Being Of Service To Others, Therefore Yourself and Your ElderssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #service4others7 years ago (edited)
In doing service for others we often find answers to our own questions and solutions to our own problems. We can transform grief to joy, scarcity to abundance and fear to love.- Daily Ohm 

Sometimes we can give a little piece of advice, understanding, compassion, help and shed light on ourself at the same time. 

Many great inventors and artists have found that the inspiration they need to get to the next level in their work comes not when they're working but when they're walking around the block or doing dishes. We do ourselves and everyone else a great service when we take a break from our sorrows and extend ourselves to someone in need. -  DailyOm

What we do when we feel bad

We isolate ourselves and think too much whats upsetting us. I have those phases where I cut myself off to recharge my energy. I am hiding. Usually this doesn't last for a long time because I feel isolated very quickly, craving the interaction with friends and family or even pets :), if I can't handle them. 

I consider myself as an outsider but outgoing personality. Nevertheless, I have those phases where I wish to go underground, giving myself some downtime. 

Hiding is only a part-time option!

Whats the best way to get out of the blues 

Its best to turn my attention to the world around me again, asking myself what I could do to serve others because in this way I will find answers to my questions to help solving my own problems. 

Steemit really forces me in a way to stay connected, reaching out to people's stories. I am not the only one in the world with difficulties and facing daily challenges. 

The moments I feel overwhelmed from time to time, I put my focus in helping others. Maybe, I might lift up just one person out there with my words, sharing truth, comedy, music and some of the struggles with life, we all have in various ways. I let thoughts pass by but don't stick with them for too long. 

We need to pay respect to the people in a group ( steemians) 

 "Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction." ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

We must maintain our own vibration to influence the situation for the good of all concerned. It should be a natural urge to feel connected to the people around us. Its good to be able to stand on our own, separated from the crowd as well but we should never disconnect for too long.

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Relationship Service for Each Other  

 “You take everything you are doing in life, and you ask yourself,  “Fundamentally, is this what I really need to be doing?” Every relationship, “Is this relationship helping me? Is it important for me  now?” Everything! And you will have a deeper sense of it coming from knowledge, way deep inside of you. Perhaps it will be a feeling. Perhaps it will be an image. Perhaps the answer will come a week from now.You  have to keep asking and listening. You are asking for the Great Love to redeem you, to reunite you, to put you in a position where your  greater gifts can be realized and given to the world.This requires that you be in certain circumstances, associated with certain people, in certain environments. This is too big for the intellect. Only [embodied] knowledge can take you there. Knowledge can bring two people from opposite ends of the world together for a greater purpose.That is the power of the Great Love and the Great Love is what the world needs now.” ~ Marshall Summers

I have many friends all over the world or lets say I know so many people but recently I realised that most of them are caught up in their own cocooned world, work, families and forget to reach out to show interest in somebody else's dilemmas or even joys. Everybody seems to be so damn busy. I am a bit disappointed to find out how insensitive some are, not understanding that little gestures of kindness could help so much to get back on your feet again. I am used to help myself  out of any mess very well but it feels so good when you see somebody to get out of their shells and out of their usual ways, walking towards you with open arms and a big hug. "I care", would be enough.  

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Community Service      

When I lived in New York I was a part of a wonderful artistic community. Our children could run from one loft to the other. Our doors were open. Our Mom's group came together at least once a week. I think often, what would I have done without this support?  "There is a village needed to help one child" is indeed very true. As a single mother, I really needed this help back then. The love we got from our parenting community kept me strong. 

I also had a similar support system in Bali where a big family structure helped together. The spirit of community service is a part of Balinese tribe culture. I have learnt so much from this kind of lifestyle but once again I am back where I was born, coming back in full circles, to Vienna, Austria, where many old people are put in homes. 

Thanks God that single mothers and jobless youth are eligible for financial help from the government. 

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I am in shock how many lonely, miserable people sit in parks with their sad faces. I chose to be with my mother to inspire her that even her helpless days can be spent in a beautiful way. Yesterday she said to me that her life doesn't make sense anymore and she would prefer to die and leave. It made me so sad seeing her cry. "Mom, I am here and still need you!" To be honest, she still drives me crazy because of her hardheaded mind, still treating me like a baby while she acts like a stubbern 5 years old and its hard to be with her more than a few hours at a time. "She started smiling and said : "Thank you, Ok I stay a bit longer". I lived abroad for 40 years and yes, The universe put me back in my place to hold her and say those loving words I mean dearly, that she is still important. 

Please do never forget that our parents need us when they get old, feeling worthless!  

[last lines] from the movie La Grande Balezza directed by Paolo Sorrentino in 2013 

Jep Gambardella: This is how it always ends. With death. But first there was life Hidden beneath the blah, blah, blah. It's all settled beneath the chitter-chatter and the noise. Silence and sentiment. Emotion and fear. The haggard, inconstant flashes of beauty. And then the wretched squalor and miserable humanity. All buried under the cover of the embarrassment of being in the world, blah, blah, blah... Beyond there is what lies beyond. I don't deal with what lies beyond.Therefore... let this novel  begin. After all... it's just a trick. Yes, it's just a trick.

Last not least: 

Respect Strong Women , those unique birds of our society.

Thank you for your inspiring article @macksby The Importance of a strong woman! 

I feel like one of those :) and proud to raise one as well. 

I could go on but will stop right now sharing this beautiful image.

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Keep on writing your thoughts on steemit without payouts in your mind!?

We all need to continue to spread our messages.

Thats why I am on Steemit but at the momeant I feel frustrated with the team and hope they get that pool filled up again. 



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Congratulations on the victory!) Good luck in the future!))

What a smashing payout of 0.41 🙀Haha. Let me put the fun aside, I am so thankful to find 70 Steem in my wallet and all your comments. @inna-yatsuk and I will start searching for awesome #originaltag posts, today onwards . @the-future I was very busy past days. Anything I should know? Please DM Me

I like these thoughts coz they are very inspiring!!

Thank you very much . I felt the urge to let it out without thinking of low payout pool, paybacks nor steem. its nice to hear that my thoughts are inspiring.

Thanks for this great reminder! We are way too busy, even if only in our heads. Yet that doesn't change that now, we have the chance to be together if we choose...

I choose not to be busy anymore and wish others realize the time is precious to spend more wisley

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