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RE: Kickstarting SEVEN77 (STEEM Awareness) Twitter Movement : SEVEN77Paper

in #seven775 years ago (edited)


  • No link on tweets - no result, other than negative. If no one outside of steem sees the tweet, awareness will not increase.

I'm watching the steem feed trying to find tweets I will retweet. I'm not retweeting if there is no link. In any case, the pushup videos without links are being buried. They show in the 77 tag feed, but not in the steem tag feed. This shows up dramatically if you are not logged in or use an account not related to steem, of which I have several.

If a pushup-ing steemer has:

  • a new account
  • no links in any tweets
  • the same circle of friends - who do not retweet
  • no one in any other circle retweeting or replying
  • improperly filled out profile
  • overwhelming number of replies such as "Steem to the 777 moon!"
  • other shady lack of info

Twitter buries that person.

I'm also noticing pushup videos tagging influencers they are not related to. Twitter is not letting those tweets be shown. I'm fairly certain that tagging the USA President means your tweet is shadow banned for example. This would go for any celebrity you have not engaged with UNLESS - you are replying to their tweet and are in Twitter's good graces.

Also, maybe 10% of pushup videos are marked nsfw lately. This is due to the person shooting the video as a close up in tank top or men who are topless. Bots look for "percentage of skin" and do not look at context. Some are too dark to know what the person is doing, so twitter will ding that. If people get the nsfw ding and do not protest, their future tweets will also tank.

Not to forget that these tweets provide no way for anyone to get to steem or a dApp should they be interested. People move fast on twitter. 50% of people have autoplay turned off and ignore the videos. Those who do look have no idea what steem 77 means and have no way to find out.

All this being said, I m thrilled with the new twitter activity and give you props for inciting it, @nathanmars. Surely these new steeming tweeps have good content they can link to. I see a lot of the good posts here. Or at least link sign up screens from the many dApps, although too much of that can also be seen as spam.


Our main target is to get attention from Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors via Twitter

April Mission to get 777 True believers of STEEM to participate in showcasing our global community and the potential of STEEM

In May, I'm planning to published the list of 77 Angel investors

What I am saying in this comment is that those people will not see the tweets at all.

I have your list of 77 Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors from last year already. You published it in one of your posts. I have been working through it and about 35 are on this list along with other crypto influencers I have connected with. I have another 800 or so crypto tweeters, but in a mixed list I am currently weeding through.

My crypto connections are retweeting my steem tweets now. I only tweet links though.

None of those people will see or search for this tag. The 77steem pushup tweets are being buried in the feeds. When they search #steem or $steem, these push up videos are not in the results unless they are engaging with the other people doing pushups. Those leaders are not connected to the pushup people, so they will not see the tweets.

showcasing our global community and the potential of STEEM

I think this would better be shown by tweeting successful and/or interesting steem posts with links to the actual content. We have lots of great things going on here that could be showcased, especially pertaining to the dApps, milestones, accomplishments, wins with steem etc.

But if pushups is the theme - they need to have sensible links and move outside of the immediate circle of people doing them.

When I was coaching Twiiter - the stat I used was 80% + outgoing tweets should have links.

Many of the people tweeting pushups never have links and so twitter does not value the content for feeds.

Posting links people are not interested in is no good either. I have successfully gotten more people to participate in the pushup, which is geared towards promoting steem than talking to people about steem. Most people on Twitter, who are not tech savvy or care about crypto, are not willing to leave Twitter for another site they are not aware of, regardless of the quality of your content. Adding links won't driving traffic, doing something fun people can relate with on Twitter is our only option. If more people engage in the pushup get people doing pushups, that for me is all win. The #steem and #seven77 can be independent and still serve the same purpose. Lastly, the pushups do show when you search the #steem hashtag on twitter. Here is an example (I am not logged it. So visibility is not an issue).:

Posted using Partiko Android

Take a look at the feed for the 77 tag. Then look at the steem feed - many of the push up videos will not show. Especially look for the tweets calling out celebrities and they will not be there.

Also look at the 77 feed and see how many people not-on-steem are participating. I do not know what a good success ratio would be. 10% non-steemers?

If the goal was to get users who are non-tech savvy, how would getting them to do pushup movies for 77 days drive them to steem if they do not see links for it?

But this is not the stated goal above - I think the idea is to go after the tech savvy people with money on twitter. These would be eventual investors on steem.

When I click into the "likes" in a pushup video, it seems to be 100% steemers. They get very few retweets and I do not think they get many views. How many are posted each day, and how many do you watch in full each day? Not you, specifically, but anyone - who is playing them, if anyone? If you have seen one push up video, have you seen them all, or do you eagerly watch them each time you see one in your feed?

