Upmewhale Writing Contest! Global Warming and Climate Change, What Can Be Done? - Start With Yourself.

in #self-power5 years ago

This is my entry to the global warming writing contest initiated by @upmewhale. This problem belongs to everyone, so let's start with ourselves, from the house, that is where the chain of problems that triggers a global problem begins.

The problem of logging in our farm:

Our neighbor has a problem, he must deliver the house where he was living so he asked us to let him live for some time in our land while solving his home.

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The first problem begins. He wants to make his home on this hill full of large trees that give the environment a lot of freshness. We had to say NO, since cutting that amount of trees would be wasting many years, time that they lasted to grow and even if we planted the same amount it would take 50 years to see them grow and be able to sit in their shade.

The heat in the area would be terrible so although we want to lend a hand we cannot allow a discriminated and unnecessary logging.

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The neighbors went to a sawmill where they sold a large amount of wood for a small price. 30,000 pesos, approx. 10 dollars the load of wood. These people cut down trees only for their economic benefits and do not take into account the damage they do to nature and the planet by cutting these trees.

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The house is almost ready. A few more touches and their can enter to live in it.

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These cute dogs rest under the shade of these trees, imagine they had nowhere to lie?

How did we solve the problem?

1.- We think first of the environmental impact on our farm.

2.-Saying NO to irreparable damage but always helping the friend. Everything has a solution, it is just thinking about problems and solutions.

Water in our farm:

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On the farm we have onion plantings, which takes a lot of water consumption for irrigation, up to 5 hours in a row so that the plants absorb the water well and do not dry out. We cannot use the water of the state company since it would be very expensive. Many neighbors take water from the river near the area but that will have an environmental impact within a very short time since they can dry the river, in fact there are no more fish or squids that used to grow there and it is dirty.

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We have 5 wells made with machines to contain rainwater, it is used for irrigation and not having to use that of the government company. We use these pumps to extract the water and send them with hoses to the place where the planting is.

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This is one of the wells we use for irrigation and we have to let it rest so that when it rains it gets full. It will take 3 heavy rains to fill and the rainy season has not arrived, so the pump had to move to another of the wells.

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My ducks are the first to benefit from the water of these wells as they swim in them and provide an unparalleled beauty to the farm environment.

How did we solve the problem?

1.- Creating these wells to contain rainwater.

1.- Taking care NOT to contaminate with chemicals that are used for planting these waters since they are also used by farm animals.

1.- Let the wells fill with rainwater. This is done by alternating the use of the wells and giving them a rest to fill.

We are all in the duty to protect the planet and the environment since we live in it, if we do not, suffer the consequences and in fact we are already suffering them, the heat, the floods, the hurricanes, are some of the samples of what The earth is suffering for not caring for it.

I invite you to participate in this contest, I leave the link here.


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