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RE: What I Learned from Being “Poor”

in #self5 years ago

I am financially floored. Yet, I am the richer person for it

This one statement really spoke to me.
Some people think having money, more than they'll ever need in a lifetime, is the answer to their prayers... but it's not.

Having life experiences from the highs and lows is what gives a person character, integrity and gratefulness.

  • You don't need the newest iPhone.
  • You don't need the newest car with all the latest do-hickeys.

If you have a place to lay your head at the end of the day, some food in your belly and love/support from family/friends... what else is needed?


Two or three times a week I give myself a treat and buy my meal from an elder lady in a side alley. It is expensive to me at 20% more but the smile I get from her, knowing how much it means to her budget... no iPhone could provide such joy.

$rewarding 100% 15min

Giving back or paying it forward is what it's all about. You buy from her, she smiles and appreciates the sale, you feel awesome about helping another person... it just goes full circle

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