!UFM Database Corruption and Comment Error (UFM Power Payment)

in #services5 years ago


First I (@taskmanager) must apologize for anyone who received multiple comments from @ufm.pay after using the !UFM comment command today. This looks horrible on peoples posts. The database error that caused this has been fixed.

Anyone effected by the bug that caused multiple comments will receive 10 UFM Power per extra comment sent. This includes people who used the command, and people who had it used on their posts.

If you were effected by this bug please comment below with a link(s) to the effected post along with a comment count and I will power up those effected by the bug.


Things do happen at times. The whole world is aware of the destructive Dorion hurricane. Didn't know you're in that area though.

But rewarding 10x2 UFMs as compensation for such a minor bug is being too generous of you.

Stay safe!

Thank you for your consideration. I wasn't effected by the multiple comment bug. I'm glad it's up and running correctly again!

Hopefully it won't happen again, if it does I will either remove the comment entirely or find a better bot to run the service.

I'm so sorry.
Thank you for your generosity!
here received 47 multiple comments
here received 50 multiple comments

Thank you for pointing these out, you have both been powered up.

thank you very much

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I reckon that you have already made UFM power payments for some repetitive comments made by bots. But some people are still waiting. So I'm linking those parent post links here:

This comment received 50 comments (and a double UFM transfer than intended).

This comment received 29 comments from bot and a surplus transfer of 1 UFM.

This comment received 50 replies from the bot.

And this comment got a whopping 59 comments from the bot. It sure tested the patience but I really appreciate that commenter silently borne it without any complaints.

Lastly, I dunno why but this comment and this comment were ignored by the bot and no transfers were made.

There may be some more but I'll only know if someone comes forward to tell me as I don't really keep track of whether bot actually paid or not. Since many people are unaware, they don't even expect that they are gonna be paid UFM with that command. But at least, you can address the ones who were unhappy because of frequent alerts or pointed it out.


Thank you for pointing these out, both you and them have been powered up.

WOW, thanks a ton! And did you also look into the double transfers and the commands that were ignored by the bot. Was there some problem at my end?

No there was no problem on your end, that was the bug, it tried to keep sending over and over posting a comment for each attempt to send. The two that were missed were because the bot would restart before getting to those commands.

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