great question; I actually JUST got here - but soon as I have a few examples I'll start sharing them on here!
I have examples of keywords that I've gotten to rank on other platforms I own (blogs) -- cant wait to add Steemit into everything I'm already doing now. (hope I answered what you were asking)
Thats awesome... i use to be a blogger more than a decade ago... I was tired of all the goolge slaps lol ... I hope the search engines won't do that to steem it :-)
Sorry to read that; From what I understand, most of the slaps are usually from people cheating the system. I actually have always appreciated that about google as it almost forces you to know what works legally in SEO; and what doesn't. Better curation of content matters.
There were tons of cheating about a decade ago however tons of algorithms changes were also a factor... google can one day say we don't like steemit and slap it at anytime, seems like it all the time 🙌🏼
great question; I actually JUST got here - but soon as I have a few examples I'll start sharing them on here!
I have examples of keywords that I've gotten to rank on other platforms I own (blogs) -- cant wait to add Steemit into everything I'm already doing now. (hope I answered what you were asking)
Thats awesome... i use to be a blogger more than a decade ago... I was tired of all the goolge slaps lol ... I hope the search engines won't do that to steem it :-)
Sorry to read that; From what I understand, most of the slaps are usually from people cheating the system. I actually have always appreciated that about google as it almost forces you to know what works legally in SEO; and what doesn't. Better curation of content matters.
There were tons of cheating about a decade ago however tons of algorithms changes were also a factor... google can one day say we don't like steemit and slap it at anytime, seems like it all the time 🙌🏼