days to come with great despair.

Basically Sagres smells of gastric juices and tastes like cleaning product.

It is going to be a looong week. Thank you @trumpman!

Luckily, after that I had a delicious meal with my beautiful husband 😋

Would I have this beer again?

No, thank you.

Who am I going to challenge?

My dearest, dearest @ruth-girl; a most talented young woman who writes about science, has an incredible talent for producing fiction, who can draw, who takes amazing photos. She is a multitalented individual and, on top of that, works really hard for the Steemit science community. She has my most profound respect, gratitude and affection 😍

So, @ruth-girl what do you say? 😊

These are the rules you need to keep in mind

  1. You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days
  2. The beer must be something you have never tasted before
  3. You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it
  4. Nominate someone every day
  5. If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink!
  6. Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.

Five days to go now!! Cheers Stemmit community 😊

Original photos taken with an iPhone


You're improving. At least there was no teaspoon involved in this beer drinking. Who knows, maybe before the end of the contest, you may begin to enjoy a cold glass of beer on a bar. Nobody starts drinking beer in one day, it grows on you. Hahaha. All the best Abby. This challenge is good for you and I'm having a lot of fun reading your posts. Lots of love.

😂 It gives us a break from serious psychology topics, doesn’t it? I hope you are having a nice day my dear. Lots of love to you too 😘❤️

Yes it does give us a break from serious posts but your psychology is hardly that serious. You make it easy. Yeah I'm having a great day. I hope you are too. ❤️


Hee heee...

Imagine you are thirsty. Like super thirsty. And they bring you two bottle of of water. One is room temperature and you have to drink it with a straw. The other is slightly cold and you can drink right from the bottle. Which one will you take?

The moral of the story: don't use a straw when drinking a beer!

My husband said exactely the same thing 🤔😂

Your husband is 100% right! You should totally hear him regarding beer decisions :P

A straw is still better than a teaspoon, but only by a bit. Kudos for keeping up with the challenge though.

Wow! what a big challenge, and a unique way to start the weekend.

It is a big challenge indeed! Seven days .... oh my ... 😩

Hahaha. Is it really a weekend?

😂 well, I let that one go by, but you picked it up 😂

Wow! Trying new things are the way to go. The food is sumptuous too and the weekend has begun.

The food was delicious! I love Indian receipes :)

bier is very good for health ... but not too much

Two days down! Go yeah... Go yeah!...

Increase the quantity you take by the day. It's a challenge, don't forget!

😂 Well @desmonddesk, with the experience I had today - the taste of Sagres - I might go back to my teaspoon drinking style! :)

@ abigail-dantes is a contest that can be treated with someone alcoholic, which is fun, which can last 5 days, it is really good to see the divisions with this contest when it is serious, participate in a good time for psychology to be You can relax a bit and enjoy a little, greetings and you know how to hold the 5 days so feel the smell of gastric juices.

I think instead of drinking beer it's better to drink water.

Because the calorie-free white air and sugar is the healthiest choice to keep the body fluid enough, as well as overcome the thirst anytime.In addition, the benefits of drinking water is also enjoyed by the body, among others:

Keeping the body fluids or eliminate dehydration , so the body does not experience impaired digestive function and absorption of food, circulation, kidney, and important in normal body. Helps energize the muscles and lubricate the joints to keep it flexible. Liquid imbalance can strike on the muscles.

How to control your body calorie intake. Drinking white air is much better at reducing weight that contains high calories. Maintain freshness of skin so the skin does not look dry and wrinkled. Protect spinal nerves and other sensitive tissues in the body. Helps the work-food and drink through sweat, urine and dirt.

Sorry this is just a feedback suggestion, if not desired please and no. thanks.

I fully agree with you @jamalgayoni, and do not worry, I enjoyed that meal with a bottle of delicious, refreshing sparkling water! The beer was left aside 😉

beer is a no no for us the mini's hehe

but we will support you on this challenge of posting it , though you dont like beer

Sending love from us three to you miss @abigail-dantes 👶❤️❤️❤️

Thank you minis 😍 sweet dreams 😘😴

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