I have over 800 crypto connections on twitter who are not on steem. I had zero crypto connections before I started here since I am a weight loss author and coach. These crypto people do know what steem is and respond to tweets with good content.

I also tweet about other topics to my other niches. For example, if I tweet about success in writing here on steem my 3500 author connections are interested in that and do retweet and engage. But those connections of mine are still not the target of this campaign.

Also look at the 77 feed and see how many people not-on-steem are participating. I do not know what a good success ratio would be. 10% non-steemers?

I don't think you should be too quick in judging the impact of the campaign. Since you also claim to have 800 crypto contacts who are not on steem. .

I have over 800 crypto connections on twitter who are not on steem.

One might say you've not done a good job either promoting steem to them. I feel we should manage our expectations. We all can promote steem individually and run campaigns alongside the #seven77 campaign-- steembloggers are doing the same. We all have ideas of how to move steem forward but they are all just ideas nothing substantial yet.

Posted using Partiko Android


Ignore my first comment if you saw it, I hadn't read enough.

What is the deal with links and videos? The pretty preview seems to go away when there is a video? I assume its best to only use one or the other?

You can use both. @dmilliz has a quick tutorial and can help you. I do not post or see videos at all with bad wifi right now and I have not ever posted any videos direct to twitter. But it is just a few clicks to get it right.

The video will always take the screen - the link will go to the post or whatever, but there is only one place for the visual. I was suggesting dtube, but apparently dtube is not a fan of these shorts.

You tube is another option or put it in a post. I do not think there is "one right way" for this, but 4/5 tweets on your feed should have a sensible link to be reasonable.

You make some very good points the steemians on twitter should take into comsideration. Good going on those lists.

I have been using dtube, although mine are PUSH2TALK vlogs, not just 7 seconds of 7 pushups. Did you hear something from dtube people?

No, what I have seen is posts or comments, where people said they were not being supported for them. I do not have any direct connection to dtube, I cannot tell you who I saw made these comments. I know that someone was doing some weekly compilations of the pushup videos, and said they were not doing well. I thought that was a good idea myself.

I don't create or watch videos, so I have no idea what "PUSH2TALK vlogs" are. But if you are getting votes, keep it up! Do they play on twitter or does the person have to click off?

When someone clicks your tweet link and goes to another site, that is good for your credibility on twitter. Twitter has an analytic called "Link Clicks." The more you have the better. I try to click most links when I am ReTweeting. If you retweet 10 times and never click any links, why did you ReTweet at all?

My feeling is that a dtube video would be better for twitter analytics. Then there is a question of what do you link to - the dtube or the steem post it lands on?

I have been linking through the the steem post about the dtube video. I also in the mornings post the same video file directly to twitter, with a different message (easy because I usually have more to say than the tiny tweet will allow).

My PUSH2TALK vlogs are just 2-3 minute vlogs that have me doing at least 7 pushups at some point in them, often I talk in between each pushup. The pushups are a side bar for me, I often talk about plants, nature and other daily points of interest.

I am no expert, but I feel like my twitter account is slowly gaining respectability as I use it daily and tweet daily. I interact with others doing videos, I do have auto play on so I see most of them.

I don't know if I am 'getting votes' or not, I have a hard time distinguishing between auto-votes, auto-curation and trailed votes unless people leave me a comment, I assume all are robots. I get about the same amount of comments (0-3) no matter where I post. Dtube does very occasionally vote on my videos (1 in 10~20), if I had to guess it would seem to be when I have a better steem post accompanying the video, with an additional image or video.

I think you are doing all the right things.

A next step for you would be to find people on twitter - outside of steem, who would be interested in your info about

plants, nature and other daily points of interest.

This is really the hard part - growing an audience there. We steemers kind of have a leg up in that regard. People I coached in the past had trouble getting to 100 followers, and we have all these steemers - boom!

You might try engaging for 5 minutes each day after you post. Search a relevant hashtag. Reply to some tweets a retweet one of two.

So if you talked about some bird, search for it and talk to people who also tweeted about it. Then they might look at your video and wonder about the pushups and steem etc. It has to be organic to work.

My author connections have been hard fought in the beginning and then I got to a tipping point where people seek me out. I used to spend time seeking connections, now I spend time weeding through those who want to connect with me. I think you can get there with your good attitude and consistent effort.

Having said that - I have brought in about 20 people in 2 years here. All are gone. Instead of focusing of seeking others to join, I now focus on the ones that got in the door and try to help them succeed. This works better for me and for steem, I think. Our 95% redfish kill-rate needs to lessen.

But I am also totally on board with nathan's goals to get investors in here. We need more big people (and their money). So that is why I am tweeting and visiting twitter 3-5 times a day.

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