Global Warming and Climate Change, What Can Be Done? By @Slwzl

in #self-power5 years ago

Human beings need to reflect deeply on our environment, life, the ecosystem and how we influence the vital balance of existence.

Currently, most of us speak in snobbery about climate change, we know Greta Thunberg. for her participation in the United Nations Climate Summit in 2018, which in her speech urged the public to stop the injustices Against the weather and the planet. The movement that Greta Thunberg started was the gesture of a single girl who has managed to get everyone's attention. Although it has been criticized, the action is obviously good and is an example for organizations, nations, entire continents to hold hands in favor of the world to stop the damage to the environment.

From a personal point of view, these damages are reflected in the contamination of the waters, in the highest propagation of ultraviolet rays, in the lack of trees, flowers and animals, these are result of generations of consumerism without control or awareness.

Climate changes affect us all, but above all they will affect future generations who will inherit what we do for the world. Nowadays, it shows in our surroundings with deep sadness, as there are less green spaces, less clean oxygen due to the lack of trees, less fresh products for our food leading to the general community to automatism for the prefabricated, which is highly negative.

Societies, states and nations through their policies have social co-responsibility for the culture of their citizens, obviously a society with values of environmental conservation is only possible through well-fostered education from its foundations, that being said, the example should start with children. The state must implement it and families must be empowered by the actions in this regard.

The effects of climate change are already a negative event in the world, as well, actions and campaigns that seek to raise awareness among men to focus on good actions must continue to consolidate, so the key is to reuse, recycle, care and love.

Personally, I consider myself a fan of ecological bags, of not using plastic bottles, of reusing paper in school crafts. Little actions like these adds up. But it is necessary to create foundations, educational campaigns, workshops and courses that start from conservation education and help teach which actions are positive to take care of the planet and what we can do ourselves, from our homes or workplaces.

Perhaps the most alarming data we read on the subject are the projections for the end of the ecosystem and of humanity in general. I would like to choose not to believe these projections but every day we see some effects such as forest fires, storms, phenomena in the seas and others that open our eyes to a harsh reality worldwide.

Finally, I would like to speak about the role of information technologies, artificial intelligence, media and social networks in this topic of great importance for all. If each of us follow the initiative of young people like Greta Thunberg and spread this issue through social networks, we will be helping to create knowledge and awareness. And if things not only remain in words, and also transcend the facts, money collections can be made to help organizations that protect animals, create funds to maintain ecosystems, and also unite wills to make clean-up days for beaches, community recycling, donations, rescue of green spaces, among others.

Greetings to all.

Pictures with a Blu Vivo One Plus. Camera f/2.0 1/100 3.79mm ISO 200. Edited with Canva.
This is my entry to the Upmewhale Writing Contest! Global Warming and Climate Change, What Can Be Done?.
Other sources: Climate change.
I want to thank you for your reading and comments.


Saludos amiga. Este es un tema complicado de discutir, hay opiniones encontradas y diversas pero lo que sí es cierto que por algo se debe comenzar.

Supongo que nos une querer el bienestar ecológico en pro de la existencia, así que todos los puntos de vista deberían apuntar por hacer más y hablar menos.
Gracias por tu lectura amiga.
Feliz día.

Excelente mensaje, muy bien manejado el discurso. Al igual que tú creo en la importancia de la difusión, sin ese trabajo será menos lo que se pueda hacer por el planeta. Cada vez son más personas quienes se unen a las redes, entre todos podemos. Adelante!

Muchas gracias amiga. Me sentí muy a gusto exponiendo estás ideas sobre el tema. Para mi es un halago tu valoración del discurso en la publicación.
Esperemos que todas estas ideas lleguen a más personas cada vez.

Saludos amiga.

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