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RE: 4chan- Seth Rich Attending Surgeon Asserts Wounds Were Not Fatal

in #sethrich7 years ago

The video I posted yesterday said that they isolated Rich and refused admittance by doctors... They let him lay there and bleed to death!


This attending surgeon indicates that he underwent surgery to fix the gunshot woulds so I'm not sure he bled to death- I would guess he was given poison. Wouldn't an autopsy be nice?

I heard that a team of doctors were barred from treating him for several hours. I wonder if he was creameted... any bets???

And they shot the ashes into space

Let me guess... Hillary said he requested it!!!

I figured out who the doc that leaked to 4chan yesterday is- trying to contact now

Keep us informed! As always, anything I can do... Did you check the link I sent?

yes I posted it - thanks!

I can't wait to hear what the Doc says... this should be good! That Baumann character sounded a lot like a lawyer, for someone who isn't a lawyer (he also sounded a little light in the loafers)

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