Upmewhale Writing Contest! Global Warming and Climate Change, What Can Be Done?

in #self-power5 years ago (edited)

This @upmewhale contest on "Climate Change" reminded me of my high school days when I went to the Biology Lab; in that subject they would ask questions, like the ones suggested in the main post, to be answered in the notebook.


Climate change is nothing new, all life has been changes in the climate, except that it was natural but over time, technological advances and industry as a human activity have generated variations in the climate.

Climate change is a reality, these days I was talking to a friend about how even insects are disappearing, today you don't see the beautiful blue butterflies, for example. In my state there were beautiful hills decorated with Araguaneyes and there are no longer any. These changes are happening very quickly affecting the whole environment.

Among the consequences of this phenomenon are sudden changes in the climate, the melting of the poles, the lengthening of periods of drought, intense heat waves and other very cold ones, the decrease of hydrographic flows, forest fires and the events of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, destruction of the ozone layer, etc.

If I go on a smaller scale, my community, to mention one thing, had leafy trees in the plaza that were in the middle of the four buildings that were torn down because of the insecurity around them. The criminals were hiding in the shade of these plants. The consequences? Well, bird's nests were lost and I'm sure that's why it's hot too. Before those trees were cut down it was a very cool area.

We are all responsible for the occurrence of these phenomena, of course, I consider that the greatest obligation falls on industry and politicians but this does not mean that as environmentally conscious citizens we cannot contribute and exercise some ideas to mitigate this decline a little. Although I believe that these contributions are like Steem, very little but something is something even a little, otherwise we will continue to have these progressive alterations.

The responsibility belongs to everyone and therefore the commitment belongs to everyone. There was a time when the "three Rs" - recycling, reuse and reduction - were promoted and given importance. I could mention other contributions such as saving electricity and water; planting fruit, ornamental and medicinal trees.

At this point, I would like to emphasize the rule of the three R's. Reduce the consumption of solid waste; for example, use cloth bags for shopping. Reuse waste that can have another use, such as plastic packaging or any other object that can be transformed into something useful. Recycling means collecting non-biodegradable materials for industrial use, such as certain types of plastic, glass, paper, cardboard, aluminium and copper.


There are things in the house that we need to put to another use or fix to keep using it. For example the mirror of the image, it had a broken frame and I reused it to make a craft.


As we are all civil protection, the protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility to minimize the environmental impact.




You'd like the picture frame my little girl made :)

Greetings. If I would like @enginewitty. Thank you

Excelente y muy completa tu publicación, que nos lleva desde el problema hasta soluciones muy concretas, al alcance de la mano de todos. Todos podemos hacer algo, aun cuando no logremos la belleza que obtuviste en el lindo marco porta retratos.
Te felicito, porque muestras soluciones.
Un abrazo.

Gracias amiga aunque tampoco sea una solución de garantía total de la preservación del ambiente, al menos es algo que todos podemos hacer.

Amiga podemos ayudar desde nuestro hogar de muchas maneras: reciclar, no quemar basura, no tirar basura en los suelos ni mares ni rió. No talar ni quemar los arboles, sobre todos los cercanos a las fuentes de agua.
Un abrazo.

Asi es amiga, es un aporte muy pequeñito porque la mayor responsabilidad la tiene la industria.

Saludos @antoniarhuiz primeramente, felicitaciones por esta bella forma de presentar la información. En cuanto al contenido estoy de acuerdo con la promoción que haces sobre las tres R, sobre todo en Venezuela donde esa cultura no existe y ha sido bien difícil ponerla en práctica a pesar de la miles y miles de formas que se han utilizado.

Claro! También es verdad que no en todos los estados, la situación es la misma, Caracas por ejemplo vive la situación más critica, basura, chatarras por todos lados, el desastre humano es terrible.

Debemos intensificar acciones urgentemente.

Muy buen trabajo comay, de nuevo la felicito. Éxitos.

De acuerdo Comay y esto debe comenzar por los mayores responsables.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Saludos querida amiga, las ideas que has dado son un verdadero aporte que podemos dar dando el ejemplo desde casa, desde donde podemos contribuir de mil maneras como bien lo ejemplificas con la reutilización de aquellos objetos que han sufrido deterioro y se le puede dar una segunda vida útil.
Nosotros como educadores tenemos un enorme compromiso de enseñar a nuestros niños el valor de la preservación de nuestro ambiente.
Tareas como la de reparar el cuadro son fundamentales enseñarles a los chicos, el valor del reciclaje y la utilización de materiales biodegradables que vayan con miras a la protección de su entorno. Gracias por compartir mi estimada.

De la escuela han salido lindos proyectos de manualidades pero la mayoría son realizados o fueron elaborados con costosos materiales lo cual siempre he criticado porque pienso que el punto es justo lo que dices enseñar a valorar el ambiente. Gracia spor compartir tu punto de vista @sincroniadivina.

How beautiful the mirror was, Mamalela!

Gracias Mamamlela. Si tienes un espejo y un pedazo de madera, te hago uno.

I'm glad you joined this great challenge my dear friend. It's a good way to get the Steemian community talking and thinking about these environmental issues...

Asi es amigo bello. Quizás no sea un gran aporte pero poquito a poquito se llena el buche. Gracias por tu opinión.

We need to make a change from the things used now to alternative sources. Not concentrate on re-using. Re-using only permits the same things we do not want in the environment to continue to be made. We need to move from oil based products and use new materials being developed.

One such example would be the use of fungi in packaging filling, which can be grown to fit the product being packed.

Interesante aporte. Por eso digo que la industria es la principal responsable de la contaminación. Éxitos!

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