Philosophy of Tarot Major Arcana: the Star

   Introduction. Often in the people's minds Tarot cards are associated with a gypsy woman sitting in a tent and predicting a future that can not be changed .

    For me, Tarot - is primarily a philosophy, strict and logical system, a textbook of life, simple rules, following which you can make your life easier and brighter.

    The Major Arcana describe the life of a person, his evolution. Minor Arcana talk about everyday situations. When Major Arcana come to our life it gives us a specific kind of energy. You can use this energy to improve your life.

  Night. We see a naked girl, who is kneeling on the sand. She is in the desert. We have already met this symbol when we considered the Major Arcana the Lovers, the Hermit and Death. Desert means that when the energy of the Star comes to us, we should not seek hints and advice from outside.

    The girl's nude shows her openness to the world.

    The girl holds two jugs in her hands: in her right hand is a jug of golden color, in the left hand of a silver jug. We also met this symbol when we got acquainted with Temperance. But if on Temperance we considered this symbol as a synthesis of male and female energy, here the girl keeps the jugs differently and shows the duality of the simultaneous realization of the male and female principles.

    In the foreground we see a rose. Rose - a symbol of the pursuit of excellence. In this case, the rose has thorns, that is, it can protect itself. The energy that we receive from above is perfect from the very beginning. But the way we use it depends on our personal qualities and our ego. Rose shows the need to protect a beautiful original idea.

  A butterfly sits on the rose. Butterfly - a symbol of transformation. In the process of earthly life, we must go through all the stages in our spiritual maturation: caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly.

  Above the girl's head is the star Sirius of the constellation Orion. This shows our ability to perceive information from above. And about the attention of the Higher Forces to us.

    When the energy of the Star comes into our lives, we seem to "hear" the call from above. We suddenly begin to understand what we really want, what our purpose is. These are very high energies.

  Sincerely yours,        

      Ms. Tedda

 (thank you my husband Alex for placing this article in his blog @torem-di-torem)  

Picture: Tarot of Twelve Rays (Isset Kotelnikova)    


Great explanation. I don't know if you are into music, but the Irish Folk group, Clannad (family in Gaelic) have a track called 'Sirius' - it is quite ethereal in atmosphere - see if you like it...

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I love it! thank you. I hope you will do a whole series of these, perhaps with their own hashtag

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